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(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Types. Require Import Cubical. Require Import WildCat. Require Import Colimits.Pushout. Require Import NullHomotopy. Require Import Truncations.Core. Require Import Modalities.Modality. Require Import Extensions. (** * The suspension of a type *) Generalizable Variables X A B f g n. Local Open Scope path_scope. (* ** Definition of suspension *) (** We define the suspension of a type X as the pushout of 1 <- X -> 1 *) Definition Susp (X : Type) := Pushout@{_ Set Set _} (const_tt X) (const_tt X). Definition North {X} : Susp X := pushl tt. Definition South {X} : Susp X := pushr tt. Definition merid {X} (x : X) : North = South := pglue x. (** We think of this as the HIT with two points [North] and [South] and a path [merid] between them *) (** We can derive an induction principle for the suspension *)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
H_N: P North
H_S: P South
H_merid: forall x : X, transport P (merid x) H_N = H_S

forall y : Susp X, P y
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
H_N: P North
H_S: P South
H_merid: forall x : X, transport P (merid x) H_N = H_S

forall y : Susp X, P y
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
H_N: P North
H_S: P South
H_merid: forall x : X, transport P (merid x) H_N = H_S

forall b : Unit, P (pushl b)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
H_N: P North
H_S: P South
H_merid: forall x : X, transport P (merid x) H_N = H_S
forall c : Unit, P (pushr c)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
H_N: P North
H_S: P South
H_merid: forall x : X, transport P (merid x) H_N = H_S
forall a : X, transport P (pglue a) (?pushb (const_tt X a)) = ?pushc (const_tt X a)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
H_N: P North
H_S: P South
H_merid: forall x : X, transport P (merid x) H_N = H_S

forall b : Unit, P (pushl b)
exact (Unit_ind H_N).
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
H_N: P North
H_S: P South
H_merid: forall x : X, transport P (merid x) H_N = H_S

forall c : Unit, P (pushr c)
exact (Unit_ind H_S).
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
H_N: P North
H_S: P South
H_merid: forall x : X, transport P (merid x) H_N = H_S

forall a : X, transport P (pglue a) (Unit_ind H_N (const_tt X a)) = Unit_ind H_S (const_tt X a)
exact (H_merid). Defined. (** We can also derive the computation rule *)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
H_N: P North
H_S: P South
H_merid: forall x : X, transport P (merid x) H_N = H_S
x: X

apD (Susp_ind P H_N H_S H_merid) (merid x) = H_merid x
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
H_N: P North
H_S: P South
H_merid: forall x : X, transport P (merid x) H_N = H_S
x: X

apD (Susp_ind P H_N H_S H_merid) (merid x) = H_merid x
srapply Pushout_ind_beta_pglue. Defined. (** We want to allow the user to forget that we've defined suspension as a pushout and make it look like it was defined directly as a HIT. This has the advantage of not having to assume any new HITs but allowing us to have conceptual clarity. *) Arguments Susp : simpl never. Arguments North : simpl never. Arguments South : simpl never. Arguments merid : simpl never. Arguments Susp_ind_beta_merid : simpl never. (** A version of [Susp_ind] specifically for proving that two functions defined on a suspension are homotopic. *)
X, Y: Type
f, g: Susp X -> Y
HN: f North = g North
HS: f South = g South
Hmerid: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) @ HS = HN @ ap g (merid x)

f == g
X, Y: Type
f, g: Susp X -> Y
HN: f North = g North
HS: f South = g South
Hmerid: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) @ HS = HN @ ap g (merid x)

f == g
X, Y: Type
f, g: Susp X -> Y
HN: f North = g North
HS: f South = g South
Hmerid: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) @ HS = HN @ ap g (merid x)

(fun y : Susp X => f y = g y) North
X, Y: Type
f, g: Susp X -> Y
HN: f North = g North
HS: f South = g South
Hmerid: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) @ HS = HN @ ap g (merid x)
(fun y : Susp X => f y = g y) South
X, Y: Type
f, g: Susp X -> Y
HN: f North = g North
HS: f South = g South
Hmerid: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) @ HS = HN @ ap g (merid x)
forall x : X, transport (fun y : Susp X => f y = g y) (merid x) ?H_N = ?H_S
X, Y: Type
f, g: Susp X -> Y
HN: f North = g North
HS: f South = g South
Hmerid: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) @ HS = HN @ ap g (merid x)

(fun y : Susp X => f y = g y) North
exact HN.
X, Y: Type
f, g: Susp X -> Y
HN: f North = g North
HS: f South = g South
Hmerid: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) @ HS = HN @ ap g (merid x)

(fun y : Susp X => f y = g y) South
exact HS.
X, Y: Type
f, g: Susp X -> Y
HN: f North = g North
HS: f South = g South
Hmerid: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) @ HS = HN @ ap g (merid x)

forall x : X, transport (fun y : Susp X => f y = g y) (merid x) HN = HS
X, Y: Type
f, g: Susp X -> Y
HN: f North = g North
HS: f South = g South
Hmerid: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) @ HS = HN @ ap g (merid x)
x: X

transport (fun y : Susp X => f y = g y) (merid x) HN = HS
X, Y: Type
f, g: Susp X -> Y
HN: f North = g North
HS: f South = g South
Hmerid: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) @ HS = HN @ ap g (merid x)
x: X

ap f (merid x) @ HS = HN @ ap g (merid x)
apply Hmerid. Defined. (* ** Non-dependent eliminator. *) Definition Susp_rec {X Y : Type} (H_N H_S : Y) (H_merid : X -> H_N = H_S) : Susp X -> Y := Pushout_rec (f:=const_tt X) (g:=const_tt X) Y (Unit_ind H_N) (Unit_ind H_S) H_merid. Global Arguments Susp_rec {X Y}%type_scope H_N H_S H_merid%function_scope _.
X, Y: Type
H_N, H_S: Y
H_merid: X -> H_N = H_S
x: X

ap (Susp_rec H_N H_S H_merid) (merid x) = H_merid x
X, Y: Type
H_N, H_S: Y
H_merid: X -> H_N = H_S
x: X

ap (Susp_rec H_N H_S H_merid) (merid x) = H_merid x
srapply Pushout_rec_beta_pglue. Defined. (** ** Eta-rule. *) (** The eta-rule for suspension states that any function out of a suspension is equal to one defined by [Susp_ind] in the obvious way. We give it first in a weak form, producing just a pointwise equality, and then turn this into an actual equality using [Funext]. *)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f: forall y : Susp X, P y

f == Susp_ind P (f North) (f South) (fun x : X => apD f (merid x))
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f: forall y : Susp X, P y

f == Susp_ind P (f North) (f South) (fun x : X => apD f (merid x))
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f: forall y : Susp X, P y

forall x : Susp X, f x = Susp_ind P (f North) (f South) (fun x0 : X => apD f (merid x0)) x
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f: forall y : Susp X, P y

forall x : X, transport (fun y : Susp X => f y = Susp_ind P (f North) (f South) (fun x0 : X => apD f (merid x0)) y) (merid x) 1 = 1
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f: forall y : Susp X, P y
x: X

transport (fun y : Susp X => f y = Susp_ind P (f North) (f South) (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) y) (merid x) 1 = 1
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f: forall y : Susp X, P y
x: X

((apD f (merid x))^ @ 1) @ apD (Susp_ind P (f North) (f South) (fun x : X => apD f (merid x))) (merid x) = 1
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f: forall y : Susp X, P y
x: X

