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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Types.Universe. Require Import Metatheory.Core Metatheory.FunextVarieties. Generalizable All Variables. (** * Univalence Implies Functional Extensionality *) Section UnivalenceImpliesFunext. Context `{ua : Univalence_type}. (** Exponentiation preserves equivalences, i.e., if [e] is an equivalence then so is post-composition by [e]. *) (* Should this go somewhere else? *)
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type
w: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv w
C: Type

IsEquiv (fun g : C -> A => w o g)
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type
w: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv w
C: Type

IsEquiv (fun g : C -> A => w o g)
ua: forall A B : Type, IsEquiv (equiv_path A B)
A, B: Type
w: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv w
C: Type

IsEquiv (fun (g : C -> A) (x : C) => w (g x))
refine (isequiv_adjointify (fun (g:C->A) => w o g) (fun (g:C->B) => w^-1 o g) _ _); intro; pose (Build_Equiv _ _ w _) as w'; change H0 with (@equiv_isequiv _ _ w'); change w with (@equiv_fun _ _ w'); clearbody w'; clear H0 w; rewrite <- (@eisretr _ _ (@equiv_path A B) (ua A B) w'); generalize ((@equiv_inv _ _ (equiv_path A B) (ua A B)) w'); intro p; clear w'; destruct p; reflexivity. Defined. (** We are ready to prove functional extensionality, starting with the naive non-dependent version. *)
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type

IsEquiv (fun g : A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy} => fst o pr1 o g)
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type

IsEquiv (fun g : A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy} => fst o pr1 o g)
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type

IsEquiv (fun x : {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy} => fst x.1)
refine (isequiv_adjointify (fst o pr1) (fun x => ((x, x); idpath)) (fun _ => idpath) _); let p := fresh in intros [[? ?] p]; simpl in p; destruct p; reflexivity. Defined.
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type

IsEquiv (fun g : A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy} => snd o pr1 o g)
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type

IsEquiv (fun g : A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy} => snd o pr1 o g)
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type

IsEquiv (fun x : {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy} => snd x.1)
refine (isequiv_adjointify (snd o pr1) (fun x => ((x, x); idpath)) (fun _ => idpath) _); let p := fresh in intros [[? ?] p]; simpl in p; destruct p; reflexivity. Defined.
ua: Univalence_type

ua: Univalence_type

ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type
f, g: A -> B
p: forall x : A, f x = g x

f = g
(** Consider the following maps. *)
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type
f, g: A -> B
p: forall x : A, f x = g x
d:= fun x : A => ((f x, f x); 1): A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}

f = g
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type
f, g: A -> B
p: forall x : A, f x = g x
d:= fun x : A => ((f x, f x); 1): A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}
e:= fun x : A => ((f x, g x); p x): A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}

f = g
(** If we compose [d] and [e] with [free_path_target], we get [f] and [g], respectively. So, if we had a path from [d] to [e], we would get one from [f] to [g]. *)
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type
f, g: A -> B
p: forall x : A, f x = g x
d:= fun x : A => ((f x, f x); 1): A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}
e:= fun x : A => ((f x, g x); p x): A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}

snd o pr1 o d = g
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type
f, g: A -> B
p: forall x : A, f x = g x
d:= fun x : A => ((f x, f x); 1): A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}
e:= fun x : A => ((f x, g x); p x): A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}

snd o pr1 o d = snd o pr1 o e
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type
f, g: A -> B
p: forall x : A, f x = g x
d:= fun x : A => ((f x, f x); 1): A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}
e:= fun x : A => ((f x, g x); p x): A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}

d = e
(** Since composition with [src] is an equivalence, we can freely compose with [src]. *)
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type
f, g: A -> B
p: forall x : A, f x = g x
d:= fun x : A => ((f x, f x); 1): A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}
e:= fun x : A => ((f x, g x); p x): A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}
H':= fun (A B : Type) (x y : A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}) => (ap (fun g : A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy} => fst o pr1 o g))^-1: forall (A B : Type) (x y : A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}), (fun g : A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy} => fst o pr1 o g) x = (fun g : A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy} => fst o pr1 o g) y -> x = y

d = e
ua: Univalence_type
A, B: Type
f, g: A -> B
p: forall x : A, f x = g x
d:= fun x : A => ((f x, f x); 1): A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}
e:= fun x : A => ((f x, g x); p x): A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}
H':= fun (A B : Type) (x y : A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}) => (ap (fun g : A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy} => fst o pr1 o g))^-1: forall (A B : Type) (x y : A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy}), (fun g : A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy} => fst o pr1 o g) x = (fun g : A -> {xy : B * B & fst xy = snd xy} => fst o pr1 o g) y -> x = y

(fun x : A => fst (d x).1) = (fun x : A => fst (e x).1)
reflexivity. Defined. End UnivalenceImpliesFunext. (** Now we use this to prove strong dependent funext. Again only the codomain universe must be univalent, but the domain universe must be no larger than it is. Thus practically speaking this means that a univalent universe satisfies funext only for functions between two types in that same universe. *) Definition Univalence_implies_WeakFunext : Univalence_type -> WeakFunext := NaiveNondepFunext_implies_WeakFunext o @Univalence_implies_FunextNondep. Definition Univalence_type_implies_Funext_type `{ua : Univalence_type@{j jplusone} } : Funext_type@{i j j} := NaiveNondepFunext_implies_Funext (@Univalence_implies_FunextNondep ua). (** The above proof justifies assuming [Univalence -> Funext], which we did axiomatically in [Types/Universe.v]. *)