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(** * Coproduct of natural transformations *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Section sum.
C, C', D: PreCategory
F, G: Core.Functor C D
F', G': Core.Functor C' D
T: NaturalTransformation F G
T': NaturalTransformation F' G'

NaturalTransformation (F + F') (G + G')
C, C', D: PreCategory
F, G: Core.Functor C D
F', G': Core.Functor C' D
T: NaturalTransformation F G
T': NaturalTransformation F' G'

NaturalTransformation (F + F') (G + G')
C, C', D: PreCategory
F, G: Core.Functor C D
F', G': Core.Functor C' D
T: NaturalTransformation F G
T': NaturalTransformation F' G'

forall (s d : (C + C')%category) (m : morphism (C + C') s d), (match d as x return (morphism D (Core.object_of (F + F') x) (Core.object_of (G + G') x)) with | Overture.inl c => T c | Overture.inr c' => T' c' end o Core.morphism_of (F + F') m)%morphism = (Core.morphism_of (G + G') m o match s as x return (morphism D (Core.object_of (F + F') x) (Core.object_of (G + G') x)) with | Overture.inl c => T c | Overture.inr c' => T' c' end)%morphism
abstract ( repeat (intros [] || intro); simpl; auto with natural_transformation ). Defined. End sum. Module Export NaturalTransformationSumNotations. Notation "T + U" := (sum T U) : natural_transformation_scope. End NaturalTransformationSumNotations.