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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Export HoTT.Classes.interfaces.canonical_names. Require Import Modalities.ReflectiveSubuniverse. Local Set Polymorphic Inductive Cumulativity. Generalizable Variables A B f g x y. (* For various structures we omit declaration of substructures. For example, if we say: Class Setoid_Morphism := { setoidmor_a : Setoid A ; setoidmor_b : Setoid B ; sm_proper : Proper ((=) ==> (=)) f }. #[export] Existing Instances setoidmor_a setoidmor_b sm_proper. then each time a Setoid instance is required, Coq will try to prove that a Setoid_Morphism exists. This obviously results in an enormous blow-up of the search space. Moreover, one should be careful to declare a Setoid_Morphisms as a substructure. Consider [f t1 t2], now if we want to perform setoid rewriting in [t2] Coq will first attempt to prove that [f t1] is Proper, for which it will attempt to prove [Setoid_Morphism (f t1)]. If many structures declare Setoid_Morphism as a substructure, setoid rewriting will become horribly slow. *) (* An unbundled variant of the former CoRN CSetoid. We do not include a proof that A is a Setoid because it can be derived. *) Class IsApart A {Aap : Apart A} : Type := { apart_set : IsHSet A ; apart_mere : is_mere_relation _ apart ; apart_symmetric : Symmetric (≶) ; apart_cotrans : CoTransitive (≶) ; tight_apart : forall x y, ~(x ≶ y) <-> x = y }. #[export] Existing Instances apart_set apart_mere apart_symmetric apart_cotrans.
A: Type
Aap: Apart A
H: IsApart A

Irreflexive apart
A: Type
Aap: Apart A
H: IsApart A

Irreflexive apart
A: Type
Aap: Apart A
H: IsApart A
x: A
ap: x ≶ x

A: Type
Aap: Apart A
H: IsApart A
x: A
ap: x ≶ x

x = x
A: Type
Aap: Apart A
H: IsApart A
x: A
ap: x ≶ x
x ≶ x
A: Type
Aap: Apart A
H: IsApart A
x: A
ap: x ≶ x

