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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Basics.Tactics. Require Import Basics.PathGroupoids. Require Import Types.Paths. Require Import Colimits.Coeq. Require Import Cubical.DPath. Require Import WildCat.Core. Require Import WildCat.Displayed. Require Import WildCat.Equiv. Require Import WildCat.EquivGpd. Require Import WildCat.Forall. Require Import WildCat.Paths. Require Import WildCat.ZeroGroupoid. (** Using wild 0-groupoids, the universal property can be proven without funext. A simple equivalence of 0-groupoids between [Coeq f g -> P] and [{ h : A -> P & h o f == h o g }] would not carry all the higher-dimensional information, but if we generalize it to dependent functions, then it does suffice. *) Section UnivProp. Context {B A : Type} (f g : B -> A) (P : Coeq f g -> Type). (** This allows Coq to infer 0-groupoid structures of the form [@isgraph_forall C P (fun c => isgraph_paths (P c))] on any type of the form [forall c, P c]. *) Local Existing Instances isgraph_forall is01cat_forall is0gpd_forall | 1. Local Existing Instances isgraph_total is01cat_total is0gpd_total | 1. Local Existing Instances isgraph_paths is01cat_paths is0gpd_paths | 2. (** The codomain of the equivalence is a sigma-groupoid of this family. *) Definition Coeq_ind_data (h : forall a : A, P (coeq a)) := forall b : B, DPath P (cglue b) (h (f b)) (h (g b)). (** We consider [Coeq_ind_data] to be a displayed 0-groupoid, where objects over [h : forall a : A, P (coeq a)] are dependent paths as defined above and morphisms over [p : h == k] are witnesses that p commutes with the homotopies over [h] and [k]. *)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

IsDGraph Coeq_ind_data
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

IsDGraph Coeq_ind_data
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
p: h $-> k
r: Coeq_ind_data h
s: Coeq_ind_data k

exact (forall b, ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)) @ s b = r b @ p (g b)). Defined.
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

IsD01Cat Coeq_ind_data
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

IsD01Cat Coeq_ind_data
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

forall (a : forall a : A, P (coeq a)) (a' : Coeq_ind_data a), DHom (Id a) a' a'
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
forall (a : forall a : A, P (coeq a)) (b c : forall a0 : A, P (coeq a0)) (g0 : b $-> c) (f0 : a $-> b) (a' : Coeq_ind_data a) (b' : Coeq_ind_data b) (c' : Coeq_ind_data c), DHom g0 b' c' -> DHom f0 a' b' -> DHom (g0 $o f0) a' c'
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

forall (a : forall a : A, P (coeq a)) (a' : Coeq_ind_data a), DHom (Id a) a' a'
intros h h' b; exact (concat_1p_p1 _).
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

forall (a : forall a : A, P (coeq a)) (b c : forall a0 : A, P (coeq a0)) (g0 : b $-> c) (f0 : a $-> b) (a' : Coeq_ind_data a) (b' : Coeq_ind_data b) (c' : Coeq_ind_data c), DHom g0 b' c' -> DHom f0 a' b' -> DHom (g0 $o f0) a' c'
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k, j: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
p: k $-> j
q: h $-> k
h': Coeq_ind_data h
k': Coeq_ind_data k
j': Coeq_ind_data j
p': DHom p k' j'
q': DHom q h' k'
b: B

ap (transport P (cglue b)) ((p $o q) (f b)) @ j' b = h' b @ (p $o q) (g b)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k, j: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
p: k $-> j
q: h $-> k
h': Coeq_ind_data h
k': Coeq_ind_data k
j': Coeq_ind_data j
p': DHom p k' j'
q': DHom q h' k'
b: B

ap (transport P (cglue b)) (q (f b)) @ (ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)) @ j' b) = h' b @ (p $o q) (g b)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k, j: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
p: k $-> j
q: h $-> k
h': Coeq_ind_data h
k': Coeq_ind_data k
j': Coeq_ind_data j
p': DHom p k' j'
q': DHom q h' k'
b: B

ap (transport P (cglue b)) (q (f b)) @ (k' b @ p (g b)) = h' b @ (p $o q) (g b)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k, j: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
p: k $-> j
q: h $-> k
h': Coeq_ind_data h
k': Coeq_ind_data k
j': Coeq_ind_data j
p': DHom p k' j'
q': DHom q h' k'
b: B

(ap (transport P (cglue b)) (q (f b)) @ k' b) @ p (g b) = h' b @ (p $o q) (g b)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k, j: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
p: k $-> j
q: h $-> k
h': Coeq_ind_data h
k': Coeq_ind_data k
j': Coeq_ind_data j
p': DHom p k' j'
q': DHom q h' k'
b: B

