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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Spaces.Pos.Core Spaces.Int. Require Import Algebra.AbGroups.AbelianGroup. (** * The group of integers *) (** See also Cyclic.v for a definition of the integers as the free group on one generator. *) Local Open Scope int_scope. Section MinimizationToSet. Local Set Universe Minimization ToSet.




Commutative group_sgop


IsHSet Int

Associative sg_op

RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit

LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit

RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit

IsHSet Int
exact _.

Associative sg_op
exact int_add_assoc.

RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit
exact int_add_0_r.

LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
exact int_add_negation_l.

RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
exact int_add_negation_r.

Commutative group_sgop
exact int_add_comm. Defined. End MinimizationToSet. (** We can multiply by [n : Int] in any abelian group. *)
n: Int
A: AbGroup

GroupHomomorphism A A
n: Int
A: AbGroup

GroupHomomorphism A A
p: Pos
A: AbGroup

GroupHomomorphism A A
A: AbGroup
GroupHomomorphism A A
p: Pos
A: AbGroup
GroupHomomorphism A A
p: Pos
A: AbGroup

GroupHomomorphism A A
exact (grp_homo_compose ab_homo_negation (ab_mul_nat (pos_to_nat p))).
A: AbGroup

GroupHomomorphism A A
exact grp_homo_const.
p: Pos
A: AbGroup

GroupHomomorphism A A
exact (ab_mul_nat (pos_to_nat p)). Defined. (** Homomorphisms respect multiplication. *)
A, B: AbGroup
n: Int
f: GroupHomomorphism A B

grp_homo_compose f (ab_mul n) == grp_homo_compose (ab_mul n) f
A, B: AbGroup
n: Int
f: GroupHomomorphism A B

grp_homo_compose f (ab_mul n) == grp_homo_compose (ab_mul n) f
A, B: AbGroup
n: Int
f: GroupHomomorphism A B
x: A

grp_homo_compose f (ab_mul n) x = grp_homo_compose (ab_mul n) f x
A, B: AbGroup
p: Pos
f: GroupHomomorphism A B
x: A

grp_homo_compose f (ab_mul (neg p)) x = grp_homo_compose (ab_mul (neg p)) f x
A, B: AbGroup
f: GroupHomomorphism A B
x: A
grp_homo_compose f (ab_mul 0) x = grp_homo_compose (ab_mul 0) f x
A, B: AbGroup
p: Pos
f: GroupHomomorphism A B
x: A
grp_homo_compose f (ab_mul (pos p)) x = grp_homo_compose (ab_mul (pos p)) f x
A, B: AbGroup
p: Pos
f: GroupHomomorphism A B
x: A

grp_homo_compose f (ab_mul (neg p)) x = grp_homo_compose (ab_mul (neg p)) f x
A, B: AbGroup
p: Pos
f: GroupHomomorphism A B
x: A

f (negate (grp_pow x (pos_to_nat p))) = negate (grp_pow (f x) (pos_to_nat p))
A, B: AbGroup
p: Pos
f: GroupHomomorphism A B
x: A

negate (f (grp_pow x (pos_to_nat p))) = negate (grp_pow (f x) (pos_to_nat p))
A, B: AbGroup
p: Pos
f: GroupHomomorphism A B
x: A

f (grp_pow x (pos_to_nat p)) = grp_pow (f x) (pos_to_nat p)
apply grp_pow_homo.
A, B: AbGroup
f: GroupHomomorphism A B
x: A

grp_homo_compose f (ab_mul 0) x = grp_homo_compose (ab_mul 0) f x
A, B: AbGroup
f: GroupHomomorphism A B
x: A

f group_unit = group_unit
apply grp_homo_unit.
A, B: AbGroup
p: Pos
f: GroupHomomorphism A B
x: A

grp_homo_compose f (ab_mul (pos p)) x = grp_homo_compose (ab_mul (pos p)) f x
A, B: AbGroup
p: Pos
f: GroupHomomorphism A B
x: A

f (grp_pow x (pos_to_nat p)) = grp_pow (f x) (pos_to_nat p)
apply grp_pow_homo. Defined. (** Multiplication by zero gives the constant group homomorphism. *)
H: Funext
A: AbGroup

ab_mul 0 = grp_homo_const
H: Funext
A: AbGroup

ab_mul 0 = grp_homo_const
H: Funext
A: AbGroup

ab_mul 0 == grp_homo_const
reflexivity. Defined.