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(** * Coercions between hom-set adjunctions and unit+counit adjunctions *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Adjoint.UnitCounit Adjoint.UnitCounitCoercions Adjoint.Hom. Require Import Category.Morphisms. Require Import Functor.Composition.Core. Require Import FunctorCategory.Morphisms. Require Import Functor.Identity. Require Import SetCategory.Morphisms. Require Import Basics.Trunc Types.Sigma HoTT.Tactics Equivalences. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope path_scope. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. Local Open Scope category_scope. Local Open Scope functor_scope. Local Open Scope natural_transformation_scope. (** ** unit+UMP from hom-set adjunction *) Section AdjunctionEquivalences. Context `{Funext}. Variables C D : PreCategory. Variable F : Functor C D. Variable G : Functor D C. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. (** We need to jump through some hoops with [simpl] for speed *) Section adjunction_naturality. Variable A : AdjunctionHom F G. Section nat1. Context c d d' (f : morphism D (F c) d) (g : morphism D d d'). Let adjunction_naturalityT := Eval simpl in G _1 g o A (c, d) f = A (c, d') (g o f).
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d, d': D
f: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
g: morphism D d d'
adjunction_naturalityT:= G _1 g o A (c, d) f = A (c, d') (g o f): Type

H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d, d': D
f: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
g: morphism D d d'
adjunction_naturalityT:= G _1 g o A (c, d) f = A (c, d') (g o f): Type

H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d, d': D
f: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
g: morphism D d d'
adjunction_naturalityT:= G _1 g o A (c, d) f = A (c, d') (g o f): Type
H': G _1 g o A (c, d) f o 1 = A (c, d') (g o f o F _1 1)

H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d, d': D
f: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
g: morphism D d d'
adjunction_naturalityT:= G _1 g o A (c, d) f = A (c, d') (g o f): Type
H': G _1 g o A (c, d) f = A (c, d') (g o f)

exact H'. Qed. End nat1. Section nat2. Context c c' d (f : morphism D (F c') d) (g : morphism C c c'). Let adjunction_naturalityT' := Eval simpl in A (c', d) f o g = A (c, d) (f o F _1 g).
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c, c': C
d: D
f: morphism D (F _0 c')%object d
g: morphism C c c'
adjunction_naturalityT':= A (c', d) f o g = A (c, d) (f o F _1 g): Type

H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c, c': C
d: D
f: morphism D (F _0 c')%object d
g: morphism C c c'
adjunction_naturalityT':= A (c', d) f o g = A (c, d) (f o F _1 g): Type

H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c, c': C
d: D
f: morphism D (F _0 c')%object d
g: morphism C c c'
adjunction_naturalityT':= A (c', d) f o g = A (c, d) (f o F _1 g): Type
H': G _1 1 o A (c', d) f o g = A (c, d) (1 o f o F _1 g)

H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c, c': C
d: D
f: morphism D (F _0 c')%object d
g: morphism C c c'
adjunction_naturalityT':= A (c', d) f o g = A (c, d) (f o F _1 g): Type
H': A (c', d) f o g = A (c, d) (f o F _1 g)

exact H'. Qed. End nat2. End adjunction_naturality. (** Quoting from Awodey's "Category Theory": Proposition 9.4. Given categories and functors, [F : C ↔ D : G] the following conditions are equivalent: 1. [F] is left adjoint to [G]; that is, there is a natural transformation [η : 1_C → G ∘ F] that has the UMP of the unit: For any [c : C], [d : D] and [f : c -> G d] there exists a unique [g : F c → d] such that [f = G g ∘ η c]. 2. For any [c : C] and [d : D] there is an isomorphism, [ϕ : Hom_D (F c, d) ≅ Hom_C (c, G d)] that is natural in both [c] and [d]. Moreover, the two conditions are related by the formulas [ϕ g = G g ∘ η c] [η c = ϕ(1_{F c})] *)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
f: morphism C c (G _0 d)%object

IsHProp {g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o A (c, (F _0 c)%object) 1 = f}
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
f: morphism C c (G _0 d)%object

IsHProp {g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o A (c, (F _0 c)%object) 1 = f}
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
f: morphism C c (G _0 d)%object

forall x y : {g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o A (c, (F _0 c)%object) 1 = f}, x = y
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
f: morphism C c (G _0 d)%object
g0: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
H0: G _1 g0 o A (c, (F _0 c)%object) 1 = f
g1: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
H1: G _1 g1 o A (c, (F _0 c)%object) 1 = f

g0 = g1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
g0, g1: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
H0: G _1 g0 o A (c, (F _0 c)%object) 1 = G _1 g1 o A (c, (F _0 c)%object) 1

g0 = g1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
g0, g1: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
H0: A (c, d) (g0 o 1) = A (c, d) (g1 o 1)

g0 = g1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
g0, g1: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
H0: A (c, d) g0 = A (c, d) g1

g0 = g1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
g0, g1: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
H0: A (c, d) g0 = A (c, d) g1

idmap g0 = idmap g1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
g0, g1: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
H0: A (c, d) g0 = A (c, d) g1

