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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Extensions. Require Import Modality Accessible Nullification Lex Topological. Require Import Colimits.Pushout Homotopy.Join.Core. Local Open Scope nat_scope. Local Open Scope path_scope. (** * Closed modalities *) (** We begin by characterizing the modal types. *) Section ClosedModalTypes. Context (U : HProp).
U: HProp
A: Type

(U -> Contr A) <-> IsEquiv (fun a : A => push (inr a) : Join U A)
U: HProp
A: Type

(U -> Contr A) <-> IsEquiv (fun a : A => push (inr a) : Join U A)
U: HProp
A: Type

(U -> Contr A) -> IsEquiv (fun a : A => push (inr a))
U: HProp
A: Type
IsEquiv (fun a : A => push (inr a)) -> U -> Contr A
U: HProp
A: Type

(U -> Contr A) -> IsEquiv (fun a : A => push (inr a))
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A

IsEquiv (fun a : A => push (inr a))
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A

Join U A -> A
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
(fun a : A => push (inr a)) o ?g == idmap
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
?g o (fun a : A => push (inr a)) == idmap
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A

Join U A -> A
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A

U -> A
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
A -> A
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
forall a : U * A, ?pushb (fst a) = ?pushc (snd a)
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A

U -> A
intros u; pose (uac u); exact (center A).
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A

A -> A
intros a; assumption.
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A

forall a : U * A, (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) (fst a) = idmap (snd a)
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
u: U
a: A

(let i := uac (fst (u, a)) in center A) = snd (u, a)
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
u: U
a: A

center A = a
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
u: U
a: A
i:= uac u: Contr A

center A = a
apply contr.
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A

(fun a : A => push (inr a)) o Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => (fun (u : U) (a : A) => (let i := uac u in contr a) : (let i := uac (fst (u, a)) in center A) = snd (u, a)) (fst a0) (snd a0)) == idmap
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
z: Join U A

push (inr (Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => let i := uac (fst a0) in contr (snd a0)) z)) = z
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
z: Join U A

(fun j : Join U A => push (inr (Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => let i := uac (fst a0) in contr (snd a0)) j)) = j) z
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
z: Join U A

forall b : U, (fun j : Join U A => push (inr (Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => let i := uac (fst a0) in contr (snd a0)) j)) = j) (pushl b)
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
z: Join U A
forall c : A, (fun j : Join U A => push (inr (Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => let i := uac (fst a0) in contr (snd a0)) j)) = j) (pushr c)
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
z: Join U A
forall a : U * A, transport (fun j : Join U A => push (inr (Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => let i := uac (fst a0) in contr (snd a0)) j)) = j) (pglue a) (?pushb (fst a)) = ?pushc (snd a)
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
z: Join U A

forall b : U, (fun j : Join U A => push (inr (Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => let i := uac (fst a0) in contr (snd a0)) j)) = j) (pushl b)
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
z: Join U A
u: U

(fun j : Join U A => push (inr (Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => let i := uac (fst a0) in contr (snd a0)) j)) = j) (pushl u)
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
z: Join U A
u: U
i:= contr_inhabited_hprop U u: Contr U

(fun j : Join U A => push (inr (Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => let i := uac (fst a0) in contr (snd a0)) j)) = j) (pushl u)
apply path_contr.
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
z: Join U A

forall c : A, (fun j : Join U A => push (inr (Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => let i := uac (fst a0) in contr (snd a0)) j)) = j) (pushr c)
intros a; reflexivity.
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
z: Join U A

forall a : U * A, transport (fun j : Join U A => push (inr (Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => let i := uac (fst a0) in contr (snd a0)) j)) = j) (pglue a) ((fun u : U => let i := contr_inhabited_hprop U u in path_contr (push (inr (Pushout_rec A (fun u0 : U => let i0 := uac u0 in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => let i0 := uac (fst a0) in contr (snd a0)) (pushl u)))) (pushl u)) (fst a)) = (fun a0 : A => 1) (snd a)
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
z: Join U A
u: U
a: A
i:= contr_inhabited_hprop U u: Contr U

transport (fun j : Join U A => push (inr (Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => let i := uac (fst a0) in contr (snd a0)) j)) = j) (pglue (u, a)) (let i := contr_inhabited_hprop U (fst (u, a)) in path_contr (push (inr (Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i0 := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => let i0 := uac (fst a0) in contr (snd a0)) (pushl (fst (u, a)))))) (pushl (fst (u, a)))) = 1
apply path_contr.
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A

Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => (fun (u : U) (a : A) => (let i := uac u in contr a) : (let i := uac (fst (u, a)) in center A) = snd (u, a)) (fst a0) (snd a0)) o (fun a : A => push (inr a)) == idmap
U: HProp
A: Type
uac: U -> Contr A
a: A

