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(** * The Yoneda Lemma *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Category.Dual Functor.Dual. Require Import Functor.Composition.Core. Require Import Category.Morphisms FunctorCategory.Morphisms. Require Import SetCategory. Require Import Functor.Attributes. Require Import Functor.Composition.Functorial. Require Import Functor.Identity. Require Import HomFunctor. Require Import FunctorCategory.Core. Require Import NaturalTransformation.Paths. Require Import HoTT.Tactics. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. Local Open Scope category_scope. Local Open Scope functor_scope. (** Quoting Wikipedia on the Yoneda lemma (chainging [A] to [a] and [C] to [A] so that we can use unicode superscripts and subscripts): In mathematics, specifically in category theory, the Yoneda lemma is an abstract result on functors of the type morphisms into a fixed object. It is a vast generalisation of Cayley's theorem from group theory (viewing a group as a particular kind of category with just one object). It allows the embedding of any category into a category of functors (contravariant set-valued functors) defined on that category. It also clarifies how the embedded category, of representable functors and their natural transformations, relates to the other objects in the larger functor category. It is an important tool that underlies several modern developments in algebraic geometry and representation theory. It is named after Nobuo Yoneda. ** Generalities The Yoneda lemma suggests that instead of studying the (locally small) category [A], one should study the category of all functors of [A] into [Set] (the category of sets with functions as morphisms). [Set] is a category we understand well, and a functor of [A] into [Set] can be seen as a "representation" of [A] in terms of known structures. The original category [A] is contained in this functor category, but new objects appear in the functor category which were absent and "hidden" in [A]. Treating these new objects just like the old ones often unifies and simplifies the theory. This approach is akin to (and in fact generalizes) the common method of studying a ring by investigating the modules over that ring. The ring takes the place of the category [A], and the category of modules over the ring is a category of functors defined on [A]. ** Formal statement *** General version Yoneda's lemma concerns functors from a fixed category [A] to the category of sets, [Set]. If [A] is a locally small category (i.e. the hom-sets are actual sets and not proper classes), then each object [a] of [A] gives rise to a natural functor to [Set] called a hom-functor. This functor is denoted: [hᵃ = Hom(a, ─)]. The (covariant) hom-functor [hᵃ] sends [x] to the set of morphisms [Hom(a, x)] and sends a morphism [f] from [x] to [y] to the morphism [f ∘ ─] (composition with [f] on the left) that sends a morphism [g] in [Hom(a, x)] to the morphism [f ∘ g] in [Hom(a, y)]. That is, [f ↦ Hom(a, f) = ⟦ Hom(a, x) ∋ g ↦ f ∘ g ∈ Hom(a,y) ⟧]. *) (** ** The (co)yoneda functors [A → (Aᵒᵖ → set)] *) Section yoneda. Context `{Funext}. (* TODO(JasonGross): Find a way to unify the [yoneda] and [coyoneda] lemmas into a single lemma which is more functorial. *) Definition coyoneda A : Functor A^op (A -> set_cat) := ExponentialLaws.Law4.Functors.inverse _ _ _ (hom_functor A). Definition yoneda A : Functor A (A^op -> set_cat) := coyoneda A^op. End yoneda. (** ** The (co)yoneda lemma *) Section coyoneda_lemma. Section functor. Context `{Funext}. Variable A : PreCategory. (** Let [F] be an arbitrary functor from [A] to [Set]. Then Yoneda's lemma says that: *) (*Variable F : Functor A (@set_cat fs).*) (** For each object [a] of [A], *) (*Variable a : A.*) (** the natural transformations from [hᵃ] to [F] are in one-to-one correspondence with the elements of [F(a)]. That is, [Nat(hᵃ, F) ≅ F(a)]. Moreover this isomorphism is natural in [a] and [F] when both sides are regarded as functors from [Setᴬ × A] to [Set]. Given a natural transformation [Φ] from [hᵃ] to [F], the corresponding element of [F(a)] is [u = Φₐ(idₐ)]. *) (* Definition coyoneda_lemma_morphism (a : A) : morphism set_cat (BuildhSet (morphism (A -> set_cat) (coyoneda A a) F) _) (F a) := fun phi => phi a 1%morphism. *) Definition coyoneda_functor : Functor (A -> set_cat) (A -> set_cat) := (compose_functor _ _ set_cat (coyoneda A)^op) o (yoneda (A -> set_cat)). End functor. Section nt. Context `{Funext}. Variable A : PreCategory.
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: A -> set_cat