x = x
A: Type
Aap: Apart A
H: IsApart A
x: A
ap: x ≶ x

x ≶ x
assumption. Qed. Arguments tight_apart {A Aap IsApart} _ _. Section setoid_morphisms. Context {A B} {Aap : Apart A} {Bap : Apart B} (f : A -> B). Class StrongExtensionality := strong_extensionality : forall x y, f x ≶ f y -> x ≶ y. End setoid_morphisms. (* HOTT TODO check if this is ok/useful *) #[export] Hint Extern 4 (?f _ = ?f _) => eapply (ap f) : core. Section setoid_binary_morphisms. Context {A B C} {Aap: Apart A} {Bap : Apart B} {Cap : Apart C} (f : A -> B -> C). Class StrongBinaryExtensionality := strong_binary_extensionality : forall x₁ y₁ x₂ y₂, f x₁ y₁ ≶ f x₂ y₂ -> hor (x₁ ≶ x₂) (y₁ ≶ y₂). End setoid_binary_morphisms. (* Since apartness usually only becomes relevant when considering fields (e.g. the real numbers), we do not include it in the lower part of the algebraic hierarchy (as opposed to CoRN). *) Section upper_classes. Universe i. Context (A : Type@{i}). Local Open Scope mc_mult_scope. Class IsSemiGroup {Aop: SgOp A} := { sg_set : IsHSet A ; sg_ass : Associative (.*.) }. #[export] Existing Instances sg_set sg_ass. Class IsCommutativeSemiGroup {Aop : SgOp A} := { comsg_sg : @IsSemiGroup (.*.) ; comsg_comm : Commutative (.*.) }. #[export] Existing Instances comsg_sg comsg_comm. Class IsSemiLattice {Aop : SgOp A} := { semilattice_sg : @IsCommutativeSemiGroup (.*.) ; semilattice_idempotent : BinaryIdempotent (.*.)}. #[export] Existing Instances semilattice_sg semilattice_idempotent. Class IsMonoid {Aop : SgOp A} {Aunit : MonUnit A} := { monoid_semigroup : IsSemiGroup ; monoid_left_id : LeftIdentity (.*.) mon_unit ; monoid_right_id : RightIdentity (.*.) mon_unit }. #[export] Existing Instances monoid_semigroup monoid_left_id monoid_right_id. Class IsCommutativeMonoid {Aop : SgOp A} {Aunit : MonUnit A} := { commonoid_mon : @IsMonoid (.*.) Aunit ; commonoid_commutative : Commutative (.*.) }. #[export] Existing Instances commonoid_mon commonoid_commutative. Class IsGroup {Aop : SgOp A} {Aunit : MonUnit A} {Anegate : Negate A} := { group_monoid : @IsMonoid (.*.) Aunit ; negate_l : LeftInverse (.*.) (-) mon_unit ; negate_r : RightInverse (.*.) (-) mon_unit }. #[export] Existing Instances group_monoid negate_l negate_r. Class IsBoundedSemiLattice {Aop : SgOp A} {Aunit : MonUnit A} := { bounded_semilattice_mon : @IsCommutativeMonoid (.*.) Aunit ; bounded_semilattice_idempotent : BinaryIdempotent (.*.)}. #[export] Existing Instances bounded_semilattice_mon bounded_semilattice_idempotent. Class IsAbGroup {Aop : SgOp A} {Aunit : MonUnit A} {Anegate : Negate A} := { abgroup_group : @IsGroup (.*.) Aunit Anegate ; abgroup_commutative : Commutative (.*.) }. #[export] Existing Instances abgroup_group abgroup_commutative. Close Scope mc_mult_scope. Context {Aplus : Plus A} {Amult : Mult A} {Azero : Zero A} {Aone : One A}. Class IsSemiCRing := { semiplus_monoid : @IsCommutativeMonoid plus_is_sg_op zero_is_mon_unit ; semimult_monoid : @IsCommutativeMonoid mult_is_sg_op one_is_mon_unit ; semiring_distr : LeftDistribute (.*.) (+) ; semiring_left_absorb : LeftAbsorb (.*.) 0 }. #[export] Existing Instances semiplus_monoid semimult_monoid semiring_distr semiring_left_absorb. Context {Anegate : Negate A}. Class IsRing := { ring_abgroup :: @IsAbGroup plus_is_sg_op zero_is_mon_unit _; ring_monoid :: @IsMonoid mult_is_sg_op one_is_mon_unit; ring_dist_left :: LeftDistribute (.*.) (+); ring_dist_right :: RightDistribute (.*.) (+); }. Class IsCRing := { cring_group : @IsAbGroup plus_is_sg_op zero_is_mon_unit _ ; cring_monoid : @IsCommutativeMonoid mult_is_sg_op one_is_mon_unit ; cring_dist : LeftDistribute (.*.) (+) }. #[export] Existing Instances cring_group cring_monoid cring_dist.
A: Type
Aplus: Plus A
Amult: Mult A
Azero: Zero A
Aone: One A
Anegate: Negate A

IsCRing -> IsRing
A: Type
Aplus: Plus A
Amult: Mult A
Azero: Zero A
Aone: One A
Anegate: Negate A

IsCRing -> IsRing
A: Type
Aplus: Plus A
Amult: Mult A
Azero: Zero A
Aone: One A
Anegate: Negate A
H: IsCRing

A: Type
Aplus: Plus A
Amult: Mult A
Azero: Zero A
Aone: One A
Anegate: Negate A
H: IsCRing

RightDistribute mult plus
A: Type
Aplus: Plus A
Amult: Mult A
Azero: Zero A
Aone: One A
Anegate: Negate A
H: IsCRing
a, b, c: A

