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(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*- *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Export Basics.Nat. Local Set Universe Minimization ToSet. Local Unset Elimination Schemes. Scheme nat_ind := Induction for nat Sort Type. Scheme nat_rect := Induction for nat Sort Type. Scheme nat_rec := Minimality for nat Sort Type. (** * Theorems about the natural numbers *) (** Many of these definitions and proofs have been ported from the coq stdlib. *) (** Some results are prefixed with [nat_] and some are not. Should we be more consistent? *) (** We want to close the trunc_scope so that notations from there don't conflict here. *) Local Close Scope trunc_scope. Local Open Scope nat_scope. (** ** Basic operations on naturals *) (** It is common to call [S] [succ] so we add it as a parsing only notation. *) Notation succ := S (only parsing). (** The predecessor of a natural number. *) Definition pred n : nat := match n with | 0 => n | S n' => n' end. (** Addition of natural numbers *) Fixpoint add n m : nat := match n with | 0 => m | S n' => S (add n' m) end. Notation "n + m" := (add n m) : nat_scope. Definition double n : nat := n + n. Fixpoint mul n m : nat := match n with | 0 => 0 | S n' => m + (mul n' m) end. Notation "n * m" := (mul n m) : nat_scope. (** Truncated subtraction: [n - m] is [0] if [n <= m] *) Fixpoint sub n m : nat := match n, m with | S n' , S m' => sub n' m' | _ , _ => n end. Notation "n - m" := (sub n m) : nat_scope. (** ** Minimum, maximum *) Fixpoint max n m := match n, m with | 0 , _ => m | S n' , 0 => n'.+1 | S n' , S m' => (max n' m').+1 end. Fixpoint min n m := match n, m with | 0 , _ => 0 | S n' , 0 => 0 | S n' , S m' => S (min n' m') end. (** ** Power *) Fixpoint pow n m := match m with | 0 => 1 | S m' => n * (pow n m') end. (** ** Euclidean division *) (** This division is linear and tail-recursive. In [divmod], [y] is the predecessor of the actual divisor, and [u] is [y] sub the real remainder. *) Fixpoint divmod x y q u : nat * nat := match x with | 0 => (q , u) | S x' => match u with | 0 => divmod x' y (S q) y | S u' => divmod x' y q u' end end. Definition div x y : nat := match y with | 0 => y | S y' => fst (divmod x y' 0 y') end. Definition modulo x y : nat := match y with | 0 => y | S y' => y' - snd (divmod x y' 0 y') end. Infix "/" := div : nat_scope. Infix "mod" := modulo : nat_scope. (** ** Greatest common divisor *) (** We use Euclid algorithm, which is normally not structural, but Coq is now clever enough to accept this (behind modulo there is a subtraction, which now preserves being a subterm) *) Fixpoint gcd a b := match a with | O => b | S a' => gcd (b mod a'.+1) a'.+1 end. (** ** Square *) Definition square n : nat := n * n. (** ** Square root *) (** The following square root function is linear (and tail-recursive). With Peano representation, we can't do better. For faster algorithm, see Psqrt/Zsqrt/Nsqrt... We search the square root of n = k + p^2 + (q - r) with q = 2p and 0<=r<=q. We start with p=q=r=0, hence looking for the square root of n = k. Then we progressively decrease k and r. When k = S k' and r=0, it means we can use (S p) as new sqrt candidate, since (S k')+p^2+2p = k'+(S p)^2. When k reaches 0, we have found the biggest p^2 square contained in n, hence the square root of n is p. *) Fixpoint sqrt_iter k p q r : nat := match k with | O => p | S k' => match r with | O => sqrt_iter k' p.+1 q.+2 q.+2 | S r' => sqrt_iter k' p q r' end end. Definition sqrt n : nat := sqrt_iter n 0 0 0. (** ** Log2 *) (** This base-2 logarithm is linear and tail-recursive. In [log2_iter], we maintain the logarithm [p] of the counter [q], while [r] is the distance between [q] and the next power of 2, more precisely [q + S r = 2^(S p)] and [r<2^p]. At each recursive call, [q] goes up while [r] goes down. When [r] is 0, we know that [q] has almost reached a power of 2, and we increase [p] at the next call, while resetting [r] to [q]. Graphically (numbers are [q], stars are [r]) : << 10 9 8 7 * 6 * 5 ... 4 3 * 2 * 1 * * 0 * * * >> We stop when [k], the global downward counter reaches 0. At that moment, [q] is the number we're considering (since [k+q] is invariant), and [p] its logarithm. *) Fixpoint log2_iter k p q r : nat := match k with | O => p | S k' => match r with | O => log2_iter k' (S p) (S q) q | S r' => log2_iter k' p (S q) r' end end. Definition log2 n : nat := log2_iter (pred n) 0 1 0. Local Definition ap_S := @ap _ _ S. Local Definition ap_nat := @ap nat. #[export] Hint Resolve ap_S : core. #[export] Hint Resolve ap_nat : core.