(apD f (merid x))^ @ 1 = 1 @ (apD (Susp_ind P (f North) (f South) (fun x : X => apD f (merid x))) (merid x))^
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f: forall y : Susp X, P y
x: X

(apD f (merid x))^ = (apD (Susp_ind P (f North) (f South) (fun x : X => apD f (merid x))) (merid x))^
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f: forall y : Susp X, P y
x: X

apD (Susp_ind P (f North) (f South) (fun x : X => apD f (merid x))) (merid x) = apD f (merid x)
refine (Susp_ind_beta_merid _ _ _ _ _). Defined.
X, Y: Type
f: Susp X -> Y

f == Susp_rec (f North) (f South) (fun x : X => ap f (merid x))
X, Y: Type
f: Susp X -> Y

f == Susp_rec (f North) (f South) (fun x : X => ap f (merid x))
X, Y: Type
f: Susp X -> Y

f North = Susp_rec (f North) (f South) (fun x : X => ap f (merid x)) North
X, Y: Type
f: Susp X -> Y
f South = Susp_rec (f North) (f South) (fun x : X => ap f (merid x)) South
X, Y: Type
f: Susp X -> Y
forall x : X, ap f (merid x) @ ?HS = ?HN @ ap (Susp_rec (f North) (f South) (fun x0 : X => ap f (merid x0))) (merid x)
X, Y: Type
f: Susp X -> Y

forall x : X, ap f (merid x) @ 1 = 1 @ ap (Susp_rec (f North) (f South) (fun x0 : X => ap f (merid x0))) (merid x)
X, Y: Type
f: Susp X -> Y
x: X

ap f (merid x) @ 1 = 1 @ ap (Susp_rec (f North) (f South) (fun x : X => ap f (merid x))) (merid x)
X, Y: Type
f: Susp X -> Y
x: X

ap f (merid x) = ap (Susp_rec (f North) (f South) (fun x : X => ap f (merid x))) (merid x)
exact (Susp_rec_beta_merid _)^. Defined. Definition Susp_eta `{Funext} {X : Type} {P : Susp X -> Type} (f : forall y, P y) : f = Susp_ind P (f North) (f South) (fun x => apD f (merid x)) := path_forall _ _ (Susp_eta_homot f). Definition Susp_rec_eta `{Funext} {X Y : Type} (f : Susp X -> Y) : f = Susp_rec (f North) (f South) (fun x => ap f (merid x)) := path_forall _ _ (Susp_rec_eta_homot f). (** ** Functoriality *)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y

Susp X -> Susp Y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y

Susp X -> Susp Y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y

Susp Y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
Susp Y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
X -> ?H_N = ?H_S
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y

Susp Y
exact North.
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y

Susp Y
exact South.
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y

X -> North = South
intros x; exact (merid (f x)). Defined.
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
x: X

ap (functor_susp f) (merid x) = merid (f x)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
x: X

ap (functor_susp f) (merid x) = merid (f x)
srapply Susp_rec_beta_merid. Defined.
X, Y, Z: Type
f: X -> Y
g: Y -> Z

functor_susp (g o f) == functor_susp g o functor_susp f
X, Y, Z: Type
f: X -> Y
g: Y -> Z

functor_susp (g o f) == functor_susp g o functor_susp f
X, Y, Z: Type
f: X -> Y
g: Y -> Z

functor_susp (g o f) North = (fun x : Susp X => functor_susp g (functor_susp f x)) North
X, Y, Z: Type
f: X -> Y
g: Y -> Z
functor_susp (g o f) South = (fun x : Susp X => functor_susp g (functor_susp f x)) South
X, Y, Z: Type
f: X -> Y
g: Y -> Z
forall x : X, ap (functor_susp (g o f)) (merid x) @ ?HS = ?HN @ ap (fun x0 : Susp X => functor_susp g (functor_susp f x0)) (merid x)
X, Y, Z: Type
f: X -> Y
g: Y -> Z

forall x : X, ap (functor_susp (g o f)) (merid x) @ 1 = 1 @ ap (fun x0 : Susp X => functor_susp g (functor_susp f x0)) (merid x)
X, Y, Z: Type
f: X -> Y
g: Y -> Z
x: X

ap (functor_susp (g o f)) (merid x) @ 1 = 1 @ ap (fun x : Susp X => functor_susp g (functor_susp f x)) (merid x)
X, Y, Z: Type
f: X -> Y
g: Y -> Z
x: X

ap (functor_susp (fun x : X => g (f x))) (merid x) = ap (fun x : Susp X => functor_susp g (functor_susp f x)) (merid x)
X, Y, Z: Type
f: X -> Y
g: Y -> Z
x: X

ap (fun x : Susp X => functor_susp g (functor_susp f x)) (merid x) = merid (g (f x))
X, Y, Z: Type
f: X -> Y
g: Y -> Z
x: X

ap (functor_susp g) (ap (functor_susp f) (merid x)) = merid (g (f x))
X, Y, Z: Type
f: X -> Y
g: Y -> Z
x: X

ap (functor_susp g) (merid (f x)) = merid (g (f x))
apply functor_susp_beta_merid. Defined.
X: Type

functor_susp idmap == (idmap : Susp X -> Susp X)
X: Type

functor_susp idmap == (idmap : Susp X -> Susp X)
X: Type

functor_susp idmap North = idmap North
X: Type
functor_susp idmap South = idmap South
X: Type
forall x : X, ap (functor_susp idmap) (merid x) @ ?HS = ?HN @ ap idmap (merid x)
X: Type

forall x : X, ap (functor_susp idmap) (merid x) @ 1 = 1 @ ap idmap (merid x)
X: Type
x: X

ap (functor_susp idmap) (merid x) @ 1 = 1 @ ap idmap (merid x)
X: Type
x: X

ap (functor_susp idmap) (merid x) = ap idmap (merid x)
X: Type
x: X

merid x = ap idmap (merid x)
symmetry; apply ap_idmap. Defined.
X, Y: Type
f, g: X -> Y
h: f == g

functor_susp f == functor_susp g
X, Y: Type
f, g: X -> Y
h: f == g

functor_susp f == functor_susp g
X, Y: Type
f, g: X -> Y
h: f == g

functor_susp f North = functor_susp g North
X, Y: Type
f, g: X -> Y
h: f == g
functor_susp f South = functor_susp g South
X, Y: Type
f, g: X -> Y
h: f == g
forall x : X, ap (functor_susp f) (merid x) @ ?HS = ?HN @ ap (functor_susp g) (merid x)
X, Y: Type
f, g: X -> Y
h: f == g

forall x : X, ap (functor_susp f) (merid x) @ 1 = 1 @ ap (functor_susp g) (merid x)
X, Y: Type
f, g: X -> Y
h: f == g
x: X

ap (functor_susp f) (merid x) @ 1 = 1 @ ap (functor_susp g) (merid x)
X, Y: Type
f, g: X -> Y
h: f == g
x: X

ap (functor_susp f) (merid x) = ap (functor_susp g) (merid x)
X, Y: Type
f, g: X -> Y
h: f == g
x: X

merid (f x) = ap (functor_susp g) (merid x)
X, Y: Type
f, g: X -> Y
h: f == g
x: X

merid (f x) = merid (g x)
apply ap, h. Defined. Global Instance is0functor_susp : Is0Functor Susp := Build_Is0Functor _ _ _ _ Susp (@functor_susp). Global Instance is1functor_susp : Is1Functor Susp := Build_Is1Functor _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Susp _ (@functor2_susp) (@functor_susp_idmap) (@functor_susp_compose). (** ** Universal property *)
H: Funext
X, Y: Type

