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(** * Exponential Laws *)
(** We want to have the following as subdirectories/modules, not at top level.  Unfortunately, namespacing in Coq is kind-of broken (see, e.g., https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=3676), so we don't get the ability to rename subfolders by [Including] into other modules. *)
(** ** Laws about the initial category *)
(** *** [x⁰ ≅ 1] *)
(** *** [0ˣ ≅ 0] if [x ≠ 0] *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
(** ** Laws about the terminal category *) (** *** [x¹ ≅ x] *) (** *** [1ˣ ≅ 1] *) Require ExponentialLaws.Law1. (** ** The law that a sum in an exponent is a product *) (** *** [yⁿ⁺ᵐ ≅ yⁿ × yᵐ] *) Require ExponentialLaws.Law2. (** ** The law that exponentiation distributes over product *) (** *** [(y × z)ⁿ ≅ yⁿ × zⁿ] *) Require ExponentialLaws.Law3. (** ** Currying *) (** *** [(yⁿ)ᵐ ≅ yⁿᵐ] *) Require ExponentialLaws.Law4. Require ExponentialLaws.Tactics. Include ExponentialLaws.Tactics.