(a + b) * c = a * c + b * c
A: Type
Aplus: Plus A
Amult: Mult A
Azero: Zero A
Aone: One A
Anegate: Negate A
H: IsCRing
a, b, c: A

sg_op c (a + b) = a * c + b * c
A: Type
Aplus: Plus A
Amult: Mult A
Azero: Zero A
Aone: One A
Anegate: Negate A
H: IsCRing
a, b, c: A

c * a + c * b = a * c + b * c
f_ap; apply commutativity. Defined. Class IsIntegralDomain := { intdom_ring : IsCRing ; intdom_nontrivial : PropHolds (not (1 = 0)) ; intdom_nozeroes : NoZeroDivisors A }. #[export] Existing Instances intdom_nozeroes. (* We do not include strong extensionality for (-) and (/) because it can de derived *) Class IsField {Aap: Apart A} {Arecip: Recip A} := { field_ring : IsCRing ; field_apart : IsApart A ; field_plus_ext : StrongBinaryExtensionality (+) ; field_mult_ext : StrongBinaryExtensionality (.*.) ; field_nontrivial : PropHolds (10) ; recip_inverse : forall x, x.1 // x = 1 }. #[export] Existing Instances field_ring field_apart field_plus_ext field_mult_ext. (* We let /0 = 0 so properties as Injective (/), f (/x) = / (f x), / /x = x, /x * /y = /(x * y) hold without any additional assumptions *) Class IsDecField {Adec_recip : DecRecip A} := { decfield_ring : IsCRing ; decfield_nontrivial : PropHolds (1 <> 0) ; dec_recip_0 : /0 = 0 ; dec_recip_inverse : forall x, x <> 0 -> x / x = 1 }. #[export] Existing Instances decfield_ring. Class FieldCharacteristic@{j} {Aap : Apart@{i j} A} (k : nat) : Type@{j} := field_characteristic : forall n : nat, Nat.Core.lt 0 n -> iff@{j j j} (forall m : nat, not@{j} (paths@{Set} n (Nat.Core.mul k m))) (@apart A Aap (nat_iter n (1 +) 0) 0). End upper_classes. (* Due to bug #2528 *) #[export] Hint Extern 4 (PropHolds (1 <> 0)) => eapply @intdom_nontrivial : typeclass_instances. #[export] Hint Extern 5 (PropHolds (10)) => eapply @field_nontrivial : typeclass_instances. #[export] Hint Extern 5 (PropHolds (1 <> 0)) => eapply @decfield_nontrivial : typeclass_instances. (* For a strange reason IsCRing instances of Integers are sometimes obtained by Integers -> IntegralDomain -> Ring and sometimes directly. Making this an instance with a low priority instead of using intdom_ring:> IsCRing forces Coq to take the right way *) #[export] Hint Extern 10 (IsCRing _) => apply @intdom_ring : typeclass_instances. Arguments recip_inverse {A Aplus Amult Azero Aone Anegate Aap Arecip IsField} _. Arguments dec_recip_inverse {A Aplus Amult Azero Aone Anegate Adec_recip IsDecField} _ _. Arguments dec_recip_0 {A Aplus Amult Azero Aone Anegate Adec_recip IsDecField}. Section lattice. Context A {Ajoin: Join A} {Ameet: Meet A} {Abottom : Bottom A} {Atop : Top A}. Class IsJoinSemiLattice := join_semilattice : @IsSemiLattice A join_is_sg_op. #[export] Existing Instance join_semilattice. Class IsBoundedJoinSemiLattice := bounded_join_semilattice : @IsBoundedSemiLattice A join_is_sg_op bottom_is_mon_unit. #[export] Existing Instance bounded_join_semilattice. Class IsMeetSemiLattice := meet_semilattice : @IsSemiLattice A meet_is_sg_op. #[export] Existing Instance meet_semilattice. Class IsBoundedMeetSemiLattice := bounded_meet_semilattice : @IsBoundedSemiLattice A meet_is_sg_op top_is_mon_unit. #[export] Existing Instance bounded_meet_semilattice. Class IsLattice := { lattice_join : IsJoinSemiLattice ; lattice_meet : IsMeetSemiLattice ; join_meet_absorption : Absorption (⊔) (⊓) ; meet_join_absorption : Absorption (⊓) (⊔) }. #[export] Existing Instances lattice_join lattice_meet join_meet_absorption meet_join_absorption. Class IsBoundedLattice := { boundedlattice_join : IsBoundedJoinSemiLattice ; boundedlattice_meet : IsBoundedMeetSemiLattice ; boundedjoin_meet_absorption : Absorption (⊔) (⊓) ; boundedmeet_join_absorption : Absorption (⊓) (⊔)}. #[export] Existing Instances boundedlattice_join boundedlattice_meet boundedjoin_meet_absorption boundedmeet_join_absorption. Class IsDistributiveLattice := { distr_lattice_lattice : IsLattice ; join_meet_distr_l : LeftDistribute (⊔) (⊓) }. #[export] Existing Instances distr_lattice_lattice join_meet_distr_l. End lattice. Section morphism_classes. Section sgmorphism_classes. Context {A B : Type} {Aop : SgOp A} {Bop : SgOp B} {Aunit : MonUnit A} {Bunit : MonUnit B}. Local Open Scope mc_mult_scope. Class IsSemiGroupPreserving (f : A -> B) := preserves_sg_op : forall x y, f (x * y) = f x * f y. Class IsUnitPreserving (f : A -> B) := preserves_mon_unit : f mon_unit = mon_unit. Class IsMonoidPreserving (f : A -> B) := { monmor_sgmor : IsSemiGroupPreserving f ; monmor_unitmor : IsUnitPreserving f }. #[export] Existing Instances monmor_sgmor monmor_unitmor. End sgmorphism_classes. Section ringmorphism_classes. Context {A B : Type} {Aplus : Plus A} {Bplus : Plus B} {Amult : Mult A} {Bmult : Mult B} {Azero : Zero A} {Bzero : Zero B} {Aone : One A} {Bone : One B}. Class IsSemiRingPreserving (f : A -> B) := { semiringmor_plus_mor : @IsMonoidPreserving A B plus_is_sg_op plus_is_sg_op zero_is_mon_unit zero_is_mon_unit f ; semiringmor_mult_mor : @IsMonoidPreserving A B mult_is_sg_op mult_is_sg_op one_is_mon_unit one_is_mon_unit f }. #[export] Existing Instances semiringmor_plus_mor semiringmor_mult_mor. Context {Aap : Apart A} {Bap : Apart B}. Class IsSemiRingStrongPreserving (f : A -> B) := { strong_semiringmor_sr_mor : IsSemiRingPreserving f ; strong_semiringmor_strong_mor : StrongExtensionality f }. #[export] Existing Instances strong_semiringmor_sr_mor strong_semiringmor_strong_mor. End ringmorphism_classes. Section latticemorphism_classes. Context {A B : Type} {Ajoin : Join A} {Bjoin : Join B} {Ameet : Meet A} {Bmeet : Meet B}. Class IsJoinPreserving (f : A -> B) := join_slmor_sgmor : @IsSemiGroupPreserving A B join_is_sg_op join_is_sg_op f. #[export] Existing Instances join_slmor_sgmor. Class IsMeetPreserving (f : A -> B) := meet_slmor_sgmor : @IsSemiGroupPreserving A B meet_is_sg_op meet_is_sg_op f. #[export] Existing Instances meet_slmor_sgmor. Context {Abottom : Bottom A} {Bbottom : Bottom B}. Class IsBoundedJoinPreserving (f : A -> B) := bounded_join_slmor_monmor : @IsMonoidPreserving A B join_is_sg_op join_is_sg_op bottom_is_mon_unit bottom_is_mon_unit f. #[export] Existing Instances bounded_join_slmor_monmor. Class IsLatticePreserving (f : A -> B) := { latticemor_join_mor : IsJoinPreserving f ; latticemor_meet_mor : IsMeetPreserving f }. #[export] Existing Instances latticemor_join_mor latticemor_meet_mor. End latticemorphism_classes. End morphism_classes. Section jections. Context {A B} (f : A -> B). Class IsInjective := injective : forall x y, f x = f y -> x = y.
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H: IsInjective
x, y: A

