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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Local Open Scope nat_scope. Local Open Scope type_scope. Declare Scope ne_list_scope. Delimit Scope ne_list_scope with ne_list. Open Scope ne_list_scope. (** Nonempty list implementation [ne_list.ne_list]. *) Module ne_list. Section with_type. Context {T: Type}. (** A nonempty list. Below there is an implicit coercion [ne_list >-> list]. *) Inductive ne_list : Type := one: T → ne_list | cons: T → ne_list → ne_list. Fixpoint app (a b: ne_list): ne_list := match a with | one x => cons x b | cons x y => cons x (app y b) end. Fixpoint foldr {R} (u: T → R) (f: T → R → R) (a: ne_list): R := match a with | one x => u x | cons x y => f x (foldr u f y) end. Fixpoint foldr1 (f: T → T → T) (a: ne_list): T := match a with | one x => x | cons x y => f x (foldr1 f y) end. Definition head (l: ne_list): T := match l with one x => x | cons x _ => x end. Fixpoint to_list (l: ne_list): list T := match l with | one x => x :: nil | cons x xs => x :: to_list xs end. Fixpoint from_list (x: T) (xs: list T): ne_list := match xs with | nil => one x | List.Core.cons h t => cons x (from_list h t) end. Definition tail (l: ne_list): list T := match l with one _ => nil | cons _ x => to_list x end.
T: Type
l: ne_list

l = from_list (head l) (tail l)
T: Type
l: ne_list

l = from_list (head l) (tail l)
T: Type
t: T
l: ne_list
IHl: l = from_list (head l) (tail l)

cons t l = from_list (head (cons t l)) (tail (cons t l))
T: Type
t, t0: T
l: ne_list
IHl: cons t0 l = from_list (head (cons t0 l)) (tail (cons t0 l))

cons t (cons t0 l) = from_list (head (cons t (cons t0 l))) (tail (cons t (cons t0 l)))
T: Type
t, t0: T
l: ne_list
IHl: cons t0 l = from_list t0 (to_list l)

cons t (cons t0 l) = cons t (from_list t0 (to_list l))
rewrite IHl... Qed. Definition last: ne_list → T := foldr1 (fun x y => y). Fixpoint replicate_Sn (x: T) (n: nat): ne_list := match n with | 0 => one x | S n' => cons x (replicate_Sn x n') end. Fixpoint take (n: nat) (l: ne_list): ne_list := match l, n with | cons x xs, S n' => take n' xs | _, _ => one (head l) end. Fixpoint front (l: ne_list) : list T := match l with | one _ => nil | cons x xs => x :: front xs end.
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))

forall l : ne_list, P l
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))

forall l : ne_list, P l
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))

(forall l : ne_list, P l * (forall x : T, P (cons x l))) -> forall l : ne_list, P l
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))
forall l : ne_list, P l * (forall x : T, P (cons x l))
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))

(forall l : ne_list, P l * (forall x : T, P (cons x l))) -> forall l : ne_list, P l
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))
X: forall l : ne_list, P l * (forall x : T, P (cons x l))
l: ne_list

P l
apply X.
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))

forall l : ne_list, P l * (forall x : T, P (cons x l))
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))
t: T
l: ne_list

P (cons t l) * (forall x : T, P (cons x (cons t l)))
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))
l: ne_list

forall t : T, P (cons t l) * (forall x : T, P (cons x (cons t l)))
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))
t: T
l: ne_list
IHl: forall t : T, P (cons t l) * (forall x : T, P (cons x (cons t l)))

forall t0 : T, P (cons t0 (cons t l)) * (forall x : T, P (cons x (cons t0 (cons t l))))
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))
t: T
l: ne_list
IHl: forall t : T, P (cons t l) * (forall x : T, P (cons x (cons t l)))
t0: T

P (cons t0 (cons t l)) * (forall x : T, P (cons x (cons t0 (cons t l))))
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))
t: T
l: ne_list
IHl: forall t : T, P (cons t l) * (forall x : T, P (cons x (cons t l)))
t0: T

P (cons t0 (cons t l))
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))
t: T
l: ne_list
IHl: forall t : T, P (cons t l) * (forall x : T, P (cons x (cons t l)))
t0: T
forall x : T, P (cons x (cons t0 (cons t l)))
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))
t: T
l: ne_list
IHl: forall t : T, P (cons t l) * (forall x : T, P (cons x (cons t l)))
t0: T

