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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Join.Core Join.JoinAssoc Suspension Spaces.Spheres. Require Import WildCat. Require Import Spaces.Nat.Core. (** * [Join Bool A] is equivalent to [Susp A] We give a direct proof of this fact. It is also possible to give a proof using [opyon_equiv_0gpd]; see PR#1769. *)
A: Type

Join Bool A -> Susp A
A: Type

Join Bool A -> Susp A
A: Type

Bool -> Susp A
A: Type
A -> Susp A
A: Type
forall (a : Bool) (b : A), ?P_A a = ?P_B b
A: Type

Bool -> Susp A
exact (fun b => if b then North else South).
A: Type

A -> Susp A
exact (fun a => South).
A: Type

forall (a : Bool) (b : A), (fun b0 : Bool => if b0 then North else South) a = (fun _ : A => South) b
A: Type
a: A

North = South
A: Type
a: A
South = South
A: Type
a: A

North = South
exact (merid a).
A: Type
a: A

South = South
reflexivity. Defined.
A: Type

Susp A -> Join Bool A
A: Type

Susp A -> Join Bool A
A: Type

A -> joinl true = joinl false
A: Type
a: A

joinl true = joinl false
exact (jglue _ a @ (jglue _ a)^). Defined.
A: Type

IsEquiv (join_to_susp A)
A: Type

IsEquiv (join_to_susp A)
A: Type

join_to_susp A o susp_to_join A == idmap
A: Type
susp_to_join A o join_to_susp A == idmap
A: Type

join_to_susp A o susp_to_join A == idmap
A: Type

(fun y : Susp A => (join_to_susp A o susp_to_join A) y = idmap y) North
A: Type
(fun y : Susp A => (join_to_susp A o susp_to_join A) y = idmap y) South
A: Type
forall x : A, transport (fun y : Susp A => (join_to_susp A o susp_to_join A) y = idmap y) (merid x) ?H_N = ?H_S
A: Type

forall x : A, transport (fun y : Susp A => (join_to_susp A o susp_to_join A) y = idmap y) (merid x) 1 = 1
A: Type
a: A

transport (fun y : Susp A => (join_to_susp A o susp_to_join A) y = idmap y) (merid a) 1 = 1
A: Type
a: A

ap (join_to_susp A) (ap (susp_to_join A) (merid a)) @ 1 = 1 @ merid a
A: Type
a: A

ap (join_to_susp A) (ap (susp_to_join A) (merid a)) = merid a
A: Type
a: A

ap (join_to_susp A) (jglue true a @ (jglue false a)^) = merid a
A: Type
a: A

ap (join_to_susp A) (jglue true a) @ ap (join_to_susp A) (jglue false a)^ = merid a
A: Type
a: A

ap (join_to_susp A) (jglue false a)^ = ?Goal0
A: Type
a: A
ap (join_to_susp A) (jglue true a) = ?Goal
A: Type
a: A
?Goal @ ?Goal0 = merid a
A: Type
a: A

ap (join_to_susp A) (jglue false a) = ?Goal2
A: Type
a: A
ap (join_to_susp A) (jglue true a) = ?Goal
A: Type
a: A
?Goal @ ?Goal2^ = merid a
A: Type
a: A

merid a @ 1^ = merid a
apply concat_p1.
A: Type

susp_to_join A o join_to_susp A == idmap
A: Type

forall a : Bool, susp_to_join A (join_to_susp A (joinl a)) = joinl a
A: Type
forall b : A, susp_to_join A (join_to_susp A (joinr b)) = joinr b
A: Type
forall (a : Bool) (b : A), ap (susp_to_join A) (ap (join_to_susp A) (jglue a b)) @ ?Goal0 b = ?Goal a @ jglue a b
A: Type

forall b : A, susp_to_join A (join_to_susp A (joinr b)) = joinr b
A: Type
forall (a : Bool) (b : A), ap (susp_to_join A) (ap (join_to_susp A) (jglue a b)) @ ?Goal b = (fun a0 : Bool => if a0 as b0 return (susp_to_join A (join_to_susp A (joinl b0)) = joinl b0) then 1 else 1) a @ jglue a b
A: Type

