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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import HSet Colimits.Quotient Spaces.List.Core Classes.interfaces.canonical_names Classes.theory.ua_homomorphism. Local Open Scope list_scope. Import algebra_notations ne_list.notations. Section quotient_algebra. Context `{Funext} {σ : Signature} (A : Algebra σ) (Φ : s, Relation (A s)) `{!IsCongruence A Φ}. (** The quotient algebra carriers is the family of set-quotients induced by [Φ]. *) Definition carriers_quotient_algebra : Carriers σ := λ s, Quotient (Φ s). (** Specialization of [quotient_ind_prop]. Suppose [P : FamilyProd carriers_quotient_algebra w → Type] and [∀ a, IsHProp (P a)]. To show that [P a] holds for all [a : FamilyProd carriers_quotient_algebra w], it is sufficient to show that [P (class_of _ x1, ..., class_of _ xn, tt)] holds for all [(x1, ..., xn, tt) : FamilyProd A w]. *) Fixpoint quotient_ind_prop_family_prod {w : list (Sort σ)} : (P : FamilyProd carriers_quotient_algebra w → Type) `{! a, IsHProp (P a)} (dclass : x, P (map_family_prod (λ s, class_of (Φ s)) x)) (a : FamilyProd carriers_quotient_algebra w), P a := match w with | nil => λ P _ dclass 'tt, dclass tt | s :: w' => λ P _ dclass a, Quotient_ind_hprop (Φ s) (λ a, b, P (a,b)) (λ a, quotient_ind_prop_family_prod (λ c, P (class_of (Φ s) a, c)) (λ c, dclass (a, c))) (fst a) (snd a) end. (** Let [f : Operation A w], [g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w]. If [g] is the quotient algebra operation induced by [f], then we want [ComputeOpQuotient f g] to hold, since then << β (class_of _ a1, class_of _ a2, ..., class_of _ an) = class_of _ (α (a1, a2, ..., an)), >> where [α] is the uncurried [f] operation and [β] is the uncurried [g] operation. *) Definition ComputeOpQuotient {w : SymbolType σ} (f : Operation A w) (g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w) := (a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w)), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation f a). Local Notation QuotOp w := ( (f : Operation A w), OpCompatible A Φ f → g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w, ComputeOpQuotient f g) (only parsing). Local Notation op_qalg_cons q f P x := (q _ (f x) (op_compatible_cons Φ _ _ f x P)).1 (only parsing).
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
q: forall (w : SymbolType σ) (f : Operation A w), OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
s: Sort σ
w: SymbolType σ
f: Operation A (s ::: w)
P: OpCompatible A Φ f
x, y: A s
C: Φ s x y

(q w (f x) (op_compatible_cons Φ s w f x P)).1 = (q w (f y) (op_compatible_cons Φ s w f y P)).1
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
q: forall (w : SymbolType σ) (f : Operation A w), OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
s: Sort σ
w: SymbolType σ
f: Operation A (s ::: w)
P: OpCompatible A Φ f
x, y: A s
C: Φ s x y

(q w (f x) (op_compatible_cons Φ s w f x P)).1 = (q w (f y) (op_compatible_cons Φ s w f y P)).1
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
q: forall (w : SymbolType σ) (f : Operation A w), OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
s: Sort σ
w: SymbolType σ
f: Operation A (s ::: w)
P: OpCompatible A Φ f
x, y: A s
C: Φ s x y

forall a : FamilyProd carriers_quotient_algebra (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (q w (f x) (op_compatible_cons Φ s w f x P)).1 a = ap_operation (q w (f y) (op_compatible_cons Φ s w f y P)).1 a
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
q: forall (w : SymbolType σ) (f : Operation A w), OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
s: Sort σ
w: SymbolType σ
f: Operation A (s ::: w)
P: OpCompatible A Φ f
x, y: A s
C: Φ s x y