P (cons t0 (cons t l))
apply IHl.
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))
t: T
l: ne_list
IHl: forall t : T, P (cons t l) * (forall x : T, P (cons x (cons t l)))
t0: T

forall x : T, P (cons x (cons t0 (cons t l)))
T: Type
P: ne_list -> Type
Pone: forall x : T, P (one x)
Ptwo: forall x y : T, P (cons x (one y))
Pmore: forall (x y : T) (z : ne_list), P z -> (forall y' : T, P (cons y' z)) -> P (cons x (cons y z))
t: T
l: ne_list
IHl: forall t : T, P (cons t l) * (forall x : T, P (cons x (cons t l)))
t0, x: T

P (cons x (cons t0 (cons t l)))
apply Pmore; intros; apply IHl. Qed.
T: Type
l: ne_list

(length (Core.tail (to_list l))).+1 = length (to_list l)
T: Type
l: ne_list

(length (Core.tail (to_list l))).+1 = length (to_list l)
destruct l; reflexivity. Qed. End with_type. Arguments ne_list : clear implicits. Fixpoint tails {T} (l: ne_list T): ne_list (ne_list T) := match l with | one x => one (one x) | cons x y => cons l (tails y) end.
T: Type0
y, x: ne_list T

InList x (to_list (tails y)) -> length (to_list x) <= length (to_list y)
T: Type0
y, x: ne_list T

InList x (to_list (tails y)) -> length (to_list x) <= length (to_list y)
T: Type0
t: T
x: ne_list T

(one t = x) + Empty -> length (to_list x) <= 1
T: Type0
t: T
y, x: ne_list T
IHy: InList x (to_list (tails y)) -> length (to_list x) <= length (to_list y)
(cons t y = x) + InList x (to_list (tails y)) -> length (to_list x) <= (length (to_list y)).+1
T: Type0
t: T
x: ne_list T

(one t = x) + Empty -> length (to_list x) <= 1
T: Type0
t: T
x: ne_list T

length (to_list (one t)) <= 1
T: Type0
t: T
x: ne_list T
C: Empty
length (to_list x) <= 1
T: Type0
t: T
x: ne_list T

length (to_list (one t)) <= 1
T: Type0
t: T
x: ne_list T
C: Empty

length (to_list x) <= 1
elim C.
T: Type0
t: T
y, x: ne_list T
IHy: InList x (to_list (tails y)) -> length (to_list x) <= length (to_list y)

(cons t y = x) + InList x (to_list (tails y)) -> length (to_list x) <= (length (to_list y)).+1
intros [[] | C]; auto. Qed. Fixpoint map {A B} (f: A → B) (l: ne_list A): ne_list B := match l with | one x => one (f x) | cons h t => cons (f h) (map f t) end.
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
l: ne_list A

to_list (map f l) = Core.map f (to_list l)
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
l: ne_list A

to_list (map f l) = Core.map f (to_list l)
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
t: A

to_list (map f (one t)) = Core.map f (to_list (one t))
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
t: A
l: ne_list A
IHl: to_list (map f l) = Core.map f (to_list l)
to_list (map f (cons t l)) = Core.map f (to_list (cons t l))
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
t: A

to_list (map f (one t)) = Core.map f (to_list (one t))
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
t: A
l: ne_list A
IHl: to_list (map f l) = Core.map f (to_list l)

to_list (map f (cons t l)) = Core.map f (to_list (cons t l))
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
t: A
l: ne_list A
IHl: to_list (map f l) = Core.map f (to_list l)

(f t :: to_list (map f l))%list = (f t :: Core.map f (to_list l))%list
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
t: A
l: ne_list A
IHl: to_list (map f l) = Core.map f (to_list l)

(f t :: to_list (map f l))%list = (f t :: to_list (map f l))%list
reflexivity. Qed. Fixpoint inits {A} (l: ne_list A): ne_list (ne_list A) := match l with | one x => one (one x) | cons h t => cons (one h) (map (cons h) (inits t)) end. Fixpoint zip {A B: Type} (l: ne_list A) (m: ne_list B) : ne_list (A * B) := match l with | one a => one (a, head m) | cons a l => match m with | one b => one (a, b) | cons b m => cons (a, b) (zip l m) end end. Module notations. Global Notation ne_list := ne_list. Global Notation "[: x :]" := (one x) : ne_list_scope. Global Notation "[: x ; .. ; y ; z :]" := (cons x .. (cons y (one z)) ..) : ne_list_scope. Global Infix ":::" := cons : ne_list_scope. End notations. End ne_list. Global Coercion ne_list.to_list : ne_list.ne_list >-> list.