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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Types.Sum Types.Bool Types.Paths Types.Forall. Require Import WildCat.Core WildCat.Bifunctor WildCat.Equiv. Require Import Colimits.Pushout. Require Import Cubical.DPath. Require Import Pointed.Core. Local Open Scope pointed_scope. Local Open Scope dpath_scope. Local Open Scope path_scope. (* Definition of smash product *) Definition sum_to_prod (X Y : pType) : X + Y -> X * Y := sum_ind _ (fun x => (x, point Y)) (fun y => (point X, y)). Definition sum_to_bool X Y : X + Y -> Bool := sum_ind _ (fun _ => false) (fun _ => true). Definition Smash@{u v w | u <= w, v <= w} (X : pType@{u}) (Y : pType@{v}) : pType@{w} := [Pushout@{w w w w} (sum_to_prod@{w w w} X Y) (sum_to_bool@{u v w} X Y), pushl (point X, point Y)]. Section Smash. Context {X Y : pType}. Definition sm (x : X) (y : Y) : Smash X Y := pushl (x, y). Definition auxl : Smash X Y := pushr false. Definition auxr : Smash X Y := pushr true. Definition gluel (x : X) : sm x pt = auxl := pglue (f:=sum_to_prod X Y) (g:=sum_to_bool X Y) (inl x). Definition gluer (y : Y) : sm pt y = auxr := pglue (f:=sum_to_prod X Y) (g:=sum_to_bool X Y) (inr y). Definition gluel' (x x' : X) : sm x pt = sm x' pt := gluel x @ (gluel x')^. Definition gluer' (y y' : Y) : sm pt y = sm pt y' := gluer y @ (gluer y')^. Definition glue (x : X) (y : Y) : sm x pt = sm pt y := gluel' x pt @ gluer' pt y.
X, Y: pType
y: Y

glue pt y = gluer' pt y
X, Y: pType
y: Y

glue pt y = gluer' pt y
X, Y: pType
y: Y

glue pt y = 1 @ gluer' pt y
apply whiskerR, concat_pV. Defined.
X, Y: pType
x: X

glue x pt = gluel' x pt
X, Y: pType
x: X

glue x pt = gluel' x pt
X, Y: pType
x: X

glue x pt = gluel' x pt @ 1
apply whiskerL, concat_pV. Defined.
X, Y: pType
x, x': X
p: x = x'

ap (fun t : X => sm t pt) p = gluel' x x'
X, Y: pType
x, x': X
p: x = x'

ap (fun t : X => sm t pt) p = gluel' x x'
X, Y: pType
x: X

ap (fun t : X => sm t pt) 1 = gluel' x x
X, Y: pType
x: X

gluel' x x = ap (fun t : X => sm t pt) 1
apply concat_pV. Defined.
X, Y: pType
y, y': Y
p: y = y'

ap (sm pt) p = gluer' y y'
X, Y: pType
y, y': Y
p: y = y'

ap (sm pt) p = gluer' y y'
X, Y: pType
y: Y

ap (sm pt) 1 = gluer' y y
X, Y: pType
y: Y

gluer' y y = ap (sm pt) 1
apply concat_pV. Defined.
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr

forall x : Smash X Y, P x
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr

forall x : Smash X Y, P x
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr

forall b : [X * Y, ispointed_prod], P (pushl b)
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
forall c : Bool, P (pushr c)
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
forall a : X + Y, transport P (pglue a) (?pushb (sum_to_prod X Y a)) = ?pushc (sum_to_bool X Y a)
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr

forall b : [X * Y, ispointed_prod], P (pushl b)
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a: X
b: Y

P (pushl (a, b))
apply Psm.
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr

forall c : Bool, P (pushr c)
apply (Bool_ind _ Pr Pl).
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr

forall a : X + Y, transport P (pglue a) ((fun b0 : [X * Y, ispointed_prod] => (fun (a0 : X) (b : Y) => Psm a0 b) (fst b0) (snd b0)) (sum_to_prod X Y a)) = Bool_ind (fun b : Bool => P (pushr b)) Pr Pl (sum_to_bool X Y a)
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr

forall a : X, (fun s : X + Y => transport P (pglue s) ((fun b0 : [X * Y, ispointed_prod] => (fun (a0 : X) (b : Y) => Psm a0 b) (fst b0) (snd b0)) (sum_to_prod X Y s)) = Bool_ind (fun b : Bool => P (pushr b)) Pr Pl (sum_to_bool X Y s)) (inl a)
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
forall b : Y, (fun s : X + Y => transport P (pglue s) ((fun b0 : [X * Y, ispointed_prod] => (fun (a : X) (b1 : Y) => Psm a b1) (fst b0) (snd b0)) (sum_to_prod X Y s)) = Bool_ind (fun b0 : Bool => P (pushr b0)) Pr Pl (sum_to_bool X Y s)) (inr b)
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr

forall a : X, (fun s : X + Y => transport P (pglue s) ((fun b0 : [X * Y, ispointed_prod] => (fun (a0 : X) (b : Y) => Psm a0 b) (fst b0) (snd b0)) (sum_to_prod X Y s)) = Bool_ind (fun b : Bool => P (pushr b)) Pr Pl (sum_to_bool X Y s)) (inl a)
apply Pgl.
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr

forall b : Y, (fun s : X + Y => transport P (pglue s) ((fun b0 : [X * Y, ispointed_prod] => (fun (a : X) (b1 : Y) => Psm a b1) (fst b0) (snd b0)) (sum_to_prod X Y s)) = Bool_ind (fun b0 : Bool => P (pushr b0)) Pr Pl (sum_to_bool X Y s)) (inr b)
apply Pgr. Defined. Definition Smash_ind_beta_gluel {P : Smash X Y -> Type} {Psm : forall a b, P (sm a b)} {Pl : P auxl} {Pr : P auxr} (Pgl : forall a, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl) (Pgr : forall b, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr) (a : X) : apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel a) = Pgl a := Pushout_ind_beta_pglue P _ _ _ (inl a). Definition Smash_ind_beta_gluer {P : Smash X Y -> Type} {Psm : forall a b, P (sm a b)} {Pl : P auxl} {Pr : P auxr} (Pgl : forall a, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl) (Pgr : forall b, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr) (b : Y) : apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b) = Pgr b := Pushout_ind_beta_pglue P _ _ _ (inr b).
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: X

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel' a b) = Pgl a @Dp (Pgl b) ^D
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: X

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel' a b) = Pgl a @Dp (Pgl b) ^D
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: X

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel a) @Dp apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel b)^ = Pgl a @Dp (Pgl b) ^D
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: X

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel a) = Pgl a
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: X
apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel b)^ = (Pgl b) ^D
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: X

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel b)^ = (Pgl b) ^D
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: X

(apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel b)) ^D = (Pgl b) ^D
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: X