forall n : nat, n = pred n.+1

forall n : nat, n = pred n.+1
auto. Defined. (** Injectivity of successor *) Definition path_nat_S n m (H : S n = S m) : n = m := ap pred H. #[export] Hint Immediate path_nat_S : core.

forall n m : nat, n <> m -> n.+1 <> m.+1

forall n m : nat, n <> m -> n.+1 <> m.+1
auto. Defined. #[export] Hint Resolve not_eq_S : core. (** TODO: keep or remove? *) Definition IsSucc (n: nat) : Type0 := match n with | O => Empty | S p => Unit end. (** Zero is not the successor of a number *)

forall n : nat, 0 <> n.+1

forall n : nat, 0 <> n.+1
discriminate. Defined. #[export] Hint Resolve not_eq_O_S : core.

forall n : nat, n <> n.+1

forall n : nat, n <> n.+1
simple_induction' n; auto. Defined. #[export] Hint Resolve not_eq_n_Sn : core. Local Definition ap011_add := @ap011 _ _ _ add. Local Definition ap011_nat := @ap011 nat nat. #[export] Hint Resolve ap011_add : core. #[export] Hint Resolve ap011_nat : core.

forall n : nat, n = n + 0

forall n : nat, n = n + 0
simple_induction' n; simpl; auto. Defined. #[export] Hint Resolve add_n_O : core.

forall n : nat, 0 + n = n

forall n : nat, 0 + n = n
auto. Defined.

forall n m : nat, (n + m).+1 = n + m.+1

forall n m : nat, (n + m).+1 = n + m.+1
simple_induction' n; simpl; auto. Defined. #[export] Hint Resolve add_n_Sm: core.

forall n m : nat, n.+1 + m = (n + m).+1

forall n m : nat, n.+1 + m = (n + m).+1
auto. Defined. (** Multiplication *) Local Definition ap011_mul := @ap011 _ _ _ mul. #[export] Hint Resolve ap011_mul : core.

forall n : nat, 0 = n * 0

forall n : nat, 0 = n * 0
simple_induction' n; simpl; auto. Defined. #[export] Hint Resolve mul_n_O : core.

forall n m : nat, n * m + n = n * m.+1

forall n m : nat, n * m + n = n * m.+1
m, p: nat
H: p * m + p = p * m.+1

m + p * m + p.+1 = (m + p * m.+1).+1
m, p: nat

m + p * m + p = m + (p * m + p)
pattern m at 1 3; elim m; simpl; auto. Defined. #[export] Hint Resolve mul_n_Sm: core. (** Standard associated names *) Notation mul_0_r_reverse := mul_n_O (only parsing). Notation mul_succ_r_reverse := mul_n_Sm (only parsing). (** ** Equality of natural numbers *) (** *** Boolean equality and its properties *) (** [nat] has decidable paths *)

DecidablePaths nat

DecidablePaths nat

Decidable (0 = 0)
m: nat
Decidable (0 = m.+1)
n: nat
IHn: forall y : nat, Decidable (n = y)
Decidable (n.+1 = 0)
n: nat
IHn: forall y : nat, Decidable (n = y)
m: nat
Decidable (n.+1 = m.+1)

Decidable (0 = 0)
exact (inl idpath).
m: nat

Decidable (0 = m.+1)
exact (inr (not_eq_O_S m)).
n: nat
IHn: forall y : nat, Decidable (n = y)

Decidable (n.+1 = 0)
exact (inr (fun p => not_eq_O_S n p^)).
n: nat
IHn: forall y : nat, Decidable (n = y)
m: nat

Decidable (n.+1 = m.+1)
n: nat
IHn: forall y : nat, Decidable (n = y)
m: nat
p: n = m

Decidable (n.+1 = m.+1)
n: nat
IHn: forall y : nat, Decidable (n = y)
m: nat
q: n <> m
Decidable (n.+1 = m.+1)
n: nat
IHn: forall y : nat, Decidable (n = y)
m: nat
p: n = m

Decidable (n.+1 = m.+1)
exact (inl (ap S p)).
n: nat
IHn: forall y : nat, Decidable (n = y)
m: nat
q: n <> m