(Susp X -> Y) <~> {NS : Y * Y & X -> fst NS = snd NS}
H: Funext
X, Y: Type

(Susp X -> Y) <~> {NS : Y * Y & X -> fst NS = snd NS}
H: Funext
X, Y: Type

(Susp X -> Y) -> {NS : Y * Y & X -> fst NS = snd NS}
H: Funext
X, Y: Type
{NS : Y * Y & X -> fst NS = snd NS} -> Susp X -> Y
H: Funext
X, Y: Type
?f o ?g == idmap
H: Funext
X, Y: Type
?g o ?f == idmap
H: Funext
X, Y: Type

(Susp X -> Y) -> {NS : Y * Y & X -> fst NS = snd NS}
H: Funext
X, Y: Type
f: Susp X -> Y

{NS : Y * Y & X -> fst NS = snd NS}
H: Funext
X, Y: Type
f: Susp X -> Y

X -> fst (f North, f South) = snd (f North, f South)
intros x; exact (ap f (merid x)).
H: Funext
X, Y: Type

{NS : Y * Y & X -> fst NS = snd NS} -> Susp X -> Y
H: Funext
X, Y: Type
N, S: Y
m: X -> fst (N, S) = snd (N, S)

Susp X -> Y
exact (Susp_rec N S m).
H: Funext
X, Y: Type

(fun f : Susp X -> Y => ((f North, f South); fun x : X => ap f (merid x))) o (fun X0 : {NS : Y * Y & X -> fst NS = snd NS} => (fun proj1 : Y * Y => (fun (N S : Y) (m : X -> fst (N, S) = snd (N, S)) => Susp_rec N S m) (fst proj1) (snd proj1)) X0.1 X0.2) == idmap
H: Funext
X, Y: Type
N, S: Y
m: X -> fst (N, S) = snd (N, S)

((Susp_rec N S m North, Susp_rec N S m South); fun x : X => ap (Susp_rec N S m) (merid x)) = ((N, S); m)
H: Funext
X, Y: Type
N, S: Y
m: X -> fst (N, S) = snd (N, S)

(fun x : X => ap (Susp_rec N S m) (merid x)) == m
intros x; apply Susp_rec_beta_merid.
H: Funext
X, Y: Type

(fun X0 : {NS : Y * Y & X -> fst NS = snd NS} => (fun proj1 : Y * Y => (fun (N S : Y) (m : X -> fst (N, S) = snd (N, S)) => Susp_rec N S m) (fst proj1) (snd proj1)) X0.1 X0.2) o (fun f : Susp X -> Y => ((f North, f South); fun x : X => ap f (merid x))) == idmap
H: Funext
X, Y: Type
f: Susp X -> Y

Susp_rec (f North) (f South) (fun x : X => ap f (merid x)) = f
symmetry; apply Susp_rec_eta. Defined. (** Using wild 0-groupoids, the universal property can be proven without funext. A simple equivalence of 0-groupoids between [Susp X -> Y] and [{ NS : Y * Y & X -> fst NS = snd NS }] would not carry all the higher-dimensional information, but if we generalize it to dependent functions, then it does suffice. *) Section UnivProp. Context (X : Type) (P : Susp X -> Type). (** Here is the domain of the equivalence: sections of [P] over [Susp X]. *) Definition Susp_ind_type := forall z:Susp X, P z.
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

IsGraph Susp_ind_type
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

IsGraph Susp_ind_type
apply isgraph_forall; intros; apply isgraph_paths. Defined.
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

Is01Cat Susp_ind_type
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

Is01Cat Susp_ind_type
apply is01cat_forall; intros; apply is01cat_paths. Defined.
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

Is0Gpd Susp_ind_type
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

Is0Gpd Susp_ind_type
apply is0gpd_forall; intros; apply is0gpd_paths. Defined. (** The codomain is a sigma-groupoid of this family, consisting of input data for [Susp_ind]. *) Definition Susp_ind_data' (NS : P North * P South) := forall x:X, DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS).
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
NS: P North * P South

IsGraph (Susp_ind_data' NS)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
NS: P North * P South

IsGraph (Susp_ind_data' NS)
apply isgraph_forall; intros; apply isgraph_paths. Defined.
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
NS: P North * P South

Is01Cat (Susp_ind_data' NS)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
NS: P North * P South

Is01Cat (Susp_ind_data' NS)
apply is01cat_forall; intros; apply is01cat_paths. Defined.
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
NS: P North * P South

Is0Gpd (Susp_ind_data' NS)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
NS: P North * P South

Is0Gpd (Susp_ind_data' NS)
apply is0gpd_forall; intros; apply is0gpd_paths. Defined. (** Here is the codomain itself. *) Definition Susp_ind_data := sig Susp_ind_data'.
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

Is01Cat Susp_ind_data
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

Is01Cat Susp_ind_data
rapply is01cat_sigma. Defined.
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

Is0Gpd Susp_ind_data
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

Is0Gpd Susp_ind_data
rapply is0gpd_sigma. Defined. (** Here is the functor. *)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

Susp_ind_type -> Susp_ind_data
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

Susp_ind_type -> Susp_ind_data
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f: Susp_ind_type

X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f: Susp_ind_type

Susp_ind_data' (f North, f South)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f: Susp_ind_type
x: X

DPath P (merid x) (fst (f North, f South)) (snd (f North, f South))
exact (apD f (merid x)). Defined.
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

Is0Functor Susp_ind_inv
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

Is0Functor Susp_ind_inv
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

forall a b : forall z : Susp X, P z, (forall a0 : Susp X, a a0 = b a0) -> {p : (a North, a South) = (b North, b South) & forall a0 : X, transport Susp_ind_data' p (fun x : X => apD a (merid x)) a0 = apD b (merid a0)}
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: forall z : Susp X, P z
p: forall a : Susp X, f a = g a

{p : (f North, f South) = (g North, g South) & forall a : X, transport Susp_ind_data' p (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) a = apD g (merid a)}
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: forall z : Susp X, P z
p: forall a : Susp X, f a = g a

(f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: forall z : Susp X, P z
p: forall a : Susp X, f a = g a
forall a : X, transport Susp_ind_data' ?p (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) a = apD g (merid a)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: forall z : Susp X, P z
p: forall a : Susp X, f a = g a

(f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
apply path_prod; apply p.
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: forall z : Susp X, P z
p: forall a : Susp X, f a = g a

forall a : X, transport Susp_ind_data' (path_prod (f North, f South) (g North, g South) (p North) (p South)) (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) a = apD g (merid a)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: forall z : Susp X, P z
p: forall a : Susp X, f a = g a
x: X

transport Susp_ind_data' (path_prod (f North, f South) (g North, g South) (p North) (p South)) (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) x = apD g (merid x)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: forall z : Susp X, P z
p: forall a : Susp X, f a = g a
x: X

transport (fun x0 : P North => transport P (merid x) x0 = g South) (p North) (transport (fun x0 : P South => transport P (merid x) (f North) = x0) (p South) (apD f (merid x))) = apD g (merid x)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: forall z : Susp X, P z
p: forall a : Susp X, f a = g a
x: X

DPathSquare P (sq_refl_h (merid x)) (apD f (merid x)) (apD g (merid x)) (p North) (p South)
exact (dp_apD_nat p (merid x)). Defined. (** And now we can prove that it's an equivalence of 0-groupoids, using the definition from WildCat/EquivGpd. *)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