Pushout_rec A (fun u : U => let i := uac u in center A) idmap (fun a0 : U * A => let i := uac (fst a0) in contr (snd a0)) (push (inr a)) = a
U: HProp
A: Type

IsEquiv (fun a : A => push (inr a)) -> U -> Contr A
U: HProp
A: Type
X: IsEquiv (fun a : A => push (inr a))
u: U

Contr A
U: HProp
A: Type
X: IsEquiv (fun a : A => push (inr a))
u: U

Contr (Join U A)
U: HProp
A: Type
X: IsEquiv (fun a : A => push (inr a))
u: U
i:= contr_inhabited_hprop U u: Contr U

Contr (Join U A)
exact _. Defined. End ClosedModalTypes. (** Exercise 7.13(ii): Closed modalities *)
U: HProp

U: HProp

U: HProp

Type -> Type
U: HProp
Funext -> forall T : Type, IsHProp (?In' T)
U: HProp
forall T U0 : Type, ?In' T -> forall f : T -> U0, IsEquiv f -> ?In' U0
U: HProp
Type -> Type
U: HProp
forall T : Type, ?In' (?O_reflector' T)
U: HProp
forall T : Type, T -> ?O_reflector' T
U: HProp
forall (A : Type) (B : ?O_reflector' A -> Type), (forall oa : ?O_reflector' A, ?In' (B oa)) -> (forall a : A, B (?to' A a)) -> forall z : ?O_reflector' A, B z
U: HProp
forall (A : Type) (B : ?O_reflector' A -> Type) (B_inO : forall oa : ?O_reflector' A, ?In' (B oa)) (f : forall a : A, B (?to' A a)) (a : A), ?O_ind' A B B_inO f (?to' A a) = f a
U: HProp
forall A : Type, ?In' A -> forall z z' : A, ?In' (z = z')
U: HProp

Type -> Type
intros X; exact (U -> Contr X).
U: HProp

Funext -> forall T : Type, IsHProp ((fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) T)
exact _.
U: HProp

forall T U0 : Type, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) T -> forall f : T -> U0, IsEquiv f -> (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) U0
U: HProp
T, B: Type
T_inO: (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) T
f: T -> B
feq: IsEquiv f

(fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) B
U: HProp
T, B: Type
T_inO: (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) T
f: T -> B
feq: IsEquiv f
u: U
i:= T_inO u: Contr T

Contr B
refine (contr_equiv _ f); exact _.
U: HProp

Type -> Type
intros ; exact (Join U X).
U: HProp

forall T : Type, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) ((fun H : Type => Join U H) T)
U: HProp
T: Type
u: U

Contr (Join U T)
U: HProp
T: Type
u: U
i:= contr_inhabited_hprop U u: Contr U

Contr (Join U T)
exact _.
U: HProp

forall T : Type, T -> (fun H : Type => Join U H) T
U: HProp
T: Type
x: T

(fun H : Type => Join U H) T
exact (push (inr x)).
U: HProp

forall (A : Type) (B : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A -> Type), (forall oa : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) (B oa)) -> (forall a : A, B ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => push (inr x)) A a)) -> forall z : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A, B z
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A -> Type
B_inO: forall oa : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) (B oa)
f: forall a : A, B ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => push (inr x)) A a)
z: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A

B z
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A -> Type
B_inO: forall oa : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) (B oa)
f: forall a : A, B ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => push (inr x)) A a)
z: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A

forall b : U, B (pushl b)
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A -> Type
B_inO: forall oa : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) (B oa)
f: forall a : A, B ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => push (inr x)) A a)
z: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A
forall c : A, B (pushr c)
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A -> Type
B_inO: forall oa : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) (B oa)
f: forall a : A, B ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => push (inr x)) A a)
z: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A
forall a : U * A, transport B (pglue a) (?pushb (fst a)) = ?pushc (snd a)
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A -> Type
B_inO: forall oa : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) (B oa)
f: forall a : A, B ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => push (inr x)) A a)
z: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A

forall b : U, B (pushl b)
intros u; apply center, B_inO, u.
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A -> Type
B_inO: forall oa : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) (B oa)
f: forall a : A, B ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => push (inr x)) A a)
z: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A

forall c : A, B (pushr c)
intros a; apply f.
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A -> Type
B_inO: forall oa : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) (B oa)
f: forall a : A, B ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => push (inr x)) A a)
z: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A

forall a : U * A, transport B (pglue a) ((fun u : U => center (B (pushl u))) (fst a)) = (fun a0 : A => f a0) (snd a)
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A -> Type
B_inO: forall oa : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) (B oa)
f: forall a : A, B ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => push (inr x)) A a)
z: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A
u: U
a: A

