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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Import algebra_notations ne_list.notations. Section closed_under_op. Context `{Funext} {σ} (A : Algebra σ) (P : s, A s → Type). (** Let [α : A s1 → A s2 → ... → A sn → A t] be an algebra operation. Then [P] satisfies [ClosedUnderOp α] iff for [x1 : A s1], [x2 : A s2], ..., [xn : A sn], << P s1 x1 ∧ P s2 x2 ∧ ... ∧ P sn xn >> implies << P t (α x1 x2 ... xn) >> *) Fixpoint ClosedUnderOp {w : SymbolType σ} : Operation A w → Type := match w with | [:s:] => P s | s ::: w' => λ (α : A s → Operation A w'), (x : A s), P s x → ClosedUnderOp (α x) end.
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
n: trunc_index
H0: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), IsTrunc n (P s x)
w: SymbolType σ
α: Operation A w

IsTrunc n (ClosedUnderOp α)
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
n: trunc_index
H0: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), IsTrunc n (P s x)
w: SymbolType σ
α: Operation A w

IsTrunc n (ClosedUnderOp α)
induction w; cbn; exact _. Qed. Definition IsClosedUnderOps : Type := (u : Symbol σ), ClosedUnderOp u.#A.
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
n: trunc_index
H0: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), IsTrunc n (P s x)

IsTrunc n IsClosedUnderOps
H: Funext
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
n: trunc_index
H0: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), IsTrunc n (P s x)

IsTrunc n IsClosedUnderOps
apply istrunc_forall. Qed. End closed_under_op. (** [P : ∀ s, A s → Type] is a subalgebra predicate if it is closed under operations [IsClosedUnderOps A P] and [P s x] is an h-prop. *) Section subalgebra_predicate. Context {σ} (A : Algebra σ) (P : s, A s → Type). Class IsSubalgebraPredicate := BuildIsSubalgebraPredicate { hprop_subalgebra_predicate : s x, IsHProp (P s x); is_closed_under_ops_subalgebra_predicate : IsClosedUnderOps A P }.
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
H: Funext

IsHProp IsSubalgebraPredicate
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
H: Funext

IsHProp IsSubalgebraPredicate
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
H: Funext

forall x y : IsSubalgebraPredicate, x = y
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
H: Funext
x1: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), IsHProp (P s x)
x2: IsClosedUnderOps A P
y1: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), IsHProp (P s x)
y2: IsClosedUnderOps A P

{| hprop_subalgebra_predicate := x1; is_closed_under_ops_subalgebra_predicate := x2 |} = {| hprop_subalgebra_predicate := y1; is_closed_under_ops_subalgebra_predicate := y2 |}
by destruct (path_ishprop x1 y1), (path_ishprop x2 y2). Defined. End subalgebra_predicate. Global Arguments BuildIsSubalgebraPredicate {σ A P hprop_subalgebra_predicate}. Global Existing Instance hprop_subalgebra_predicate. (** The next section defines subalgebra. *) Section subalgebra. Context {σ : Signature} (A : Algebra σ) (P : s, A s → Type) `{!IsSubalgebraPredicate A P}. (** The subalgebra carriers is the family of subtypes defined by [P]. *) Definition carriers_subalgebra : Carriers σ := λ (s : Sort σ), {x | P s x}. (** Let [α : A s1 → ... → A sn → A t] be an operation and let [C : ClosedUnderOp A P α]. The corresponding subalgebra operation [op_subalgebra α C : (A&P) s1 → ... → (A&P) sn → (A&P) t] is given by << op_subalgebra α C (x1; p1) ... (xn; pn) = (α x1 ... xn; C x1 p1 x2 p2 ... xn pn). >> *) Fixpoint op_subalgebra {w : SymbolType σ} : (α : Operation A w), ClosedUnderOp A P α → Operation carriers_subalgebra w := match w with | [:t:] => λ α c, (α; c) | s ::: w' => λ α c x, op_subalgebra (α x.1) (c x.1 x.2) end. (** The subalgebra operations [ops_subalgebra] are defined in terms of [op_subalgebra]. *) Definition ops_subalgebra (u : Symbol σ) : Operation carriers_subalgebra (σ u) := op_subalgebra u.#A (is_closed_under_ops_subalgebra_predicate A P u). Definition Subalgebra : Algebra σ := BuildAlgebra carriers_subalgebra ops_subalgebra.
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
n: trunc_index
IsTruncAlgebra0: IsTruncAlgebra n.+1 A