morphism (A -> set_cat) ((coyoneda_functor A) _0 F)%object F
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: A -> set_cat

morphism (A -> set_cat) ((coyoneda_functor A) _0 F)%object F
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: A -> set_cat

forall (s d : A) (m : morphism A s d), ((fun phi : Trunc.trunctype_type (((coyoneda_functor A) _0 F) _0 d)%object => phi d 1) o ((coyoneda_functor A) _0 F)%object _1 m)%morphism = (F _1 m o (fun phi : Trunc.trunctype_type (((coyoneda_functor A) _0 F) _0 s)%object => phi s 1))%morphism
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: A -> set_cat

forall (s d : A) (m : morphism A s d), (fun x : NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) s) F => x d (1 o 1 o m)%morphism) = (fun x : NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) s) F => (F _1 m) (x s 1%morphism))
abstract ( repeat (intro || apply path_forall); simpl in *; match goal with | [ T : NaturalTransformation _ _ |- _ ] => simpl rewrite <- (fun s d m => apD10 (commutes T s d m)) end; rewrite ?left_identity, ?right_identity; reflexivity ). Defined.
H: Funext
A: PreCategory

morphism ((A -> set_cat) -> A -> set_cat) (coyoneda_functor A) 1
H: Funext
A: PreCategory

morphism ((A -> set_cat) -> A -> set_cat) (coyoneda_functor A) 1
H: Funext
A: PreCategory

NaturalTransformation (coyoneda_functor A) 1
H: Funext
A: PreCategory

NaturalTransformation (coyoneda_functor A) 1
H: Funext
A: PreCategory

forall (s d : (A -> set_cat)%category) (m : morphism (A -> set_cat) s d), (coyoneda_natural_transformation_helper d o (coyoneda_functor A) _1 m)%morphism = (1 _1 m o coyoneda_natural_transformation_helper s)%morphism
H: Funext
A: PreCategory

forall (s d : Functor A set_cat) (m : NaturalTransformation s d), Core.compose (coyoneda_natural_transformation_helper d) (Core.whisker_r (Functors.inverse_object_of_morphism_of (hom_functor (A -> set_cat)^op) s d m) (coyoneda A)^op) = Core.compose m (coyoneda_natural_transformation_helper s)
abstract (repeat first [ intro | progress path_natural_transformation | reflexivity ]). Defined. End nt.
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: A -> set_cat
a: A

morphism set_cat (F _0 a)%object (((coyoneda_functor A) _0 F) _0 a)%object
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: A -> set_cat
a: A

morphism set_cat (F _0 a)%object (((coyoneda_functor A) _0 F) _0 a)%object
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: A -> set_cat
a: A
Fa: Trunc.trunctype_type (F _0 a)%object

Trunc.trunctype_type (((coyoneda_functor A) _0 F) _0 a)%object
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: A -> set_cat
a: A
Fa: Trunc.trunctype_type (F _0 a)%object

NaturalTransformation (snd (F, ((coyoneda A)^op _0 a)%object)) (fst (F, ((coyoneda A)^op _0 a)%object))
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: Functor A set_cat
a: A
Fa: Trunc.trunctype_type (F _0 a)%object

NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) F
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: Functor A set_cat
a: A
Fa: Trunc.trunctype_type (F _0 a)%object

forall (s d : A) (m : morphism A s d), ((fun f : morphism A a d => (F _1 f) Fa) o (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) _1 m)%morphism = (F _1 m o (fun f : morphism A a s => (F _1 f) Fa))%morphism
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: Functor A set_cat
a: A
Fa: Trunc.trunctype_type (F _0 a)%object

forall (s d : A) (m : morphism A s d), (fun x : morphism A a s => (F _1 (m o x o 1)) Fa) = (fun x : morphism A a s => (F _1 m) ((F _1 x) Fa))
abstract ( repeat first [ reflexivity | intro | apply path_forall | progress rewrite ?composition_of, ?identity_of ] ). Defined.
H: Funext
A: PreCategory

