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(** * Functors involving coproduct categories *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Functor.Paths HoTT.Tactics Types.Forall. Require Import Basics.Tactics. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. (** We save [inl] and [inr] so we can use them to refer to the functors, too. Outside of the [Categories/] directory, they should always be referred to as [Functor.inl] and [Functor.inr], after a [Require Functor]. Outside of this file, but in the [Categories/] directory, if you do not want to depend on all of [Functor] (for e.g., speed reasons), they should be referred to as [Functor.Sum.inl] and [Functor.Sum.inr] after a [Require Functor.Sum]. *) Local Notation type_inl := inl. Local Notation type_inr := inr. (** ** Injections [inl : C → C + D] and [inr : D → C + D] *) Section sum_functors. Variables C D : PreCategory. Definition inl : Functor C (C + D) := Build_Functor C (C + D) (@inl _ _) (fun _ _ m => m) (fun _ _ _ _ _ => idpath) (fun _ => idpath). Definition inr : Functor D (C + D) := Build_Functor D (C + D) (@inr _ _) (fun _ _ m => m) (fun _ _ _ _ _ => idpath) (fun _ => idpath). End sum_functors. (** ** Coproduct of functors [F + F' : C + C' → D] *) Section sum. Variables C C' D : PreCategory.
C, C', D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
F': Functor C' D

Functor (C + C') D
C, C', D: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
F': Functor C' D

Functor (C + C') D
refine (Build_Functor (C + C') D (fun cc' => match cc' with | type_inl c => F c | type_inr c' => F' c' end) (fun s d => match s, d with | type_inl cs, type_inl cd => fun m : morphism _ cs cd => F _1 m | type_inr c's, type_inr c'd => fun m : morphism _ c's c'd => F' _1 m | _, _ => fun m => match m with end end%morphism) _ _); abstract ( repeat (intros [] || intro); simpl in *; auto with functor ). Defined. End sum. (** ** swap : [C + D → D + C] *) Section swap_functor. Definition swap C D : Functor (C + D) (D + C) := sum (inr _ _) (inl _ _). Local Open Scope functor_scope. Definition swap_involutive_helper {C D} c : (swap C D) ((swap D C) c) = c := match c with type_inl _ => idpath | type_inr _ => idpath end.
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory

swap C D o swap D C = 1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory

swap C D o swap D C = 1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory

{HO : (fun c : D + C => match match c with | type_inl _ _ c0 => type_inr C c0 | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ c0 => type_inr D c0 | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end) = idmap & transport (fun GO : D + C -> D + C => forall s d : D + C, match s with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s0 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s0 d0 end end -> match GO s with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match GO d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s0 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match GO d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s0 d0 end end) HO (fun (s d : D + C) (m : match s with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s0 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s0 d0 end end) => match match s with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as s0 return (match s0 with | type_inl _ _ s1 => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism C s1 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s1 => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism D s1 d0 end end -> match match s0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ s1 => match match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s1 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s1 => match match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s1 d0 end end) with | type_inl _ _ cs => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as d0 return (match d0 with | type_inl _ _ d1 => morphism C cs d1 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end -> match match d0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d1 => morphism C cs d1 end) with | type_inl _ _ cd => idmap | type_inr _ _ _ => fun m0 : Empty => match m0 return Empty with end end | type_inr _ _ c's => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as d0 return (match d0 with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d1 => morphism D c's d1 end -> match match d0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ d1 => morphism D c's d1 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end) with | type_inl _ _ _ => fun m0 : Empty => match m0 return Empty with end | type_inr _ _ c'd => idmap end end (match s as s0 return (match s0 with | type_inl _ _ s1 => match d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s1 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s1 => match d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s1 d0 end end -> match match s0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ s1 => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism C s1 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s1 => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism D s1 d0 end end) with | type_inl _ _ cs => match d as d0 return (match d0 with | type_inl _ _ d1 => morphism D cs d1 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end -> match match d0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d1 => morphism D cs d1 end) with | type_inl _ _ cd => idmap | type_inr _ _ _ => fun m0 : Empty => match m0 return Empty with end end | type_inr _ _ c's => match d as d0 return (match d0 with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d1 => morphism C c's d1 end -> match match d0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d1 => morphism C c's d1 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end) with | type_inl _ _ _ => fun m0 : Empty => match m0 return Empty with end | type_inr _ _ c'd => idmap end end m)) = (fun s d : D + C => idmap)}
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory

transport (fun GO : D + C -> D + C => forall s d : D + C, match s with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s0 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s0 d0 end end -> match GO s with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match GO d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s0 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match GO d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s0 d0 end end) (path_forall (fun c : (D + C)%category => ((swap C D) _0 ((swap D C) _0 c))%object) idmap swap_involutive_helper) (fun (s d : D + C) (m : match s with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s0 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s0 d0 end end) => match match s with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as s0 return (match s0 with | type_inl _ _ s1 => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism C s1 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s1 => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism D s1 d0 end end -> match match s0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ s1 => match match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s1 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s1 => match match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s1 d0 end end) with | type_inl _ _ cs => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as d0 return (match d0 with | type_inl _ _ d1 => morphism C cs d1 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end -> match match d0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d1 => morphism C cs d1 end) with | type_inl _ _ cd => idmap | type_inr _ _ _ => fun m0 : Empty => match m0 return Empty with end end | type_inr _ _ c's => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as d0 return (match d0 with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d1 => morphism D c's d1 end -> match match d0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ d1 => morphism D c's d1 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end) with | type_inl _ _ _ => fun m0 : Empty => match m0 return Empty with end | type_inr _ _ c'd => idmap end end (match s as s0 return (match s0 with | type_inl _ _ s1 => match d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s1 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s1 => match d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s1 d0 end end -> match match s0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ s1 => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism C s1 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s1 => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism D s1 d0 end end) with | type_inl _ _ cs => match d as d0 return (match d0 with | type_inl _ _ d1 => morphism D cs d1 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end -> match match d0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d1 => morphism D cs d1 end) with | type_inl _ _ cd => idmap | type_inr _ _ _ => fun m0 : Empty => match m0 return Empty with end end | type_inr _ _ c's => match d as d0 return (match d0 with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d1 => morphism C c's d1 end -> match match d0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d1 => morphism C c's d1 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end) with | type_inl _ _ _ => fun m0 : Empty => match m0 return Empty with end | type_inr _ _ c'd => idmap end end m)) = (fun s d : D + C => idmap)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
x, x0: D + C
x1: match x with | type_inl _ _ s => match x0 with | type_inl _ _ d => morphism D s d | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s => match x0 with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d => morphism C s d end end

transport (fun GO : D + C -> D + C => forall s d : D + C, match s with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s0 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s0 d0 end end -> match GO s with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match GO d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s0 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match GO d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s0 d0 end end) (path_forall (fun c : (D + C)%category => ((swap C D) _0 ((swap D C) _0 c))%object) idmap swap_involutive_helper) (fun (s d : D + C) (m : match s with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s0 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s0 d0 end end) => match match s with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as s0 return (match s0 with | type_inl _ _ s1 => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism C s1 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s1 => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism D s1 d0 end end -> match match s0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ s1 => match match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s1 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s1 => match match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s1 d0 end end) with | type_inl _ _ cs => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as d0 return (match d0 with | type_inl _ _ d1 => morphism C cs d1 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end -> match match d0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d1 => morphism C cs d1 end) with | type_inl _ _ cd => idmap | type_inr _ _ _ => fun m0 : Empty => match m0 return Empty with end end | type_inr _ _ c's => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as d0 return (match d0 with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d1 => morphism D c's d1 end -> match match d0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ d1 => morphism D c's d1 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end) with | type_inl _ _ _ => fun m0 : Empty => match m0 return Empty with end | type_inr _ _ c'd => idmap end end (match s as s0 return (match s0 with | type_inl _ _ s1 => match d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D s1 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s1 => match d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C s1 d0 end end -> match match s0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ s1 => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism C s1 d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s1 => match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism D s1 d0 end end) with | type_inl _ _ cs => match d as d0 return (match d0 with | type_inl _ _ d1 => morphism D cs d1 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end -> match match d0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d1 => morphism D cs d1 end) with | type_inl _ _ cd => idmap | type_inr _ _ _ => fun m0 : Empty => match m0 return Empty with end end | type_inr _ _ c's => match d as d0 return (match d0 with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d1 => morphism C c's d1 end -> match match d0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d1 => morphism C c's d1 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end) with | type_inl _ _ _ => fun m0 : Empty => match m0 return Empty with end | type_inr _ _ c'd => idmap end end m)) x x0 x1 = x1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
x, x0: D + C
x1: match x with | type_inl _ _ s => match x0 with | type_inl _ _ d => morphism D s d | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s => match x0 with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d => morphism C s d end end