x <> y -> f x <> f y
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H: IsInjective
x, y: A

x <> y -> f x <> f y
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H: IsInjective
x, y: A
E1: x <> y
E2: f x = f y

A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H: IsInjective
x, y: A
E1: x <> y
E2: f x = f y

x = y
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H: IsInjective
x, y: A
E1: x <> y
E2: f x = f y

f x = f y
assumption. Qed. End jections. Global Instance isinj_idmap A : @IsInjective A A idmap := fun x y => idmap. #[export] Hint Unfold IsInjective : typeclass_instances. #[export] Instance isinjective_mapinO_tr {A B : Type} (f : A -> B) {p : MapIn (Tr (-1)) f} : IsInjective f := fun x y pfeq => ap pr1 (@center _ (p (f y) (x; pfeq) (y; idpath))). Section strong_injective. Context {A B} {Aap : Apart A} {Bap : Apart B} (f : A -> B) . Class IsStrongInjective := { strong_injective : forall x y, x ≶ y -> f x ≶ f y ; strong_injective_mor : StrongExtensionality f }. End strong_injective. Section extras. Class CutMinusSpec A (cm : CutMinus A) `{Zero A} `{Plus A} `{Le A} := { cut_minus_le : forall x y, y ≤ x -> x ∸ y + y = x ; cut_minus_0 : forall x y, x ≤ y -> x ∸ y = 0 }.
H: Funext
A, B: Type
IsHSet0: IsHSet B
H0: SgOp A
H1: SgOp B
f: A -> B

IsHProp (IsSemiGroupPreserving f)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
IsHSet0: IsHSet B
H0: SgOp A
H1: SgOp B
f: A -> B

IsHProp (IsSemiGroupPreserving f)
unfold IsSemiGroupPreserving; exact _. Defined. Definition issig_IsSemiRingPreserving {A B : Type} `{Plus A, Plus B, Mult A, Mult B, Zero A, Zero B, One A, One B} {f : A -> B} : _ <~> IsSemiRingPreserving f := ltac:(issig). Definition issig_IsMonoidPreserving {A B : Type} `{SgOp A} `{SgOp B} `{MonUnit A} `{MonUnit B} {f : A -> B} : _ <~> IsMonoidPreserving f := ltac:(issig).
H: Funext
A, B: Type
H0: SgOp A
H1: SgOp B
IsHSet0: IsHSet B
H2: MonUnit A
H3: MonUnit B
f: A -> B

IsHProp (IsMonoidPreserving f)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
H0: SgOp A
H1: SgOp B
IsHSet0: IsHSet B
H2: MonUnit A
H3: MonUnit B
f: A -> B

IsHProp (IsMonoidPreserving f)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
H0: SgOp A
H1: SgOp B
IsHSet0: IsHSet B
H2: MonUnit A
H3: MonUnit B
f: A -> B

IsHProp {_ : IsSemiGroupPreserving f & IsUnitPreserving f}
H: Funext
A, B: Type
H0: SgOp A
H1: SgOp B
IsHSet0: IsHSet B
H2: MonUnit A
H3: MonUnit B
f: A -> B

IsHProp (IsSemiGroupPreserving f * IsUnitPreserving f)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
H0: SgOp A
H1: SgOp B
IsHSet0: IsHSet B
H2: MonUnit A
H3: MonUnit B
f: A -> B

IsHProp (IsUnitPreserving f)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
H0: SgOp A
H1: SgOp B
IsHSet0: IsHSet B
H2: MonUnit A
H3: MonUnit B
f: A -> B

IsHProp (f mon_unit = mon_unit)
exact _. Defined.
H: Funext
A, B: Type
IsHSet0: IsHSet B
H0: Plus A
H1: Plus B
H2: Mult A
H3: Mult B
H4: Zero A
H5: Zero B
H6: One A
H7: One B
f: A -> B

IsHProp (IsSemiRingPreserving f)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
IsHSet0: IsHSet B
H0: Plus A
H1: Plus B
H2: Mult A
H3: Mult B
H4: Zero A
H5: Zero B
H6: One A
H7: One B
f: A -> B