(h' b @ q (g b)) @ p (g b) = h' b @ (p $o q) (g b)
nrapply concat_pp_p. Defined.
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

IsD0Gpd Coeq_ind_data
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

IsD0Gpd Coeq_ind_data
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
p: h $== k
r: Coeq_ind_data h
s: Coeq_ind_data k
p': DHom p r s
b: B

ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p^$ (f b)) @ r b = s b @ p^$ (g b)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
p: h $== k
r: Coeq_ind_data h
s: Coeq_ind_data k
p': DHom p r s
b: B

(ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)))^ @ r b = s b @ p^$ (g b)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
p: h $== k
r: Coeq_ind_data h
s: Coeq_ind_data k
p': DHom p r s
b: B

((ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)))^ @ r b) @ p (g b) = s b
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
p: h $== k
r: Coeq_ind_data h
s: Coeq_ind_data k
p': DHom p r s
b: B

(ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)))^ @ (r b @ p (g b)) = s b
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
p: h $== k
r: Coeq_ind_data h
s: Coeq_ind_data k
p': DHom p r s
b: B

(ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)))^ @ (ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)) @ s b) = s b
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
p: h $== k
r: Coeq_ind_data h
s: Coeq_ind_data k
p': DHom p r s
b: B

((ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)))^ @ ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b))) @ s b = s b
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
p: h $== k
r: Coeq_ind_data h
s: Coeq_ind_data k
p': DHom p r s
b: B

1 @ s b = s b
nrapply concat_1p. Defined. (** Here is the functor. The domain is the fully-applied type of [Coeq_ind]: sections of [P] over [Coeq f g]. The codomain consists of input data for [Coeq_ind] given a 0-groupoid structure via [is0gpd_total]. *)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

(forall z : Coeq f g, P z) -> {x : _ & Coeq_ind_data x}
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

(forall z : Coeq f g, P z) -> {x : _ & Coeq_ind_data x}
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h: forall z : Coeq f g, P z

{x : _ & Coeq_ind_data x}
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h: forall z : Coeq f g, P z

Coeq_ind_data (fun x : A => h (coeq x))
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
b: B

DPath P (cglue b) (h (coeq (f b))) (h (coeq (g b)))
exact (apD h (cglue b)). Defined. (** Use [Set Printing Implicit] to see the 0-groupoid structures described above. *)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

Is0Functor Coeq_ind_inv
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

Is0Functor Coeq_ind_inv
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

forall a b : forall z : Coeq f g, P z, (a $-> b) -> Coeq_ind_inv a $-> Coeq_ind_inv b
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
p: h $-> k

Coeq_ind_inv h $-> Coeq_ind_inv k
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
p: h $-> k

DHom (fun x : A => p (coeq x)) (Coeq_ind_inv h).2 (Coeq_ind_inv k).2
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
p: h $-> k
b: B

ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (coeq (f b))) @ (Coeq_ind_inv k).2 b = (Coeq_ind_inv h).2 b @ p (coeq (g b))
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
p: h $-> k
b: B

(ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (coeq (f b))) @ (Coeq_ind_inv k).2 b) @ (p (coeq (g b)))^ = apD h (cglue b)
exact ((apD_homotopic p (cglue b))^). Defined.
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

IsSurjInj Coeq_ind_inv
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

IsSurjInj Coeq_ind_inv
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

SplEssSurj Coeq_ind_inv
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
forall x y : forall z : Coeq f g, P z, Coeq_ind_inv x $== Coeq_ind_inv y -> x $== y
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

SplEssSurj Coeq_ind_inv
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
r: Coeq_ind_data h

{a : forall z : Coeq f g, P z & Coeq_ind_inv a $== (h; r)}
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
r: Coeq_ind_data h

Coeq_ind_inv (Coeq_ind P h r) $== (h; r)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
r: Coeq_ind_data h

DHom (fun a : A => 1) (Coeq_ind_inv (Coeq_ind P h r)).2 r
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
r: Coeq_ind_data h
b: B

ap (transport P (cglue b)) 1 @ r b = (Coeq_ind_inv (Coeq_ind P h r)).2 b @ 1
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
r: Coeq_ind_data h
b: B

r b = apD (Coeq_ind P h r) (cglue b)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h: forall a : A, P (coeq a)
r: Coeq_ind_data h
b: B

apD (Coeq_ind P h r) (cglue b) = r b
nrapply Coeq_ind_beta_cglue.
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

forall x y : forall z : Coeq f g, P z, Coeq_ind_inv x $== Coeq_ind_inv y -> x $== y
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
p: (Coeq_ind_inv h).1 $-> (Coeq_ind_inv k).1
p': DHom p (Coeq_ind_inv h).2 (Coeq_ind_inv k).2

