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(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)

(** * Contractibility *)

[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Local Open Scope path_scope. (** Naming convention: we consistently abbreviate "contractible" as "contr". A theorem about a space [X] being contractible (which will usually be an instance of the typeclass [Contr]) is called [contr_X]. *) (** Allow ourselves to implicitly generalize over types [A] and [B], and a function [f]. *) Generalizable Variables A B f. (** If a space is contractible, then any two points in it are connected by a path in a canonical way. *) Definition path_contr `{Contr A} (x y : A) : x = y := (contr x)^ @ (contr y). (** Any space of paths in a contractible space is contractible. *)
A: Type
Contr0: Contr A
x, y: A

Contr (x = y)
A: Type
Contr0: Contr A
x, y: A

Contr (x = y)
A: Type
Contr0: Contr A
x, y: A

forall y0 : x = y, path_contr x y = y0
intro r; destruct r; apply concat_Vp. Defined. (** It follows that any two parallel paths in a contractible space are homotopic, which is just the principle UIP. *) Definition path2_contr `{Contr A} {x y : A} (p q : x = y) : p = q := path_contr p q. (** Also, the total space of any based path space is contractible. We define the [contr] fields as separate definitions, so that we can give them [simpl nomatch] annotations. *)
X: Type
x, y: X
p: x = y

(x; 1) = (y; p)
X: Type
x, y: X
p: x = y

(x; 1) = (y; p)
destruct p; reflexivity. Defined. Arguments path_basedpaths {X x y} p : simpl nomatch.
X: Type
x: X

Contr {y : X & x = y}
X: Type
x: X

Contr {y : X & x = y}
X: Type
x: X

forall y : {x0 : _ & x = x0}, (x; 1) = y
intros [y p]; apply path_basedpaths. Defined. (* Sometimes we end up with a sigma of a one-sided path type that's not eta-expanded, which Coq doesn't seem able to match with the previous instance. *) Global Instance contr_basedpaths_etashort {X : Type} (x : X) : Contr (sig (@paths X x)) | 100 := contr_basedpaths x. (** Based path types with the second variable fixed. *)
X: Type
x, y: X
p: y = x

(x; 1) = (y; p)
X: Type
x, y: X
p: y = x

(x; 1) = (y; p)
destruct p; reflexivity. Defined. Arguments path_basedpaths' {X x y} p : simpl nomatch.
X: Type
x: X

Contr {y : X & y = x}
X: Type
x: X

Contr {y : X & y = x}
X: Type
x: X

forall y : {y : X & y = x}, (x; 1) = y
intros [y p]; apply path_basedpaths'. Defined. (** Some useful computation laws for based path spaces *)
X: Type
x, y, z: X
p: x = y
q: x = z

ap pr1 (path_contr ((y; p) : {y' : X & x = y'}) (z; q)) = p^ @ q
X: Type
x, y, z: X
p: x = y
q: x = z

ap pr1 (path_contr ((y; p) : {y' : X & x = y'}) (z; q)) = p^ @ q
destruct p, q; reflexivity. Defined.
X: Type
x, y, z: X
p: y = x
q: z = x

ap pr1 (path_contr ((y; p) : {y' : X & y' = x}) (z; q)) = p @ q^
X: Type
x, y, z: X
p: y = x
q: z = x

ap pr1 (path_contr ((y; p) : {y' : X & y' = x}) (z; q)) = p @ q^
destruct p, q; reflexivity. Defined.
X: Type
x, y: X
p: x = y

ap pr1 (path_basedpaths p) = p
X: Type
x, y: X
p: x = y

ap pr1 (path_basedpaths p) = p
destruct p; reflexivity. Defined.
X: Type
x, y: X
p: y = x

ap pr1 (path_basedpaths' p) = p^
X: Type
x, y: X
p: y = x

ap pr1 (path_basedpaths' p) = p^
destruct p; reflexivity. Defined. (** If the domain is contractible, the function is propositionally constant. *) Definition contr_dom_equiv {A B} (f : A -> B) `{Contr A} : forall x y : A, f x = f y := fun x y => ap f ((contr x)^ @ contr y). (** Any retract of a contractible type is contractible *) Definition contr_retract {X Y : Type} `{Contr X} (r : X -> Y) (s : Y -> X) (h : forall y, r (s y) = y) : Contr Y := Build_Contr _ (r (center X)) (fun y => (ap r (contr _)) @ h _). (** Sometimes the easiest way to prove that a type is contractible doesn't produce the definitionally-simplest center. (In particular, this can affect performance, as Coq spends a long time tracing through long proofs of contractibility to find the center.) So we give a way to modify the center. *)
A: Type
a: A
Contr0: Contr A

Contr A
A: Type
a: A
Contr0: Contr A

Contr A
A: Type
a: A
Contr0: Contr A

forall y : A, a = y
intros; apply path_contr. Defined. (** The automatically generated induction principle for [IsTrunc_internal] produces two goals, so we define a custom induction principle for [Contr] that only produces the expected goal. *) Definition Contr_ind@{u v|} (A : Type@{u}) (P : Contr A -> Type@{v}) (H : forall (center : A) (contr : forall y, center = y), P (Build_Contr A center contr)) (C : Contr A) : P C := match C as C0 in IsTrunc n _ return (match n as n0 return IsTrunc n0 _ -> Type@{v} with | minus_two => fun c0 => P c0 | trunc_S k => fun _ => Unit end C0) with | Build_Contr center contr => H center contr | istrunc_S _ _ => tt end.