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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Extensions. Require Import Modality Accessible Nullification Lex. Local Open Scope path_scope. (** * Open modalities *) (** ** Definition *)
H: Funext
U: HProp

H: Funext
U: HProp

H: Funext
U: HProp

Type -> Type
H: Funext
U: HProp
forall T : Type, T -> ?O_reflector T
H: Funext
U: HProp
forall (A : Type) (B : ?O_reflector A -> Type), (forall a : A, ?O_reflector (B (?to A a))) -> forall z : ?O_reflector A, ?O_reflector (B z)
H: Funext
U: HProp
forall (A : Type) (B : ?O_reflector A -> Type) (f : forall a : A, ?O_reflector (B (?to A a))) (a : A), ?O_indO A B f (?to A a) = f a
H: Funext
U: HProp
forall (A : Type) (z z' : ?O_reflector A), IsEquiv (?to (z = z'))
H: Funext
U: HProp

Type -> Type
intros X; exact (U -> X).
H: Funext
U: HProp

forall T : Type, T -> (fun X : Type => U -> X) T
H: Funext
U: HProp
T: Type
x: T

U -> T
exact (fun _ => x).
H: Funext
U: HProp

forall (A : Type) (B : (fun X : Type => U -> X) A -> Type), (forall a : A, (fun X : Type => U -> X) (B ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => (fun _ : U => x) : (fun X : Type => U -> X) T) A a))) -> forall z : (fun X : Type => U -> X) A, (fun X : Type => U -> X) (B z)
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (U -> A) -> Type
f: forall a : A, U -> B (fun _ : U => a)
z: U -> A
u: U

B z
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (U -> A) -> Type
f: forall a : A, U -> B (fun _ : U => a)
z: U -> A
u: U

(fun _ : U => z u) = z
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (U -> A) -> Type
f: forall a : A, U -> B (fun _ : U => a)
z: U -> A
u, u': U

z u = z u'
apply ap; apply path_ishprop.
H: Funext
U: HProp

forall (A : Type) (B : (fun X : Type => U -> X) A -> Type) (f : forall a : A, (fun X : Type => U -> X) (B ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => (fun _ : U => x) : (fun X : Type => U -> X) T) A a))) (a : A), ((fun (A0 : Type) (B0 : (U -> A0) -> Type) (f0 : forall a0 : A0, U -> B0 (fun _ : U => a0)) (z : U -> A0) (u : U) => transport B0 (path_arrow (fun _ : U => z u) z ((fun u' : U => ap z (path_ishprop u u')) : (fun _ : U => z u) == z)) (f0 (z u) u)) : forall (A0 : Type) (B0 : (fun X : Type => U -> X) A0 -> Type), (forall a0 : A0, (fun X : Type => U -> X) (B0 ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => (fun _ : U => x) : (fun X : Type => U -> X) T) A0 a0))) -> forall z : (fun X : Type => U -> X) A0, (fun X : Type => U -> X) (B0 z)) A B f ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => (fun _ : U => x) : (fun X : Type => U -> X) T) A a) = f a
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (U -> A) -> Type
f: forall a : A, U -> B (fun _ : U => a)
a: A

(fun u : U => transport B (path_arrow (fun _ : U => a) (fun _ : U => a) (fun u' : U => ap (fun _ : U => a) (path_ishprop u u'))) (f a u)) = f a
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (U -> A) -> Type
f: forall a : A, U -> B (fun _ : U => a)
a: A
u: U

transport B (path_arrow (fun _ : U => a) (fun _ : U => a) (fun u' : U => ap (fun _ : U => a) (path_ishprop u u'))) (f a u) = f a u
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (U -> A) -> Type
f: forall a : A, U -> B (fun _ : U => a)
a: A
u: U