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel b) = Pgl b
apply Smash_ind_beta_gluel. Defined.
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: Y

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer' a b) = Pgr a @Dp (Pgr b) ^D
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: Y

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer' a b) = Pgr a @Dp (Pgr b) ^D
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: Y

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer a) @Dp apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b)^ = Pgr a @Dp (Pgr b) ^D
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: Y

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer a) = Pgr a
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: Y
apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b)^ = (Pgr b) ^D
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: Y

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b)^ = (Pgr b) ^D
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: Y

(apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b)) ^D = (Pgr b) ^D
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a, b: Y

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b) = Pgr b
apply Smash_ind_beta_gluer. Defined.
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a: X
b: Y

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (glue a b) = (Pgl a @Dp (Pgl pt) ^D) @Dp (Pgr pt @Dp (Pgr b) ^D)
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a: X
b: Y

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (glue a b) = (Pgl a @Dp (Pgl pt) ^D) @Dp (Pgr pt @Dp (Pgr b) ^D)
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a: X
b: Y

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel' a pt) @Dp apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer' pt b) = (Pgl a @Dp (Pgl pt) ^D) @Dp (Pgr pt @Dp (Pgr b) ^D)
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a: X
b: Y

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel' a pt) = Pgl a @Dp (Pgl pt) ^D
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a: X
b: Y
apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer' pt b) = Pgr pt @Dp (Pgr b) ^D
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a: X
b: Y

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel' a pt) = Pgl a @Dp (Pgl pt) ^D
apply Smash_ind_beta_gluel'.
X, Y: pType
P: Smash X Y -> Type
Psm: forall (a : X) (b : Y), P (sm a b)
Pl: P auxl
Pr: P auxr
Pgl: forall a : X, DPath P (gluel a) (Psm a pt) Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, DPath P (gluer b) (Psm pt b) Pr
a: X
b: Y

apD (Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer' pt b) = Pgr pt @Dp (Pgr b) ^D
apply Smash_ind_beta_gluer'. Defined. Definition Smash_rec {P : Type} (Psm : X -> Y -> P) (Pl Pr : P) (Pgl : forall a, Psm a pt = Pl) (Pgr : forall b, Psm pt b = Pr) : Smash X Y -> P := Smash_ind Psm Pl Pr (fun x => dp_const (Pgl x)) (fun x => dp_const (Pgr x)). (* Version of smash_rec that forces (Pgl pt) and (Pgr pt) to be idpath *) Definition Smash_rec' {P : Type} {Psm : X -> Y -> P} (Pgl : forall a, Psm a pt = Psm pt pt) (Pgr : forall b, Psm pt b = Psm pt pt) (ql : Pgl pt = 1) (qr : Pgr pt = 1) : Smash X Y -> P := Smash_rec Psm (Psm pt pt) (Psm pt pt) Pgl Pgr.
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a: X

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel a) = Pgl a
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a: X

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel a) = Pgl a
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a: X

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel a) = dp_const^-1 (dp_const (Pgl a))
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a: X

dp_const (ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel a)) = dp_const (Pgl a)
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a: X

apD (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel a) = dp_const (Pgl a)
nrapply Smash_ind_beta_gluel. Defined.
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b) = Pgr b
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b) = Pgr b
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b) = dp_const^-1 (dp_const (Pgr b))
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
b: Y

dp_const (ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b)) = dp_const (Pgr b)
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
b: Y

apD (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b) = dp_const (Pgr b)
nrapply Smash_ind_beta_gluer. Defined.
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: X

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel' a b) = Pgl a @ (Pgl b)^
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: X

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel' a b) = Pgl a @ (Pgl b)^
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: X

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel a) @ ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel b)^ = Pgl a @ (Pgl b)^
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: X

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel a) = Pgl a
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: X
ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel b)^ = (Pgl b)^
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: X

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel b)^ = (Pgl b)^
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: X

(ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel b))^ = (Pgl b)^
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: X

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel b) = Pgl b
apply Smash_rec_beta_gluel. Defined.
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer' a b) = Pgr a @ (Pgr b)^
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer' a b) = Pgr a @ (Pgr b)^
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer a) @ ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b)^ = Pgr a @ (Pgr b)^
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer a) = Pgr a
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: Y
ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b)^ = (Pgr b)^
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b)^ = (Pgr b)^
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: Y

(ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b))^ = (Pgr b)^
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a, b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer b) = Pgr b
apply Smash_rec_beta_gluer. Defined.
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a: X
b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (glue a b) = (Pgl a @ (Pgl pt)^) @ (Pgr pt @ (Pgr b)^)
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a: X
b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (glue a b) = (Pgl a @ (Pgl pt)^) @ (Pgr pt @ (Pgr b)^)
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a: X
b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel' a pt) @ ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer' pt b) = (Pgl a @ (Pgl pt)^) @ (Pgr pt @ (Pgr b)^)
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a: X
b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel' a pt) = Pgl a @ (Pgl pt)^
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a: X
b: Y
ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer' pt b) = Pgr pt @ (Pgr b)^
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a: X
b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluel' a pt) = Pgl a @ (Pgl pt)^
apply Smash_rec_beta_gluel'.
X, Y: pType
P: Type
Psm: X -> Y -> P
Pl, Pr: P
Pgl: forall a : X, Psm a pt = Pl
Pgr: forall b : Y, Psm pt b = Pr
a: X
b: Y

ap (Smash_rec Psm Pl Pr Pgl Pgr) (gluer' pt b) = Pgr pt @ (Pgr b)^
apply Smash_rec_beta_gluer'. Defined. End Smash. Arguments sm : simpl never. Arguments auxl : simpl never. Arguments gluel : simpl never. Arguments gluer : simpl never. (** ** Miscellaneous lemmas about Smash *) (** A version of [Smash_ind] specifically for proving that two functions from a [Smash] are homotopic. *)
A, B: pType
P: Type
f, g: Smash A B -> P
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), f (sm a b) = g (sm a b)
Hl: f auxl = g auxl
Hr: f auxr = g auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap f (gluel a) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ ap g (gluel a)
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap f (gluer b) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ ap g (gluer b)

f == g
A, B: pType
P: Type
f, g: Smash A B -> P
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), f (sm a b) = g (sm a b)
Hl: f auxl = g auxl
Hr: f auxr = g auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap f (gluel a) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ ap g (gluel a)
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap f (gluer b) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ ap g (gluer b)

f == g
A, B: pType
P: Type
f, g: Smash A B -> P
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), f (sm a b) = g (sm a b)
Hl: f auxl = g auxl
Hr: f auxr = g auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap f (gluel a) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ ap g (gluel a)
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap f (gluer b) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ ap g (gluer b)

