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(** * Exponential laws about products and sums in exponents *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Category.Sum Functor.Sum. Require Import Functor.Paths. Require Import Functor.Identity Functor.Composition.Core. Require Import Types.Prod ExponentialLaws.Tactics. Require Import ExponentialLaws.Law2.Functors. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope functor_scope. (** ** [yⁿ⁺ᵐ ≅ yⁿ × yᵐ] *) Section Law2. Context `{Funext}. Variables D C1 C2 : PreCategory.
H: Funext
D, C1, C2: PreCategory
c: Functor C1 D * Functor C2 D

(1 o (fst c + snd c) o inl C1 C2, 1 o (fst c + snd c) o inr C1 C2) = c
H: Funext
D, C1, C2: PreCategory
c: Functor C1 D * Functor C2 D

(1 o (fst c + snd c) o inl C1 C2, 1 o (fst c + snd c) o inr C1 C2) = c
apply path_prod; simpl; path_functor. Defined.
H: Funext
D, C1, C2: PreCategory
c: Functor (C1 + C2) D
x: (C1 + C2)%category

((1 o c o inl C1 C2 + 1 o c o inr C1 C2) _0 x)%object = (c _0 x)%object
H: Funext
D, C1, C2: PreCategory
c: Functor (C1 + C2) D
x: (C1 + C2)%category

((1 o c o inl C1 C2 + 1 o c o inr C1 C2) _0 x)%object = (c _0 x)%object
destruct x; reflexivity. Defined.
H: Funext
D, C1, C2: PreCategory
c: Functor (C1 + C2) D

1 o c o inl C1 C2 + 1 o c o inr C1 C2 = c
H: Funext
D, C1, C2: PreCategory
c: Functor (C1 + C2) D

1 o c o inl C1 C2 + 1 o c o inr C1 C2 = c
H: Funext
D, C1, C2: PreCategory
c: Functor (C1 + C2) D

{HO : (fun cc' : C1 + C2 => match cc' with | Overture.inl c0 => (c _0 (Overture.inl c0))%object | Overture.inr c' => (c _0 (Overture.inr c'))%object end) = c & transport (fun GO : C1 + C2 -> D => forall s d : C1 + C2, match s with | Overture.inl s0 => match d with | Overture.inl d0 => morphism C1 s0 d0 | Overture.inr _ => Empty end | Overture.inr s0 => match d with | Overture.inl _ => Empty | Overture.inr d0 => morphism C2 s0 d0 end end -> morphism D (GO s) (GO d)) HO (fun s d : C1 + C2 => match s as s0 return (match s0 with | Overture.inl s1 => match d with | Overture.inl d0 => morphism C1 s1 d0 | Overture.inr _ => Empty end | Overture.inr s1 => match d with | Overture.inl _ => Empty | Overture.inr d0 => morphism C2 s1 d0 end end -> morphism D match s0 with | Overture.inl c0 => (c _0 (Overture.inl c0))%object | Overture.inr c' => (c _0 (Overture.inr c'))%object end match d with | Overture.inl c0 => (c _0 (Overture.inl c0))%object | Overture.inr c' => (c _0 (Overture.inr c'))%object end) with | Overture.inl cs => match d as d0 return (match d0 with | Overture.inl d1 => morphism C1 cs d1 | Overture.inr _ => Empty end -> morphism D (c _0 (Overture.inl cs))%object match d0 with | Overture.inl c0 => (c _0 (Overture.inl c0))%object | Overture.inr c' => (c _0 (Overture.inr c'))%object end) with | Overture.inl cd => fun m : morphism C1 cs cd => (c _1 m)%morphism | Overture.inr o => fun m : Empty => match m return (morphism D (c _0 (Overture.inl cs))%object (c _0 (Overture.inr o))%object) with end end | Overture.inr c's => match d as d0 return (match d0 with | Overture.inl _ => Empty | Overture.inr d1 => morphism C2 c's d1 end -> morphism D (c _0 (Overture.inr c's))%object match d0 with | Overture.inl c0 => (c _0 (Overture.inl c0))%object | Overture.inr c' => (c _0 (Overture.inr c'))%object end) with | Overture.inl o => fun m : Empty => match m return (morphism D (c _0 (Overture.inr c's))%object (c _0 (Overture.inl o))%object) with end | Overture.inr c'd => fun m : morphism C2 c's c'd => (c _1 m)%morphism end end) = morphism_of c}
H: Funext
D, C1, C2: PreCategory
c: Functor (C1 + C2) D

transport (fun GO : C1 + C2 -> D => forall s d : C1 + C2, match s with | Overture.inl s0 => match d with | Overture.inl d0 => morphism C1 s0 d0 | Overture.inr _ => Empty end | Overture.inr s0 => match d with | Overture.inl _ => Empty | Overture.inr d0 => morphism C2 s0 d0 end end -> morphism D (GO s) (GO d)) (path_forall (1 o c o inl C1 C2 + 1 o c o inr C1 C2) c (helper2_helper c)) (fun s d : C1 + C2 => match s as s0 return (match s0 with | Overture.inl s1 => match d with | Overture.inl d0 => morphism C1 s1 d0 | Overture.inr _ => Empty end | Overture.inr s1 => match d with | Overture.inl _ => Empty | Overture.inr d0 => morphism C2 s1 d0 end end -> morphism D match s0 with | Overture.inl c0 => (c _0 (Overture.inl c0))%object | Overture.inr c' => (c _0 (Overture.inr c'))%object end match d with | Overture.inl c0 => (c _0 (Overture.inl c0))%object | Overture.inr c' => (c _0 (Overture.inr c'))%object end) with | Overture.inl cs => match d as d0 return (match d0 with | Overture.inl d1 => morphism C1 cs d1 | Overture.inr _ => Empty end -> morphism D (c _0 (Overture.inl cs))%object match d0 with | Overture.inl c0 => (c _0 (Overture.inl c0))%object | Overture.inr c' => (c _0 (Overture.inr c'))%object end) with | Overture.inl cd => fun m : morphism C1 cs cd => (c _1 m)%morphism | Overture.inr o => fun m : Empty => match m return (morphism D (c _0 (Overture.inl cs))%object (c _0 (Overture.inr o))%object) with end end | Overture.inr c's => match d as d0 return (match d0 with | Overture.inl _ => Empty | Overture.inr d1 => morphism C2 c's d1 end -> morphism D (c _0 (Overture.inr c's))%object match d0 with | Overture.inl c0 => (c _0 (Overture.inl c0))%object | Overture.inr c' => (c _0 (Overture.inr c'))%object end) with | Overture.inl o => fun m : Empty => match m return (morphism D (c _0 (Overture.inr c's))%object (c _0 (Overture.inl o))%object) with end | Overture.inr c'd => fun m : morphism C2 c's c'd => (c _1 m)%morphism end end) = morphism_of c
abstract exp_laws_t. Defined.
H: Funext
D, C1, C2: PreCategory

(functor D C1 C2 o inverse D C1 C2 = 1) * (inverse D C1 C2 o functor D C1 C2 = 1)
H: Funext
D, C1, C2: PreCategory

(functor D C1 C2 o inverse D C1 C2 = 1) * (inverse D C1 C2 o functor D C1 C2 = 1)
split; path_functor; [ (exists (path_forall _ _ helper1)) | (exists (path_forall _ _ helper2)) ]; exp_laws_t; unfold helper1, helper2; exp_laws_t. Qed. End Law2.