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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
(** * Pushouts of "dependent spans". *) Section SpanPushout. Context {X Y : Type} (Q : X -> Y -> Type). Definition SPushout := @Pushout@{up _ _ up} (sig@{up _} (fun (xy : X * Y) => Q (fst xy) (snd xy))) X Y (fst o pr1) (snd o pr1). Definition spushl : X -> SPushout := pushl. Definition spushr : Y -> SPushout := pushr. Definition spglue {x:X} {y:Y} : Q x y -> spushl x = spushr y := fun q => pglue ((x,y) ; q).
X, Y: Type
Q: X -> Y -> Type
R: Type
spushl': X -> R
spushr': Y -> R
sglue': forall (x : X) (y : Y), Q x y -> spushl' x = spushr' y

SPushout -> R
X, Y: Type
Q: X -> Y -> Type
R: Type
spushl': X -> R
spushr': Y -> R
sglue': forall (x : X) (y : Y), Q x y -> spushl' x = spushr' y

SPushout -> R
X, Y: Type
Q: X -> Y -> Type
R: Type
spushl': X -> R
spushr': Y -> R
sglue': forall (x : X) (y : Y), Q x y -> spushl' x = spushr' y

forall a : {xy : X * Y & Q (fst xy) (snd xy)}, spushl' ((fst o pr1) a) = spushr' ((snd o pr1) a)
X, Y: Type
Q: X -> Y -> Type
R: Type
spushl': X -> R
spushr': Y -> R
sglue': forall (x : X) (y : Y), Q x y -> spushl' x = spushr' y
x: X
y: Y
q: Q x y

spushl' x = spushr' y
apply sglue'; assumption. Defined.
X, Y: Type
Q: X -> Y -> Type
R: SPushout -> Type
spushl': forall x : X, R (spushl x)
spushr': forall y : Y, R (spushr y)
sglue': forall (x : X) (y : Y) (q : Q x y), transport R (spglue q) (spushl' x) = spushr' y

forall p : SPushout, R p
X, Y: Type
Q: X -> Y -> Type
R: SPushout -> Type
spushl': forall x : X, R (spushl x)
spushr': forall y : Y, R (spushr y)
sglue': forall (x : X) (y : Y) (q : Q x y), transport R (spglue q) (spushl' x) = spushr' y

forall p : SPushout, R p
X, Y: Type
Q: X -> Y -> Type
R: SPushout -> Type
spushl': forall x : X, R (spushl x)
spushr': forall y : Y, R (spushr y)
sglue': forall (x : X) (y : Y) (q : Q x y), transport R (spglue q) (spushl' x) = spushr' y

forall a : {xy : X * Y & Q (fst xy) (snd xy)}, transport R (pglue a) (spushl' ((fst o pr1) a)) = spushr' ((snd o pr1) a)
X, Y: Type
Q: X -> Y -> Type
R: SPushout -> Type
spushl': forall x : X, R (spushl x)
spushr': forall y : Y, R (spushr y)
sglue': forall (x : X) (y : Y) (q : Q x y), transport R (spglue q) (spushl' x) = spushr' y
x: X
y: Y
q: Q x y

transport R (pglue ((x, y); q)) (spushl' x) = spushr' y
apply sglue'; assumption. Defined. Definition spushout_ind_beta_sglue (R : SPushout -> Type) (spushl' : forall x, R (spushl x)) (spushr' : forall y, R (spushr y)) (spglue' : forall x y (q : Q x y), transport R (spglue q) (spushl' x) = (spushr' y)) (x:X) (y:Y) (q:Q x y) : apD (SPushout_ind R spushl' spushr' spglue') (spglue q) = spglue' x y q := Pushout_ind_beta_pglue _ _ _ _ ((x,y);q). End SpanPushout.