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(** * Induced functors between comma categories *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Category.Dual. Require Import Category.Prod. Require Import NaturalTransformation.Identity. Require Import FunctorCategory.Core Cat.Core. Require Import InitialTerminalCategory.Core InitialTerminalCategory.Functors. Require Comma.Core. Local Set Warnings Append "-notation-overridden". (* work around bug #5567, https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=5567, notation-overridden,parsing should not trigger for only printing notations *) Import Comma.Core. Local Set Warnings Append "notation-overridden". Require Import HoTT.Tactics. Require Import Basics.Tactics. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope functor_scope. Local Open Scope category_scope. (** ** Morphisms in [(A โ†’ C)แต’แต– ร— (B โ†’ C)] from [(sโ‚€, sโ‚)] to [(dโ‚€, dโ‚)] induce functors [(sโ‚€ / sโ‚) โ†’ (dโ‚€ / dโ‚)] *) Section comma_category_induced_functor. Context `{Funext}. Variables A B C : PreCategory. Definition comma_category_induced_functor_object_of s d (m : morphism ((A -> C)^op * (B -> C)) s d) (x : fst s / snd s) : (fst d / snd d) := CommaCategory.Build_object (fst d) (snd d) (CommaCategory.a x) (CommaCategory.b x) ((snd m) (CommaCategory.b x) o CommaCategory.f x o (fst m) (CommaCategory.a x)).
H: Funext
A, B, C: PreCategory
s: (A -> C)^op * (B -> C)
x: fst s / snd s

comma_category_induced_functor_object_of 1 x = x
H: Funext
A, B, C: PreCategory
s: (A -> C)^op * (B -> C)
x: fst s / snd s

comma_category_induced_functor_object_of 1 x = x
H: Funext
A, B, C: PreCategory
s: (A -> C)^op * (B -> C)
x: fst s / snd s

transport (fun X : A => morphism C ((fst s) _0 X)%object ((snd s) _0 (CommaCategory.b x))%object) 1 (transport (fun Y : B => morphism C ((fst s) _0 (CommaCategory.a (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of 1 x)))%object ((snd s) _0 Y)%object) 1 (CommaCategory.f (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of 1 x))) = CommaCategory.f x
H: Funext
A, B, C: PreCategory
s: (A -> C)^op * (B -> C)
x: fst s / snd s

(1 o CommaCategory.f x o 1)%morphism = CommaCategory.f x
abstract (rewrite ?left_identity, ?right_identity; reflexivity). Defined.
H: Funext
A, B, C: PreCategory
s, d, d': (A -> C)^op * (B -> C)
m: morphism ((A -> C)^op * (B -> C)) d d'
m': morphism ((A -> C)^op * (B -> C)) s d
x: fst s / snd s

comma_category_induced_functor_object_of (m o m') x = comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m' x)
H: Funext
A, B, C: PreCategory
s, d, d': (A -> C)^op * (B -> C)
m: morphism ((A -> C)^op * (B -> C)) d d'
m': morphism ((A -> C)^op * (B -> C)) s d
x: fst s / snd s

comma_category_induced_functor_object_of (m o m') x = comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m' x)
H: Funext
A, B, C: PreCategory
s, d, d': (A -> C)^op * (B -> C)
m: morphism ((A -> C)^op * (B -> C)) d d'
m': morphism ((A -> C)^op * (B -> C)) s d
x: fst s / snd s

transport (fun X : A => morphism C ((fst d') _0 X)%object ((snd d') _0 (CommaCategory.b (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m' x))))%object) 1 (transport (fun Y : B => morphism C ((fst d') _0 (CommaCategory.a (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of (m o m') x)))%object ((snd d') _0 Y)%object) 1 (CommaCategory.f (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of (m o m') x))) = CommaCategory.f (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m' x))
abstract ( destruct m', m, x; simpl in *; rewrite !associativity; reflexivity ). Defined.
H: Funext
A, B, C: PreCategory
s, d: (CC_Functor' A C * CC_Functor' B C)%type
m: morphism ((A -> C)^op * (B -> C)) s d
s0, d0: fst s / snd s
m0: morphism (fst s / snd s) s0 d0

morphism (fst d / snd d) (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m s0) (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m d0)
H: Funext
A, B, C: PreCategory
s, d: (CC_Functor' A C * CC_Functor' B C)%type
m: morphism ((A -> C)^op * (B -> C)) s d
s0, d0: fst s / snd s
m0: morphism (fst s / snd s) s0 d0

morphism (fst d / snd d) (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m s0) (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m d0)
H: Funext
A, B, C: PreCategory
s, d: (CC_Functor' A C * CC_Functor' B C)%type
m: morphism ((A -> C)^op * (B -> C)) s d
s0, d0: fst s / snd s
m0: morphism (fst s / snd s) s0 d0

