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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Diagrams.Sequence. Require Import Homotopy.Join.Core. Require Import Colimits.Colimit Colimits.Sequential. Local Open Scope nat_scope. (** * Propositonal truncation as a colimit. *) (** In this file we give an alternative construction of the propositional truncation using colimits. This can serve as a metatheoretic justification that propositional truncations exist. *) (** The sequence of increasing joins. *)
A: Type

A: Type

A: Type

nat -> Type
A: Type
forall n : nat, ?X n -> ?X n.+1
A: Type

forall n : nat, iterated_join A n -> iterated_join A n.+1
A: Type
n: nat

iterated_join A n -> iterated_join A n.+1
exact joinr. Defined. (** Propositional truncation can be defined as the colimit of this sequence. *) Definition PropTrunc A : Type := Colimit (Join_seq A). (** The constructor is given by the colimit constructor. *) Definition ptr_in {A} : A -> PropTrunc A := colim (D:=Join_seq A) 0. (** The sequential colimit of this sequence is the propositional truncation. *) (** Universal property of propositional truncation. *)
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P

(PropTrunc A -> P) <~> (A -> P)
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P

(PropTrunc A -> P) <~> (A -> P)
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P

(forall n : Graph.graph0 sequence_graph, Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P) <~> (A -> P)
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P

(forall n : Graph.graph0 sequence_graph, Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P) -> A -> P
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P
(A -> P) -> forall n : Graph.graph0 sequence_graph, Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P

(forall n : Graph.graph0 sequence_graph, Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P) -> A -> P
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P
h: forall n : Graph.graph0 sequence_graph, Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P

A -> P
exact (h 0).
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P

(A -> P) -> forall n : Graph.graph0 sequence_graph, Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P
f: A -> P

forall n : Graph.graph0 sequence_graph, Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P
f: A -> P

Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) 0 -> P
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P
f: A -> P
n: nat
IHn: Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P
Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n.+1 -> P
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P
f: A -> P

Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) 0 -> P
exact f.
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P
f: A -> P
n: nat
IHn: Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P

Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n.+1 -> P
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P
f: A -> P
n: nat
IHn: Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P

Join A ((fix F (m : nat) : Type := match m with | 0 => A | m'.+1 => Join A (F m') end) n) -> P
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P
f: A -> P
n: nat
IHn: Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P

A -> P
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P
f: A -> P
n: nat
IHn: Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P
(fix F (m : nat) : Type := match m with | 0 => A | m'.+1 => Join A (F m') end) n -> P
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P
f: A -> P
n: nat
IHn: Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P
forall (a : A) (b : (fix F (m : nat) : Type := match m with | 0 => A | m'.+1 => Join A (F m') end) n), ?P_A a = ?P_B b
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P
f: A -> P
n: nat
IHn: Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P

forall (a : A) (b : (fix F (m : nat) : Type := match m with | 0 => A | m'.+1 => Join A (F m') end) n), f a = IHn b
H: Funext
A, P: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp P
f: A -> P
n: nat
IHn: Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n -> P
a: A
b: (fix F (m : nat) : Type := match m with | 0 => A | m'.+1 => Join A (F m') end) n

f a = IHn b
rapply path_ishprop. Defined. (** The propositional truncation is a hprop. *)
H: Funext
A: Type

IsHProp (PropTrunc A)
H: Funext
A: Type

IsHProp (PropTrunc A)
H: Funext
A: Type

PropTrunc A -> Contr (PropTrunc A)
H: Funext
A: Type

A -> Contr (PropTrunc A)
H: Funext
A: Type
x: A

Contr (PropTrunc A)
H: Funext
A: Type
x: A

forall n : Graph.graph0 sequence_graph, Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n
H: Funext
A: Type
x: A
forall n : nat, const (?a n.+1) == Diagram.arr (Join_seq A) 1
H: Funext
A: Type
x: A

forall n : Graph.graph0 sequence_graph, Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n
H: Funext
A: Type
x: A
n: Graph.graph0 sequence_graph

Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n
H: Funext
A: Type
x: A

Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) 0
H: Funext
A: Type
x: A
n: nat
Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n.+1
H: Funext
A: Type
x: A
n: nat

Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n.+1
exact (joinl x).
H: Funext
A: Type
x: A

forall n : nat, const ((fun n0 : Graph.graph0 sequence_graph => match n0 as n1 return (Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n1) with | 0 => x | n1.+1 => (fun n2 : nat => joinl x) n1 end) n.+1) == Diagram.arr (Join_seq A) 1
H: Funext
A: Type
x: A
n: nat

const ((fun n : Graph.graph0 sequence_graph => match n as n0 return (Diagram.obj (Join_seq A) n0) with | 0 => x | n0.+1 => (fun n1 : nat => joinl x) n0 end) n.+1) == Diagram.arr (Join_seq A) 1
rapply jglue. Defined.