IsTruncAlgebra n.+1 Subalgebra
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
n: trunc_index
IsTruncAlgebra0: IsTruncAlgebra n.+1 A

IsTruncAlgebra n.+1 Subalgebra
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
n: trunc_index
IsTruncAlgebra0: IsTruncAlgebra n.+1 A
X: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), IsHProp (P s x)

IsTruncAlgebra n.+1 Subalgebra
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
n: trunc_index
IsTruncAlgebra0: IsTruncAlgebra n.+1 A
X: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), IsHProp (P s x)
s: Sort σ

IsTrunc n.+1 (Subalgebra s)
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
n: trunc_index
IsTruncAlgebra0: IsTruncAlgebra n.+1 A
X: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), IsHProp (P s x)
s: Sort σ

IsTrunc n.+1 (A s)
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
n: trunc_index
IsTruncAlgebra0: IsTruncAlgebra n.+1 A
X: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), IsHProp (P s x)
s: Sort σ
forall a : A s, IsTrunc n.+1 (P s a)
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
n: trunc_index
IsTruncAlgebra0: IsTruncAlgebra n.+1 A
X: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), IsHProp (P s x)
s: Sort σ

IsTrunc n.+1 (A s)
exact _.
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
n: trunc_index
IsTruncAlgebra0: IsTruncAlgebra n.+1 A
X: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), IsHProp (P s x)
s: Sort σ

forall a : A s, IsTrunc n.+1 (P s a)
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
n: trunc_index
IsTruncAlgebra0: IsTruncAlgebra n.+1 A
X: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), IsHProp (P s x)
s: Sort σ
a: A s

IsTrunc n.+1 (P s a)
induction n; exact _. Qed. End subalgebra. Module subalgebra_notations. Notation "A && P" := (Subalgebra A P) : Algebra_scope. End subalgebra_notations. Import subalgebra_notations. (** The following section defines the inclusion homomorphism [Homomorphism (A&P) A], and some related results. *) Section hom_inc_subalgebra. Context {σ : Signature} (A : Algebra σ) (P : s, A s → Type) `{!IsSubalgebraPredicate A P}. Definition def_inc_subalgebra (s : Sort σ) : (A&&P) s → A s := pr1.
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
w: SymbolType σ
α: Operation A w
C: ClosedUnderOp A P α

OpPreserving def_inc_subalgebra (op_subalgebra A P α C) α
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
w: SymbolType σ
α: Operation A w
C: ClosedUnderOp A P α

OpPreserving def_inc_subalgebra (op_subalgebra A P α C) α
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
t: Sort σ
α: Operation A [:t:]
C: ClosedUnderOp A P α

OpPreserving def_inc_subalgebra (op_subalgebra A P α C) α
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
α: Operation A (t ::: w)
C: ClosedUnderOp A P α
IHw: forall (α : Operation A w) (C : ClosedUnderOp A P α), OpPreserving def_inc_subalgebra (op_subalgebra A P α C) α
OpPreserving def_inc_subalgebra (op_subalgebra A P α C) α
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
t: Sort σ
α: Operation A [:t:]
C: ClosedUnderOp A P α

OpPreserving def_inc_subalgebra (op_subalgebra A P α C) α
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
α: Operation A (t ::: w)
C: ClosedUnderOp A P α
IHw: forall (α : Operation A w) (C : ClosedUnderOp A P α), OpPreserving def_inc_subalgebra (op_subalgebra A P α C) α

