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(** * Tactic for proving laws about adjoint composition *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Functor.Composition.Laws. Require Import Adjoint.UnitCounit Adjoint.Paths. Require Import PathGroupoids HoTT.Tactics Types.Prod Types.Forall. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Ltac law_t := rewrite !transport_path_prod'; simpl; path_adjunction; simpl; repeat match goal with | [ |- context[unit (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ] => simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ => @unit _ _ _ _) z) | [ |- context[counit (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ] => simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ => @counit _ _ _ _) z) | [ |- context[components_of (transport ?P ?p ?z)] ] => simpl rewrite (@ap_transport _ P _ _ _ p (fun _ => @components_of _ _ _ _) z) end; rewrite !transport_forall_constant; repeat match goal with | [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D => ?f (y _0 ?x)%object)] ] => rewrite (fun a b => @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' => f (y' x)) (@object_of C D)) | [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D => ?f (?g (y _0 ?x)%object))] ] => rewrite (fun a b => @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' => f (g (y' x))) (@object_of C D)) | [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D => ?f (?g (?h (?i (y _0 ?x)%object))))] ] => rewrite (fun a b => @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' => f (g (h (i (y' x))))) (@object_of C D)) | [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D => ?f (y _0 ?x)%object ?z)] ] => rewrite (fun a b => @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' => f (y' x) z) (@object_of C D)) | [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D => ?f (?g (y _0 ?x)%object) ?z)] ] => rewrite (fun a b => @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' => f (g (y' x)) z) (@object_of C D)) | [ |- context[transport (fun y : Functor ?C ?D => ?f (?g (?h (?i (y _0 ?x)%object))) ?z)] ] => rewrite (fun a b => @transport_compose _ _ a b (fun y' => f (g (h (i (y' x)))) z) (@object_of C D)) end; unfold symmetry, symmetric_paths; rewrite ?ap_V; rewrite ?left_identity_fst, ?right_identity_fst, ?associativity_fst; simpl; repeat ( rewrite ?identity_of, ?composition_of, ?Category.Core.left_identity, ?Category.Core.right_identity, ?Category.Core.associativity ); try reflexivity.