Decidable (n.+1 = m.+1)
exact (inr (fun p => q (path_nat_S _ _ p))). Defined. (** And is therefore a HSet *) Global Instance hset_nat : IsHSet nat := _. (** ** Inequality of natural numbers *) Cumulative Inductive leq (n : nat) : nat -> Type0 := | leq_n : leq n n | leq_S : forall m, leq n m -> leq n (S m). Scheme leq_ind := Induction for leq Sort Type. Scheme leq_rect := Induction for leq Sort Type. Scheme leq_rec := Minimality for leq Sort Type. Notation "n <= m" := (leq n m) : nat_scope. #[export] Hint Constructors leq : core. Existing Class leq. Global Existing Instances leq_n leq_S. Notation leq_refl := leq_n (only parsing). Global Instance reflexive_leq : Reflexive leq := leq_n.
x, y, z: nat

x <= y -> y <= z -> x <= z
x, y, z: nat

x <= y -> y <= z -> x <= z
induction 2; auto. Defined. Global Instance transitive_leq : Transitive leq := @leq_trans.
n, m: nat

n <= m -> pred n <= pred m
n, m: nat

n <= m -> pred n <= pred m
n, m: nat
H: n <= m
IHleq: pred n <= pred m

pred n <= pred m.+1
destruct m; simpl; auto. Defined.

forall n m : nat, n.+1 <= m.+1 -> n <= m

forall n m : nat, n.+1 <= m.+1 -> n <= m
n, m: nat

n.+1 <= m.+1 -> n <= m
apply leq_n_pred. Defined.
n, m: nat

n <= m -> n.+1 <= m.+1
n, m: nat

n <= m -> n.+1 <= m.+1
induction 1; auto. Defined. Global Existing Instance leq_S_n' | 100.
n: nat

~ (n.+1 <= n)
n: nat

~ (n.+1 <= n)

~ (1 <= 0)
n: nat
IHn: ~ (n.+1 <= n)
~ (n.+2 <= n.+1)

~ (1 <= 0)
p: 1 <= 0

inversion p.
n: nat
IHn: ~ (n.+1 <= n)

~ (n.+2 <= n.+1)
n: nat
IHn: ~ (n.+1 <= n)
p: n.+2 <= n.+1

by apply IHn, leq_S_n. Defined. (** A general form for injectivity of this constructor *)
n, k: nat
p: n <= k
r: n = k

p = transport (leq n) r (leq_n n)
n, k: nat
p: n <= k
r: n = k

p = transport (leq n) r (leq_n n)
n: nat
r: n = n

leq_n n = transport (leq n) r (leq_n n)
n, m: nat
p: n <= m
r: n = m.+1
leq_S n m p = transport (leq n) r (leq_n n)
n: nat
r: n = n

leq_n n = transport (leq n) r (leq_n n)
n: nat
r: n = n
c: 1 = r

leq_n n = transport (leq n) r (leq_n n)
n: nat

leq_n n = transport (leq n) 1 (leq_n n)
n, m: nat
p: n <= m
r: n = m.+1

leq_S n m p = transport (leq n) r (leq_n n)
m: nat
p: m.+1 <= m
r: m.+1 = m.+1

leq_S m.+1 m p = transport (leq m.+1) r (leq_n m.+1)
contradiction (not_leq_Sn_n _ p). Defined. (** Which we specialise to this lemma *) Definition leq_n_inj n (p : n <= n) : p = leq_n n := leq_n_inj_gen n n p idpath.
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, m, k: nat
p: n <= k
q: n <= m
r: m.+1 = k

p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, m, k: nat
p: n <= k
q: n <= m
r: m.+1 = k

p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, k: nat
p: n <= k

forall (m : nat) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n: nat

forall (m : nat) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = n), leq_n n = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, m: nat
p: n <= m
forall (m0 : nat) (q : n <= m0) (r : m0.+1 = m.+1), leq_S n m p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m0 q)
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n: nat

forall (m : nat) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = n), leq_n n = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, k: nat
p: n <= k
r: k.+1 = n

leq_n n = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n k p)
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
k: nat
p: k.+1 <= k

leq_n k.+1 = transport (leq k.+1) 1 (leq_S k.+1 k p)
contradiction (not_leq_Sn_n _ p).
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, m: nat
p: n <= m

forall (m0 : nat) (q : n <= m0) (r : m0.+1 = m.+1), leq_S n m p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m0 q)
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, m: nat
p: n <= m
m': nat
q: n <= m'
r: m'.+1 = m.+1

leq_S n m p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m' q)
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, m: nat
p: n <= m
m': nat
q: n <= m'
r: m'.+1 = m.+1
r':= path_nat_S m' m r: m' = m