OpPreserving def_inc_subalgebra (op_subalgebra A P α C) α
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
t: Sort σ
w: ne_list (Sort σ)
α: Operation A (t ::: w)
C: ClosedUnderOp A P α
IHw: forall (α : Operation A w) (C : ClosedUnderOp A P α), OpPreserving def_inc_subalgebra (op_subalgebra A P α C) α
x: (A && P) t

OpPreserving def_inc_subalgebra (op_subalgebra A P α C x) (α (def_inc_subalgebra t x))
apply IHw. Defined.
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P

IsHomomorphism def_inc_subalgebra
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P

IsHomomorphism def_inc_subalgebra
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
u: Symbol σ

OpPreserving def_inc_subalgebra u.#(A && P) u.#A
apply oppreserving_inc_subalgebra. Defined. Definition hom_inc_subalgebra : Homomorphism (A&&P) A := BuildHomomorphism def_inc_subalgebra.
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
improper: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), P s x

IsIsomorphism hom_inc_subalgebra
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
improper: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), P s x

IsIsomorphism hom_inc_subalgebra
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
improper: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), P s x
s: Sort σ

IsEquiv (hom_inc_subalgebra s)
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
improper: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), P s x
s: Sort σ

(λ x : A s, hom_inc_subalgebra s (x; improper s x)) == idmap
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
improper: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), P s x
s: Sort σ
(λ x : {x : _ & P s x}, (hom_inc_subalgebra s x; improper s (hom_inc_subalgebra s x))) == idmap
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
improper: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), P s x
s: Sort σ

(λ x : A s, hom_inc_subalgebra s (x; improper s x)) == idmap
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
improper: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), P s x
s: Sort σ
x: A s

hom_inc_subalgebra s (x; improper s x) = x
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
improper: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), P s x
s: Sort σ

(λ x : {x : _ & P s x}, (hom_inc_subalgebra s x; improper s (hom_inc_subalgebra s x))) == idmap
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
IsSubalgebraPredicate0: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
improper: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), P s x
s: Sort σ
x: {x : _ & P s x}

(hom_inc_subalgebra s x; improper s (hom_inc_subalgebra s x)) = x
by apply path_sigma_hprop. Qed. End hom_inc_subalgebra. (** The next section provides paths between subalgebras. These paths are convenient to have because the implicit type-class argument [IsClosedUnderOps] of [Subalgebra] is complicating things. *) Section path_subalgebra. Context {σ : Signature} (A : Algebra σ) (P : s, A s → Type) {CP : IsSubalgebraPredicate A P} (Q : s, A s → Type) {CQ : IsSubalgebraPredicate A Q}.
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
CP: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
Q: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
CQ: IsSubalgebraPredicate A Q
H: Funext
p: P = Q

A && P = A && Q
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
CP: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
Q: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
CQ: IsSubalgebraPredicate A Q
H: Funext
p: P = Q

A && P = A && Q
by destruct p, (path_ishprop CP CQ). Defined.
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
CP: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
Q: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
CQ: IsSubalgebraPredicate A Q
H: Univalence
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), P s x <-> Q s x

A && P = A && Q
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
CP: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
Q: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
CQ: IsSubalgebraPredicate A Q
H: Univalence
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), P s x <-> Q s x

A && P = A && Q
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
CP: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
Q: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
CQ: IsSubalgebraPredicate A Q
H: Univalence
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), P s x <-> Q s x

P = Q
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
CP: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
Q: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
CQ: IsSubalgebraPredicate A Q
H: Univalence
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), P s x <-> Q s x
s: Sort σ
x: A s

P s x = Q s x
σ: Signature
A: Algebra σ
P: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
CP: IsSubalgebraPredicate A P
Q: forall s : Sort σ, A s -> Type
CQ: IsSubalgebraPredicate A Q
H: Univalence
R: forall (s : Sort σ) (x : A s), P s x <-> Q s x
s: Sort σ
x: A s

IsEquiv (fst (R s x))
apply (equiv_equiv_iff_hprop _ _ (R s x)). Defined. End path_subalgebra.