IsSurjInj Susp_ind_inv
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

IsSurjInj Susp_ind_inv
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

SplEssSurj Susp_ind_inv
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
forall x y : Susp_ind_type, Susp_ind_inv x $== Susp_ind_inv y -> x $== y
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

SplEssSurj Susp_ind_inv
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
n: P North
s: P South
g: Susp_ind_data' (n, s)

{a : Susp_ind_type & Susp_ind_inv a $== ((n, s); g)}
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
n: P North
s: P South
g: Susp_ind_data' (n, s)

{p : (Susp_ind P n s g North, Susp_ind P n s g South) = (n, s) & forall a : X, transport Susp_ind_data' p (fun x : X => apD (Susp_ind P n s g) (merid x)) a = g a}
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
n: P North
s: P South
g: Susp_ind_data' (n, s)

forall a : X, transport Susp_ind_data' 1 (fun x : X => apD (Susp_ind P n s g) (merid x)) a = g a
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
n: P North
s: P South
g: Susp_ind_data' (n, s)
x: X

apD (Susp_ind P n s g) (merid x) = g x
apply Susp_ind_beta_merid.
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type

forall x y : Susp_ind_type, Susp_ind_inv x $== Susp_ind_inv y -> x $== y
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: Susp_ind_type
p: (f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
q: forall a : X, transport Susp_ind_data' p (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) a = apD g (merid a)

forall a : Susp X, f a = g a
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: Susp_ind_type
p: (f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
q: forall a : X, transport Susp_ind_data' p (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) a = apD g (merid a)

f North = g North
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: Susp_ind_type
p: (f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
q: forall a : X, transport Susp_ind_data' p (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) a = apD g (merid a)
f South = g South
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: Susp_ind_type
p: (f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
q: forall a : X, transport Susp_ind_data' p (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) a = apD g (merid a)
forall x : X, transport (fun y : Susp X => f y = g y) (merid x) ?Goal = ?Goal0
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: Susp_ind_type
p: (f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
q: forall a : X, transport Susp_ind_data' p (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) a = apD g (merid a)

f South = g South
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: Susp_ind_type
p: (f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
q: forall a : X, transport Susp_ind_data' p (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) a = apD g (merid a)
forall x : X, transport (fun y : Susp X => f y = g y) (merid x) (ap fst p) = ?Goal
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: Susp_ind_type
p: (f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
q: forall a : X, transport Susp_ind_data' p (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) a = apD g (merid a)

forall x : X, transport (fun y : Susp X => f y = g y) (merid x) (ap fst p) = ap snd p
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: Susp_ind_type
p: (f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
x: X
q: transport Susp_ind_data' p (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) x = apD g (merid x)

transport (fun y : Susp X => f y = g y) (merid x) (ap fst p) = ap snd p
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: Susp_ind_type
p: (f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
x: X
q: transport Susp_ind_data' p (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) x = apD g (merid x)

DPathSquare P (sq_refl_h (merid x)) (apD f (merid x)) (apD g (merid x)) (ap fst p) (ap snd p)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: Susp_ind_type
p: (f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
x: X
q: transport Susp_ind_data' p (fun x : X => apD f (merid x)) x = apD g (merid x)

transport (fun y : P North => DPath P (merid x) y (g South)) (ap fst p) (transport (fun y : P South => DPath P (merid x) (f North) y) (ap snd p) (apD f (merid x))) = apD g (merid x)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: Susp_ind_type
p: (f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
x: X
q: transport (fun x0 : P North * P South => DPath P (merid x) (fst x0) (snd x0)) p (apD f (merid x)) = apD g (merid x)

transport (fun y : P North => DPath P (merid x) y (g South)) (ap fst p) (transport (fun y : P South => DPath P (merid x) (f North) y) (ap snd p) (apD f (merid x))) = apD g (merid x)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: Susp_ind_type
p: (f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
x: X
q: transport (fun x0 : P North * P South => DPath P (merid x) (fst x0) (snd x0)) (path_prod (f North, f South) (g North, g South) (ap fst p) (ap snd p)) (apD f (merid x)) = apD g (merid x)

transport (fun y : P North => DPath P (merid x) y (g South)) (ap fst p) (transport (fun y : P South => DPath P (merid x) (f North) y) (ap snd p) (apD f (merid x))) = apD g (merid x)
X: Type
P: Susp X -> Type
f, g: Susp_ind_type
p: (f North, f South) = (g North, g South)
x: X
q: transport (fun x0 : P North => DPath P (merid x) (fst (x0, snd (g North, g South))) (snd (x0, snd (g North, g South)))) (ap fst p) (transport (fun y : P South => DPath P (merid x) (fst (fst (f North, f South), y)) (snd (fst (f North, f South), y))) (ap snd p) (apD f (merid x))) = apD g (merid x)

transport (fun y : P North => DPath P (merid x) y (g South)) (ap fst p) (transport (fun y : P South => DPath P (merid x) (f North) y) (ap snd p) (apD f (merid x))) = apD g (merid x)
exact q. Defined. End UnivProp. (** The full non-funext version of the universal property should be formulated with respect to a notion of "wild hom-oo-groupoid", which we don't currently have. However, we can deduce statements about full higher universal properties that we do have, for instance the statement that a type is local for [functor_susp f] -- expressed in terms of [ooExtendableAlong] -- if and only if all its identity types are local for [f]. (We will use this in [Modalities.Localization] for separated subuniverses.) To prove this, we again generalize it to the case of dependent types, starting with naturality of the above 0-dimensional universal property. *) Section UnivPropNat. (** We will show that [Susp_ind_inv] for [X] and [Y] commute with precomposition with [f] and [functor_susp f]. *) Context {X Y : Type} (f : X -> Y) (P : Susp Y -> Type). (** We recall all those instances from the previous section. *) Local Existing Instances isgraph_Susp_ind_type is01cat_Susp_ind_type is0gpd_Susp_ind_type isgraph_Susp_ind_data' is01cat_Susp_ind_data' is0gpd_Susp_ind_data' is01cat_Susp_ind_data is0gpd_Susp_ind_data. (** Here is an intermediate family of groupoids that we have to use, since precomposition with [f] doesn't land in quite the right place. *) Definition Susp_ind_data'' (NS : P North * P South) := forall x:X, DPath P (merid (f x)) (fst NS) (snd NS).
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

IsGraph (Susp_ind_data'' NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

IsGraph (Susp_ind_data'' NS)
apply isgraph_forall; intros; apply isgraph_paths. Defined.
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

Is01Cat (Susp_ind_data'' NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

Is01Cat (Susp_ind_data'' NS)
apply is01cat_forall; intros; apply is01cat_paths. Defined.
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

Is0Gpd (Susp_ind_data'' NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

Is0Gpd (Susp_ind_data'' NS)
apply is0gpd_forall; intros; apply is0gpd_paths. Defined. (** We decompose "precomposition with [f]" into a functor_sigma of two fiberwise functors. Here is the first. *) Definition functor_Susp_ind_data'' (NS : P North * P South) : Susp_ind_data' Y P NS -> Susp_ind_data'' NS := fun g x => g (f x).
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

Is0Functor (functor_Susp_ind_data'' NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

Is0Functor (functor_Susp_ind_data'' NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

forall a b : Susp_ind_data' Y P NS, (a $-> b) -> functor_Susp_ind_data'' NS a $-> functor_Susp_ind_data'' NS b
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
g, h: Susp_ind_data' Y P NS
p: g $-> h
a: X

functor_Susp_ind_data'' NS g a $-> functor_Susp_ind_data'' NS h a
exact (p (f a)). Defined. (** And here is the second. This one is actually a fiberwise equivalence of types at each [x]. *)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
x: X

