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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Types. Require Import Diagrams.Graph. Require Import Diagrams.Diagram. (** The underlying graph of a span. *)



Unit + Bool -> Unit + Bool -> Type
i, j: Unit

i: Unit
j: Bool
i: Bool
j: Unit
i, j: Bool
i, j: Unit

i: Bool
j: Unit
i, j: Bool
all: exact Empty. Defined. Section Span. Context {A B C : Type}. (** A span is a diagram: f g B <-- A --> C *)
A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C

Diagram span_graph
A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C

Diagram span_graph
A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C

span_graph -> Type
A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C
forall i j : span_graph, span_graph i j -> ?obj i -> ?obj j
A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C

span_graph -> Type
A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C
i: Unit

A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C
i: Bool
A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C
i: Unit

exact A.
A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C
i: Bool

exact (if i then B else C).
A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C

forall i j : span_graph, span_graph i j -> (fun X : span_graph => match X with | inl u => unit_name A u | inr b => (fun i0 : Bool => if i0 then B else C) b end) i -> (fun X : span_graph => match X with | inl u => unit_name A u | inr b => (fun i0 : Bool => if i0 then B else C) b end) j
A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C
i: Unit
j: Bool
u: span_graph (inl i) (inr j)

A -> if j then B else C
A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C
i: Unit
u: span_graph (inl i) (inr true)

A -> B
A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C
i: Unit
u: span_graph (inl i) (inr false)
A -> C
A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C
i: Unit
u: span_graph (inl i) (inr true)

A -> B
exact f.
A, B, C: Type
f: A -> B
g: A -> C
i: Unit
u: span_graph (inl i) (inr false)

A -> C
exact g. Defined. End Span.