forall a : A, DPath (fun x : Smash A B => f x = g x) (gluel a) (Hsm a pt) Hl
A, B: pType
P: Type
f, g: Smash A B -> P
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), f (sm a b) = g (sm a b)
Hl: f auxl = g auxl
Hr: f auxr = g auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap f (gluel a) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ ap g (gluel a)
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap f (gluer b) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ ap g (gluer b)
forall b : B, DPath (fun x : Smash A B => f x = g x) (gluer b) (Hsm pt b) Hr
A, B: pType
P: Type
f, g: Smash A B -> P
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), f (sm a b) = g (sm a b)
Hl: f auxl = g auxl
Hr: f auxr = g auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap f (gluel a) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ ap g (gluel a)
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap f (gluer b) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ ap g (gluer b)

forall a : A, DPath (fun x : Smash A B => f x = g x) (gluel a) (Hsm a pt) Hl
A, B: pType
P: Type
f, g: Smash A B -> P
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), f (sm a b) = g (sm a b)
Hl: f auxl = g auxl
Hr: f auxr = g auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap f (gluel a) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ ap g (gluel a)
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap f (gluer b) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ ap g (gluer b)
a: A

DPath (fun x : Smash A B => f x = g x) (gluel a) (Hsm a pt) Hl
A, B: pType
P: Type
f, g: Smash A B -> P
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), f (sm a b) = g (sm a b)
Hl: f auxl = g auxl
Hr: f auxr = g auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap f (gluel a) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ ap g (gluel a)
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap f (gluer b) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ ap g (gluer b)
a: A

ap f (gluel a) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ ap g (gluel a)
exact (Hgluel a).
A, B: pType
P: Type
f, g: Smash A B -> P
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), f (sm a b) = g (sm a b)
Hl: f auxl = g auxl
Hr: f auxr = g auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap f (gluel a) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ ap g (gluel a)
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap f (gluer b) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ ap g (gluer b)

forall b : B, DPath (fun x : Smash A B => f x = g x) (gluer b) (Hsm pt b) Hr
A, B: pType
P: Type
f, g: Smash A B -> P
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), f (sm a b) = g (sm a b)
Hl: f auxl = g auxl
Hr: f auxr = g auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap f (gluel a) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ ap g (gluel a)
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap f (gluer b) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ ap g (gluer b)
b: B

DPath (fun x : Smash A B => f x = g x) (gluer b) (Hsm pt b) Hr
A, B: pType
P: Type
f, g: Smash A B -> P
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), f (sm a b) = g (sm a b)
Hl: f auxl = g auxl
Hr: f auxr = g auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap f (gluel a) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ ap g (gluel a)
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap f (gluer b) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ ap g (gluer b)
b: B

ap f (gluer b) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ ap g (gluer b)
exact (Hgluer b). Defined. (** A version of [Smash_ind]j specifically for proving that the composition of two functions is the identity map. *)
A, B: pType
P: Type
f: Smash A B -> P
g: P -> Smash A B
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), g (f (sm a b)) = sm a b
Hl: g (f auxl) = auxl
Hr: g (f auxr) = auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap g (ap f (gluel a)) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ gluel a
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap g (ap f (gluer b)) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ gluer b

g o f == idmap
A, B: pType
P: Type
f: Smash A B -> P
g: P -> Smash A B
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), g (f (sm a b)) = sm a b
Hl: g (f auxl) = auxl
Hr: g (f auxr) = auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap g (ap f (gluel a)) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ gluel a
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap g (ap f (gluer b)) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ gluer b

g o f == idmap
A, B: pType
P: Type
f: Smash A B -> P
g: P -> Smash A B
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), g (f (sm a b)) = sm a b
Hl: g (f auxl) = auxl
Hr: g (f auxr) = auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap g (ap f (gluel a)) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ gluel a
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap g (ap f (gluer b)) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ gluer b

forall a : A, DPath (fun x : Smash A B => (g o f) x = idmap x) (gluel a) (Hsm a pt) Hl
A, B: pType
P: Type
f: Smash A B -> P
g: P -> Smash A B
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), g (f (sm a b)) = sm a b
Hl: g (f auxl) = auxl
Hr: g (f auxr) = auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap g (ap f (gluel a)) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ gluel a
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap g (ap f (gluer b)) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ gluer b
forall b : B, DPath (fun x : Smash A B => (g o f) x = idmap x) (gluer b) (Hsm pt b) Hr
A, B: pType
P: Type
f: Smash A B -> P
g: P -> Smash A B
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), g (f (sm a b)) = sm a b
Hl: g (f auxl) = auxl
Hr: g (f auxr) = auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap g (ap f (gluel a)) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ gluel a
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap g (ap f (gluer b)) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ gluer b

forall a : A, DPath (fun x : Smash A B => (g o f) x = idmap x) (gluel a) (Hsm a pt) Hl
A, B: pType
P: Type
f: Smash A B -> P
g: P -> Smash A B
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), g (f (sm a b)) = sm a b
Hl: g (f auxl) = auxl
Hr: g (f auxr) = auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap g (ap f (gluel a)) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ gluel a
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap g (ap f (gluer b)) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ gluer b
a: A

DPath (fun x : Smash A B => (g o f) x = idmap x) (gluel a) (Hsm a pt) Hl
A, B: pType
P: Type
f: Smash A B -> P
g: P -> Smash A B
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), g (f (sm a b)) = sm a b
Hl: g (f auxl) = auxl
Hr: g (f auxr) = auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap g (ap f (gluel a)) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ gluel a
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap g (ap f (gluer b)) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ gluer b
a: A

ap g (ap f (gluel a)) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ gluel a
exact (Hgluel a).
A, B: pType
P: Type
f: Smash A B -> P
g: P -> Smash A B
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), g (f (sm a b)) = sm a b
Hl: g (f auxl) = auxl
Hr: g (f auxr) = auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap g (ap f (gluel a)) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ gluel a
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap g (ap f (gluer b)) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ gluer b

forall b : B, DPath (fun x : Smash A B => (g o f) x = idmap x) (gluer b) (Hsm pt b) Hr
A, B: pType
P: Type
f: Smash A B -> P
g: P -> Smash A B
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), g (f (sm a b)) = sm a b
Hl: g (f auxl) = auxl
Hr: g (f auxr) = auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap g (ap f (gluel a)) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ gluel a
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap g (ap f (gluer b)) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ gluer b
b: B

DPath (fun x : Smash A B => (g o f) x = idmap x) (gluer b) (Hsm pt b) Hr
A, B: pType
P: Type
f: Smash A B -> P
g: P -> Smash A B
Hsm: forall (a : A) (b : B), g (f (sm a b)) = sm a b
Hl: g (f auxl) = auxl
Hr: g (f auxr) = auxr
Hgluel: forall a : A, ap g (ap f (gluel a)) @ Hl = Hsm a pt @ gluel a
Hgluer: forall b : B, ap g (ap f (gluer b)) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ gluer b
b: B

ap g (ap f (gluer b)) @ Hr = Hsm pt b @ gluer b
exact (Hgluer b). Defined. (** ** Functoriality of the smash product *)
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y

