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Require Import Basics.Utf8.
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Functor.Core Functor.Utf8. Require Import NaturalTransformation.Core. Require Import FunctorCategory.Core FunctorCategory.Morphisms. Require Import ProductLaws. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Section MonoidalStructure. Context `{Funext}. Local Notation "x --> y" := (morphism _ x y). Section MonoidalCategoryConcepts. Variable C : PreCategory. Variable tensor : ((C * C) -> C)%category. Variable I : C. Local Notation "A ⊗ B" := (tensor (Basics.Overture.pair A B)). Local Open Scope functor_scope. Definition right_assoc := (tensor ∘ (Functor.Prod.pair 1 tensor) )%functor. Definition left_assoc := tensor ∘ (Functor.Prod.pair tensor 1) ∘ (Associativity.functor _ _ _). Definition associator := NaturalIsomorphism right_assoc left_assoc. (* Orientation (A ⊗ B) ⊗ C -> A ⊗ (B ⊗ C) *) Definition pretensor (A : C) := Core.induced_snd tensor A. Definition I_pretensor := pretensor I. Definition posttensor (A : C) := Core.induced_fst tensor A. Definition I_posttensor := posttensor I. Definition left_unitor := NaturalIsomorphism I_pretensor 1. Definition right_unitor := NaturalIsomorphism I_posttensor 1. Close Scope functor_scope. Variable alpha : associator. Variable lambda : left_unitor. Variable rho : right_unitor. Notation alpha_nat_trans := ((@morphism_isomorphic (C * (C * C) -> C)%category right_assoc left_assoc) alpha). Notation lambda_nat_trans := ((@morphism_isomorphic _ _ _) lambda). Notation rho_nat_trans := ((@morphism_isomorphic _ _ _) rho). Section coherence_laws. Variable a b c d : C.
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (a, tensor (b, tensor (c, d))))%object --> (tensor (a, tensor (tensor (b, c), d)))%object
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (a, tensor (b, tensor (c, d))))%object --> (tensor (a, tensor (tensor (b, c), d)))%object
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

a --> a
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C
(tensor (b, tensor (c, d)))%object --> (tensor (tensor (b, c), d))%object
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

a --> a
exact (Core.identity a).
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (b, tensor (c, d)))%object --> (tensor (tensor (b, c), d))%object
exact (alpha_nat_trans (b, (c, d))). Defined. Local Definition P2 : a ⊗ ((b ⊗ c) ⊗ d) --> (a ⊗ (b ⊗ c)) ⊗ d := alpha_nat_trans (a, (b ⊗ c, d)).
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (tensor (a, tensor (b, c)), d))%object --> (tensor (tensor (tensor (a, b), c), d))%object
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (tensor (a, tensor (b, c)), d))%object --> (tensor (tensor (tensor (a, b), c), d))%object
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (a, tensor (b, c)))%object --> (tensor (tensor (a, b), c))%object
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C
d --> d
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (a, tensor (b, c)))%object --> (tensor (tensor (a, b), c))%object
exact (alpha_nat_trans (a,_)).
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

d --> d
exact (Core.identity d). Defined. Local Definition P4 : a ⊗ (b ⊗ (c ⊗ d)) --> (a ⊗ b) ⊗ (c ⊗ d) := alpha_nat_trans (a, (b, (c ⊗ d))). Local Definition P5 : (a ⊗ b) ⊗ (c ⊗ d) --> ((a ⊗ b) ⊗ c ) ⊗ d := alpha_nat_trans (a ⊗ b,(c, d)). Local Open Scope morphism_scope. Definition pentagon_eq := P3 o P2 o P1 = P5 o P4. Close Scope morphism_scope.
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (a, tensor (I, b)))%object --> (tensor (a, b))%object
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (a, tensor (I, b)))%object --> (tensor (a, b))%object
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

a --> a
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C
(tensor (I, b))%object --> b
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

a --> a
exact (Core.identity a).
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (I, b))%object --> b
exact (lambda_nat_trans _). Defined.
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (a, tensor (I, b)))%object --> (tensor (a, b))%object
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (a, tensor (I, b)))%object --> (tensor (a, b))%object
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (tensor (a, I), b))%object --> (tensor (a, b))%object
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C
(tensor (a, tensor (I, b)))%object --> (tensor (tensor (a, I), b))%object
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (tensor (a, I), b))%object --> (tensor (a, b))%object
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (a, I))%object --> a
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C
b --> b
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (a, I))%object --> a
exact (rho_nat_trans a).
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

b --> b
exact (Core.identity b).
H: Funext
C: PreCategory
tensor: (C * C -> C)%category
I: C
alpha: associator
lambda: left_unitor
rho: right_unitor
a, b, c, d: C

(tensor (a, tensor (I, b)))%object --> (tensor (tensor (a, I), b))%object
exact (alpha_nat_trans (a,(I,b))). Defined. Definition triangle_eq := Q1 = Q2. End coherence_laws. End MonoidalCategoryConcepts. Class MonoidalStructure (C : PreCategory) := Build_MonoidalStructure { tensor : (C * C -> C)%category; I : C; alpha : associator tensor; lambda : left_unitor tensor I; rho : right_unitor tensor I; pentagon_eq_holds : forall a b c d : C, pentagon_eq alpha a b c d; triangle_eq_holds : forall a b : C, triangle_eq alpha lambda rho a b; }. End MonoidalStructure.