h $== k
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
p: (Coeq_ind_inv h).1 $-> (Coeq_ind_inv k).1
p': DHom p (Coeq_ind_inv h).2 (Coeq_ind_inv k).2

forall a : A, (fun w : Coeq f g => h w $-> k w) (coeq a)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
p: (Coeq_ind_inv h).1 $-> (Coeq_ind_inv k).1
p': DHom p (Coeq_ind_inv h).2 (Coeq_ind_inv k).2
forall b : B, transport (fun w : Coeq f g => h w $-> k w) (cglue b) (?coeq' (f b)) = ?coeq' (g b)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
p: (Coeq_ind_inv h).1 $-> (Coeq_ind_inv k).1
p': DHom p (Coeq_ind_inv h).2 (Coeq_ind_inv k).2

forall b : B, transport (fun w : Coeq f g => h w $-> k w) (cglue b) (p (f b)) = p (g b)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
p: (Coeq_ind_inv h).1 $-> (Coeq_ind_inv k).1
b: B
p': ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)) @ (Coeq_ind_inv k).2 b = (Coeq_ind_inv h).2 b @ p (g b)

transport (fun w : Coeq f g => h w $-> k w) (cglue b) (p (f b)) = p (g b)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
p: (Coeq_ind_inv h).1 $-> (Coeq_ind_inv k).1
b: B
p': ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)) @ (Coeq_ind_inv k).2 b = (Coeq_ind_inv h).2 b @ p (g b)

((apD h (cglue b))^ @ ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b))) @ apD k (cglue b) = p (g b)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
p: (Coeq_ind_inv h).1 $-> (Coeq_ind_inv k).1
b: B
p': ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)) @ (Coeq_ind_inv k).2 b = (Coeq_ind_inv h).2 b @ p (g b)

(apD h (cglue b))^ @ (ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)) @ apD k (cglue b)) = p (g b)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
p: (Coeq_ind_inv h).1 $-> (Coeq_ind_inv k).1
b: B
p': ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)) @ (Coeq_ind_inv k).2 b = (Coeq_ind_inv h).2 b @ p (g b)

(apD h (cglue b))^ @ ((Coeq_ind_inv h).2 b @ p (g b)) = p (g b)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
p: (Coeq_ind_inv h).1 $-> (Coeq_ind_inv k).1
b: B
p': ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)) @ (Coeq_ind_inv k).2 b = (Coeq_ind_inv h).2 b @ p (g b)

((apD h (cglue b))^ @ apD h (cglue b)) @ p (g b) = p (g b)
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
h, k: forall z : Coeq f g, P z
p: (Coeq_ind_inv h).1 $-> (Coeq_ind_inv k).1
b: B
p': ap (transport P (cglue b)) (p (f b)) @ (Coeq_ind_inv k).2 b = (Coeq_ind_inv h).2 b @ p (g b)

1 @ p (g b) = p (g b)
nrapply concat_1p. Defined.
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

{| carrier := forall z : Coeq f g, P z; isgraph_carrier := isgraph_forall (Coeq f g) P; is01cat_carrier := is01cat_forall (Coeq f g) P; is0gpd_carrier := is0gpd_forall (Coeq f g) P |} $<~> {| carrier := {x : _ & Coeq_ind_data x}; isgraph_carrier := isgraph_total Coeq_ind_data; is01cat_carrier := is01cat_total Coeq_ind_data; is0gpd_carrier := is0gpd_total Coeq_ind_data |}
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

{| carrier := forall z : Coeq f g, P z; isgraph_carrier := isgraph_forall (Coeq f g) P; is01cat_carrier := is01cat_forall (Coeq f g) P; is0gpd_carrier := is0gpd_forall (Coeq f g) P |} $<~> {| carrier := {x : _ & Coeq_ind_data x}; isgraph_carrier := isgraph_total Coeq_ind_data; is01cat_carrier := is01cat_total Coeq_ind_data; is0gpd_carrier := is0gpd_total Coeq_ind_data |}
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

{| carrier := forall z : Coeq f g, P z; isgraph_carrier := isgraph_forall (Coeq f g) P; is01cat_carrier := is01cat_forall (Coeq f g) P; is0gpd_carrier := is0gpd_forall (Coeq f g) P |} $-> {| carrier := {x : _ & Coeq_ind_data x}; isgraph_carrier := isgraph_total Coeq_ind_data; is01cat_carrier := is01cat_total Coeq_ind_data; is0gpd_carrier := is0gpd_total Coeq_ind_data |}
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type
CatIsEquiv ?f
B, A: Type
f, g: B -> A
P: Coeq f g -> Type

CatIsEquiv {| fun_0gpd := Coeq_ind_inv; is0functor_fun_0gpd := is0functor_Coeq_ind_inv |}
rapply isequiv_0gpd_issurjinj. Defined. End UnivProp.