Smash A B $-> Smash X Y
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y

Smash A B $-> Smash X Y
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y

Smash A B -> Smash X Y
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y
?Goal pt = pt
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y

Smash A B -> Smash X Y
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y

forall a : A, (fun (a0 : A) (b : B) => sm (f a0) (g b)) a pt = auxl
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y
forall b : B, (fun (a : A) (b0 : B) => sm (f a) (g b0)) pt b = auxr
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y

forall a : A, (fun (a0 : A) (b : B) => sm (f a0) (g b)) a pt = auxl
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y
a: A

sm (f a) (g pt) = auxl
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y
a: A

sm (f a) (g pt) = sm (f a) pt
exact (ap011 _ 1 (point_eq g)).
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y

forall b : B, (fun (a : A) (b0 : B) => sm (f a) (g b0)) pt b = auxr
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y
b: B

sm (f pt) (g b) = auxr
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y
b: B

sm (f pt) (g b) = sm pt (g b)
exact (ap011 _ (point_eq f) 1).
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y

Smash_rec (fun (a : A) (b : B) => sm (f a) (g b)) auxl auxr (fun a : A => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq g) @ gluel (f a) : (fun (a0 : A) (b : B) => sm (f a0) (g b)) a pt = auxl) (fun b : B => ap011 sm (point_eq f) 1 @ gluer (g b) : (fun (a : A) (b0 : B) => sm (f a) (g b0)) pt b = auxr) pt = pt
exact (ap011 _ (point_eq f) (point_eq g)). Defined.
X, Y: pType

functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap $== pmap_idmap
X, Y: pType

functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap $== pmap_idmap
X, Y: pType

functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap == pmap_idmap
X, Y: pType
?p pt = dpoint_eq (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) @ (dpoint_eq pmap_idmap)^
X, Y: pType

functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap == pmap_idmap
X, Y: pType

forall (a : X) (b : Y), functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap (sm a b) = pmap_idmap (sm a b)
X, Y: pType
functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap auxl = pmap_idmap auxl
X, Y: pType
functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap auxr = pmap_idmap auxr
X, Y: pType
forall a : X, ap (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) (gluel a) @ ?Hl = ?Hsm a pt @ ap pmap_idmap (gluel a)
X, Y: pType
forall b : Y, ap (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) (gluer b) @ ?Hr = ?Hsm pt b @ ap pmap_idmap (gluer b)
X, Y: pType

forall a : X, ap (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) (gluel a) @ 1 = (fun (a0 : X) (b : Y) => 1) a pt @ ap pmap_idmap (gluel a)
X, Y: pType
forall b : Y, ap (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) (gluer b) @ 1 = (fun (a : X) (b0 : Y) => 1) pt b @ ap pmap_idmap (gluer b)
X, Y: pType

forall a : X, ap (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) (gluel a) @ 1 = (fun (a0 : X) (b : Y) => 1) a pt @ ap pmap_idmap (gluel a)
X, Y: pType
x: X

ap (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) (gluel x) @ 1 = (fun (a : X) (b : Y) => 1) x pt @ ap pmap_idmap (gluel x)
X, Y: pType
x: X

ap (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) (gluel x) = ap pmap_idmap (gluel x)
X, Y: pType
x: X

ap (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) (gluel x) = gluel x
X, Y: pType
x: X

ap011 sm 1 (point_eq pmap_idmap) @ gluel (pmap_idmap x) = gluel x
apply concat_1p.
X, Y: pType

forall b : Y, ap (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) (gluer b) @ 1 = (fun (a : X) (b0 : Y) => 1) pt b @ ap pmap_idmap (gluer b)
X, Y: pType
y: Y

ap (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) (gluer y) @ 1 = (fun (a : X) (b : Y) => 1) pt y @ ap pmap_idmap (gluer y)
X, Y: pType
y: Y

ap (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) (gluer y) = ap pmap_idmap (gluer y)
X, Y: pType
y: Y

ap (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) (gluer y) = gluer y
X, Y: pType
y: Y

ap011 sm (point_eq pmap_idmap) 1 @ gluer (pmap_idmap y) = gluer y
apply concat_1p.
X, Y: pType

Smash_ind_FlFr (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) pmap_idmap (fun (a : X) (b : Y) => 1) 1 1 (fun x : X => let X0 := equiv_fun equiv_p1_1q in X0 ((Smash_rec_beta_gluel (fun a : X => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq pmap_idmap) @ gluel (pmap_idmap a) : (fun (a0 : X) (b : Y) => sm (pmap_idmap a0) (pmap_idmap b)) a pt = auxl) (fun b : Y => ap011 sm (point_eq pmap_idmap) 1 @ gluer (pmap_idmap b) : (fun (a : X) (b0 : Y) => sm (pmap_idmap a) (pmap_idmap b0)) pt b = auxr) x @ concat_1p (gluel x)) @ (ap_idmap (gluel x))^)) (fun y : Y => let X0 := equiv_fun equiv_p1_1q in X0 ((Smash_rec_beta_gluer (fun a : X => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq pmap_idmap) @ gluel (pmap_idmap a) : (fun (a0 : X) (b : Y) => sm (pmap_idmap a0) (pmap_idmap b)) a pt = auxl) (fun b : Y => ap011 sm (point_eq pmap_idmap) 1 @ gluer (pmap_idmap b) : (fun (a : X) (b0 : Y) => sm (pmap_idmap a) (pmap_idmap b0)) pt b = auxr) y @ concat_1p (gluer y)) @ (ap_idmap (gluer y))^)) pt = dpoint_eq (functor_smash pmap_idmap pmap_idmap) @ (dpoint_eq pmap_idmap)^
reflexivity. Defined.
X, Y, A, B, C, D: pType
f: X $-> A
g: Y $-> B
h: A $-> C
k: B $-> D

functor_smash (h $o f) (k $o g) $== functor_smash h k $o functor_smash f g
X, Y, A, B, C, D: pType
f: X $-> A
g: Y $-> B
h: A $-> C
k: B $-> D

functor_smash (h $o f) (k $o g) $== functor_smash h k $o functor_smash f g
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D

functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ==* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D

functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) == functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
?p pt = dpoint_eq (functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) @ (dpoint_eq (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}))^
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D

functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) == functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D

forall (a : [X, point4]) (b : [Y, point3]), functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (sm a b) = (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (sm a b)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) auxl = (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) auxl
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) auxr = (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) auxr
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
forall a : [X, point4], ap (functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (gluel a) @ ?Hl = ?Hsm a pt @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
forall b : [Y, point3], ap (functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (gluer b) @ ?Hr = ?Hsm pt b @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D

forall a : [X, point4], ap (functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (gluel a) @ 1 = (fun (a0 : [X, point4]) (b : [Y, point3]) => 1) a pt @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
forall b : [Y, point3], ap (functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (gluer b) @ 1 = (fun (a : [X, point4]) (b0 : [Y, point3]) => 1) pt b @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D

forall a : [X, point4], ap (functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (gluel a) @ 1 = (fun (a0 : [X, point4]) (b : [Y, point3]) => 1) a pt @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
x: [X, point4]

ap (functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (gluel x) @ 1 = (fun (a : [X, point4]) (b : [Y, point3]) => 1) x pt @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel x)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
x: [X, point4]

ap (functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (gluel x) = ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel x)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
x: [X, point4]

ap011 sm 1 (point_eq ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) @ gluel (({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) x) = ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel x)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
x: [X, point4]

ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel x) = ap011 sm 1 (point_eq ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) @ gluel (({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) x)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
x: [X, point4]

ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel x)) = ap011 sm 1 (point_eq ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) @ gluel (({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) x)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
x: [X, point4]

ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel x) = ?Goal
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
x: [X, point4]
ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ?Goal = ap011 sm 1 (point_eq ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) @ gluel (({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) x)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
x: [X, point4]

ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel x) = gluel ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} (fst (x, pt)))
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
x: [X, point4]

ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} x) = gluel ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} x)
apply concat_1p.
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D

forall b : [Y, point3], ap (functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (gluer b) @ 1 = (fun (a : [X, point4]) (b0 : [Y, point3]) => 1) pt b @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
y: [Y, point3]

ap (functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (gluer y) @ 1 = (fun (a : [X, point4]) (b : [Y, point3]) => 1) pt y @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer y)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
y: [Y, point3]

ap (functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (gluer y) = ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer y)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
y: [Y, point3]

ap011 sm (point_eq ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) 1 @ gluer (({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) y) = ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer y)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
y: [Y, point3]

ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer y) = ap011 sm (point_eq ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) 1 @ gluer (({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) y)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
y: [Y, point3]

ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer y)) = ap011 sm (point_eq ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) 1 @ gluer (({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) y)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
y: [Y, point3]

ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer y) = ?Goal
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
y: [Y, point3]
ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ?Goal = ap011 sm (point_eq ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) 1 @ gluer (({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) y)
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
y: [Y, point3]

ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer y) = gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} (snd (pt, y)))
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D
y: [Y, point3]

ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} y) = gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} y)
apply concat_1p.
X: Type
point4: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point3: IsPointed Y
A, B, C, D: Type
f: X -> A
g: Y -> B
h: A -> C
k: B -> D

Smash_ind_FlFr (functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (fun (a : [X, point4]) (b : [Y, point3]) => 1) 1 1 (fun x : [X, point4] => let X0 := equiv_fun equiv_p1_1q in X0 (Smash_rec_beta_gluel (fun a : [X, point4] => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) @ gluel (({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) a) : (fun (a0 : [X, point4]) (b : [Y, point3]) => sm (({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) a0) (({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) b)) a pt = auxl) (fun b : [Y, point3] => ap011 sm (point_eq ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) 1 @ gluer (({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) b) : (fun (a : [X, point4]) (b0 : [Y, point3]) => sm (({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) a) (({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) b0)) pt b = auxr) x @ (ap_compose (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel x) @ (ap (ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (Smash_rec_beta_gluel (fun a : [X, point4] => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a) : (fun (a0 : [X, point4]) (b : [Y, point3]) => sm ({| ... |} a0) ({| ... |} b)) a pt = auxl) (fun b : [Y, point3] => ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b) : (fun (a : [X, point4]) (b0 : [Y, point3]) => sm ({| ... |} a) ({| ... |} b0)) pt b = auxr) x @ concat_1p (gluel ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} x))) @ Smash_rec_beta_gluel (fun a : [A, f point4] => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a) : (fun (a0 : [A, f point4]) (b : [B, g point3]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a0) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)) a pt = auxl) (fun b : [B, g point3] => ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b) : (fun (a : [A, f point4]) (b0 : [B, g point3]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b0)) pt b = auxr) ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} (fst (x, pt)))))^)) (fun y : [Y, point3] => let X0 := equiv_fun equiv_p1_1q in X0 (Smash_rec_beta_gluer (fun a : [X, point4] => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) @ gluel (({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) a) : (fun (a0 : [X, point4]) (b : [Y, point3]) => sm (({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) a0) (({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) b)) a pt = auxl) (fun b : [Y, point3] => ap011 sm (point_eq ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) 1 @ gluer (({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) b) : (fun (a : [X, point4]) (b0 : [Y, point3]) => sm (({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) a) (({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) b0)) pt b = auxr) y @ (ap_compose (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer y) @ (ap (ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (Smash_rec_beta_gluer (fun a : [X, point4] => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a) : (fun (a0 : [X, point4]) (b : [Y, point3]) => sm ({| ... |} a0) ({| ... |} b)) a pt = auxl) (fun b : [Y, point3] => ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b) : (fun (a : [X, point4]) (b0 : [Y, point3]) => sm ({| ... |} a) ({| ... |} b0)) pt b = auxr) y @ concat_1p (gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} y))) @ Smash_rec_beta_gluer (fun a : [A, f point4] => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a) : (fun (a0 : [A, f point4]) (b : [B, g point3]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a0) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)) a pt = auxl) (fun b : [B, g point3] => ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b) : (fun (a : [A, f point4]) (b0 : [B, g point3]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b0)) pt b = auxr) ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} (snd (pt, y)))))^)) pt = dpoint_eq (functor_smash ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) @ (dpoint_eq (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}))^
reflexivity. Defined.
X, Y, A, B: pType
f, h: X $-> A
g, k: Y $-> B
p: f $== h
q: g $== k

functor_smash f g $== functor_smash h k
X, Y, A, B: pType
f, h: X $-> A
g, k: Y $-> B
p: f $== h
q: g $== k

functor_smash f g $== functor_smash h k
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x

functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} ==* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x

functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} == functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
?p pt = dpoint_eq (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) @ (dpoint_eq (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}))^
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x

functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} == functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x

forall (a : [X, point2]) (b : [Y, point1]), functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} (sm a b) = functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} (sm a b)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} auxl = functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} auxl
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} auxr = functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} auxr
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
forall a : [X, point2], ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (gluel a) @ ?Hl = ?Hsm a pt @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
forall b : [Y, point1], ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (gluer b) @ ?Hr = ?Hsm pt b @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x

functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} auxl = functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} auxl
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} auxr = functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} auxr
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
forall a : [X, point2], ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (gluel a) @ ?Hl = (fun (x : [X, point2]) (y : [Y, point1]) => ap011 sm (p x) (q y)) a pt @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
forall b : [Y, point1], ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (gluer b) @ ?Hr = (fun (x : [X, point2]) (y : [Y, point1]) => ap011 sm (p x) (q y)) pt b @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x

forall a : [X, point2], ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (gluel a) @ 1 = (fun (x : [X, point2]) (y : [Y, point1]) => ap011 sm (p x) (q y)) a pt @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
forall b : [Y, point1], ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (gluer b) @ 1 = (fun (x : [X, point2]) (y : [Y, point1]) => ap011 sm (p x) (q y)) pt b @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x

forall a : [X, point2], ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (gluel a) @ 1 = (fun (x : [X, point2]) (y : [Y, point1]) => ap011 sm (p x) (q y)) a pt @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
x: [X, point2]

ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (gluel x) @ 1 = (fun (x : [X, point2]) (y : [Y, point1]) => ap011 sm (p x) (q y)) x pt @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel x)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
x: [X, point2]

ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (gluel x) = ap011 sm (p x) (q pt) @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel x)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
x: [X, point2]

ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} x) = ap011 sm (p x) (q pt) @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel x)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
x: [X, point2]

ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} x) = ap011 sm (p x) (q pt) @ ?Goal
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
x: [X, point2]
ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel x) = ?Goal
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
x: [X, point2]

ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} x) = ap011 sm (p x) (q pt) @ (ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} x))
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
x: [X, point2]

ap (sm (f x)) (q point1 @ 1) @ gluel (f x) = ap (sm (f x)) (q pt) @ (1 @ gluel (f x))
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
x: [X, point2]

ap (sm (f x)) (q point1 @ 1) @ gluel (f x) = (ap (sm (f x)) (q pt) @ 1) @ gluel (f x)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
x: [X, point2]

ap (sm (f x)) (q point1 @ 1) = ap (sm (f x)) (q pt) @ 1
nrapply ap_pp.
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x

forall b : [Y, point1], ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (gluer b) @ 1 = (fun (x : [X, point2]) (y : [Y, point1]) => ap011 sm (p x) (q y)) pt b @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
y: [Y, point1]

ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (gluer y) @ 1 = (fun (x : [X, point2]) (y : [Y, point1]) => ap011 sm (p x) (q y)) pt y @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer y)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
y: [Y, point1]

ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (gluer y) = ap011 sm (p pt) (q y) @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer y)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
y: [Y, point1]

ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} y) = ap011 sm (p pt) (q y) @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer y)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
y: [Y, point1]

ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} y) = ap011 sm (p pt) (q y) @ ?Goal
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
y: [Y, point1]
ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer y) = ?Goal
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
y: [Y, point1]

ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} y) = ap011 sm (p pt) (q y) @ (ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} y))
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
y: [Y, point1]

ap011 sm (p point2 @ 1) 1 @ gluer (g y) = ap011 sm (p pt) 1 @ (1 @ gluer (g y))
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
y: [Y, point1]

ap011 sm (p point2 @ 1) 1 @ gluer (g y) = (ap011 sm (p pt) 1 @ 1) @ gluer (g y)
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x
y: [Y, point1]

ap011 sm (p point2 @ 1) 1 = ap011 sm (p pt) 1 @ 1
nrapply (ap011_pp _ _ _ 1 1).
X: Type
point2: IsPointed X
Y: Type
point1: IsPointed Y
A, B: Type
f, h: X -> A
g, k: Y -> B
p: forall x : X, f x = h x
q: forall x : Y, g x = k x

Smash_ind_FlFr (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (fun (x : [X, point2]) (y : [Y, point1]) => ap011 sm (p x) (q y)) 1 1 (fun x : [X, point2] => concat_p1 (ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (gluel x)) @ (Smash_rec_beta_gluel (fun a : [X, point2] => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} a) : (fun (a0 : [X, point2]) (b : [Y, point1]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} a0) ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} b)) a pt = auxl) (fun b : [Y, point1] => ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} b) : (fun (a : [X, point2]) (b0 : [Y, point1]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} a) ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} b0)) pt b = auxr) x @ (((let p0 := p x in let a := h x in paths_rect A (f x) (fun (a0 : A) (p1 : f x = a0) => ap (sm (f x)) (q point1 @ 1) @ gluel (f x) = ap011 sm p1 (q pt) @ (1 @ gluel a0)) (whiskerR (ap_pp (sm (f x)) (q point1) 1) (gluel (f x)) @ concat_pp_p (ap (sm (f x)) (q pt)) 1 (gluel (f x)) : ap (sm (f x)) (q point1 @ 1) @ gluel (f x) = ap011 sm 1 (q pt) @ (1 @ gluel (f x))) a p0) : ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} x) = ap011 sm (p x) (q pt) @ (ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} x))) @ (whiskerL (ap011 sm (p x) (q pt)) (Smash_rec_beta_gluel (fun a : [X, point2] => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a) : (fun (a0 : [X, point2]) (b : [Y, point1]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a0) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)) a pt = auxl) (fun b : [Y, point1] => ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b) : (fun (a : [X, point2]) (b0 : [Y, point1]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b0)) pt b = auxr) x))^))) (fun y : [Y, point1] => concat_p1 (ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) (gluer y)) @ (Smash_rec_beta_gluer (fun a : [X, point2] => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} a) : (fun (a0 : [X, point2]) (b : [Y, point1]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} a0) ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} b)) a pt = auxl) (fun b : [Y, point1] => ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} b) : (fun (a : [X, point2]) (b0 : [Y, point1]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} a) ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} b0)) pt b = auxr) y @ (((let p0 := q y in let b := k y in paths_rect B (g y) (fun (b0 : B) (p1 : g y = b0) => ap011 sm (p point2 @ 1) 1 @ gluer (g y) = ap011 sm (p pt) p1 @ (1 @ gluer b0)) (whiskerR (ap011_pp sm (p point2) 1 1 1) (gluer (g y)) @ concat_pp_p (ap011 sm (p pt) 1) 1 (gluer (g y)) : ap011 sm (p point2 @ 1) 1 @ gluer (g y) = ap011 sm (p pt) 1 @ (1 @ gluer (g y))) b p0) : ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |} y) = ap011 sm (p pt) (q y) @ (ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} y))) @ (whiskerL (ap011 sm (p pt) (q y)) (Smash_rec_beta_gluer (fun a : [X, point2] => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a) : (fun (a0 : [X, point2]) (b : [Y, point1]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a0) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)) a pt = auxl) (fun b : [Y, point1] => ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b) : (fun (a : [X, point2]) (b0 : [Y, point1]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a) ({| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b0)) pt b = auxr) y))^))) pt = dpoint_eq (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := p point2 @ 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := q point1 @ 1 |}) @ (dpoint_eq (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := h; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := k; dpoint_eq := 1 |}))^
exact (ap022 _ (concat_p1 (p pt))^ (concat_p1 (q pt))^ @ (concat_p1 _)^). Defined.