leq_S n m p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m' q)
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, m': nat
p, q: n <= m'
r: m'.+1 = m'.+1

leq_S n m' p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m' q)
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, m': nat
p, q: n <= m'
r: m'.+1 = m'.+1
t: 1 = r

leq_S n m' p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m' q)
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, m': nat
p, q: n <= m'

leq_S n m' p = transport (leq n) 1 (leq_S n m' q)
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, m': nat
p, q: n <= m'

leq_S n m' p = leq_S n m' q
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, m': nat
p, q: n <= m'

p = q
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n: nat
p: n <= n

p = leq_n n
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, m: nat
p: n <= m.+1
q: n <= m
p = leq_S n m q
leq_S_inj_gen: forall (n m k : nat) (p : n <= k) (q : n <= m) (r : m.+1 = k), p = transport (leq n) r (leq_S n m q)
n, m: nat
p: n <= m.+1
q: n <= m

p = leq_S n m q
apply (leq_S_inj_gen n m _ p q idpath). Defined. Definition leq_S_inj n m (p : n <= m.+1) (q : n <= m) : p = leq_S n m q := leq_S_inj_gen n m m.+1 p q idpath.
n, m: nat

IsHProp (n <= m)
n, m: nat

IsHProp (n <= m)
n, m: nat

forall x y : n <= m, x = y
n, m: nat
q: n <= m

forall p : n <= m, p = q
n: nat

forall p : n <= n, p = leq_n n
n, m: nat
q: n <= m
IHq: forall p : n <= m, p = q
forall p : n <= m.+1, p = leq_S n m q
n: nat

forall p : n <= n, p = leq_n n
n: nat
y: n <= n

y = leq_n n
rapply leq_n_inj.
n, m: nat
q: n <= m
IHq: forall p : n <= m, p = q

forall p : n <= m.+1, p = leq_S n m q
n, m: nat
q: n <= m
IHq: forall p : n <= m, p = q
y: n <= m.+1

y = leq_S n m q
rapply leq_S_inj. Defined.
n: nat

0 <= n
n: nat

0 <= n
simple_induction' n; auto. Defined.
n: nat

~ (n.+1 <= 0)
n: nat

~ (n.+1 <= 0)
n: nat
p: n.+1 <= 0

n: nat
p: n.+1 <= n

contradiction (not_leq_Sn_n _ p). Defined.
n, m: nat

n.+1 <= m.+1 <~> n <= m
n, m: nat

n.+1 <= m.+1 <~> n <= m
n, m: nat

n.+1 <= m.+1 -> n <= m
apply leq_S_n. Defined.
n, m: nat

Decidable (n <= m)
n, m: nat

Decidable (n <= m)
m: nat

forall n : nat, Decidable (n <= m)
n: nat

Decidable (n <= 0)
m: nat
IH: forall n : nat, Decidable (n <= m)
n: nat
Decidable (n <= m.+1)
n: nat

Decidable (n <= 0)

Decidable (0 <= 0)
n: nat
Decidable (n.+1 <= 0)

Decidable (0 <= 0)
left; exact _.
n: nat

Decidable (n.+1 <= 0)
right; apply not_leq_Sn_0.
m: nat
IH: forall n : nat, Decidable (n <= m)
n: nat

Decidable (n <= m.+1)
m: nat
IH: forall n : nat, Decidable (n <= m)

Decidable (0 <= m.+1)
m: nat
IH: forall n : nat, Decidable (n <= m)
n: nat
Decidable (n.+1 <= m.+1)
m: nat
IH: forall n : nat, Decidable (n <= m)

Decidable (0 <= m.+1)
left; exact _.
m: nat
IH: forall n : nat, Decidable (n <= m)
n: nat

Decidable (n.+1 <= m.+1)
m: nat
IH: forall n : nat, Decidable (n <= m)
n: nat

?n <= m <~> n.+1 <= m.+1
m: nat
IH: forall n : nat, Decidable (n <= m)
n: nat

n.+1 <= m.+1 <~> ?n <= m
apply equiv_leq_S_n. Defined.
leq_add: forall n m : nat, n <= m + n
n, m: nat

n <= m + n
leq_add: forall n m : nat, n <= m + n
n, m: nat

n <= m + n
leq_add: forall n m : nat, n <= m + n
n: nat

n <= 0 + n
leq_add: forall n m : nat, n <= m + n
n, m: nat
n <= m.+1 + n
leq_add: forall n m : nat, n <= m + n
n, m: nat

n <= m.+1 + n
apply leq_S, leq_add. Defined. (** We define the less-than relation [lt] in terms of [leq] *) Definition lt n m : Type0 := leq (S n) m. (** We declare it as an existing class so typeclass search is performed on its goals. *) Existing Class lt. #[export] Hint Unfold lt : core typeclass_instances. Infix "<" := lt : nat_scope. (** We add a typeclass instance for unfolding the definition so lemmas about [leq] can be used. *) Global Instance lt_is_leq n m : leq n.+1 m -> lt n m | 100 := idmap. (** We should also give them their various typeclass instances *)

