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(** * Cat, the precategory of strict categories *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Functor.Identity Functor.Composition.Core Functor.Composition.Laws. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope functor_scope. Section sub_pre_cat. Context `{Funext}. (** We use a slight generalization; we look at a full 1-precategory of the 2-precategory Cat, such that all types of functors are hSets. It might be possible to prove that this doesn't buy you anything, because it's probably the case that [IsHSet (Functor C C) → IsStrictCategory C]. *) Variable P : PreCategory -> Type. Context `{HF : forall C D, P C -> P D -> IsHSet (Functor C D)}. (** There is a precategory of precategories which satisfy the proposition P *) Definition sub_pre_cat : PreCategory := @Build_PreCategory { C : PreCategory | P C } (fun C D => Functor C.1 D.1) (fun C => identity C.1) (fun _ _ _ F G => F o G) (fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => associativity _ _ _) (fun _ _ _ => left_identity _) (fun _ _ _ => right_identity _) (fun s d => HF s.2 d.2). End sub_pre_cat. Arguments sub_pre_cat {_} P {_}, {_} P _. #[local] Hint Extern 4 => progress (cbv beta iota) : typeclass_instances. Definition strict_cat `{Funext} : PreCategory := sub_pre_cat (fun C => IsStrictCategory C). (*Definition Cat `{Funext} : PreCategory. refine (@sub_pre_cat _ (fun C => IsCategory C) _). *) (** ** The initial and terminal categories are initial and terminal objects in cat *) Section objects. Context `{Funext}. Variable P : PreCategory -> Type. Context `{forall C, IsHProp (P C)}. Context `{HF : forall C D, P C -> P D -> IsHSet (Functor C D)}.
H: Funext
P: PreCategory -> Type
H0: forall C : PreCategory, IsHProp (P C)
HF: forall C D : PreCategory, P C -> P D -> IsHSet (Functor C D)
one: PreCategory
Contr0: Contr one
H1: forall s d : one, Contr (morphism one s d)
H2: IsTerminalCategory one
HT: P one

IsTerminalObject (sub_pre_cat P) (one; HT)
H: Funext
P: PreCategory -> Type
H0: forall C : PreCategory, IsHProp (P C)
HF: forall C D : PreCategory, P C -> P D -> IsHSet (Functor C D)
one: PreCategory
Contr0: Contr one
H1: forall s d : one, Contr (morphism one s d)
H2: IsTerminalCategory one
HT: P one

IsTerminalObject (sub_pre_cat P) (one; HT)
typeclasses eauto. Defined.
H: Funext
P: PreCategory -> Type
H0: forall C : PreCategory, IsHProp (P C)
HF: forall C D : PreCategory, P C -> P D -> IsHSet (Functor C D)
zero: PreCategory
H1: IsInitialCategory zero
HI: P zero

IsInitialObject (sub_pre_cat P) (zero; HI)
H: Funext
P: PreCategory -> Type
H0: forall C : PreCategory, IsHProp (P C)
HF: forall C D : PreCategory, P C -> P D -> IsHSet (Functor C D)
zero: PreCategory
H1: IsInitialCategory zero
HI: P zero

IsInitialObject (sub_pre_cat P) (zero; HI)
typeclasses eauto. Defined. End objects.