transport B (path_arrow (fun _ : U => a) (fun _ : U => a) (fun u' : U => ap (fun _ : U => a) (path_ishprop u u'))) (f a u) = transport B 1 (f a u)
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (U -> A) -> Type
f: forall a : A, U -> B (fun _ : U => a)
a: A
u: U

path_arrow (fun _ : U => a) (fun _ : U => a) (fun u' : U => ap (fun _ : U => a) (path_ishprop u u')) = 1
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (U -> A) -> Type
f: forall a : A, U -> B (fun _ : U => a)
a: A
u: U

path_arrow (fun _ : U => a) (fun _ : U => a) (fun u' : U => ap (fun _ : U => a) (path_ishprop u u')) = path_arrow (fun _ : U => a) (fun _ : U => a) (ap10 1)
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (U -> A) -> Type
f: forall a : A, U -> B (fun _ : U => a)
a: A
u: U
path_arrow (fun _ : U => a) (fun _ : U => a) (ap10 1) = 1
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (U -> A) -> Type
f: forall a : A, U -> B (fun _ : U => a)
a: A
u: U

path_arrow (fun _ : U => a) (fun _ : U => a) (fun u' : U => ap (fun _ : U => a) (path_ishprop u u')) = path_arrow (fun _ : U => a) (fun _ : U => a) (ap10 1)
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (U -> A) -> Type
f: forall a : A, U -> B (fun _ : U => a)
a: A
u: U

(fun u' : U => ap (fun _ : U => a) (path_ishprop u u')) = ap10 1
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (U -> A) -> Type
f: forall a : A, U -> B (fun _ : U => a)
a: A
u, u': U

ap (fun _ : U => a) (path_ishprop u u') = ap10 1 u'
apply ap_const.
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
B: (U -> A) -> Type
f: forall a : A, U -> B (fun _ : U => a)
a: A
u: U

path_arrow (fun _ : U => a) (fun _ : U => a) (ap10 1) = 1
apply eta_path_arrow.
H: Funext
U: HProp

forall (A : Type) (z z' : (fun X : Type => U -> X) A), IsEquiv ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => (fun _ : U => x) : (fun X : Type => U -> X) T) (z = z'))
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A

IsEquiv ((fun (T : Type) (x : T) => (fun _ : U => x) : (fun X : Type => U -> X) T) (z = z'))
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A

(U -> z = z') -> z = z'
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A
(fun x : z = z' => (fun _ : U => x) : (fun X : Type => U -> X) (z = z')) o ?g == idmap
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A
?g o (fun x : z = z' => (fun _ : U => x) : (fun X : Type => U -> X) (z = z')) == idmap
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A

(U -> z = z') -> z = z'
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A
f: U -> z = z'
u: U

z u = z' u
exact (ap10 (f u) u).
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A

(fun x : z = z' => (fun _ : U => x) : (fun X : Type => U -> X) (z = z')) o (fun f : U -> z = z' => path_arrow z z' ((fun u : U => ap10 (f u) u) : z == z')) == idmap
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A
f: U -> z = z'
u: U

path_arrow z z' (fun u : U => ap10 (f u) u) = f u
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A
f: U -> z = z'
u: U

path_arrow z z' (fun u : U => ap10 (f u) u) = path_arrow z z' (ap10 (f u))
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A
f: U -> z = z'
u: U
path_arrow z z' (ap10 (f u)) = f u
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A
f: U -> z = z'
u: U

path_arrow z z' (fun u : U => ap10 (f u) u) = path_arrow z z' (ap10 (f u))
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A
f: U -> z = z'
u: U

(fun u : U => ap10 (f u) u) = ap10 (f u)
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A
f: U -> z = z'
u, u': U

ap10 (f u') u' = ap10 (f u) u'
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A
f: U -> z = z'
u, u': U

u' = u
apply path_ishprop.
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A
f: U -> z = z'
u: U

path_arrow z z' (ap10 (f u)) = f u
apply eta_path_arrow.
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A

