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(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Modality Accessible. Local Open Scope path_scope. (** * The identity modality *) (** Everything to say here is fairly trivial. *)



forall T U : Type, (fun _ : Type => Unit) T -> forall f : T -> U, IsEquiv f -> (fun _ : Type => Unit) U

forall T : Type, (fun _ : Type => Unit) (idmap T)

forall T : Type, T -> idmap T

forall (A : Type) (B : idmap A -> Type), (forall oa : idmap A, (fun _ : Type => Unit) (B oa)) -> (forall a : A, B (?to' A a)) -> forall z : idmap A, B z

forall (A : Type) (B : idmap A -> Type) (B_inO : forall oa : idmap A, (fun _ : Type => Unit) (B oa)) (f : forall a : A, B (?to' A a)) (a : A), ?O_ind' A B B_inO f (?to' A a) = f a

forall A : Type, (fun _ : Type => Unit) A -> forall z z' : A, (fun _ : Type => Unit) (z = z')

forall T : Type, T -> idmap T

forall (A : Type) (B : idmap A -> Type), (forall oa : idmap A, (fun _ : Type => Unit) (B oa)) -> (forall a : A, B (?to' A a)) -> forall z : idmap A, B z

forall (A : Type) (B : idmap A -> Type) (B_inO : forall oa : idmap A, (fun _ : Type => Unit) (B oa)) (f : forall a : A, B (?to' A a)) (a : A), ?O_ind' A B B_inO f (?to' A a) = f a

forall T : Type, T -> idmap T
intros; assumption.

forall (A : Type) (B : idmap A -> Type), (forall oa : idmap A, (fun _ : Type => Unit) (B oa)) -> (forall a : A, B ((fun T : Type => idmap) A a)) -> forall z : idmap A, B z
intros ? ? ? f z; exact (f z).

forall (A : Type) (B : idmap A -> Type) (B_inO : forall oa : idmap A, (fun _ : Type => Unit) (B oa)) (f : forall a : A, B ((fun T : Type => idmap) A a)) (a : A), (fun (A0 : Type) (B0 : idmap A0 -> Type) (_ : forall oa : idmap A0, (fun _ : Type => Unit) (B0 oa)) (f0 : forall a0 : A0, B0 ((fun T : Type => idmap) A0 a0)) (z : idmap A0) => f0 z) A B B_inO f ((fun T : Type => idmap) A a) = f a
intros; reflexivity. Defined.

IsAccModality purely

IsAccModality purely


forall X : Type, In purely X <-> IsNull_Internal.IsNull ?acc_ngen X


?ngen_indices -> Type
exact (@Empty_rec Type).

forall X : Type, In purely X <-> IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := Empty; ngen_type := Empty_rec |} X
X: Type

In purely X -> IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := Empty; ngen_type := Empty_rec |} X
X: Type
IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := Empty; ngen_type := Empty_rec |} X -> In purely X
X: Type

In purely X -> IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := Empty; ngen_type := Empty_rec |} X
intros _ [].
X: Type

IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := Empty; ngen_type := Empty_rec |} X -> In purely X
intros; exact tt. Defined.