transport B (pglue (u, a)) (center (B (pushl (fst (u, a))))) = f (snd (u, a))
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A -> Type
B_inO: forall oa : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) (B oa)
f: forall a : A, B ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => push (inr x)) A a)
z: (fun H : Type => Join U H) A
u: U
a: A
i:= B_inO (push (inr a)) u: Contr (B (push (inr a)))

transport B (pglue (u, a)) (center (B (pushl (fst (u, a))))) = f (snd (u, a))
apply path_contr.
U: HProp

forall (A : Type) (B : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A -> Type) (B_inO : forall oa : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) (B oa)) (f : forall a : A, B ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => push (inr x)) A a)) (a : A), (fun (A0 : Type) (B0 : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A0 -> Type) (B_inO0 : forall oa : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A0, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) (B0 oa)) (f0 : forall a0 : A0, B0 ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => push (inr x)) A0 a0)) (z : (fun H : Type => Join U H) A0) => Pushout_ind B0 (fun u : U => center (B0 (pushl u))) (fun a0 : A0 => f0 a0) (fun a0 : U * A0 => (fun (u : U) (a1 : A0) => let i := B_inO0 (push (inr a1)) u in path_contr (transport B0 (pglue (u, a1)) (center (B0 (pushl (fst (u, a1)))))) (f0 (snd (u, a1)))) (fst a0) (snd a0)) z) A B B_inO f ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => push (inr x)) A a) = f a
intros; reflexivity.
U: HProp

forall A : Type, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) A -> forall z z' : A, (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) (z = z')
U: HProp
A: Type
A_inO: (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) A
z, z': A
u: U

Contr (z = z')
U: HProp
A: Type
A_inO: (fun X : Type => U -> Contr X) A
z, z': A
u: U
i:= A_inO u: Contr A

Contr (z = z')
apply contr_paths_contr. Defined. (** The closed modality is accessible. *)
U: HProp

IsAccModality (Cl U)
U: HProp

IsAccModality (Cl U)
U: HProp

U: HProp
forall X : Type, In (Cl U) X <-> IsNull_Internal.IsNull ?acc_ngen X
U: HProp

U: HProp

?ngen_indices -> Type
exact (fun _:U => Empty).
U: HProp

forall X : Type, In (Cl U) X <-> IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := U; ngen_type := fun _ : U => Empty |} X
U: HProp
X: Type

In (Cl U) X -> IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := U; ngen_type := fun _ : U => Empty |} X
U: HProp
X: Type
IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := U; ngen_type := fun _ : U => Empty |} X -> In (Cl U) X
U: HProp
X: Type

In (Cl U) X -> IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := U; ngen_type := fun _ : U => Empty |} X
U: HProp
X: Type
X_inO: In (Cl U) X
u: lgen_indices (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := U; ngen_type := fun _ : U => Empty |})

ooExtendableAlong (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := U; ngen_type := fun _ : U => Empty |} u) (fun _ : lgen_codomain (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := U; ngen_type := fun _ : U => Empty |}) u => X)
U: HProp
X: Type
X_inO: In (Cl U) X
u: lgen_indices (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := U; ngen_type := fun _ : U => Empty |})
i:= X_inO u: Contr X

ooExtendableAlong (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := U; ngen_type := fun _ : U => Empty |} u) (fun _ : lgen_codomain (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := U; ngen_type := fun _ : U => Empty |}) u => X)
apply ooextendable_contr; exact _.
U: HProp
X: Type

IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := U; ngen_type := fun _ : U => Empty |} X -> In (Cl U) X
U: HProp
X: Type
ext: IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := U; ngen_type := fun _ : U => Empty |} X
u: U

Contr X
U: HProp
X: Type
ext: IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := U; ngen_type := fun _ : U => Empty |} X
u: U
x: X

(fst (ext u 1) Empty_rec).1 tt = x
U: HProp
X: Type
ext: IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := U; ngen_type := fun _ : U => Empty |} X
u: U
x: X

(fst (ext u 1) Empty_rec).1 tt = x
exact ((fst (snd (ext u 2) (fst (ext u 1%nat) Empty_rec).1 (fun _ => x)) (Empty_ind _)).1 tt). Defined. (** In fact, it is topological, and therefore (assuming univalence) lex. As for topological modalities generally, we don't need to declare these as global instances, but we prove them here as local instances for exposition. *) Local Instance topological_closed (U : HProp) : Topological (Cl U) := _.
H: Univalence
U: HProp

Lex (Cl U)
H: Univalence
U: HProp

Lex (Cl U)
rapply lex_topological. Defined. (** Thus, it also has the following alternative version. *) Definition Cl' (U : HProp) : Modality := Nul (Build_NullGenerators U (fun _ => Empty)).