DPath P (merid (f x)) (fst NS) (snd NS) <~> DPath (P o functor_susp f) (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
x: X

DPath P (merid (f x)) (fst NS) (snd NS) <~> DPath (P o functor_susp f) (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
x: X

DPath P (merid (f x)) (fst NS) (snd NS) <~> ?Goal
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
x: X
?Goal <~> DPath (P o functor_susp f) (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
x: X

DPath P (merid (f x)) (fst NS) (snd NS) <~> ?Goal
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
x: X

merid (f x) = ?Goal0
symmetry; apply functor_susp_beta_merid.
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
x: X

DPath P (ap (functor_susp f) (merid x)) (fst NS) (snd NS) <~> DPath (P o functor_susp f) (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
x: X

DPath (P o functor_susp f) (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS) <~> DPath P (ap (functor_susp f) (merid x)) (fst NS) (snd NS)
apply (dp_compose (functor_susp f) P (merid x)). Defined.
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

Susp_ind_data'' NS -> Susp_ind_data' X (P o functor_susp f) NS
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

Susp_ind_data'' NS -> Susp_ind_data' X (P o functor_susp f) NS
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
x: X

(fun a : X => DPath P (merid (f a)) (fst NS) (snd NS)) (idmap x) -> (fun b : X => DPath (P o functor_susp f) (merid b) (fst NS) (snd NS)) x
apply equiv_Susp_ind_data'. Defined.
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

Is0Functor (functor_Susp_ind_data' NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

Is0Functor (functor_Susp_ind_data' NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

forall a b : Susp_ind_data'' NS, (a $-> b) -> functor_Susp_ind_data' NS a $-> functor_Susp_ind_data' NS b
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
g, h: Susp_ind_data'' NS
q: g $-> h
x: X

functor_Susp_ind_data' NS g x $-> functor_Susp_ind_data' NS h x
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
g, h: Susp_ind_data'' NS
q: g $-> h
x: X

g x = h x
exact (q x). Defined. (** And therefore a fiberwise equivalence of 0-groupoids. *)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

IsSurjInj (functor_Susp_ind_data' NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

IsSurjInj (functor_Susp_ind_data' NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

SplEssSurj (functor_Susp_ind_data' NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
forall x y : Susp_ind_data'' NS, functor_Susp_ind_data' NS x $== functor_Susp_ind_data' NS y -> x $== y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

SplEssSurj (functor_Susp_ind_data' NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
g: Susp_ind_data' X (fun x : Susp X => P (functor_susp f x)) NS

{a : Susp_ind_data'' NS & functor_Susp_ind_data' NS a $== g}
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
g: Susp_ind_data' X (fun x : Susp X => P (functor_susp f x)) NS

Susp_ind_data'' NS
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
g: Susp_ind_data' X (fun x : Susp X => P (functor_susp f x)) NS
functor_Susp_ind_data' NS ?a $== g
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
g: Susp_ind_data' X (fun x : Susp X => P (functor_susp f x)) NS

Susp_ind_data'' NS
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
g: Susp_ind_data' X (fun x : Susp X => P (functor_susp f x)) NS
x: X

DPath P (merid (f x)) (fst NS) (snd NS)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
g: Susp_ind_data' X (fun x : Susp X => P (functor_susp f x)) NS
x: X

DPath (fun x : Susp X => P (functor_susp f x)) (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)
exact (g x).
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
g: Susp_ind_data' X (fun x : Susp X => P (functor_susp f x)) NS

functor_Susp_ind_data' NS ((fun x : X => (equiv_Susp_ind_data' NS x)^-1 (g x)) : Susp_ind_data'' NS) $== g
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
g: Susp_ind_data' X (fun x : Susp X => P (functor_susp f x)) NS
x: X

functor_Susp_ind_data' NS (fun x : X => (equiv_Susp_ind_data' NS x)^-1 (g x)) x $-> g x
apply eisretr.
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South

forall x y : Susp_ind_data'' NS, functor_Susp_ind_data' NS x $== functor_Susp_ind_data' NS y -> x $== y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
g, h: Susp_ind_data'' NS
p: functor_Susp_ind_data' NS g $== functor_Susp_ind_data' NS h
x: X

g x $-> h x
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
NS: P North * P South
g, h: Susp_ind_data'' NS
p: functor_Susp_ind_data' NS g $== functor_Susp_ind_data' NS h
x: X

equiv_Susp_ind_data' NS x (g x) = equiv_Susp_ind_data' NS x (h x)
exact (p x). Defined. (** Now we put them together. *) Definition functor_Susp_ind_data : Susp_ind_data Y P -> Susp_ind_data X (P o functor_susp f) := fun NSg => (NSg.1 ; (functor_Susp_ind_data' NSg.1 o (functor_Susp_ind_data'' NSg.1)) NSg.2).
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

Is0Functor functor_Susp_ind_data
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

Is0Functor functor_Susp_ind_data
refine (is0functor_sigma _ _ (fun NS => functor_Susp_ind_data' NS o functor_Susp_ind_data'' NS)). Defined. (** Here is the "precomposition with [functor_susp f]" functor. *) Definition functor_Susp_ind_type : Susp_ind_type Y P -> Susp_ind_type X (P o functor_susp f) := fun g => g o functor_susp f.
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

Is0Functor functor_Susp_ind_type
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

Is0Functor functor_Susp_ind_type
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

forall a b : Susp_ind_type Y P, (a $-> b) -> functor_Susp_ind_type a $-> functor_Susp_ind_type b
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
g, h: Susp_ind_type Y P
p: g $-> h
a: Susp X

functor_Susp_ind_type g a $-> functor_Susp_ind_type h a
exact (p (functor_susp f a)). Defined. (** And here is the desired naturality square. *)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

Susp_ind_inv X (P o functor_susp f) o functor_Susp_ind_type $=> functor_Susp_ind_data o Susp_ind_inv Y P
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

Susp_ind_inv X (P o functor_susp f) o functor_Susp_ind_type $=> functor_Susp_ind_data o Susp_ind_inv Y P
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
g: Susp_ind_type Y P
x: X

transport (Susp_ind_data' X (fun x : Susp X => P (functor_susp f x))) 1 (Susp_ind_inv X (fun x : Susp X => P (functor_susp f x)) (functor_Susp_ind_type g)).2 x $-> (functor_Susp_ind_data (Susp_ind_inv Y P g)).2 x
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
g: Susp_ind_type Y P
x: X

apD (fun x0 : Susp X => g (functor_susp f x0)) (merid x) = (functor_Susp_ind_data (Susp_ind_inv Y P g)).2 x
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
g: Susp_ind_type Y P
x: X

(dp_compose (functor_susp f) P (merid x))^-1 (apD g (ap (functor_susp f) (merid x))) = (functor_Susp_ind_data (Susp_ind_inv Y P g)).2 x
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
g: Susp_ind_type Y P
x: X

apD g (ap (functor_susp f) (merid x)) = transport (fun p : North = South => transport P p (g North) = g South) (functor_susp_beta_merid f x)^ (apD g (merid (f x)))
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
g: Susp_ind_type Y P
x: X

transport (fun p : North = South => DPath P p (g North) (g South)) (functor_susp_beta_merid f x) (apD g (ap (functor_susp f) (merid x))) = apD g (merid (f x))
exact (apD (apD g) (functor_susp_beta_merid f x)). Defined. (** From this we can deduce a equivalence between extendability, which is definitionally equal to split essential surjectivity of a functor between forall 0-groupoids. *)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