((A (c, d))^-1 o A (c, d)) g0 = g1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
g0, g1: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
H0: A (c, d) g0 = A (c, d) g1

A^-1 (c, d) (A (c, d) g1) = g1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
g0, g1: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
H0: A (c, d) g0 = A (c, d) g1

g1 = g1
reflexivity. Qed.
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
s, d: C
m: morphism C s d

A (d, (F _0 d)%object) 1 o m = G _1 (F _1 m) o A (s, (F _0 s)%object) 1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
s, d: C
m: morphism C s d

A (d, (F _0 d)%object) 1 o m = G _1 (F _1 m) o A (s, (F _0 s)%object) 1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
s, d: C
m: morphism C s d

A (s, (F _0 d)%object) (1 o F _1 m) = A (s, (F _0 d)%object) (F _1 m o 1)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
s, d: C
m: morphism C s d

A (s, (F _0 d)%object) (F _1 m) = A (s, (F _0 d)%object) (F _1 m)
reflexivity. Qed.
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G

AdjunctionUnit F G
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G

AdjunctionUnit F G
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G

forall (c : C) (d : D) (f : morphism C c (G _0 d)%object), Contr {g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o Build_NaturalTransformation 1 (G o F) (fun c0 : C => A (c0, (F _0 c0)%object) 1) (adjunction_unit__of__adjunction_hom__mate_of__commutes A) c = f}
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G

forall (c : C) (d : D) (f : morphism C c (G _0 d)%object), Contr {g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o A (c, (F _0 c)%object) 1 = f}
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
f: morphism C c (G _0 d)%object

Contr {g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o A (c, (F _0 c)%object) 1 = f}
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
f: morphism C c (G _0 d)%object

IsHProp {g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o A (c, (F _0 c)%object) 1 = f}
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
f: morphism C c (G _0 d)%object
{g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o A (c, (F _0 c)%object) 1 = f}
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
f: morphism C c (G _0 d)%object

IsHProp {g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o A (c, (F _0 c)%object) 1 = f}
apply adjunction_unit__of__adjunction_hom_helper.
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
A: AdjunctionHom F G
c: C
d: D
f: morphism C c (G _0 d)%object

{g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o A (c, (F _0 c)%object) 1 = f}
exact ((A (c, d))^-1%morphism f; ((adjunction_naturality A _ _ _ _ _) @ (ap (A (c, d)) (right_identity _ _ _ _)) @ (ap10 (@right_inverse _ _ _ (A (c, d)) _) f))%path). Defined. End AdjunctionEquivalences. Section isequiv. (** We want to be able to use this without needing [Funext]. So, first, we prove that the types of hom-sets are equivalent. *) Variables C D : PreCategory. Variable F : Functor C D. Variable G : Functor D C. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. Variable T : AdjunctionUnit F G.
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G
c: C
d: D

morphism C c (G _0 d)%object <~> morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G
c: C
d: D

morphism C c (G _0 d)%object <~> morphism D (F _0 c)%object d
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G
c: C
d: D
x: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d

(center {g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o T.1 c = G _1 x o T.1 c}).1 = x
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G
c: C
d: D
x: morphism C c (G _0 d)%object
G _1 (center {g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o T.1 c = x}).1 o T.1 c = x
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G
c: C
d: D
x: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d

(center {g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o T.1 c = G _1 x o T.1 c}).1 = x
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G
c: C
d: D
x: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d

(center {g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o T.1 c = G _1 x o T.1 c}).1 = (x; 1%path).1
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G
c: C
d: D
x: morphism D (F _0 c)%object d

center {g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o T.1 c = G _1 x o T.1 c} = (x; 1%path)
apply contr.
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G
c: C
d: D
x: morphism C c (G _0 d)%object

G _1 (center {g : morphism D (F _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o T.1 c = x}).1 o T.1 c = x
match goal with | [ |- context[?x.1] ] => apply x.2 end. Defined. End isequiv. (** ** hom-set adjunction from unit+ump adjunction *) Section AdjunctionEquivalences'. Context `{Funext}. Variables C D : PreCategory. Variable F : Functor C D. Variable G : Functor D C. Local Open Scope morphism_scope.
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G
sc: C
sd: D
dc: C
dd: D
mc: morphism C dc sc
md: morphism D sd dd

(fun x : morphism D (F _0 sc)%object sd => G _1 (md o x o F _1 mc) o T.1 dc) = (fun x : morphism D (F _0 sc)%object sd => G _1 md o (G _1 x o T.1 sc) o mc)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G
sc: C
sd: D
dc: C
dd: D
mc: morphism C dc sc
md: morphism D sd dd