forall (a : Bool) (b : A), ap (susp_to_join A) (ap (join_to_susp A) (jglue a b)) @ (fun a0 : A => jglue false a0) b = (fun a0 : Bool => if a0 as b0 return (susp_to_join A (join_to_susp A (joinl b0)) = joinl b0) then 1 else 1) a @ jglue a b
A: Type
b: Bool
a: A

ap (susp_to_join A) (ap (join_to_susp A) (jglue b a)) @ jglue false a = (if b as b return (susp_to_join A (join_to_susp A (joinl b)) = joinl b) then 1 else 1) @ jglue b a
A: Type
b: Bool
a: A

ap (join_to_susp A) (jglue b a) = ?Goal
A: Type
b: Bool
a: A
ap (susp_to_join A) ?Goal @ jglue false a = (if b as b return (susp_to_join A (join_to_susp A (joinl b)) = joinl b) then 1 else 1) @ jglue b a
A: Type
b: Bool
a: A

ap (susp_to_join A) ((if b as b return (A -> (if b then North else South) = South) then fun a : A => merid a else fun _ : A => 1) a) @ jglue false a = (if b as b return (susp_to_join A (join_to_susp A (joinl b)) = joinl b) then 1 else 1) @ jglue b a
A: Type
a: A

ap (susp_to_join A) (merid a) @ jglue false a = 1 @ jglue true a
A: Type
a: A
ap (susp_to_join A) 1 @ jglue false a = 1 @ jglue false a
A: Type
a: A

ap (susp_to_join A) (merid a) @ jglue false a = jglue true a
A: Type
a: A
ap (susp_to_join A) 1 @ jglue false a = jglue false a
A: Type
a: A

ap (susp_to_join A) (merid a) @ jglue false a = jglue true a
A: Type
a: A

(jglue true a @ (jglue false a)^) @ jglue false a = jglue true a
apply concat_pV_p.
A: Type
a: A

ap (susp_to_join A) 1 @ jglue false a = jglue false a
apply concat_1p. Defined. Definition equiv_join_susp (A : Type) : Join Bool A <~> Susp A := Build_Equiv _ _ (join_to_susp A) _. (** It follows that the join powers of [Bool] are spheres. These are sometimes a convenient alternative to working with spheres, so we give them a name. *) Definition bool_pow (n : nat) := join_power Bool n.
n: nat

bool_pow n <~> Sphere n.-1
n: nat

bool_pow n <~> Sphere n.-1

bool_pow 0 <~> Sphere 0%nat.-1
n: nat
IHn: bool_pow n <~> Sphere n.-1
bool_pow n.+1 <~> Sphere (n.+1)%nat.-1

bool_pow 0 <~> Sphere 0%nat.-1
n: nat
IHn: bool_pow n <~> Sphere n.-1

bool_pow n.+1 <~> Sphere (n.+1)%nat.-1
n: nat
IHn: bool_pow n <~> Sphere n.-1

Join Bool (bool_pow n) <~> Sphere (trunc_index_inc (-2) n).+2
n: nat
IHn: bool_pow n <~> Sphere n.-1

Susp (bool_pow n) <~> Sphere (trunc_index_inc (-2) n).+2
exact (emap Susp IHn). Defined. (** It follows that joins of spheres are spheres, starting in dimension -1. *)
n, m: nat

Join (Sphere n.-1) (Sphere m.-1) <~> Sphere (n + m)%nat.-1
n, m: nat

Join (Sphere n.-1) (Sphere m.-1) <~> Sphere (n + m)%nat.-1
n, m: nat

Join ?Goal0 ?Goal1 <~> Sphere (n + m)%nat.-1
n, m: nat
Sphere n.-1 <~> ?Goal0
n, m: nat
Sphere m.-1 <~> ?Goal1
n, m: nat

Join (bool_pow n) (bool_pow m) <~> Sphere (n + m)%nat.-1
n, m: nat

Join (bool_pow n) (bool_pow m) <~> bool_pow (n + m)
apply join_join_power. Defined.