(forall g : forall x : Susp X, P (functor_susp f x), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g) <-> (forall (NS : P North * P South) (g : forall x : X, (fun x0 : Y => DPath P (merid x0) (fst NS) (snd NS)) (f x)), ExtensionAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)) g)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

(forall g : forall x : Susp X, P (functor_susp f x), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g) <-> (forall (NS : P North * P South) (g : forall x : X, (fun x0 : Y => DPath P (merid x0) (fst NS) (snd NS)) (f x)), ExtensionAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)) g)
(** The proof is by chaining logical equivalences. *)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

(forall g : forall x : Susp X, P (functor_susp f x), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g) <-> SplEssSurj functor_Susp_ind_type
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
SplEssSurj functor_Susp_ind_type <-> (forall (NS : P North * P South) (g : forall x : X, (fun x0 : Y => DPath P (merid x0) (fst NS) (snd NS)) (f x)), ExtensionAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)) g)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

(forall g : forall x : Susp X, P (functor_susp f x), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g) <-> SplEssSurj functor_Susp_ind_type
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

SplEssSurj functor_Susp_ind_type <-> (forall (NS : P North * P South) (g : forall x : X, (fun x0 : Y => DPath P (merid x0) (fst NS) (snd NS)) (f x)), ExtensionAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)) g)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

SplEssSurj functor_Susp_ind_type <-> ?Goal
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
?Goal <-> (forall (NS : P North * P South) (g : forall x : X, (fun x0 : Y => DPath P (merid x0) (fst NS) (snd NS)) (f x)), ExtensionAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)) g)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

SplEssSurj functor_Susp_ind_type <-> ?Goal
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

IsSurjInj (Susp_ind_inv Y P)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
IsSurjInj (Susp_ind_inv X (fun x : Susp X => P (functor_susp f x)))
all:apply issurjinj_Susp_ind_inv.
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

SplEssSurj functor_Susp_ind_data <-> (forall (NS : P North * P South) (g : forall x : X, (fun x0 : Y => DPath P (merid x0) (fst NS) (snd NS)) (f x)), ExtensionAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)) g)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

SplEssSurj functor_Susp_ind_data <-> ?Goal
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
?Goal <-> (forall (NS : P North * P South) (g : forall x : X, (fun x0 : Y => DPath P (merid x0) (fst NS) (snd NS)) (f x)), ExtensionAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)) g)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

SplEssSurj functor_Susp_ind_data <-> ?Goal
refine (isesssurj_iff_sigma _ _ (fun NS => functor_Susp_ind_data' NS o functor_Susp_ind_data'' NS)).
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

(forall a : P North * P South, SplEssSurj ((fun NS : P North * P South => functor_Susp_ind_data' NS o functor_Susp_ind_data'' NS) a)) <-> (forall (NS : P North * P South) (g : forall x : X, (fun x0 : Y => DPath P (merid x0) (fst NS) (snd NS)) (f x)), ExtensionAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)) g)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
N: P North
S: P South

SplEssSurj (fun x : Susp_ind_data' Y P (N, S) => functor_Susp_ind_data' (N, S) (functor_Susp_ind_data'' (N, S) x)) <-> (forall g : forall x : X, transport P (merid (f x)) N = S, ExtensionAlong f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) N = S) g)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
N: P North
S: P South

SplEssSurj (fun x : Susp_ind_data' Y P (N, S) => functor_Susp_ind_data' (N, S) (functor_Susp_ind_data'' (N, S) x)) <-> ?Goal
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
N: P North
S: P South
?Goal <-> (forall g : forall x : X, transport P (merid (f x)) N = S, ExtensionAlong f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) N = S) g)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
N: P North
S: P South

SplEssSurj (fun x : Susp_ind_data' Y P (N, S) => functor_Susp_ind_data' (N, S) (functor_Susp_ind_data'' (N, S) x)) <-> ?Goal
apply iffL_isesssurj; exact _.
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
N: P North
S: P South

SplEssSurj (functor_Susp_ind_data'' (N, S)) <-> (forall g : forall x : X, transport P (merid (f x)) N = S, ExtensionAlong f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) N = S) g)
reflexivity. Defined. (** We have to close the section now because we have to generalize [extension_iff_functor_susp] over [P]. *) End UnivPropNat. (** Now we can iterate, deducing [n]-extendability. *)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
n: nat

ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
n: nat

ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat

forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type

ExtendableAlong n.+1 (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n.+1 f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
(** It would be nice to be able to do this proof by chaining logical equivalences too, especially since the two parts seem very similar. But I haven't managed to make that work. *)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type

ExtendableAlong n.+1 (functor_susp f) P -> forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n.+1 f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
(forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n.+1 f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))) -> ExtendableAlong n.+1 (functor_susp f) P
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type

ExtendableAlong n.+1 (functor_susp f) P -> forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n.+1 f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
en: forall h k : forall b : Susp Y, P b, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b)
N: P North
S: P South

forall g : forall a : X, DPath P (merid (f a)) (fst (N, S)) (snd (N, S)), ExtensionAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst (N, S)) (snd (N, S))) g
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
en: forall h k : forall b : Susp Y, P b, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b)
N: P North
S: P South
forall h k : forall b : Y, DPath P (merid b) (fst (N, S)) (snd (N, S)), ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h b = k b)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
en: forall h k : forall b : Susp Y, P b, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b)
N: P North
S: P South

forall g : forall a : X, DPath P (merid (f a)) (fst (N, S)) (snd (N, S)), ExtensionAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst (N, S)) (snd (N, S))) g
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
en: forall h k : forall b : Susp Y, P b, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b)
N: P North
S: P South

forall g : forall x : Susp X, P (functor_susp f x), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
exact e1.
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
en: forall h k : forall b : Susp Y, P b, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b)
N: P North
S: P South

forall h k : forall b : Y, DPath P (merid b) (fst (N, S)) (snd (N, S)), ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h b = k b)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
en: forall h k : forall b : Susp Y, P b, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b)
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S

ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h b = k b)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
en: forall h k : forall b : Susp Y, P b, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b)
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
h':= Susp_ind P N S h: forall y : Susp Y, P y

ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h b = k b)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
en: forall h k : forall b : Susp Y, P b, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b)
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
h':= Susp_ind P N S h: forall y : Susp Y, P y
k':= Susp_ind P N S k: forall y : Susp Y, P y

ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h b = k b)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
h':= Susp_ind P N S h: forall y : Susp Y, P y
k':= Susp_ind P N S k: forall y : Susp Y, P y
en: ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) (fun b : Susp Y => h' b = k' b)

ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h b = k b)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
h':= Susp_ind P N S h: forall y : Susp Y, P y
k':= Susp_ind P N S k: forall y : Susp Y, P y
IH: ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath (fun b : Susp Y => h' b = k' b) (merid x) (fst (1, 1)) (snd (1, 1)))

ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h b = k b)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
h':= Susp_ind P N S h: forall y : Susp Y, P y
k':= Susp_ind P N S k: forall y : Susp Y, P y
IH: ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport (fun b : Susp Y => h' b = k' b) (merid x) 1 = 1)

ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h b = k b)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
h':= Susp_ind P N S h: forall y : Susp Y, P y
k':= Susp_ind P N S k: forall y : Susp Y, P y

forall b : Y, transport (fun b0 : Susp Y => h' b0 = k' b0) (merid b) 1 = 1 <~> h b = k b
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
h':= Susp_ind P N S h: forall y : Susp Y, P y
k':= Susp_ind P N S k: forall y : Susp Y, P y
y: Y

transport (fun b : Susp Y => h' b = k' b) (merid y) 1 = 1 <~> h y = k y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
h':= Susp_ind P N S h: forall y : Susp Y, P y
k':= Susp_ind P N S k: forall y : Susp Y, P y
y: Y

transport (fun b : Susp Y => h' b = k' b) (merid y) 1 = 1 <~> ?Goal0
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
h':= Susp_ind P N S h: forall y : Susp Y, P y
k':= Susp_ind P N S k: forall y : Susp Y, P y
y: Y
?Goal0 <~> h y = k y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
h':= Susp_ind P N S h: forall y : Susp Y, P y
k':= Susp_ind P N S k: forall y : Susp Y, P y
y: Y

DPathSquare P (sq_refl_h (merid y)) (apD h' (merid y)) (apD k' (merid y)) 1 1 <~> h y = k y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
h':= Susp_ind P N S h: forall y : Susp Y, P y
k':= Susp_ind P N S k: forall y : Susp Y, P y
y: Y

DPathSquare P (sq_refl_h (merid y)) (apD h' (merid y)) (apD k' (merid y)) 1 1 <~> ?Goal0
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
h':= Susp_ind P N S h: forall y : Susp Y, P y
k':= Susp_ind P N S k: forall y : Susp Y, P y
y: Y
?Goal0 <~> h y = k y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
h':= Susp_ind P N S h: forall y : Susp Y, P y
k':= Susp_ind P N S k: forall y : Susp Y, P y
y: Y

transport (fun y0 : P North => DPath P (merid y) y0 (k' South)) 1 (transport (fun y0 : P South => DPath P (merid y) (h' North) y0) 1 (apD h' (merid y))) = apD k' (merid y) <~> h y = k y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
y: Y

apD (Susp_ind P N S h) (merid y) = apD (Susp_ind P N S k) (merid y) <~> h y = k y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
y: Y

h y = apD (Susp_ind P N S h) (merid y)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
y: Y
apD (Susp_ind P N S k) (merid y) = k y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
y: Y

h y = apD (Susp_ind P N S h) (merid y)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
y: Y

apD (Susp_ind P N S h) (merid y) = h y
exact (Susp_ind_beta_merid P N S h y).
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
P: Susp Y -> Type
e1: forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
N: P North
S: P South
h, k: forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) N = S
y: Y

apD (Susp_ind P N S k) (merid y) = k y
exact (Susp_ind_beta_merid P N S k y).
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type

(forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n.+1 f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))) -> ExtendableAlong n.+1 (functor_susp f) P
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n.+1 f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))

forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n.+1 f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))
forall h k : forall b : Susp Y, P b, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n.+1 f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))

forall g : forall a : Susp X, P (functor_susp f a), ExtensionAlong (functor_susp f) P g
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n.+1 f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))

forall (NS : P North * P South) (g : forall x : X, DPath P (merid (f x)) (fst NS) (snd NS)), ExtensionAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)) g
intros NS; exact (fst (e NS)).
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n.+1 f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))

forall h k : forall b : Susp Y, P b, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n.+1 f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b

ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n.+1 f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b

forall NS : (h North = k North) * (h South = k South), ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b) (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n.+1 f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South

ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b) (merid x) (fst (p, q)) (snd (p, q)))
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
P: Susp Y -> Type
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
e: ExtendableAlong n.+1 f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst (h North, k South)) (snd (h North, k South)))
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South

ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b) (merid x) (fst (p, q)) (snd (p, q)))
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) (fst NS) = snd NS))
P: Susp Y -> Type
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
e: forall h0 k0 : forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) (h North) = k South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h0 b = k0 b)
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South

ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b) (merid x) p = q)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) (fst NS) = snd NS))
P: Susp Y -> Type
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
e: forall h0 k0 : forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) (h North) = k South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h0 b = k0 b)
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South
y: Y

?Goal y = ?Goal0 y <~> transport (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b) (merid y) p = q
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) (fst NS) = snd NS))
P: Susp Y -> Type
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
e: forall h0 k0 : forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) (h North) = k South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h0 b = k0 b)
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South
y: Y

transport (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b) (merid y) p = q <~> ?Goal y = ?Goal0 y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) (fst NS) = snd NS))
P: Susp Y -> Type
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
e: forall h0 k0 : forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) (h North) = k South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h0 b = k0 b)
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South
y: Y

transport (fun b : Susp Y => h b = k b) (merid y) p = q <~> ?Goal1
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) (fst NS) = snd NS))
P: Susp Y -> Type
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
e: forall h0 k0 : forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) (h North) = k South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h0 b = k0 b)
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South
y: Y
?Goal1 <~> ?Goal y = ?Goal0 y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) (fst NS) = snd NS))
P: Susp Y -> Type
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
e: forall h0 k0 : forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) (h North) = k South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h0 b = k0 b)
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South
y: Y

DPathSquare P (sq_refl_h (merid y)) (apD h (merid y)) (apD k (merid y)) p q <~> ?Goal y = ?Goal0 y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) (fst NS) = snd NS))
P: Susp Y -> Type
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
e: forall h0 k0 : forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) (h North) = k South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h0 b = k0 b)
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South
y: Y

DPathSquare P (sq_refl_h (merid y)) (apD h (merid y)) (apD k (merid y)) p q <~> ?Goal1
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) (fst NS) = snd NS))
P: Susp Y -> Type
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
e: forall h0 k0 : forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) (h North) = k South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h0 b = k0 b)
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South
y: Y
?Goal1 <~> ?Goal y = ?Goal0 y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) (fst NS) = snd NS))
P: Susp Y -> Type
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
e: forall h0 k0 : forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) (h North) = k South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h0 b = k0 b)
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South
y: Y

transport (fun y0 : P North => DPath P (merid y) y0 (k South)) p (transport (fun y0 : P South => DPath P (merid y) (h North) y0) q (apD h (merid y))) = apD k (merid y) <~> ?Goal y = ?Goal0 y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) (fst NS) = snd NS))
P: Susp Y -> Type
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
e: forall h0 k0 : forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) (h North) = k South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h0 b = k0 b)
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South
y: Y

transport (fun y0 : P North => DPath P (merid y) y0 (k South)) p (transport (fun y0 : P South => DPath P (merid y) (h North) y0) q (apD h (merid y))) = apD k (merid y) <~> ?Goal1
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) (fst NS) = snd NS))
P: Susp Y -> Type
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
e: forall h0 k0 : forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) (h North) = k South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h0 b = k0 b)
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South
y: Y
?Goal1 <~> ?Goal y = ?Goal0 y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) (fst NS) = snd NS))
P: Susp Y -> Type
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
e: forall h0 k0 : forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) (h North) = k South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h0 b = k0 b)
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South
y: Y

transport (fun y0 : P North => DPath P (merid y) y0 (k South)) p (transport (fun y0 : P South => DPath P (merid y) (h North) y0) q (apD h (merid y))) = apD k (merid y) <~> ?Goal y = ?Goal0 y
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
n: nat
IHn: forall P : Susp Y -> Type, ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => transport P (merid x) (fst NS) = snd NS))
P: Susp Y -> Type
h, k: forall b : Susp Y, P b
e: forall h0 k0 : forall b : Y, transport P (merid b) (h North) = k South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun b : Y => h0 b = k0 b)
p: h North = k North
q: h South = k South
y: Y

