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(** This file implements algebra congruence relation. It serves as a
    universal algebra generalization of normal subgroup, ring ideal, etc.

    Congruence is used to construct quotients, in similarity with how
    normal subgroup and ring ideal are used to construct quotients. *)

[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import HoTT.HProp HoTT.Classes.interfaces.canonical_names HoTT.Algebra.Universal.Homomorphism. Unset Elimination Schemes. Local Open Scope Algebra_scope. Section congruence. Context {σ : Signature} (A : Algebra σ) (Φ : forall s, Relation (A s)). (** A finitary operation [f : A s1 * A s2 * ... * A sn -> A t] satisfies [OpCompatible f] iff << Φ s1 x1 y1 * Φ s2 x2 y2 * ... * Φ sn xn yn >> implies << Φ t (f (x1, x2, ..., xn)) (f (y1, y2, ..., yn)). >> The below definition generalizes this to infinitary operations. *) Definition OpCompatible {w : SymbolType σ} (f : Operation A w) : Type := forall (a b : DomOperation A w), (forall i : Arity w, Φ (sorts_dom w i) (a i) (b i)) -> Φ (sort_cod w) (f a) (f b). Class OpsCompatible : Type := ops_compatible : forall (u : Symbol σ), OpCompatible u.#A.
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
H: Funext
n: trunc_index
H0: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), IsTrunc n (Φ s x y)

IsTrunc n OpsCompatible
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
H: Funext
n: trunc_index
H0: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), IsTrunc n (Φ s x y)

IsTrunc n OpsCompatible
apply istrunc_forall. Defined. (** A family of relations [Φ] is a congruence iff it is a family of mere equivalence relations and [OpsCompatible A Φ] holds. *) Class IsCongruence : Type := Build_IsCongruence { is_mere_relation_cong : forall (s : Sort σ), is_mere_relation (A s) (Φ s) ; equiv_rel_cong : forall (s : Sort σ), EquivRel (Φ s) ; ops_compatible_cong : OpsCompatible }. Global Arguments Build_IsCongruence {is_mere_relation_cong} {equiv_rel_cong} {ops_compatible_cong}. Global Existing Instance is_mere_relation_cong. Global Existing Instance equiv_rel_cong. Global Existing Instance ops_compatible_cong.
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
H: Funext

IsHProp IsCongruence
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
H: Funext

IsHProp IsCongruence
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
H: Funext

forall x y : IsCongruence, x = y
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
H: Funext
C1: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), IsHProp (Φ s x y)
C2: forall s : Sort σ, EquivRel (Φ s)
C3: OpsCompatible
D1: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), IsHProp (Φ s x y)
D2: forall s : Sort σ, EquivRel (Φ s)
D3: OpsCompatible

{| is_mere_relation_cong := C1; equiv_rel_cong := C2; ops_compatible_cong := C3 |} = {| is_mere_relation_cong := D1; equiv_rel_cong := D2; ops_compatible_cong := D3 |}
by destruct (path_ishprop C1 D1), (path_ishprop C2 D2), (path_ishprop C3 D3). Defined. End congruence. (** A homomorphism [f : forall s, A s -> B s] is compatible with a congruence [Φ] iff [Φ s x y] implies [f s x = f s y]. *) Definition HomCompatible {σ : Signature} {A B : Algebra σ} (Φ : forall s, Relation (A s)) `{!IsCongruence A Φ} (f : forall s, A s -> B s) `{!IsHomomorphism f} : Type := forall s (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y.