forall x0 : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (q w (f x) (op_compatible_cons Φ s w f x P)).1 (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) x0) = ap_operation (q w (f y) (op_compatible_cons Φ s w f y P)).1 (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) x0)
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
q: forall (w : SymbolType σ) (f : Operation A w), OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
s: Sort σ
w: SymbolType σ
f: Operation A (s ::: w)
P: OpCompatible A Φ f
x, y: A s
C: Φ s x y
a: FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w)

ap_operation (q w (f x) (op_compatible_cons Φ s w f x P)).1 (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = ap_operation (q w (f y) (op_compatible_cons Φ s w f y P)).1 (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a)
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
q: forall (w : SymbolType σ) (f : Operation A w), OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
s: Sort σ
w: SymbolType σ
f: Operation A (s ::: w)
P: OpCompatible A Φ f
x, y: A s
C: Φ s x y
a: FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w)
g1: Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w
P1: ComputeOpQuotient (f x) g1

ap_operation (g1; P1).1 (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = ap_operation (q w (f y) (op_compatible_cons Φ s w f y P)).1 (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a)
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
q: forall (w : SymbolType σ) (f : Operation A w), OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
s: Sort σ
w: SymbolType σ
f: Operation A (s ::: w)
P: OpCompatible A Φ f
x, y: A s
C: Φ s x y
a: FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w)
g1: Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w
P1: ComputeOpQuotient (f x) g1
g2: Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w
P2: ComputeOpQuotient (f y) g2

ap_operation (g1; P1).1 (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = ap_operation (g2; P2).1 (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a)
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
q: forall (w : SymbolType σ) (f : Operation A w), OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
s: Sort σ
w: SymbolType σ
f: Operation A (s ::: w)
P: OpCompatible A Φ f
x, y: A s
C: Φ s x y
a: FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w)
g1: Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w
P1: ComputeOpQuotient (f x) g1
g2: Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w
P2: ComputeOpQuotient (f y) g2

class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (f x) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (f y) a)
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
q: forall (w : SymbolType σ) (f : Operation A w), OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
s: Sort σ
w: SymbolType σ
f: Operation A (s ::: w)
P: OpCompatible A Φ f
x, y: A s
C: Φ s x y
a: FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w)
g1: Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w
P1: ComputeOpQuotient (f x) g1
g2: Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w
P2: ComputeOpQuotient (f y) g2

Φ (cod_symboltype w) (ap_operation (f x) a) (ap_operation (f y) a)
exact (P (x,a) (y,a) (C, reflexive_for_all_2_family_prod A Φ a)). Defined. (* Given an operation [f : A s1 → A s2 → ... A sn → A t] and a witness [C : OpCompatible A Φ f], then [op_quotient_algebra f C] is a dependent pair with first component an operation [g : Q s1 → Q s2 → ... Q sn → Q t], where [Q := carriers_quotient_algebra], and second component a proof of [ComputeOpQuotient f g]. The first component [g] is the quotient algebra operation corresponding to [f]. The second component proof of [ComputeOpQuotient f g] is passed to the [op_quotient_algebra_well_def] lemma, which is used to show that the quotient algebra operation [g] is well defined, i.e. that << Φ s1 x1 y1 ∧ Φ s2 x2 y2 ∧ ... ∧ Φ sn xn yn >> implies << g (class_of _ x1) (class_of _ x2) ... (class_of _ xn) = g (class_of _ y1) (class_of _ y2) ... (class_of _ yn). >> *)
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
op_quotient_algebra: forall (w : SymbolType σ) (f : Operation A w), OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
w: SymbolType σ

forall f : Operation A w, OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
op_quotient_algebra: forall (w : SymbolType σ) (f : Operation A w), OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
w: SymbolType σ

forall f : Operation A w, OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
op_quotient_algebra: forall (w : SymbolType σ) (f : Operation A w), OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
w: SymbolType σ
s: Sort σ
w': ne_list (Sort σ)
f: A s -> Operation A w'
P: OpCompatible A Φ f

