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(** * Limits and Colimits *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Functor.Composition.Core. Require Import ExponentialLaws.Law1.Functors FunctorCategory.Core. Require Import KanExtensions.Core InitialTerminalCategory.Core NatCategory. Require Import Functor.Paths. Local Set Warnings Append "-notation-overridden". (* work around bug #5567, https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=5567, notation-overridden,parsing should not trigger for only printing notations *) Import Comma.Core. Local Set Warnings Append "notation-overridden". Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope functor_scope. Local Open Scope category_scope. (** ** The diagonal or "constant diagram" functor Δ *) Section diagonal_functor. Context `{Funext}. Variables C D : PreCategory. (** Quoting Dwyer and Spalinski: There is a diagonal or ``constant diagram'' functor << Δ : C → Cᴰ, >> which carries an object [X : C] to the constant functor [Δ X : D -> C] (by definition, this ``constant functor'' sends each object of [D] to [X] and each morphism of [D] to [Identity X]). The functor Δ assigns to each morphism [f : X -> X'] of [C] the constant natural transformation [t(f) : Δ X -> Δ X'] determined by the formula [t(f) d = f] for each object [d] of [D]. **) (** We use [C¹] rather than [C] for judgemental compatibility with Kan extensions. *) Definition diagonal_functor : Functor (1 -> C) (D -> C) := @pullback_along _ D 1 C (Functors.to_terminal _). Definition diagonal_functor' : Functor C (D -> C) := diagonal_functor o ExponentialLaws.Law1.Functors.inverse _. Section convert.
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
X: 1 -> C

(diagonal_functor _0 X)%object = (diagonal_functor' _0 (X _0 (center 1)))%object
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
X: 1 -> C

(diagonal_functor _0 X)%object = (diagonal_functor' _0 (X _0 (center 1)))%object
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
X: 1 -> C

transport (fun GO : D -> C => forall s d : D, (morphism D s d -> morphism C (GO s) (GO d))%type) 1 (fun (s d : D) (_ : morphism D s d) => (X _1 (center Unit))%morphism) = (fun (s d : D) (_ : morphism D s d) => 1%morphism)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
X: 1 -> C

(fun (s d : D) (_ : morphism D s d) => (X _1 (center Unit))%morphism) = (fun (s d : D) (_ : morphism D s d) => 1%morphism)
H: Funext
C, D: PreCategory
X: 1 -> C
x, x0: D
x1: morphism D x x0

(X _1 (center Unit))%morphism = 1%morphism
apply identity_of. Qed. End convert. End diagonal_functor. Arguments diagonal_functor : simpl never. Section diagonal_functor_lemmas. Context `{Funext}. Variables C D D' : PreCategory.
H: Funext
C, D, D': PreCategory
x: 1 -> C
F: Functor D' D

((diagonal_functor C D) _0 x)%object o F = ((diagonal_functor C D') _0 x)%object
H: Funext
C, D, D': PreCategory
x: 1 -> C
F: Functor D' D

((diagonal_functor C D) _0 x)%object o F = ((diagonal_functor C D') _0 x)%object
path_functor. Qed. Definition compose_diagonal_functor_natural_transformation x (F : Functor D' D) : NaturalTransformation (diagonal_functor C D x o F) (diagonal_functor _ _ x) := Build_NaturalTransformation (diagonal_functor C D x o F) (diagonal_functor _ _ x) (fun z => identity _) (fun _ _ _ => transitivity (left_identity _ _ _ _) (symmetry _ _ (right_identity _ _ _ _))). End diagonal_functor_lemmas. #[export] Hint Rewrite @compose_diagonal_functor : category. Section Limit. Context `{Funext}. Variables C D : PreCategory. Variable F : Functor D C. (** ** Definition of Limit *) (** Quoting Dwyer and Spalinski: Let [D] be a small category and [F : D -> C] a functor. A limit for [F] is an object [L] of [C] together with a natural transformation [t : Δ L -> F] such that for every object [X] of [C] and every natural transformation [s : Δ X -> F], there exists a unique map [s' : X -> L] in [C] such that [t (Δ s') = s]. **) Definition IsLimit := @IsRightKanExtensionAlong _ D 1 C (Functors.to_terminal _) F. (*Definition IsLimit' := @IsTerminalMorphism (_ -> _) (_ -> _) (diagonal_functor C D) F.*) (* Definition Limit (L : C) := { t : SmallNaturalTransformation ((diagonal_functor C D) L) F & forall X : C, forall s : SmallNaturalTransformation ((diagonal_functor C D) X) F, { s' : C.(Morphism) X L | unique (fun s' => SNTComposeT t ((diagonal_functor C D).(MorphismOf) s') = s) s' } }.*) (** Quoting Dwyer and Spalinski: Let [D] be a small category and [F : D -> C] a functor. A colimit for [F] is an object [c] of [C] together with a natural transformation [t : F -> Δ c] such that for every object [X] of [C] and every natural transformation [s : F -> Δ X], there exists a unique map [s' : c -> X] in [C] such that [(Δ s') t = s]. **) (** ** Definition of Colimit *) Definition IsColimit := @IsLeftKanExtensionAlong _ D 1 C (Functors.to_terminal _) F. (*Definition IsColimit' := @IsInitialMorphism (_ -> _) (_ -> _) F (diagonal_functor C D).*) (* Definition Colimit (c : C) := { t : SmallNaturalTransformation F ((diagonal_functor C D) c) & forall X : C, forall s : SmallNaturalTransformation F ((diagonal_functor C D) X), { s' : C.(Morphism) c X | is_unique s' /\ SNTComposeT ((diagonal_functor C D).(MorphismOf) s') t = s } }.*) (** TODO(JasonGross): Figure out how to get good introduction and elimination rules working, which don't mention spurious identities. *) (*Section AbstractionBarrier. Section Limit. Set Printing Implicit. Section IntroductionAbstractionBarrier. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. Definition Build_IsLimit (lim_obj : C) (lim_mor : morphism (D -> C) (diagonal_functor' C D lim_obj) F) (lim := CommaCategory.Build_object (diagonal_functor C D) !(F : object (_ -> _)) !lim_obj (center _) lim_mor) (UniversalProperty : forall (lim_obj' : C) (lim_mor' : morphism (D -> C) (diagonal_functor' C D lim_obj') F), Contr { m : morphism C lim_obj' lim_obj | lim_mor o morphism_of (diagonal_functor' C D) m = lim_mor' }) : IsTerminalMorphism lim. Proof. apply Build_IsTerminalMorphism. intros A' p'. specialize (UniversalProperty (A' (center _))).*) End Limit. (** TODO(JasonGross): Port MorphismsBetweenLimits from catdb *)