transport (fun x1 : D + C -> D + C => match x1 x with | type_inl _ _ s => match x1 x0 with | type_inl _ _ d => morphism D s d | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s => match x1 x0 with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d => morphism C s d end end) (path_forall (fun c : D + C => match match c with | type_inl _ _ c0 => type_inr C c0 | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ c0 => type_inr D c0 | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end) idmap swap_involutive_helper) (match match x with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as s return (match s with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d => morphism C s0 d | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d => morphism D s0 d end end -> match match s with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ d => morphism D s0 d | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d => morphism C s0 d end end) with | type_inl _ _ cs => match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as d return (match d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism C cs d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end -> match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C cs d0 end) with | type_inl _ _ cd => idmap | type_inr _ _ _ => fun m : Empty => match m return Empty with end end | type_inr _ _ c's => match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as d return (match d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism D c's d0 end -> match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D c's d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end) with | type_inl _ _ _ => fun m : Empty => match m return Empty with end | type_inr _ _ c'd => idmap end end (match x as s return (match s with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match x0 with | type_inl _ _ d => morphism D s0 d | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match x0 with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d => morphism C s0 d end end -> match match s with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d => morphism C s0 d | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d => morphism D s0 d end end) with | type_inl _ _ cs => match x0 as d return (match d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D cs d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end -> match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism D cs d0 end) with | type_inl _ _ cd => idmap | type_inr _ _ _ => fun m : Empty => match m return Empty with end end | type_inr _ _ c's => match x0 as d return (match d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C c's d0 end -> match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism C c's d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end) with | type_inl _ _ _ => fun m : Empty => match m return Empty with end | type_inr _ _ c'd => idmap end end x1)) = x1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
x, x0: D + C
x1: match x with | type_inl _ _ s => match x0 with | type_inl _ _ d => morphism D s d | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s => match x0 with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d => morphism C s d end end

transport (fun y : D + C => match x with | type_inl _ _ s => match y with | type_inl _ _ d => morphism D s d | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s => match y with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d => morphism C s d end end) (swap_involutive_helper x0) (transport (fun y : D + C => match y with | type_inl _ _ s => match match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ d => morphism D s d | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s => match match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d => morphism C s d end end) (swap_involutive_helper x) (match match x with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as s return (match s with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d => morphism C s0 d | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d => morphism D s0 d end end -> match match s with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ d => morphism D s0 d | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d => morphism C s0 d end end) with | type_inl _ _ cs => match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as d return (match d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism C cs d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end -> match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C cs d0 end) with | type_inl _ _ cd => idmap | type_inr _ _ _ => fun m : Empty => match m return Empty with end end | type_inr _ _ c's => match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end as d return (match d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism D c's d0 end -> match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr D c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl C c' end with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D c's d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end) with | type_inl _ _ _ => fun m : Empty => match m return Empty with end | type_inr _ _ c'd => idmap end end (match x as s return (match s with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match x0 with | type_inl _ _ d => morphism D s0 d | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match x0 with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d => morphism C s0 d end end -> match match s with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ s0 => match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d => morphism C s0 d | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end | type_inr _ _ s0 => match match x0 with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d => morphism D s0 d end end) with | type_inl _ _ cs => match x0 as d return (match d with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism D cs d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end -> match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism D cs d0 end) with | type_inl _ _ cd => idmap | type_inr _ _ _ => fun m : Empty => match m return Empty with end end | type_inr _ _ c's => match x0 as d return (match d with | type_inl _ _ _ => Empty | type_inr _ _ d0 => morphism C c's d0 end -> match match d with | type_inl _ _ c => type_inr C c | type_inr _ _ c' => type_inl D c' end with | type_inl _ _ d0 => morphism C c's d0 | type_inr _ _ _ => Empty end) with | type_inl _ _ _ => fun m : Empty => match m return Empty with end | type_inr _ _ c'd => idmap end end x1))) = x1
by repeat match goal with | [ H : Empty |- _ ] => destruct H | [ H : (_ + _)%type |- _ ] => destruct H | _ => progress hnf in * end. Qed. End swap_functor. Module Export FunctorSumNotations. Notation "F + G" := (sum F G) : functor_scope. End FunctorSumNotations.