IsHProp (IsSemiRingPreserving f)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
IsHSet0: IsHSet B
H0: Plus A
H1: Plus B
H2: Mult A
H3: Mult B
H4: Zero A
H5: Zero B
H6: One A
H7: One B
f: A -> B

IsHProp {_ : IsMonoidPreserving f & IsMonoidPreserving f}
exact _. Defined. Definition issig_issemigroup x y : _ <~> @IsSemiGroup x y := ltac:(issig).
H: Funext

forall (x : Type) (y : SgOp x), IsHProp (IsSemiGroup x)
H: Funext

forall (x : Type) (y : SgOp x), IsHProp (IsSemiGroup x)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a, b: IsSemiGroup x

Contr (a = b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a, b: IsSemiGroup x

Contr (issig_issemigroup x y ((issig_issemigroup x y)^-1 a) = b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a, b: IsSemiGroup x

Contr (issig_issemigroup x y ((issig_issemigroup x y)^-1 a) = issig_issemigroup x y ((issig_issemigroup x y)^-1 b))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a, b: IsSemiGroup x
a':= (issig_issemigroup x y)^-1 a: {_ : IsHSet x & Associative sg_op}

Contr (issig_issemigroup x y a' = issig_issemigroup x y ((issig_issemigroup x y)^-1 b))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a, b: IsSemiGroup x
a':= (issig_issemigroup x y)^-1 a: {_ : IsHSet x & Associative sg_op}
b':= (issig_issemigroup x y)^-1 b: {_ : IsHSet x & Associative sg_op}

Contr (issig_issemigroup x y a' = issig_issemigroup x y b')
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a', b': {_ : IsHSet x & Associative sg_op}

Contr (issig_issemigroup x y a' = issig_issemigroup x y b')
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a', b': {_ : IsHSet x & Associative sg_op}

Contr (a' = b')
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a', b': {_ : IsHSet x & Associative sg_op}

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op))^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op) a') = b')
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a', b': {_ : IsHSet x & Associative sg_op}

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op))^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op) a') = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op))^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op) b'))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a', b': {_ : IsHSet x & Associative sg_op}
a:= equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op) a': (IsHSet x * Associative sg_op)%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op))^-1 a = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op))^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op) b'))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a', b': {_ : IsHSet x & Associative sg_op}
a:= equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op) a': (IsHSet x * Associative sg_op)%type
b:= equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op) b': (IsHSet x * Associative sg_op)%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op))^-1 a = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op))^-1 b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a, b: (IsHSet x * Associative sg_op)%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op))^-1 a = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsHSet x) (Associative sg_op))^-1 b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a, b: (IsHSet x * Associative sg_op)%type

Contr (a = b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a, b: (IsHSet x * Associative sg_op)%type

Contr ((fst a = fst b) * (snd a = snd b))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a, b: (IsHSet x * Associative sg_op)%type

Contr (snd a = snd b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a': IsHSet x
a: Associative sg_op
b': IsHSet x
b: Associative sg_op

Contr (snd (a', a) = snd (b', b))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
a': IsHSet x
a: Associative sg_op
b': IsHSet x
b: Associative sg_op
a0, a1, a2: x

Contr (snd (a', a) a0 a1 a2 = snd (b', b) a0 a1 a2)
exact _. Defined. Definition issig_ismonoid x y z : _ <~> @IsMonoid x y z := ltac:(issig).
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x

IsHProp (IsMonoid x)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x

IsHProp (IsMonoid x)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x

forall x0 y0 : IsMonoid x, Contr (x0 = y0)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a, b: IsMonoid x

Contr (a = b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a, b: IsMonoid x

Contr (issig_ismonoid x y z ((issig_ismonoid x y z)^-1 a) = b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a, b: IsMonoid x

Contr (issig_ismonoid x y z ((issig_ismonoid x y z)^-1 a) = issig_ismonoid x y z ((issig_ismonoid x y z)^-1 b))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a, b: IsMonoid x
a':= (issig_ismonoid x y z)^-1 a: {_ : IsSemiGroup x & {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}}

