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(** * Universal objects *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope category_scope. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. (** ** Definition of "unique up to unique isomorphism" *) Definition unique_up_to_unique_isomorphism (C : PreCategory) (P : C -> Type) := forall x (_ : P x) x' (_ : P x'), { c : Contr (morphism C x x') | IsIsomorphism (center (morphism C x x')) }. (** ** Terminal objects *) (** A terminal object is an object with a unique morphism from every other object. *) Notation IsTerminalObject C x := (forall x' : object C, Contr (morphism C x' x)). Record TerminalObject (C : PreCategory) := { object_terminal :> C; isterminal_object_terminal :> IsTerminalObject C object_terminal }. Global Existing Instance isterminal_object_terminal. (** ** Initial objects *) (** An initial object is an object with a unique morphism from every other object. *) Notation IsInitialObject C x := (forall x' : object C, Contr (morphism C x x')). Record InitialObject (C : PreCategory) := { object_initial :> C; isinitial_object_initial :> IsInitialObject C object_initial }. Global Existing Instance isinitial_object_initial. Arguments unique_up_to_unique_isomorphism [C] P. (** ** Initial and terminal objects are unique up to unique isomorphism *) Section CategoryObjectsTheorems. Variable C : PreCategory. Local Ltac unique := repeat first [ intro | exists _ | exists (center (morphism C _ _)) | etransitivity; [ symmetry | ]; apply contr ]. (** The terminal object is unique up to unique isomorphism. *)
C: PreCategory

unique_up_to_unique_isomorphism (fun x : C => IsTerminalObject C x)
C: PreCategory

unique_up_to_unique_isomorphism (fun x : C => IsTerminalObject C x)
unique. Qed. (** The initial object is unique up to unique isomorphism. *)
C: PreCategory

unique_up_to_unique_isomorphism (fun x : C => IsInitialObject C x)
C: PreCategory

unique_up_to_unique_isomorphism (fun x : C => IsInitialObject C x)
unique. Qed. End CategoryObjectsTheorems.