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(** * Attributes of functors (full, faithful, split essentially surjective) *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Basics.Trunc Types.Universe HIT.iso HoTT.Truncations.Core. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope category_scope. Section full_faithful. Context `{Funext}. Variables C D : PreCategory. Variable F : Functor C D. (** ** Natural transformation [hom_C(โ”€, โ”€) โ†’ hom_D(Fแต’แต–(โ”€), F(โ”€))] *) (** TODO(JasonGross): Come up with a better name and location for this. *)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D

NaturalTransformation (hom_functor C) (hom_functor D o (F^op, F))
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D

NaturalTransformation (hom_functor C) (hom_functor D o (F^op, F))
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D

forall (s d : (C^op * C)%category) (m : morphism (C^op * C) s d), ((fun m0 : ((hom_functor C) _0 d)%object => F _1 m0) o (hom_functor C) _1 m)%morphism = ((hom_functor D o (F^op, F)) _1 m o (fun m0 : ((hom_functor C) _0 s)%object => F _1 m0))%morphism
abstract ( repeat (intros [] || intro); simpl in *; repeat (apply path_forall; intro); simpl; rewrite !composition_of; reflexivity ). Defined. (** ** Full *) Class IsFull := is_full : forall x y : C, IsEpimorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (x, y)). (** ** Faithful *) Class IsFaithful := is_faithful : forall x y : C, IsMonomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (x, y)). (** ** Fully Faithful *) Class IsFullyFaithful := is_fully_faithful : forall x y : C, IsIsomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (x, y)). (** ** Fully Faithful โ†’ Full *)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
H0: IsFullyFaithful

H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
H0: IsFullyFaithful

H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
H0: forall x y : C, IsIsomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (x, y))
x, y: C

IsEpimorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (x, y))
typeclasses eauto. Qed. (** ** Fully Faithful โ†’ Faithful *)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
H0: IsFullyFaithful

H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
H0: IsFullyFaithful

H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
H0: forall x y : C, IsIsomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (x, y))
x, y: C

IsMonomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (x, y))
typeclasses eauto. Qed. (** ** Full * Faithful โ†’ Fully Faithful *) (** We start with a helper method, which assumes that epi * mono โ†’ iso, and ten prove this assumption *)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
H0: IsFull
H1: IsFaithful
H': forall (x y : set_cat) (m : morphism set_cat x y), IsEpimorphism m -> IsMonomorphism m -> IsIsomorphism m

H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
H0: IsFull
H1: IsFaithful
H': forall (x y : set_cat) (m : morphism set_cat x y), IsEpimorphism m -> IsMonomorphism m -> IsIsomorphism m

H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
H0: forall x y : C, IsEpimorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (x, y))
H1: forall x y : C, IsMonomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (x, y))
H': forall (x y : set_cat) (m : morphism set_cat x y), IsEpimorphism m -> IsMonomorphism m -> IsIsomorphism m
x, y: C

IsIsomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (x, y))
apply H'; eauto. Qed. End full_faithful. Section fully_faithful_helpers. Context `{ua : Univalence}. Variables x y : HSet. Variable m : x -> y.
ua: Univalence
x, y: HSet
m: x -> y
H': IsEquiv m

IsIsomorphism (m : morphism set_cat x y)
ua: Univalence
x, y: HSet
m: x -> y
H': IsEquiv m

IsIsomorphism (m : morphism set_cat x y)
exists (m^-1)%core; apply path_forall; intro; destruct H'; simpl in *; eauto. Qed. Definition isequiv_isepimorphism_ismonomorphism (Hepi : IsEpimorphism (m : morphism set_cat x y)) (Hmono : IsMonomorphism (m : morphism set_cat x y)) : @IsEquiv _ _ m (* NB: This depends on the (arguably accidental) fact that `ismono` and `isepi` from HoTT core are *definitionally* identical to the specialization of `IsMonomorphism` and `IsEpimorphism` to the category of sets. *) := @isequiv_isepi_ismono _ x y m Hepi Hmono. End fully_faithful_helpers. Global Instance isfullyfaithful_isfull_isfaithful `{Univalence} `{Hfull : @IsFull _ C D F} `{Hfaithful : @IsFaithful _ C D F} : @IsFullyFaithful _ C D F := fun x y => @isisomorphism_isequiv_set_cat _ _ _ _ (@isequiv_isepimorphism_ismonomorphism _ _ _ _ (Hfull x y) (Hfaithful x y)). (** ** Split Essentially Surjective *) (** Quoting the HoTT Book: We say a functor [F : A โ†’ B] is _split essentially surjective_ if for all [b : B] there exists an [a : A] such that [F a โ‰… b]. *) Class IsSplitEssentiallySurjective A B (F : Functor A B) := is_split_essentially_surjective : forall b : B, exists a : A, F a <~=~> b. (** ** Essentially Surjective *) (** Quoting the HoTT Book: A functor [F : A โ†’ B] is _split essentially surjective_ if for all [b : B] there _merely_ exists an [a : A] such that [F a โ‰… b]. *) Class IsEssentiallySurjective A B (F : Functor A B) := is_essentially_surjective : forall b : B, hexists (fun a : A => F a <~=~> b). (** ** Weak Equivalence *) (** Quoting the HoTT Book: We say [F] is a _weak equivalence_ if it is fully faithful and essentially surjective. *) Class IsWeakEquivalence `{Funext} A B (F : Functor A B) := { is_fully_faithful__is_weak_equivalence : IsFullyFaithful F; is_essentially_surjective__is_weak_equivalence : IsEssentiallySurjective F }. #[export] Existing Instances is_fully_faithful__is_weak_equivalence is_essentially_surjective__is_weak_equivalence.