Is0Bifunctor Smash

Is0Bifunctor Smash

Is01Cat pType

Is01Cat pType

Is0Functor (uncurry Smash)

Is0Functor (uncurry Smash)

forall a b : pType * pType, (a $-> b) -> uncurry Smash a $-> uncurry Smash b
X, Y, A, B: pType
f: fst (X, Y) $-> fst (A, B)
g: snd (X, Y) $-> snd (A, B)

uncurry Smash (X, Y) $-> uncurry Smash (A, B)
exact (functor_smash f g). Defined.

Is1Bifunctor Smash

Is1Bifunctor Smash

Is1Functor (uncurry Smash)

forall (a b : pType * pType) (f g : a $-> b), f $== g -> fmap (uncurry Smash) f $== fmap (uncurry Smash) g

forall a : pType * pType, fmap (uncurry Smash) (Id a) $== Id (uncurry Smash a)

forall (a b c : pType * pType) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c), fmap (uncurry Smash) (g $o f) $== fmap (uncurry Smash) g $o fmap (uncurry Smash) f

forall (a b : pType * pType) (f g : a $-> b), f $== g -> fmap (uncurry Smash) f $== fmap (uncurry Smash) g
X, Y, A, B: pType
f: fst (X, Y) $-> fst (A, B)
g: snd (X, Y) $-> snd (A, B)
h: fst (X, Y) $-> fst (A, B)
i: snd (X, Y) $-> snd (A, B)
p: fst (f, g) $-> fst (h, i)
q: snd (f, g) $-> snd (h, i)

fmap (uncurry Smash) (f, g) $== fmap (uncurry Smash) (h, i)
exact (functor_smash_homotopic p q).

forall a : pType * pType, fmap (uncurry Smash) (Id a) $== Id (uncurry Smash a)
X, Y: pType

fmap (uncurry Smash) (Id (X, Y)) $== Id (uncurry Smash (X, Y))
exact (functor_smash_idmap X Y).

forall (a b c : pType * pType) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c), fmap (uncurry Smash) (g $o f) $== fmap (uncurry Smash) g $o fmap (uncurry Smash) f
X, Y, A, B, C, D: pType
f: fst (X, Y) $-> fst (A, B)
g: snd (X, Y) $-> snd (A, B)
h: fst (A, B) $-> fst (C, D)
i: snd (A, B) $-> snd (C, D)

fmap (uncurry Smash) ((h, i) $o (f, g)) $== fmap (uncurry Smash) (h, i) $o fmap (uncurry Smash) (f, g)
exact (functor_smash_compose f g h i). Defined. (** ** Symmetry of the smash product *) Definition pswap (X Y : pType) : Smash X Y $-> Smash Y X := Build_pMap _ _ (Smash_rec (flip sm) auxr auxl gluer gluel) 1.
X, Y: pType

pswap X Y $o pswap Y X $== pmap_idmap
X, Y: pType

pswap X Y $o pswap Y X $== pmap_idmap
X, Y: pType

pswap X Y $o pswap Y X == pmap_idmap
X, Y: pType
?p pt = dpoint_eq (pswap X Y $o pswap Y X) @ (dpoint_eq pmap_idmap)^
X, Y: pType

pswap X Y $o pswap Y X == pmap_idmap
X, Y: pType

forall (a : Y) (b : X), pswap X Y (pswap Y X (sm a b)) = sm a b
X, Y: pType
pswap X Y (pswap Y X auxl) = auxl
X, Y: pType
pswap X Y (pswap Y X auxr) = auxr
X, Y: pType
forall a : Y, ap (pswap X Y) (ap (pswap Y X) (gluel a)) @ ?Hl = ?Hsm a pt @ gluel a
X, Y: pType
forall b : X, ap (pswap X Y) (ap (pswap Y X) (gluer b)) @ ?Hr = ?Hsm pt b @ gluer b
X, Y: pType

forall a : Y, ap (pswap X Y) (ap (pswap Y X) (gluel a)) @ 1 = (fun (a0 : Y) (b : X) => 1) a pt @ gluel a
X, Y: pType
forall b : X, ap (pswap X Y) (ap (pswap Y X) (gluer b)) @ 1 = (fun (a : Y) (b0 : X) => 1) pt b @ gluer b
X, Y: pType

forall a : Y, ap (pswap X Y) (ap (pswap Y X) (gluel a)) @ 1 = (fun (a0 : Y) (b : X) => 1) a pt @ gluel a
X, Y: pType
y: Y

ap (pswap X Y) (ap (pswap Y X) (gluel y)) @ 1 = (fun (a : Y) (b : X) => 1) y pt @ gluel y
X, Y: pType
y: Y

ap (pswap X Y) (ap (pswap Y X) (gluel y)) = gluel y
X, Y: pType
y: Y

ap (pswap Y X) (gluel y) = ?Goal
X, Y: pType
y: Y
ap (pswap X Y) ?Goal = gluel y
X, Y: pType
y: Y

ap (pswap X Y) (gluer y) = gluel y
nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
X, Y: pType

forall b : X, ap (pswap X Y) (ap (pswap Y X) (gluer b)) @ 1 = (fun (a : Y) (b0 : X) => 1) pt b @ gluer b
X, Y: pType
x: X

ap (pswap X Y) (ap (pswap Y X) (gluer x)) @ 1 = (fun (a : Y) (b : X) => 1) pt x @ gluer x
X, Y: pType
x: X

ap (pswap X Y) (ap (pswap Y X) (gluer x)) = gluer x
X, Y: pType
x: X

ap (pswap Y X) (gluer x) = ?Goal
X, Y: pType
x: X
ap (pswap X Y) ?Goal = gluer x
X, Y: pType
x: X

ap (pswap X Y) (gluel x) = gluer x
nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
X, Y: pType

Smash_ind_FFlr (pswap Y X) (pswap X Y) (fun (a : Y) (b : X) => 1) 1 1 (fun y : Y => let X0 := equiv_fun equiv_p1_1q in X0 (ap (ap (pswap X Y)) (Smash_rec_beta_gluel gluer gluel y) @ Smash_rec_beta_gluer gluer gluel y)) (fun x : X => let X0 := equiv_fun equiv_p1_1q in X0 (ap (ap (pswap X Y)) (Smash_rec_beta_gluer gluer gluel x) @ Smash_rec_beta_gluel gluer gluel x)) pt = dpoint_eq (pswap X Y $o pswap Y X) @ (dpoint_eq pmap_idmap)^
reflexivity. Defined.
X, Y: pType