(fun f : U -> z = z' => path_arrow z z' ((fun u : U => ap10 (f u) u) : z == z')) o (fun x : z = z' => (fun _ : U => x) : (fun X : Type => U -> X) (z = z')) == idmap
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
z, z': (fun X : Type => U -> X) A
p: z = z'

path_arrow z z' (fun u : U => ap10 p u) = p
refine (eta_path_arrow _ _ _). Defined. (** ** The open modality is lex *) (** Note that unlike most other cases, we can prove this without univalence (though we do of course need funext). *)
H: Funext
U: HProp

Lex (Op U)
H: Funext
U: HProp

Lex (Op U)
H: Funext
U: HProp

forall A : Type, IsConnected (Op U) A -> forall x y : A, IsConnected (Op U) (x = y)
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
Ac: IsConnected (Op U) A
x, y: A

IsConnected (Op U) (x = y)
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
Ac: IsConnected (Op U) A
x, y: A

U -> Contr (x = y)
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
Ac: IsConnected (Op U) A
x, y: A
u: U

Contr (x = y)
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
Ac: IsConnected (Op U) A
x, y: A
u: U
i:= contr_inhabited_hprop U u: Contr U

Contr (x = y)
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
Ac: IsConnected (Op U) A
x, y: A
u: U
i:= contr_inhabited_hprop U u: Contr U

Contr A
H: Funext
U: HProp
A: Type
Ac: IsConnected (Op U) A
x, y: A
u: U
i:= contr_inhabited_hprop U u: Contr U

Contr (U -> A)
exact Ac. Defined. (** ** The open modality is accessible. *)
H: Funext
U: HProp

IsAccModality (Op U)
H: Funext
U: HProp

IsAccModality (Op U)
H: Funext
U: HProp

H: Funext
U: HProp
forall X : Type, In (Op U) X <-> IsNull_Internal.IsNull ?acc_ngen X
H: Funext
U: HProp

H: Funext
U: HProp

?ngen_indices -> Type
exact (unit_name U).
H: Funext
U: HProp

forall X : Type, In (Op U) X <-> IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |} X
H: Funext
U: HProp
X: Type

In (Op U) X -> IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |} X
H: Funext
U: HProp
X: Type
IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |} X -> In (Op U) X
H: Funext
U: HProp
X: Type

In (Op U) X -> IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |} X
H: Funext
U: HProp
X: Type
X_inO: In (Op U) X
u: lgen_indices (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |})

ooExtendableAlong (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |} u) (fun _ : lgen_codomain (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |}) u => X)
H: Funext
U: HProp
X: Type
X_inO: In (Op U) X
u: lgen_indices (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |})

IsEquiv (fun g : lgen_codomain (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |}) u -> X => g oD null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |} u)
H: Funext
U: HProp
X: Type
X_inO: In (Op U) X
u: lgen_indices (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |})

IsEquiv (fun x : X => unit_name x oD null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |} u)
apply X_inO.
H: Funext
U: HProp
X: Type

IsNull_Internal.IsNull {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |} X -> In (Op U) X
H: Funext
U: HProp
X: Type
ext: ooExtendableAlong (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |} tt) (fun _ : lgen_codomain (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |}) tt => X)

In (Op U) X
H: Funext
U: HProp
X: Type
ext: ooExtendableAlong (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |} tt) (fun _ : lgen_codomain (null_to_local_generators {| ngen_indices := Unit; ngen_type := unit_name U |}) tt => X)

IsEquiv (fun (h : Unit -> X) (x : U) => h (const_tt U x))
refine (isequiv_ooextendable (fun _ => X) (const_tt U) ext). Defined. (** Thus, arguably a better definition of [Op] would be as a nullification modality, as it would not require [Funext] and would have a judgmental computation rule. However, the above definition is also nice to know, as it doesn't use HITs. We name the other version [Op']. *) Definition Op' (U : HProp) : Modality := Nul (Build_NullGenerators Unit (fun _ => U)).