IsIsomorphism (coyoneda_natural_transformation A)
H: Funext
A: PreCategory

IsIsomorphism (coyoneda_natural_transformation A)
H: Funext
A: PreCategory

forall x : (A -> set_cat)%category, IsIsomorphism (coyoneda_natural_transformation A x)
H: Funext
A: PreCategory

forall x : Functor A set_cat, IsIsomorphism (coyoneda_natural_transformation_helper x)
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: Functor A set_cat

IsIsomorphism (coyoneda_natural_transformation_helper F)
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: Functor A set_cat

forall x : A, IsIsomorphism (coyoneda_natural_transformation_helper F x)
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: Functor A set_cat
a: A

IsIsomorphism (coyoneda_natural_transformation_helper F a)
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
F: Functor A set_cat
a: A

IsIsomorphism (fun phi : NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) F => phi a 1%morphism)
exists (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse F a); simpl in *; abstract ( repeat (intro || apply path_forall || path_natural_transformation); simpl in *; solve [ simpl rewrite <- (fun c d m => ap10 (commutes x c d m)); rewrite ?right_identity, ?left_identity; reflexivity | rewrite identity_of; reflexivity ] ). Defined. End coyoneda_lemma. Section yoneda_lemma. (** There is a contravariant version of Yoneda's lemma which concerns contravariant functors from [A] to [Set]. This version involves the contravariant hom-functor [hₐ = Hom(─, A)], which sends [x] to the hom-set [Hom(x, a)]. Given an arbitrary contravariant functor [G] from [A] to [Set], Yoneda's lemma asserts that [Nat(hₐ, G) ≅ G(a)]. *) Section functor. Context `{Funext}. Variable A : PreCategory. (** Let [F] be an arbitrary functor from [A] to [Set]. Then Yoneda's lemma says that: *) (*Variable F : Functor A (@set_cat fs).*) (** For each object [a] of [A], *) (*Variable a : A.*) (** the natural transformations from [hᵃ] to [F] are in one-to-one correspondence with the elements of [F(a)]. That is, [Nat(hᵃ, F) ≅ F(a)]. Moreover this isomorphism is natural in [a] and [F] when both sides are regarded as functors from [Setᴬ × A] to [Set]. Given a natural transformation [Φ] from [hᵃ] to [F], the corresponding element of [F(a)] is [u = Φₐ(idₐ)]. *) (* Definition yoneda_lemma_morphism A (G : object (A^op -> set_cat)) (a : A) : morphism set_cat (BuildhSet (morphism (A^op -> set_cat) (yoneda A a) G) _) (G a) := fun phi => phi a 1%morphism.*) Definition yoneda_functor : Functor (A^op -> set_cat) (A^op -> set_cat) := coyoneda_functor A^op. End functor. Context `{Funext}. Variable A : PreCategory. Definition yoneda_natural_transformation : morphism (_ -> _) 1 (yoneda_functor A) := @morphism_inverse _ _ _ _ (coyoneda_lemma A^op). Global Instance yoneda_lemma : IsIsomorphism yoneda_natural_transformation := @isisomorphism_inverse _ _ _ _ (coyoneda_lemma A^op). End yoneda_lemma. (** ** The Yoneda embedding An important special case of Yoneda's lemma is when the functor [F] from [A] to [Set] is another hom-functor [hᵇ]. In this case, the covariant version of Yoneda's lemma states that [Nat(hᵃ, hᵇ) ≅ Hom(b, a)]. That is, natural transformations between hom-functors are in one-to-one correspondence with morphisms (in the reverse direction) between the associated objects. Given a morphism [f : b → a] the associated natural transformation is denoted [Hom(f, ─)]. Mapping each object [a] in [A] to its associated hom-functor [hᵃ= Hom(a, ─)] and each morphism [f : B → A] to the corresponding natural transformation [Hom(f, ─)] determines a contravariant functor [h⁻] from [A] to [Setᴬ], the functor category of all (covariant) functors from [A] to [Set]. One can interpret [h⁻] as a covariant functor: [h⁻ : Aᵒᵖ → Setᴬ]. The meaning of Yoneda's lemma in this setting is that the functor [h⁻] is fully faithful, and therefore gives an embedding of [Aᵒᵖ] in the category of functors to [Set]. The collection of all functors {[hᵃ], [a] in [A]} is a subcategory of [Set̂ᴬ]. Therefore, Yoneda embedding implies that the category [Aᵒᵖ] is isomorphic to the category {[hᵃ], [a] in [A]}. The contravariant version of Yoneda's lemma states that [Nat(hₐ, h_b) ≅ Hom(a, b)]. Therefore, [h₋] gives rise to a covariant functor from [A] to the category of contravariant functors to [Set]: [h₋ : A → Set⁽⁽ᴬ⁾ᵒᵖ⁾]. Yoneda's lemma then states that any locally small category [A] can be embedded in the category of contravariant functors from [A] to [Set] via [h₋]. This is called the Yoneda embedding. *) Section FullyFaithful. Context `{Funext}.
H: Funext
A: PreCategory

