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(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)

(** * Theorems about trunctions *)

[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Metatheory.Core Metatheory.FunextVarieties. (** ** We can construct an interval type as [Trunc -1 Bool] *) Local Definition interval := Trunc (-1) Bool.
P: Type
a, b: P
p: a = b

interval -> P
P: Type
a, b: P
p: a = b

interval -> P
P: Type
a, b: P
p: a = b
x: Trunc (-1) Bool

P: Type
a, b: P
p: a = b
x: Trunc (-1) Bool

{pt : P & pt = b} -> P
P: Type
a, b: P
p: a = b
x: Trunc (-1) Bool
{pt : P & pt = b}
P: Type
a, b: P
p: a = b
x: Trunc (-1) Bool

{pt : P & pt = b} -> P
apply pr1.
P: Type
a, b: P
p: a = b
x: Trunc (-1) Bool

{pt : P & pt = b}
P: Type
a, b: P
p: a = b
x: Trunc (-1) Bool

{pt : P & pt = b}
P: Type
a, b: P
p: a = b
x: Bool

{pt : P & pt = b}
P: Type
a, b: P
p: a = b
x: Bool

(if x then a else b) = b
destruct x; (reflexivity || assumption). } Defined. Local Definition seg : tr true = tr false :> interval := path_ishprop _ _. (** ** From an interval type, and thus from truncations, we can prove function extensionality. *) Definition funext_type_from_trunc : Funext_type := WeakFunext_implies_Funext (NaiveFunext_implies_WeakFunext (fun A P f g p => let h := fun (x:interval) (a:A) => interval_rec _ (f a) (g a) (p a) x in ap h seg)).