Contr (issig_ismonoid x y z a' = issig_ismonoid x y z ((issig_ismonoid x y z)^-1 b))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a, b: IsMonoid x
a':= (issig_ismonoid x y z)^-1 a: {_ : IsSemiGroup x & {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}}
b':= (issig_ismonoid x y z)^-1 b: {_ : IsSemiGroup x & {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}}

Contr (issig_ismonoid x y z a' = issig_ismonoid x y z b')
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': {_ : IsSemiGroup x & {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}}

Contr (issig_ismonoid x y z a' = issig_ismonoid x y z b')
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': {_ : IsSemiGroup x & {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}}

Contr (a' = b')
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': {_ : IsSemiGroup x & {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}}

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit} a') = b')
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': {_ : IsSemiGroup x & {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}}

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit} a') = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit} b'))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': {_ : IsSemiGroup x & {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}}
a:= equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit} a': (IsSemiGroup x * {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})^-1 a = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit} b'))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': {_ : IsSemiGroup x & {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}}
a:= equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit} a': (IsSemiGroup x * {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})%type
b:= equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit} b': (IsSemiGroup x * {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})^-1 a = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})^-1 b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a, b: (IsSemiGroup x * {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})^-1 a = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsSemiGroup x) {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})^-1 b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a, b: (IsSemiGroup x * {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})%type

Contr (a = b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a, b: (IsSemiGroup x * {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})%type

Contr ((fst a = fst b) * (snd a = snd b))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a, b: (IsSemiGroup x * {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit})%type

Contr (snd a = snd b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a': IsSemiGroup x
a: {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}
b': IsSemiGroup x
b: {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}

Contr (a = b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a': IsSemiGroup x
a: {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}
b': IsSemiGroup x
b: {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit))^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit) a) = b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a': IsSemiGroup x
a: {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}
b': IsSemiGroup x
b: {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit))^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit) a) = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit))^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit) b))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a': IsSemiGroup x
a: {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}
b': IsSemiGroup x
b: {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}
a'':= equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit) a: (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit * RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit)%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit))^-1 a'' = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit))^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit) b))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a': IsSemiGroup x
a: {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}
b': IsSemiGroup x
b: {_ : LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit & RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit}
a'':= equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit) a: (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit * RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit)%type
b'':= equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit) b: (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit * RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit)%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit))^-1 a'' = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit))^-1 b'')
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': IsSemiGroup x
a'', b'': (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit * RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit)%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit))^-1 a'' = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit) (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit))^-1 b'')
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': IsSemiGroup x
a'', b'': (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit * RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit)%type

Contr (a'' = b'')
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': IsSemiGroup x
a'', b'': (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit * RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit)%type

Contr ((fst a'' = fst b'') * (snd a'' = snd b''))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': IsSemiGroup x
a: LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit
a'': RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit
b: LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit
b'': RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit

Contr ((a = b) * (a'' = b''))
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': IsSemiGroup x
a: LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit
a'': RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit
b: LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit
b'': RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit

Contr (a = b)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': IsSemiGroup x
a: LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit
a'': RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit
b: LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit
b'': RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit
Contr (a'' = b'')
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': IsSemiGroup x
a: LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit
a'': RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit
b: LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit
b'': RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit

Contr (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': IsSemiGroup x
a: LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit
a'': RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit
b: LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit
b'': RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit
Contr (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': IsSemiGroup x
a: LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit
a'': RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit
b: LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit
b'': RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit

IsHProp (LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit)
H: Funext
x: Type
y: SgOp x
z: MonUnit x
a', b': IsSemiGroup x
a: LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit
a'': RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit
b: LeftIdentity sg_op mon_unit
b'': RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit
IsHProp (RightIdentity sg_op mon_unit)
all: srapply istrunc_forall. Defined. Definition issig_isgroup w x y z : _ <~> @IsGroup w x y z := ltac:(issig).
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w

IsHProp (IsGroup w)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w

IsHProp (IsGroup w)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w

forall x0 y0 : IsGroup w, Contr (x0 = y0)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a, b: IsGroup w

Contr (a = b)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a, b: IsGroup w