CommaCategory.morphism (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m s0) (comma_category_induced_functor_object_of m d0)
A, B, C: PreCategory
s, d: (Functor A C * Functor B C)%type
m: (NaturalTransformation (fst d) (fst s) * NaturalTransformation (snd s) (snd d))%type
s0, d0: CommaCategory.object (fst s) (snd s)
m0: CommaCategory.morphism s0 d0

((snd d) _1 (CommaCategory.h m0) o (snd m (CommaCategory.b s0) o CommaCategory.f s0 o fst m (CommaCategory.a s0)))%morphism = (snd m (CommaCategory.b d0) o CommaCategory.f d0 o fst m (CommaCategory.a d0) o (fst d) _1 (CommaCategory.g m0))%morphism
abstract ( destruct_head prod; destruct_head CommaCategory.morphism; destruct_head CommaCategory.object; simpl in *; repeat (try_associativity_quick (rewrite <- !commutes || (progress f_ap))); repeat (try_associativity_quick (rewrite !commutes || (progress f_ap))); assumption ). (* 3.495 s *) Defined.
H: Funext
A, B, C: PreCategory
s, d: (A -> C)^op * (B -> C)
m: morphism ((A -> C)^op * (B -> C)) s d

Functor (fst s / snd s) (fst d / snd d)
H: Funext
A, B, C: PreCategory
s, d: (A -> C)^op * (B -> C)
m: morphism ((A -> C)^op * (B -> C)) s d

Functor (fst s / snd s) (fst d / snd d)
refine (Build_Functor (fst s / snd s) (fst d / snd d) (@comma_category_induced_functor_object_of s d m) (@comma_category_induced_functor_morphism_of s d m) _ _ ); abstract ( intros; apply CommaCategory.path_morphism; reflexivity ). Defined. End comma_category_induced_functor. (** ** Morphisms in [C] from [a] to [a'] induce functors [(C / a) โ†’ (C / a')] *) Section slice_category_induced_functor. Context `{Funext}. Variable C : PreCategory. Section slice_coslice. Variable D : PreCategory. (** TODO(JasonGross): See if this can be recast as an exponential law functor about how [1 โ†’ Cat] is isomorphic to [Cat], or something *)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
s, d: D
m: morphism D s d

NaturalTransformation !s !d
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
s, d: D
m: morphism D s d

NaturalTransformation !s !d
exists (fun _ : Unit => m); simpl; intros; clear; abstract (autorewrite with category; reflexivity). Defined. Variable F : Functor C D. Variable a : D. Section slice. Definition slice_category_induced_functor F' a' (m : morphism D a a') (T : NaturalTransformation F' F) : Functor (F / a) (F' / a') := comma_category_induced_functor (s := (F, !a)) (d := (F', !a')) (T, @slice_category_induced_functor_nt a a' m). Definition slice_category_nt_induced_functor F' T := @slice_category_induced_functor F' a 1 T. Definition slice_category_morphism_induced_functor a' m := @slice_category_induced_functor F a' m 1. End slice. Section coslice. Definition coslice_category_induced_functor F' a' (m : morphism D a' a) (T : NaturalTransformation F F') : Functor (a / F) (a' / F') := comma_category_induced_functor (s := (!a, F)) (d := (!a', F')) (@slice_category_induced_functor_nt a' a m, T). Definition coslice_category_nt_induced_functor F' T := @coslice_category_induced_functor F' a 1 T. Definition coslice_category_morphism_induced_functor a' m := @coslice_category_induced_functor F a' m 1. End coslice. End slice_coslice. Definition slice_category_over_induced_functor a a' (m : morphism C a a') : Functor (C / a) (C / a') := Eval hnf in slice_category_morphism_induced_functor _ _ _ m. Definition coslice_category_over_induced_functor a a' (m : morphism C a' a) : Functor (a \ C) (a' \ C) := Eval hnf in coslice_category_morphism_induced_functor _ _ _ m. End slice_category_induced_functor. (** ** Functors [A โ†’ A'] functors [(cat / A) โ†’ (cat / A')] *) Section cat_over_induced_functor. Local Open Scope type_scope. Context `{Funext}. Variable P : PreCategory -> Type. Context `{H0 : forall C D, P C -> P D -> IsHSet (Functor C D)}. Local Notation cat := (@sub_pre_cat _ P H0). Definition cat_over_induced_functor a a' (m : morphism cat a a') : Functor (cat / a) (cat / a') := slice_category_over_induced_functor cat a a' m. Definition over_cat_induced_functor a a' (m : morphism cat a' a) : Functor (a \ cat) (a' \ cat) := coslice_category_over_induced_functor cat a a' m. End cat_over_induced_functor.