IsFullyFaithful (coyoneda A)
H: Funext
A: PreCategory

IsFullyFaithful (coyoneda A)
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: (A^op)%category

IsIsomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (coyoneda A) (a, b))
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: (A^op)%category
H': IsIsomorphism (coyoneda_natural_transformation A ((coyoneda A) _0 b)%object a)^-1

IsIsomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (coyoneda A) (a, b))
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
H': IsIsomorphism (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a)

IsIsomorphism (fun m : morphism A b a => Functors.inverse_object_of_morphism_of (hom_functor A) a b m)
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
H': IsIsomorphism (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => (f o Fa o 1)%morphism) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa))

IsIsomorphism (fun m : morphism A b a => Functors.inverse_object_of_morphism_of (hom_functor A) a b m)
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
H': IsIsomorphism (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => (f o Fa o 1)%morphism) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa))

IsIsomorphism (fun m : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (c : A) (g : morphism A a c) => (1 o g o m)%morphism) (Functors.inverse_object_of_morphism_of_subproof (hom_functor A) a b m))
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
H': IsIsomorphism (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => (f o Fa o 1)%morphism) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa))

forall (x : Trunc.trunctype_type {| Trunc.trunctype_type := morphism A b a; Trunc.trunctype_istrunc := trunc_morphism A b a |}) (y : A), Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => (f o x o 1)%morphism) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a x) y = Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (c : A) (g : morphism A a c) => (1 o g o x)%morphism) (Functors.inverse_object_of_morphism_of_subproof (hom_functor A) a b x) y
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
H': IsIsomorphism (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => (f o Fa o 1)%morphism) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa))
IsIsomorphism (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => (f o Fa o 1)%morphism) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa))
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
H': IsIsomorphism (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => (f o Fa o 1)%morphism) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa))

forall (x : Trunc.trunctype_type {| Trunc.trunctype_type := morphism A b a; Trunc.trunctype_istrunc := trunc_morphism A b a |}) (y : A), Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => (f o x o 1)%morphism) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a x) y = Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (c : A) (g : morphism A a c) => (1 o g o x)%morphism) (Functors.inverse_object_of_morphism_of_subproof (hom_functor A) a b x) y
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
H': IsIsomorphism (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => (f o Fa o 1)%morphism) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa))

forall (x : morphism A b a) (y : A), (fun f : morphism A a y => (f o x o 1)%morphism) = (fun g : morphism A a y => (1 o g o x)%morphism)
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A

forall (x : morphism A b a) (y : A), (fun f : morphism A a y => (f o x o 1)%morphism) = (fun g : morphism A a y => (1 o g o x)%morphism)
intros; apply path_forall; intro; rewrite left_identity, right_identity; reflexivity.
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
H': IsIsomorphism (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => (f o Fa o 1)%morphism) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa))