ComputeOpQuotient f (Quotient_rec (Φ s) (Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w') (λ x : A s, (op_quotient_algebra w' (f x) (op_compatible_cons Φ s w' f x P)).1) (op_quotient_algebra_well_def op_quotient_algebra s w' f P))
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
op_quotient_algebra: forall (w : SymbolType σ) (f : Operation A w), OpCompatible A Φ f -> {g : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w & ComputeOpQuotient f g}
w: SymbolType σ
s: Sort σ
w': ne_list (Sort σ)
f: A s -> Operation A w'
P: OpCompatible A Φ f
x: A s
a: fold_right (λ (i : Sort σ) (A0 : Type), A i * A0) Unit (dom_symboltype w')

ap_operation (Quotient_rec (Φ s) (Operation carriers_quotient_algebra w') (λ x : A s, (op_quotient_algebra w' (f x) (op_compatible_cons Φ s w' f x P)).1) (op_quotient_algebra_well_def op_quotient_algebra s w' f P)) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (x, a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype (s ::: w'))) (ap_operation f (x, a))
apply (op_quotient_algebra w' (f x) (op_compatible_cons Φ s w' f x P)). Defined. Definition ops_quotient_algebra (u : Symbol σ) : Operation carriers_quotient_algebra (σ u) := (op_quotient_algebra u.#A (ops_compatible_cong A Φ u)).1. (** Definition of quotient algebra. See Lemma [compute_op_quotient] below for the computation rule of quotient algebra operations. *) Definition QuotientAlgebra : Algebra σ := BuildAlgebra carriers_quotient_algebra ops_quotient_algebra. (** The quotient algebra carriers are always sets. *)
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ

IsHSetAlgebra QuotientAlgebra
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ

IsHSetAlgebra QuotientAlgebra
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
s: Sort σ

IsHSet (QuotientAlgebra s)
exact _. Qed. (** The following lemma gives the computation rule for the quotient algebra operations. It says that for [(a1, a2, ..., an) : A s1 * A s2 * ... * A sn], << β (class_of _ a1, class_of _ a2, ..., class_of _ an) = class_of _ (α (a1, a2, ..., an)) >> where [α] is the uncurried [u.#A] operation and [β] is the uncurried [u.#QuotientAlgebra] operation. *)
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
u: Symbol σ

ComputeOpQuotient u.#A u.#QuotientAlgebra
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
u: Symbol σ

ComputeOpQuotient u.#A u.#QuotientAlgebra
apply op_quotient_algebra. Defined. End quotient_algebra. Module quotient_algebra_notations. Global Notation "A / Φ" := (QuotientAlgebra A Φ) : Algebra_scope. End quotient_algebra_notations. Import quotient_algebra_notations. (** The next section shows that A/Φ = A/Ψ whenever [Φ s x y <-> Ψ s x y] for all [s], [x], [y]. *) Section path_quotient_algebra. Context {σ : Signature} (A : Algebra σ) (Φ : s, Relation (A s)) { : IsCongruence A Φ} (Ψ : s, Relation (A s)) { : IsCongruence A Ψ}.
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
: IsCongruence A Φ
Ψ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
: IsCongruence A Ψ
H: Funext
p: Φ = Ψ

A / Φ = A / Ψ
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
: IsCongruence A Φ
Ψ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
: IsCongruence A Ψ
H: Funext
p: Φ = Ψ

A / Φ = A / Ψ
by destruct p, (path_ishprop CΦ CΨ). Defined.
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
: IsCongruence A Φ
Ψ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
: IsCongruence A Ψ
H: Univalence
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y <-> Ψ s x y

A / Φ = A / Ψ
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
: IsCongruence A Φ
Ψ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
: IsCongruence A Ψ
H: Univalence
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y <-> Ψ s x y

A / Φ = A / Ψ
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
: IsCongruence A Φ
Ψ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
: IsCongruence A Ψ
H: Univalence
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y <-> Ψ s x y

Φ = Ψ
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
: IsCongruence A Φ
Ψ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
: IsCongruence A Ψ
H: Univalence
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y <-> Ψ s x y
s: Sort σ
x, y: A s

Φ s x y = Ψ s x y
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
: IsCongruence A Φ
Ψ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
: IsCongruence A Ψ
H: Univalence
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y <-> Ψ s x y
s: Sort σ
x, y: A s

