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(** * Unicode notations for categories *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Local Set Warnings Append "-notation-overridden". Require Export Category.Notations. Local Set Warnings Append "notation-overridden". Require Import Basics.Utf8. Infix "∘" := compose : morphism_scope. Notation "m ⁻¹" := (morphism_inverse m) : morphism_scope. Infix "≅" := Isomorphic : category_scope. Notation "x ↠ y" := (Epimorphism x y). Notation "x ↪ y" := (Monomorphism x y). (** It would be nice to put [, format "C 'ᵒᵖ'"] here, but that makes this notation unparseable. *) Notation "C 'ᵒᵖ'" := (opposite C) : category_scope. Notation "∀ x .. y , P" := (forall x, .. (forall y, P) ..). Notation "∀ x .. y , P" := (forall x, .. (forall y, P) ..) : type_scope. Notation "∀ x .. y , P" := (pi (fun x => .. (pi (fun y => P)) .. )) : category_scope.