IsIsomorphism (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => (f o Fa o 1)%morphism) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa))
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
m': morphism set_cat {| Trunc.trunctype_type := NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b); Trunc.trunctype_istrunc := trunc_natural_transformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) |} {| Trunc.trunctype_type := morphism A b a; Trunc.trunctype_istrunc := trunc_morphism A b a |}
H0': (m' o (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => f o Fa o 1) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa)))%morphism = 1%morphism
H1': ((fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => f o Fa o 1) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa)) o m')%morphism = 1%morphism

IsIsomorphism (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => (f o Fa o 1)%morphism) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa))
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
m': morphism set_cat {| Trunc.trunctype_type := NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b); Trunc.trunctype_istrunc := trunc_natural_transformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) |} {| Trunc.trunctype_type := morphism A b a; Trunc.trunctype_istrunc := trunc_morphism A b a |}
H0': (m' o (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => f o Fa o 1) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa)))%morphism = 1%morphism
H1': ((fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => f o Fa o 1) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa)) o m')%morphism = 1%morphism

(m' o (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => f o Fa o 1) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa)))%morphism = 1%morphism
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
m': morphism set_cat {| Trunc.trunctype_type := NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b); Trunc.trunctype_istrunc := trunc_natural_transformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) |} {| Trunc.trunctype_type := morphism A b a; Trunc.trunctype_istrunc := trunc_morphism A b a |}
H0': (m' o (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => f o Fa o 1) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa)))%morphism = 1%morphism
H1': ((fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => f o Fa o 1) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa)) o m')%morphism = 1%morphism
((fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => f o Fa o 1) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa)) o m')%morphism = 1%morphism
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
m': morphism set_cat {| Trunc.trunctype_type := NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b); Trunc.trunctype_istrunc := trunc_natural_transformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) |} {| Trunc.trunctype_type := morphism A b a; Trunc.trunctype_istrunc := trunc_morphism A b a |}
H0': (m' o (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => f o Fa o 1) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa)))%morphism = 1%morphism
H1': ((fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => f o Fa o 1) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa)) o m')%morphism = 1%morphism

(m' o (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => f o Fa o 1) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa)))%morphism = 1%morphism
exact H0'.
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
m': morphism set_cat {| Trunc.trunctype_type := NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b); Trunc.trunctype_istrunc := trunc_natural_transformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) |} {| Trunc.trunctype_type := morphism A b a; Trunc.trunctype_istrunc := trunc_morphism A b a |}
H0': (m' o (fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => f o Fa o 1) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa)))%morphism = 1%morphism
H1': ((fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => f o Fa o 1) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa)) o m')%morphism = 1%morphism

((fun Fa : morphism A b a => Build_NaturalTransformation (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) a) (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) (fun (a' : A) (f : morphism A a a') => f o Fa o 1) (coyoneda_lemma_morphism_inverse_subproof (Functors.inverse_object_of_object_of (hom_functor A) b) a Fa)) o m')%morphism = 1%morphism
exact H1'. Qed.
H: Funext
A: PreCategory

IsFullyFaithful (yoneda A)
H: Funext
A: PreCategory

IsFullyFaithful (yoneda A)
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A

IsIsomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (yoneda A) (a, b))
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
CYE: IsIsomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (coyoneda A^op) (a, b))

IsIsomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (yoneda A) (a, b))
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
CYE: IsIsomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (coyoneda A^op) (a, b))

IsIsomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (coyoneda A^op) (a, b))
H: Funext
A: PreCategory
a, b: A
CYE: IsIsomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (coyoneda A^op) (a, b))
CYE': IsIsomorphism (fun m : morphism A a b => Functors.inverse_object_of_morphism_of (hom_functor A^op) a b m)

IsIsomorphism (induced_hom_natural_transformation (coyoneda A^op) (a, b))
let G := match goal with |- ?G => constr:(G) end in let G' := (eval simpl in G) in exact ((fun x : G' => (x : G)) CYE'). Qed. End FullyFaithful.