Φ s x y <~> Ψ s x y
apply equiv_iff_hprop; apply R. Defined. End path_quotient_algebra. (** The following section defines the quotient homomorphism [hom_quotient : Homomorphism A (A/Φ)]. *) Section hom_quotient. Context `{Funext} {σ} {A : Algebra σ} (Φ : s, Relation (A s)) `{!IsCongruence A Φ}. Definition def_hom_quotient : (s : Sort σ), A s → (A/Φ) s := λ s x, class_of (Φ s) x.
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
H0: Funext
w: SymbolType σ
g: Operation (A / Φ) w
α: Operation A w
G: ComputeOpQuotient A Φ α g

OpPreserving def_hom_quotient α g
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
H0: Funext
w: SymbolType σ
g: Operation (A / Φ) w
α: Operation A w
G: ComputeOpQuotient A Φ α g

OpPreserving def_hom_quotient α g
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
H0: Funext
w: SymbolType σ
g: Operation (A / Φ) w
α: Operation A w
G: forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)

OpPreserving def_hom_quotient α g
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
H0: Funext
t: Sort σ
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t
α: A t
G: Unit -> g = class_of (Φ t) α

def_hom_quotient t α = g
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
H0: Funext
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t -> Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w
α: A t -> Operation A w
G: forall a : A t * FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) (fst a))) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (snd a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α (fst a)) (snd a))
IHw: forall (g : Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w) (α : Operation A w), (forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)) -> OpPreserving def_hom_quotient α g
forall x : A t, OpPreserving def_hom_quotient (α x) (g (def_hom_quotient t x))
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
H0: Funext
t: Sort σ
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t
α: A t
G: Unit -> g = class_of (Φ t) α

def_hom_quotient t α = g
by destruct (G tt)^.
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
H0: Funext
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t -> Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w
α: A t -> Operation A w
G: forall a : A t * FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) (fst a))) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (snd a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α (fst a)) (snd a))
IHw: forall (g : Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w) (α : Operation A w), (forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)) -> OpPreserving def_hom_quotient α g

forall x : A t, OpPreserving def_hom_quotient (α x) (g (def_hom_quotient t x))
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
H0: Funext
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t -> Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w
α: A t -> Operation A w
G: forall a : A t * FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) (fst a))) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (snd a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α (fst a)) (snd a))
IHw: forall (g : Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w) (α : Operation A w), (forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)) -> OpPreserving def_hom_quotient α g
x: A t

OpPreserving def_hom_quotient (α x) (g (def_hom_quotient t x))
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
H0: Funext
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t -> Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w
α: A t -> Operation A w
G: forall a : A t * FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) (fst a))) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (snd a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α (fst a)) (snd a))
IHw: forall (g : Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w) (α : Operation A w), (forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)) -> OpPreserving def_hom_quotient α g
x: A t

forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (def_hom_quotient t x)) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α x) a)
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
H0: Funext
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t -> Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w
α: A t -> Operation A w
G: forall a : A t * FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) (fst a))) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (snd a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α (fst a)) (snd a))
IHw: forall (g : Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w) (α : Operation A w), (forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)) -> OpPreserving def_hom_quotient α g
x: A t
a: FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w)

ap_operation (g (def_hom_quotient t x)) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α x) a)
apply (G (x,a)). Defined.
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
H0: Funext

IsHomomorphism def_hom_quotient
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
H0: Funext

IsHomomorphism def_hom_quotient
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
H0: Funext
u: Symbol σ

OpPreserving def_hom_quotient u.#A u.#(A / Φ)
apply oppreserving_quotient, compute_op_quotient. Defined. Definition hom_quotient : Homomorphism A (A/Φ) := BuildHomomorphism def_hom_quotient.
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ

forall s : Sort σ, ReflectiveSubuniverse.IsConnMap (Tr (-1)) (hom_quotient s)
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ

forall s : Sort σ, ReflectiveSubuniverse.IsConnMap (Tr (-1)) (hom_quotient s)
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
s: Sort σ