?Goal y = ?Goal0 y <~> transport (fun y0 : P North => DPath P (merid y) y0 (k South)) p (transport (fun y0 : P South => DPath P (merid y) (h North) y0) q (apD h (merid y))) = apD k (merid y)
apply (equiv_moveR_transport_p (fun y0 : P North => DPath P (merid y) y0 (k South))). Defined. (** As usual, deducing oo-extendability is trivial. *)
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

ooExtendableAlong (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ooExtendableAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type

ooExtendableAlong (functor_susp f) P <-> (forall NS : P North * P South, ooExtendableAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS)))
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: ooExtendableAlong (functor_susp f) P

forall NS : P North * P South, ooExtendableAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: forall NS : P North * P South, ooExtendableAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))
ooExtendableAlong (functor_susp f) P
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: ooExtendableAlong (functor_susp f) P

forall NS : P North * P South, ooExtendableAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: ooExtendableAlong (functor_susp f) P
NS: P North * P South
n: nat

ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: ooExtendableAlong (functor_susp f) P
NS: P North * P South
n: nat

ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P
exact (e n).
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: forall NS : P North * P South, ooExtendableAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))

ooExtendableAlong (functor_susp f) P
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: forall NS : P North * P South, ooExtendableAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))
n: nat

ExtendableAlong n (functor_susp f) P
X, Y: Type
f: X -> Y
P: Susp Y -> Type
e: forall NS : P North * P South, ooExtendableAlong f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))
n: nat

forall NS : P North * P South, ExtendableAlong n f (fun x : Y => DPath P (merid x) (fst NS) (snd NS))
intros NS; exact (e NS n). Defined. (** ** Nullhomotopies of maps out of suspensions *)
X, Z: Type
f: Susp X -> Z
n: NullHomotopy (fun x : X => ap f (merid x))

NullHomotopy f
X, Z: Type
f: Susp X -> Z
n: NullHomotopy (fun x : X => ap f (merid x))

NullHomotopy f
X, Z: Type
f: Susp X -> Z
n: NullHomotopy (fun x : X => ap f (merid x))

forall x : Susp X, f x = f North
X, Z: Type
f: Susp X -> Z
n: NullHomotopy (fun x : X => ap f (merid x))
x: X

transport (fun y : Susp X => f y = f North) (merid x) 1 = (n.1)^
X, Z: Type
f: Susp X -> Z
n: NullHomotopy (fun x : X => ap f (merid x))
x: X

(ap f (merid x))^ @ 1 = (n.1)^
X, Z: Type
f: Susp X -> Z
n: NullHomotopy (fun x : X => ap f (merid x))
x: X

ap f (merid x) = n.1
apply n.2. Defined.
X, Z: Type
H_N, H_S: Z
f: X -> H_N = H_S
n: NullHomotopy (Susp_rec H_N H_S f)

NullHomotopy f
X, Z: Type
H_N, H_S: Z
f: X -> H_N = H_S
n: NullHomotopy (Susp_rec H_N H_S f)

NullHomotopy f
X, Z: Type
H_N, H_S: Z
f: X -> H_N = H_S
n: NullHomotopy (Susp_rec H_N H_S f)

forall x : X, f x = n.2 North @ (n.2 South)^
X, Z: Type
H_N, H_S: Z
f: X -> H_N = H_S
n: NullHomotopy (Susp_rec H_N H_S f)
x: X

f x = n.2 North @ (n.2 South)^
X, Z: Type
H_N, H_S: Z
f: X -> H_N = H_S
n: NullHomotopy (Susp_rec H_N H_S f)
x: X

f x @ n.2 South = n.2 North
X, Z: Type
H_N, H_S: Z
f: X -> H_N = H_S
n: NullHomotopy (Susp_rec H_N H_S f)
x: X

f x @ n.2 South = ap (Susp_rec H_N H_S f) (merid x) @ n.2 South
X, Z: Type
H_N, H_S: Z
f: X -> H_N = H_S
n: NullHomotopy (Susp_rec H_N H_S f)
x: X
ap (Susp_rec H_N H_S f) (merid x) @ n.2 South = n.2 North
X, Z: Type
H_N, H_S: Z
f: X -> H_N = H_S
n: NullHomotopy (Susp_rec H_N H_S f)
x: X

f x @ n.2 South = ap (Susp_rec H_N H_S f) (merid x) @ n.2 South
apply whiskerR, inverse, Susp_rec_beta_merid.
X, Z: Type
H_N, H_S: Z
f: X -> H_N = H_S
n: NullHomotopy (Susp_rec H_N H_S f)
x: X

ap (Susp_rec H_N H_S f) (merid x) @ n.2 South = n.2 North
X, Z: Type
H_N, H_S: Z
f: X -> H_N = H_S
n: NullHomotopy (Susp_rec H_N H_S f)
x: X

n.2 North @ ap (fun _ : Susp X => n.1) (merid x) = n.2 North
X, Z: Type
H_N, H_S: Z
f: X -> H_N = H_S
n: NullHomotopy (Susp_rec H_N H_S f)
x: X

ap (fun _ : Susp X => n.1) (merid x) = 1
apply ap_const. Defined. (** ** Contractibility of the suspension *)
A: Type
Contr0: Contr A

Contr (Susp A)
A: Type
Contr0: Contr A

Contr (Susp A)
unfold Susp; exact _. Defined. (** ** Connectedness of the suspension *)
n: trunc_index
X: Type
H: IsConnected (Tr n) X

IsConnected (Tr n.+1) (Susp X)
n: trunc_index
X: Type
H: IsConnected (Tr n) X

IsConnected (Tr n.+1) (Susp X)
n: trunc_index
X: Type
H: IsConnected (Tr n) X

forall C : Type, In (Tr n.+1) C -> forall f : Susp X -> C, NullHomotopy f
n: trunc_index
X: Type
H: IsConnected (Tr n) X
C: Type
H': In (Tr n.+1) C
f: Susp X -> C

NullHomotopy f
n: trunc_index
X: Type
H: IsConnected (Tr n) X
C: Type
H': In (Tr n.+1) C
f: Susp X -> C

forall x : Susp X, f x = f North
n: trunc_index
X: Type
H: IsConnected (Tr n) X
C: Type
H': In (Tr n.+1) C
f: Susp X -> C
p0: f North = f South
allpath_p0: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) = p0

forall x : Susp X, f x = f North
n: trunc_index
X: Type
H: IsConnected (Tr n) X
C: Type
H': In (Tr n.+1) C
f: Susp X -> C
p0: f North = f South
allpath_p0: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) = p0

forall x : X, transport (fun a : Susp X => f a = f North) (merid x) 1 = p0^
n: trunc_index
X: Type
H: IsConnected (Tr n) X
C: Type
H': In (Tr n.+1) C
f: Susp X -> C
p0: f North = f South
allpath_p0: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) = p0
x: X

transport (fun a : Susp X => f a = f North) (merid x) 1 = p0^
n: trunc_index
X: Type
H: IsConnected (Tr n) X
C: Type
H': In (Tr n.+1) C
f: Susp X -> C
p0: f North = f South
allpath_p0: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) = p0
x: X

(ap f (merid x))^ @ 1 = p0^
n: trunc_index
X: Type
H: IsConnected (Tr n) X
C: Type
H': In (Tr n.+1) C
f: Susp X -> C
p0: f North = f South
allpath_p0: forall x : X, ap f (merid x) = p0
x: X

(ap f (merid x))^ = p0^
apply ap, allpath_p0. Defined.