Smash X Y $<~> Smash Y X
X, Y: pType

Smash X Y $<~> Smash Y X
X, Y: pType

Smash X Y $-> Smash Y X
X, Y: pType
Smash Y X $-> Smash X Y
X, Y: pType
?f $o ?g $== Id (Smash Y X)
X, Y: pType
?g $o ?f $== Id (Smash X Y)
X, Y: pType

pswap X Y $o pswap Y X $== Id (Smash Y X)
X, Y: pType
pswap Y X $o pswap X Y $== Id (Smash X Y)
1,2: exact pswap_pswap. Defined.
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y

pswap X Y $o functor_smash f g $== functor_smash g f $o pswap A B
A, B, X, Y: pType
f: A $-> X
g: B $-> Y

pswap X Y $o functor_smash f g $== functor_smash g f $o pswap A B
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y

pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} ==* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y

pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} == functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
?p pt = dpoint_eq (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ (dpoint_eq (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]))^
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y

pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} == functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y

forall (a : [A, point2]) (b : [B, point1]), (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (sm a b) = (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (sm a b)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
(pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) auxl = (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) auxl
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
(pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) auxr = (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) auxr
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
forall a : [A, point2], ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a) @ ?Hl = ?Hsm a pt @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (gluel a)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
forall b : [B, point1], ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b) @ ?Hr = ?Hsm pt b @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (gluer b)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y

forall a : [A, point2], ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a) @ 1 = (fun (a0 : [A, point2]) (b : [B, point1]) => 1) a pt @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (gluel a)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
forall b : [B, point1], ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b) @ 1 = (fun (a : [A, point2]) (b0 : [B, point1]) => 1) pt b @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (gluer b)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y

forall a : [A, point2], ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a) @ 1 = (fun (a0 : [A, point2]) (b : [B, point1]) => 1) a pt @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (gluel a)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a) @ 1 = (fun (a : [A, point2]) (b : [B, point1]) => 1) a pt @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (gluel a)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a) = ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (gluel a)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a) = ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (ap (pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (gluel a))
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a) = ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ?Goal
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]
ap (pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (gluel a) = ?Goal
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a) = ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer a)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a) = ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1]) (ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a)) = ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]

ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a) = ?Goal
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]
ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1]) ?Goal = ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1]) (ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a)) = ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]

ap (Smash_rec (flip sm) auxr auxl gluer gluel) (1 @ gluel (f a)) = 1 @ gluer (f a)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]

1 @ gluel (f a) = ?Goal
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]
ap (Smash_rec (flip sm) auxr auxl gluer gluel) ?Goal = 1 @ gluer (f a)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]

ap (Smash_rec (flip sm) auxr auxl gluer gluel) (gluel (f a)) = 1 @ gluer (f a)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
a: [A, point2]

ap (Smash_rec (flip sm) auxr auxl gluer gluel) (gluel (f a)) = gluer (f a)
nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluel.
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y

forall b : [B, point1], ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b) @ 1 = (fun (a : [A, point2]) (b0 : [B, point1]) => 1) pt b @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (gluer b)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b) @ 1 = (fun (a : [A, point2]) (b : [B, point1]) => 1) pt b @ ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (gluer b)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b) = ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (gluer b)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b) = ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (ap (pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (gluer b))
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b) = ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) ?Goal
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]
ap (pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (gluer b) = ?Goal
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b) = ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel b)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b) = ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1]) (ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b)) = ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]

ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b) = ?Goal
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]
ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1]) ?Goal = ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1]) (ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)) = ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]

ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b) = ?Goal
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]
ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1]) ?Goal = ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1]) (gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)) = ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y
b: [B, point1]

ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1]) (gluer ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)) = gluel ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)
nrapply Smash_rec_beta_gluer.
A: Type
point2: IsPointed A
B: Type
point1: IsPointed B
X, Y: Type
f: A -> X
g: B -> Y

Smash_ind_FlFr (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (fun (a : [A, point2]) (b : [B, point1]) => 1) 1 1 (fun a : [A, point2] => let X0 := equiv_fun equiv_p1_1q in X0 ((((ap_compose (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1]) (gluel a) @ (ap (ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1])) (Smash_rec_beta_gluel (fun a0 : [A, point2] => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| ...; ... |}) @ gluel ({| ...; ... |} a0)) (fun b : [B, point1] => ap011 sm (point_eq {| ...; ... |}) 1 @ gluer ({| ...; ... |} b)) a) @ (ap (ap (Smash_rec (flip sm) auxr auxl gluer gluel)) (concat_1p (gluel (f a))) @ (Smash_rec_beta_gluel gluer gluel (f a) @ (concat_1p (gluer (f a)))^) : ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1]) (ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| ...; ... |}) @ gluel ({| ...; ... |} a)) = ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a)))) @ (Smash_rec_beta_gluer (fun a0 : [B, point1] => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a0) : (fun (a1 : [B, point1]) (b : [A, point2]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a1) ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b)) a0 pt = auxl) (fun b : [A, point2] => ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b) : (fun (a0 : [B, point1]) (b0 : [A, point2]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a0) ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b0)) pt b = auxr) a)^) @ (ap (ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (Smash_rec_beta_gluel gluer gluel a))^) @ (ap_compose (pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluel a))^)) (fun b : [B, point1] => let X0 := equiv_fun equiv_p1_1q in X0 ((((ap_compose (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1]) (gluer b) @ (ap (ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1])) (Smash_rec_beta_gluer (fun a : [A, point2] => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| ...; ... |}) @ gluel ({| ...; ... |} a)) (fun b0 : [B, point1] => ap011 sm (point_eq {| ...; ... |}) 1 @ gluer ({| ...; ... |} b0)) b) @ (ap (ap (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1])) (concat_1p (gluer ({| ...; ... |} b))) @ (Smash_rec_beta_gluer gluer gluel ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} (snd (pt, b))) @ (concat_1p (gluel ({| ... |} b)))^)))) @ (Smash_rec_beta_gluel (fun a : [B, point1] => ap011 sm 1 (point_eq {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ gluel ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a) : (fun (a0 : [B, point1]) (b0 : [A, point2]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a0) ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b0)) a pt = auxl) (fun b0 : [A, point2] => ap011 sm (point_eq {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) 1 @ gluer ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b0) : (fun (a : [B, point1]) (b1 : [A, point2]) => sm ({| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} a) ({| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} b1)) pt b0 = auxr) b)^) @ (ap (ap (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |})) (Smash_rec_beta_gluer gluer gluel b))^) @ (ap_compose (pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]) (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) (gluer b))^)) pt = dpoint_eq (pswap [X, f point2] [Y, g point1] o* functor_smash {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |}) @ (dpoint_eq (functor_smash {| pointed_fun := g; dpoint_eq := 1 |} {| pointed_fun := f; dpoint_eq := 1 |} o* pswap [A, point2] [B, point1]))^
reflexivity. Defined.