(fun x : morphism D (F _0 sc)%object sd => G _1 (md o x o F _1 mc) o T.1 dc) = (fun x : morphism D (F _0 sc)%object sd => G _1 md o (G _1 x o T.1 sc) o mc)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G
sc: C
sd: D
dc: C
dd: D
mc: morphism C dc sc
md: morphism D sd dd
x: morphism D (F _0 sc)%object sd

G _1 (md o x o F _1 mc) o T.1 dc = G _1 md o (G _1 x o T.1 sc) o mc
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G
sc: C
sd: D
dc: C
dd: D
mc: morphism C dc sc
md: morphism D sd dd
x: morphism D (F _0 sc)%object sd

G _1 md o (G _1 x o (G _1 (F _1 mc) o T.1 dc)) = G _1 md o (G _1 x o (T.1 sc o mc))
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G
sc: C
sd: D
dc: C
dd: D
mc: morphism C dc sc
md: morphism D sd dd
x: morphism D (F _0 sc)%object sd

G _1 md o (G _1 x o (G _1 (F _1 mc) o T.1 dc)) = G _1 md o (G _1 x o (G _1 (F _1 mc) o T.1 dc))
reflexivity. Qed.
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G

AdjunctionHom F G
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G

AdjunctionHom F G
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G

(HomFunctor.hom_functor D o Core.pair (Functor.Dual.opposite F) 1)%functor <~=~> (HomFunctor.hom_functor C o Core.pair 1 G)%functor
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G

IsIsomorphism (Build_NaturalTransformation (HomFunctor.hom_functor D o Core.pair (Functor.Dual.opposite F) 1) (HomFunctor.hom_functor C o Core.pair 1 G) ?CO ?COM)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G

forall x : C * D, IsIsomorphism (?CO x)
exact (fun cd => @isiso_isequiv _ _ _ _ (equiv_isequiv (equiv_hom_set_adjunction T (fst cd) (snd cd))^-1)).
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G

forall (s d : Prod.prod (Category.Dual.opposite C) D) (m : morphism (Prod.prod (Category.Dual.opposite C) D) s d), (fun cd : C * D => equiv_fun (equiv_hom_set_adjunction T (fst cd) (snd cd))^-1) d o (HomFunctor.hom_functor D o Core.pair (Functor.Dual.opposite F) 1) _1 m = (HomFunctor.hom_functor C o Core.pair 1 G) _1 m o (fun cd : C * D => equiv_fun (equiv_hom_set_adjunction T (fst cd) (snd cd))^-1) s
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G

forall (s d : C * D) (m : morphism C (fst d) (fst s) * morphism D (snd s) (snd d)), (fun x : morphism D (F _0 (fst s))%object (snd s) => G _1 (snd m o x o F _1 (fst m)) o T.1 (fst d)) = (fun x : morphism D (F _0 (fst s))%object (snd s) => G _1 (snd m) o (G _1 x o T.1 (fst s)) o fst m)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
G: Functor D C
T: AdjunctionUnit F G
s, d: C * D
m: morphism C (fst d) (fst s) * morphism D (snd s) (snd d)

(fun x : morphism D (F _0 (fst s))%object (snd s) => G _1 (snd m o x o F _1 (fst m)) o T.1 (fst d)) = (fun x : morphism D (F _0 (fst s))%object (snd s) => G _1 (snd m) o (G _1 x o T.1 (fst s)) o fst m)
exact (adjunction_hom__of__adjunction_unit__commutes T _ _ _ _ _ _). Defined. End AdjunctionEquivalences'. Definition AdjunctionUnitWithFunext `{Funext} C D F G := @AdjunctionUnit C D F G. Definition AdjunctionCounitWithFunext `{Funext} C D F G := @AdjunctionCounit C D F G. Definition AdjunctionUnitCounitWithFunext `{Funext} C D F G := @AdjunctionUnitCounit C D F G. Identity Coercion AdjunctionUnit_Funext : AdjunctionUnitWithFunext >-> AdjunctionUnit. Identity Coercion AdjunctionCounit_Funext : AdjunctionCounitWithFunext >-> AdjunctionCounit. Identity Coercion AdjunctionUnitCounit_Funext : AdjunctionUnitCounitWithFunext >-> AdjunctionUnitCounit. Definition adjunction_hom__of__adjunction_unit_Funext `{Funext} C D F G (A : AdjunctionUnitWithFunext _ _) : AdjunctionHom _ _ := @adjunction_hom__of__adjunction_unit _ C D F G A. Definition AdjunctionHomOfAdjunctionCounit_Funext `{Funext} C D F G (A : AdjunctionCounitWithFunext _ _) : AdjunctionHom _ _ := @adjunction_hom__of__adjunction_unit _ C D F G (adjunction_unit_counit__of__adjunction_counit A). Definition adjunction_hom__of__adjunction_unitCounit_Funext `{Funext} C D F G (A : AdjunctionUnitCounitWithFunext _ _) : AdjunctionHom _ _ := @adjunction_hom__of__adjunction_unit _ C D F G A.