Contr (issig_isgroup w x y z ((issig_isgroup w x y z)^-1 a) = b)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a, b: IsGroup w

Contr (issig_isgroup w x y z ((issig_isgroup w x y z)^-1 a) = issig_isgroup w x y z ((issig_isgroup w x y z)^-1 b))
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a, b: IsGroup w
a':= (issig_isgroup w x y z)^-1 a: {_ : IsMonoid w & {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}}

Contr (issig_isgroup w x y z a' = issig_isgroup w x y z ((issig_isgroup w x y z)^-1 b))
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a, b: IsGroup w
a':= (issig_isgroup w x y z)^-1 a: {_ : IsMonoid w & {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}}
b':= (issig_isgroup w x y z)^-1 b: {_ : IsMonoid w & {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}}

Contr (issig_isgroup w x y z a' = issig_isgroup w x y z b')
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': {_ : IsMonoid w & {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}}

Contr (issig_isgroup w x y z a' = issig_isgroup w x y z b')
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': {_ : IsMonoid w & {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}}

Contr (a' = b')
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': {_ : IsMonoid w & {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}}

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit} a') = b')
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': {_ : IsMonoid w & {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}}

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit} a') = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit} b'))
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': {_ : IsMonoid w & {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}}
a:= equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit} a': (IsMonoid w * {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})^-1 a = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit} b'))
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': {_ : IsMonoid w & {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}}
a:= equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit} a': (IsMonoid w * {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})%type
b:= equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit} b': (IsMonoid w * {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})^-1 a = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})^-1 b)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a, b: (IsMonoid w * {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})^-1 a = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (IsMonoid w) {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})^-1 b)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a, b: (IsMonoid w * {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})%type

Contr (a = b)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a, b: (IsMonoid w * {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})%type

Contr ((fst a = fst b) * (snd a = snd b))
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a, b: (IsMonoid w * {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit})%type

Contr (snd a = snd b)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a': IsMonoid w
a: {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}
b': IsMonoid w
b: {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}

Contr (a = b)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a': IsMonoid w
a: {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}
b': IsMonoid w
b: {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit))^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) a) = b)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a': IsMonoid w
a: {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}
b': IsMonoid w
b: {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit))^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) a) = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit))^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) b))
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a': IsMonoid w
a: {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}
b': IsMonoid w
b: {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}
a'':= equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) a: (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit * RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit)%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit))^-1 a'' = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit))^-1 (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) b))
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a': IsMonoid w
a: {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}
b': IsMonoid w
b: {_ : LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit & RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit}
a'':= equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) a: (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit * RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit)%type
b'':= equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) b: (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit * RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit)%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit))^-1 a'' = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit))^-1 b'')
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': IsMonoid w
a'', b'': (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit * RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit)%type

Contr ((equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit))^-1 a'' = (equiv_sigma_prod0 (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit) (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit))^-1 b'')
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': IsMonoid w
a'', b'': (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit * RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit)%type

Contr (a'' = b'')
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': IsMonoid w
a'', b'': (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit * RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit)%type

Contr ((fst a'' = fst b'') * (snd a'' = snd b''))
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': IsMonoid w
a: LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
a'': RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
b: LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
b'': RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit

Contr ((a = b) * (a'' = b''))
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': IsMonoid w
a: LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
a'': RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
b: LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
b'': RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit

Contr (a = b)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': IsMonoid w
a: LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
a'': RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
b: LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
b'': RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
Contr (a'' = b'')
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': IsMonoid w
a: LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
a'': RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
b: LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
b'': RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit

Contr (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': IsMonoid w
a: LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
a'': RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
b: LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
b'': RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
Contr (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': IsMonoid w
a: LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
a'': RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
b: LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
b'': RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit

IsHProp (LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit)
H: Funext
w: Type
x: SgOp w
y: MonUnit w
z: Negate w
a', b': IsMonoid w
a: LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
a'': RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
b: LeftInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
b'': RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit
IsHProp (RightInverse sg_op negate mon_unit)
all: srapply istrunc_forall. Defined. End extras.