ReflectiveSubuniverse.IsConnMap (Tr (-1)) (hom_quotient s)
apply issurj_class_of. Qed. End hom_quotient. (** If [Φ s x y] implies [x = y], then homomorphism [hom_quotient Φ] is an isomorphism. *)
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
P: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> x = y

IsIsomorphism (hom_quotient Φ)
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
P: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> x = y

IsIsomorphism (hom_quotient Φ)
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
P: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> x = y
s: Sort σ

IsEquiv (hom_quotient Φ s)
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
P: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> x = y
s: Sort σ

IsEmbedding (hom_quotient Φ s)
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
P: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> x = y
s: Sort σ

isinj (hom_quotient Φ s)
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
P: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> x = y
s: Sort σ
x, y: A s
p: hom_quotient Φ s x = hom_quotient Φ s y

x = y
by apply P, (related_quotient_paths (Φ s)). Qed. (** This section develops the universal mapping property [ump_quotient_algebra] of the quotient algebra. *) Section ump_quotient_algebra. Context `{Univalence} {σ} {A B : Algebra σ} `{!IsHSetAlgebra B} (Φ : s, Relation (A s)) `{!IsCongruence A Φ}. (** In the nested section below we show that if [f : Homomorphism A B] maps elements related by [Φ] to equal elements, there is a [Homomorphism (A/Φ) B] out of the quotient algebra satisfying [compute_quotient_algebra_mapout] below. *) Section quotient_algebra_mapout. Context (f : Homomorphism A B) (R : s (x y : A s), Φ s x y → f s x = f s y). Definition def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout : (s : Sort σ), (A/Φ) s → B s := λ s, (equiv_quotient_ump (Φ s) (Build_HSet (B s)))^-1 (f s; R s).
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
w: SymbolType σ
g: Operation (A / Φ) w
α: Operation A w
β: Operation B w
G: ComputeOpQuotient A Φ α g
P: OpPreserving f α β

OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout g β
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
w: SymbolType σ
g: Operation (A / Φ) w
α: Operation A w
β: Operation B w
G: ComputeOpQuotient A Φ α g
P: OpPreserving f α β

OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout g β
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
w: SymbolType σ
g: Operation (A / Φ) w
α: Operation A w
β: Operation B w
G: forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)
P: OpPreserving f α β

OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout g β
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
t: Sort σ
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t
α: A t
β: B t
G: Unit -> g = class_of (Φ t) α
P: f t α = β

Quotient_rec (Φ t) (B t) (f t) (R t) g = β
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t -> Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w
α: A t -> Operation A w
β: B t -> Operation B w
G: forall a : A t * FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) (fst a))) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (snd a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α (fst a)) (snd a))
P: forall x : A t, OpPreserving f (α x) (β (f t x))
IHw: forall (g : Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w) (α : Operation A w) (β : Operation B w), (forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)) -> OpPreserving f α β -> OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout g β
forall x : carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t, OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout (g x) (β (Quotient_rec (Φ t) (B t) (f t) (R t) x))
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
t: Sort σ
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t
α: A t
β: B t
G: Unit -> g = class_of (Φ t) α
P: f t α = β

Quotient_rec (Φ t) (B t) (f t) (R t) g = β
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
t: Sort σ
α: A t
β: B t
G: Unit -> class_of (Φ t) α = class_of (Φ t) α
P: f t α = β

Quotient_rec (Φ t) (B t) (f t) (R t) (class_of (Φ t) α) = β
apply P.
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t -> Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w
α: A t -> Operation A w
β: B t -> Operation B w
G: forall a : A t * FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) (fst a))) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (snd a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α (fst a)) (snd a))
P: forall x : A t, OpPreserving f (α x) (β (f t x))
IHw: forall (g : Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w) (α : Operation A w) (β : Operation B w), (forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)) -> OpPreserving f α β -> OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout g β

