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(** * Indiscrete category *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Types.Unit Trunc HoTT.Tactics Equivalences. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. (** ** Definition of an indiscrete category *) Module Export Core. Section indiscrete_category. (** The indiscrete category has exactly one morphism between any two objects. *) Variable X : Type. (** We define the symmetrized version of associaitivity differently so that the dual of an indiscrete category is convertible with the indiscrete category. *) Definition indiscrete_category : PreCategory := @Build_PreCategory' X (fun _ _ => Unit) (fun _ => tt) (fun _ _ _ _ _ => tt) (fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => idpath) (fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => idpath) (fun _ _ f => match f with tt => idpath end) (fun _ _ f => match f with tt => idpath end) (fun _ => idpath) _. End indiscrete_category. (** *** Indiscrete categories are strict categories *) Definition isstrict_indiscrete_category `{H : IsHSet X} : IsStrictCategory (indiscrete_category X) := H. (** *** Indiscrete categories are (saturated/univalent) categories *)
X: Type
H: IsHProp X

IsCategory (indiscrete_category X)
X: Type
H: IsHProp X

IsCategory (indiscrete_category X)
X: Type
H: IsHProp X
s, d: indiscrete_category X

IsEquiv (idtoiso (indiscrete_category X) (y:=d))
eapply (isequiv_adjointify (idtoiso (indiscrete_category X) (x := s) (y := d)) (fun _ => center _)); abstract ( repeat intro; destruct_head_hnf @Isomorphic; destruct_head_hnf @IsIsomorphism; destruct_head_hnf @Unit; path_induction_hammer ). Defined. End Core. (** ** Functors to an indiscrete category are given by their action on objects *) Module Functors. Section to. Variable X : Type. Variable C : PreCategory. Variable objOf : C -> X. Definition to : Functor C (indiscrete_category X) := Build_Functor C (indiscrete_category X) objOf (fun _ _ _ => tt) (fun _ _ _ _ _ => idpath) (fun _ => idpath). End to. End Functors.