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(** * Morphisms in a functor category *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Basics.Tactics. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope path_scope. Local Open Scope category_scope. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. (** ** Natural Isomorphisms - isomorphisms in a functor category *) Definition NaturalIsomorphism `{Funext} (C D : PreCategory) F G := @Isomorphic (C -> D) F G. Arguments NaturalIsomorphism {_} [C D] F G / . Global Instance reflexive_natural_isomorphism `{Funext} C D : Reflexive (@NaturalIsomorphism _ C D) | 0 := _. Coercion natural_transformation_of_natural_isomorphism `{Funext} C D F G (T : @NaturalIsomorphism _ C D F G) : NaturalTransformation F G := T : morphism _ _ _. Local Infix "<~=~>" := NaturalIsomorphism : natural_transformation_scope. (** ** If [T] is an isomorphism, then so is [T x] for any [x] *)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: morphism (C -> D) F G
H0: IsIsomorphism T
x: C

IsIsomorphism (T x)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: morphism (C -> D) F G
H0: IsIsomorphism T
x: C

IsIsomorphism (T x)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: morphism (C -> D) F G
H0: IsIsomorphism T
x: C

T^-1 x o T x = 1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: morphism (C -> D) F G
H0: IsIsomorphism T
x: C
T x o T^-1 x = 1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: morphism (C -> D) F G
H0: IsIsomorphism T
x: C

T^-1 x o T x = 1
exact (apD10 (ap components_of left_inverse) x).
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: morphism (C -> D) F G
H0: IsIsomorphism T
x: C

T x o T^-1 x = 1
exact (apD10 (ap components_of right_inverse) x). Defined. #[export] Hint Immediate isisomorphism_components_of : typeclass_instances. (** When one of the functors is the identity functor, we fail to match correctly, because [apply] is stupid. So we do its work for it. *) #[export] Hint Extern 10 (@IsIsomorphism _ _ _ (@components_of ?C ?D ?F ?G ?T ?x)) => apply (fun H' => @isisomorphism_components_of _ C D F G T H' x) : typeclass_instances.
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T: NaturalTransformation F G
H: forall x : C, IsIsomorphism (T x)

NaturalTransformation G F
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T: NaturalTransformation F G
H: forall x : C, IsIsomorphism (T x)

NaturalTransformation G F
exists (fun x => (T x)^-1); abstract ( intros; iso_move_inverse; first [ apply commutes | symmetry; apply commutes ] ). Defined. (** ** If [T x] is an isomorphism for all [x], then so is [T] *)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T: NaturalTransformation F G
H0: forall x : C, IsIsomorphism (T x)

IsIsomorphism T
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: Functor C D
T: NaturalTransformation F G
H0: forall x : C, IsIsomorphism (T x)

IsIsomorphism T
exists (inverse _); abstract ( path_natural_transformation; first [ apply left_inverse | apply right_inverse ] ). Defined. #[export] Hint Immediate isisomorphism_natural_transformation : typeclass_instances. (** ** Variant of [idtoiso] for natural transformations *) Section idtoiso. Context `{Funext}. Variables C D : PreCategory.
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: F = G

NaturalTransformation F G
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: F = G

NaturalTransformation F G
refine (Build_NaturalTransformation' F G (fun x => idtoiso _ (ap10 (ap object_of T) x)) _ _); intros; case T; simpl; [ exact (left_identity _ _ _ _ @ (right_identity _ _ _ _)^) | exact (right_identity _ _ _ _ @ (left_identity _ _ _ _)^) ]. Defined.
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: F = G

F <~=~> G
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: F = G

F <~=~> G
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: F = G

IsIsomorphism (idtoiso_natural_transformation T)
exists (idtoiso_natural_transformation (T^)%path); abstract (path_natural_transformation; case T; simpl; auto with morphism). Defined.
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: F = G

Morphisms.idtoiso (C -> D) T = idtoiso T
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: F = G

Morphisms.idtoiso (C -> D) T = idtoiso T
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: F = G

Morphisms.idtoiso (C -> D) 1 = idtoiso 1
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
F, G: C -> D
T: F = G

isisomorphism_identity (C -> D) F = {| morphism_inverse := idtoiso_natural_transformation 1; left_inverse := idtoiso_subproof 1; right_inverse := idtoiso_subproof0 1 |}
exact (center _). Qed. End idtoiso. Module Export FunctorCategoryMorphismsNotations. Infix "<~=~>" := NaturalIsomorphism : natural_transformation_scope. End FunctorCategoryMorphismsNotations.