forall x : carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t, OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout (g x) (β (Quotient_rec (Φ t) (B t) (f t) (R t) x))
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t -> Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w
α: A t -> Operation A w
β: B t -> Operation B w
G: forall a : A t * FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) (fst a))) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (snd a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α (fst a)) (snd a))
P: forall x : A t, OpPreserving f (α x) (β (f t x))
IHw: forall (g : Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w) (α : Operation A w) (β : Operation B w), (forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)) -> OpPreserving f α β -> OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout g β

forall x : A t, OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout (g (class_of (Φ t) x)) (β (Quotient_rec (Φ t) (B t) (f t) (R t) (class_of (Φ t) x)))
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t -> Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w
α: A t -> Operation A w
β: B t -> Operation B w
G: forall a : A t * FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) (fst a))) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (snd a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α (fst a)) (snd a))
P: forall x : A t, OpPreserving f (α x) (β (f t x))
IHw: forall (g : Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w) (α : Operation A w) (β : Operation B w), (forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)) -> OpPreserving f α β -> OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout g β
x: A t

OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout (g (class_of (Φ t) x)) (β (Quotient_rec (Φ t) (B t) (f t) (R t) (class_of (Φ t) x)))
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t -> Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w
α: A t -> Operation A w
β: B t -> Operation B w
G: forall a : A t * FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) (fst a))) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (snd a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α (fst a)) (snd a))
P: forall x : A t, OpPreserving f (α x) (β (f t x))
IHw: forall (g : Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w) (α : Operation A w) (β : Operation B w), (forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)) -> OpPreserving f α β -> OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout g β
x: A t

forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) x)) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α x) a)
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t -> Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w
α: A t -> Operation A w
β: B t -> Operation B w
G: forall a : A t * FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) (fst a))) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (snd a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α (fst a)) (snd a))
P: forall x : A t, OpPreserving f (α x) (β (f t x))
IHw: forall (g : Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w) (α : Operation A w) (β : Operation B w), (forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)) -> OpPreserving f α β -> OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout g β
x: A t
OpPreserving f (α x) (β (f t x))
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t -> Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w
α: A t -> Operation A w
β: B t -> Operation B w
G: forall a : A t * FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) (fst a))) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (snd a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α (fst a)) (snd a))
P: forall x : A t, OpPreserving f (α x) (β (f t x))
IHw: forall (g : Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w) (α : Operation A w) (β : Operation B w), (forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)) -> OpPreserving f α β -> OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout g β
x: A t

forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) x)) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α x) a)
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t -> Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w
α: A t -> Operation A w
β: B t -> Operation B w
G: forall a : A t * FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) (fst a))) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (snd a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α (fst a)) (snd a))
P: forall x : A t, OpPreserving f (α x) (β (f t x))
IHw: forall (g : Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w) (α : Operation A w) (β : Operation B w), (forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)) -> OpPreserving f α β -> OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout g β
x: A t
a: FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w)

ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) x)) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α x) a)
apply (G (x,a)).
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
g: carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ t -> Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w
α: A t -> Operation A w
β: B t -> Operation B w
G: forall a : A t * FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation (g (class_of (Φ t) (fst a))) (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) (snd a)) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation (α (fst a)) (snd a))
P: forall x : A t, OpPreserving f (α x) (β (f t x))
IHw: forall (g : Operation (carriers_quotient_algebra A Φ) w) (α : Operation A w) (β : Operation B w), (forall a : FamilyProd A (dom_symboltype w), ap_operation g (map_family_prod (λ s : Sort σ, class_of (Φ s)) a) = class_of (Φ (cod_symboltype w)) (ap_operation α a)) -> OpPreserving f α β -> OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout g β
x: A t

OpPreserving f (α x) (β (f t x))
apply P. Defined.
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y

IsHomomorphism def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y

IsHomomorphism def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
u: Symbol σ

OpPreserving def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout u.#(A / Φ) u.#B
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
u: Symbol σ

ComputeOpQuotient A Φ u.#(A / Φ)
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
u: Symbol σ
OpPreserving f u.#B
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
u: Symbol σ

ComputeOpQuotient A Φ u.#(A / Φ)
apply compute_op_quotient.
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y
u: Symbol σ

OpPreserving f u.#A u.#B
apply f. Defined. Definition hom_quotient_algebra_mapout : Homomorphism (A/Φ) B := BuildHomomorphism def_hom_quotient_algebra_mapout. (** The computation rule for [hom_quotient_algebra_mapout] is << hom_quotient_algebra_mapout s (class_of (Φ s) x) = f s x. >> *)
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y

forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), hom_quotient_algebra_mapout s (class_of (Φ s) x) = f s x
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y

forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), hom_quotient_algebra_mapout s (class_of (Φ s) x) = f s x
reflexivity. Defined. End quotient_algebra_mapout. Definition hom_quotient_algebra_mapin (g : Homomorphism (A/Φ) B) : Homomorphism A B := hom_compose g (hom_quotient Φ).
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ

{f : Homomorphism A B & forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y} -> Homomorphism (A / Φ) B
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ

{f : Homomorphism A B & forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y} -> Homomorphism (A / Φ) B
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
P: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y

Homomorphism (A / Φ) B
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
f: Homomorphism A B
P: forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y

IsHomomorphism (hom_quotient_algebra_mapout f P)
exact _. Defined.
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ

Homomorphism (A / Φ) B -> {f : Homomorphism A B & forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y}
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ

Homomorphism (A / Φ) B -> {f : Homomorphism A B & forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y}
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
g: Homomorphism (A / Φ) B

{f : Homomorphism A B & forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y}
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
g: Homomorphism (A / Φ) B

forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> hom_quotient_algebra_mapin g s x = hom_quotient_algebra_mapin g s y
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
g: Homomorphism (A / Φ) B
s: Sort σ
x, y: A s
E: Φ s x y

hom_quotient_algebra_mapin g s x = hom_quotient_algebra_mapin g s y
exact (transport (λ z, g s (class_of (Φ s) x) = g s z) (qglue E) idpath). Defined. (** The universal mapping property of the quotient algebra. For each homomorphism [f : Homomorphism A B], mapping elements related by [Φ] to equal elements, there is a unique homomorphism [g : Homomorphism (A/Φ) B] satisfying << f = hom_compose g (hom_quotient Φ). >> *)
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ

{f : Homomorphism A B & forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y} <~> Homomorphism (A / Φ) B
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ

{f : Homomorphism A B & forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y} <~> Homomorphism (A / Φ) B
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ

(λ x : Homomorphism (A / Φ) B, ump_quotient_algebra_lr (ump_quotient_algebra_rl x)) == idmap
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
(λ x : {f : Homomorphism A B & forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y}, ump_quotient_algebra_rl (ump_quotient_algebra_lr x)) == idmap
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ

(λ x : Homomorphism (A / Φ) B, ump_quotient_algebra_lr (ump_quotient_algebra_rl x)) == idmap
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
G: Homomorphism (A / Φ) B

ump_quotient_algebra_lr (ump_quotient_algebra_rl G) = G
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
G: Homomorphism (A / Φ) B

ump_quotient_algebra_lr (ump_quotient_algebra_rl G) = G
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
G: Homomorphism (A / Φ) B
s: Sort σ

ump_quotient_algebra_lr (ump_quotient_algebra_rl G) s = G s
exact (eissect (equiv_quotient_ump (Φ s) _) (G s)).
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ

(λ x : {f : Homomorphism A B & forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y}, ump_quotient_algebra_rl (ump_quotient_algebra_lr x)) == idmap
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
F: {f : Homomorphism A B & forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y}

ump_quotient_algebra_rl (ump_quotient_algebra_lr F) = F
H: Univalence
σ: Signature
A, B: Algebra σ
IsHSetAlgebra0: IsHSetAlgebra B
Φ: forall s : Sort σ, Relation (A s)
IsCongruence0: IsCongruence A Φ
F: {f : Homomorphism A B & forall (s : Sort σ) (x y : A s), Φ s x y -> f s x = f s y}

(ump_quotient_algebra_rl (ump_quotient_algebra_lr F)).1 = F.1
by apply path_hset_homomorphism. Defined. End ump_quotient_algebra.