Transitive lt

Transitive lt

forall x y z : nat, x.+1 <= y -> y.+1 <= z -> x.+1 <= z
x, y, z: nat
p: x.+1 <= y
q: y.+1 <= z

x.+1 <= z
rapply leq_trans. Defined. Global Instance decidable_lt n m : Decidable (lt n m) := _. Definition ge n m := leq m n. Existing Class ge. #[export] Hint Unfold ge : core typeclass_instances. Infix ">=" := ge : nat_scope. Global Instance ge_is_leq n m : leq m n -> ge n m | 100 := idmap. Global Instance reflexive_ge : Reflexive ge := leq_n. Global Instance transitive_ge : Transitive ge := fun x y z p q => leq_trans q p. Global Instance decidable_ge n m : Decidable (ge n m) := _. Definition gt n m := lt m n. Existing Class gt. #[export] Hint Unfold gt : core typeclass_instances. Infix ">" := gt : nat_scope. Global Instance gt_is_leq n m : leq m.+1 n -> gt n m | 100 := idmap. Global Instance transitive_gt : Transitive gt := fun x y z p q => transitive_lt _ _ _ q p. Global Instance decidable_gt n m : Decidable (gt n m) := _. Notation "x <= y <= z" := (x <= y /\ y <= z) : nat_scope. Notation "x <= y < z" := (x <= y /\ y < z) : nat_scope. Notation "x < y < z" := (x < y /\ y < z) : nat_scope. Notation "x < y <= z" := (x < y /\ y <= z) : nat_scope. (** Principle of double induction *)
R: nat -> nat -> Type
H1: forall n : nat, R 0 n
H2: forall n : nat, R n.+1 0
H3: forall n m : nat, R n m -> R n.+1 m.+1

forall n m : nat, R n m
R: nat -> nat -> Type
H1: forall n : nat, R 0 n
H2: forall n : nat, R n.+1 0
H3: forall n m : nat, R n m -> R n.+1 m.+1

forall n m : nat, R n m
R: nat -> nat -> Type
H1: forall n : nat, R 0 n
H2: forall n : nat, R n.+1 0
H3: forall n m : nat, R n m -> R n.+1 m.+1
n: nat
IH: forall m : nat, R n m

forall m : nat, R n.+1 m
destruct m; auto. Defined. (** Maximum and minimum : definitions and specifications *)
n: nat

max n n = n
n: nat

max n n = n
simple_induction' n; cbn; auto. Defined. #[export] Hint Resolve max_n_n : core.
n: nat

max n.+1 n = n.+1
n: nat

max n.+1 n = n.+1
simple_induction' n; cbn; auto. Defined. #[export] Hint Resolve max_Sn_n : core.
n, m: nat

max n m = max m n
n, m: nat

max n m = max m n
revert m; simple_induction' n; destruct m; cbn; auto. Defined.
n: nat

max 0 n = n
n: nat

max 0 n = n
auto. Defined. #[export] Hint Resolve max_0_n : core.
n: nat

max n 0 = n
n: nat

max n 0 = n
by rewrite max_comm. Defined. #[export] Hint Resolve max_n_0 : core.

forall n m : nat, m <= n -> max n m = n

forall n m : nat, m <= n -> max n m = n
m: nat
IHm: forall n : nat, m <= n -> max n m = n

forall n : nat, m.+1 <= n -> max n m.+1 = n
m: nat
IHm: forall n : nat, m <= n -> max n m = n
p: m.+1 <= 0

max 0 m.+1 = 0
m: nat
IHm: forall n : nat, m <= n -> max n m = n
n: nat
p: m.+1 <= n.+1
max n.+1 m.+1 = n.+1
m: nat
IHm: forall n : nat, m <= n -> max n m = n
n: nat
p: m.+1 <= n.+1

max n.+1 m.+1 = n.+1
cbn; by apply ap_S, IHm, leq_S_n. Defined.

forall n m : nat, n <= m -> max n m = m

forall n m : nat, n <= m -> max n m = m
intros; rewrite max_comm; by apply max_l. Defined.

forall n m : nat, min n m = min m n

forall n m : nat, min n m = min m n
simple_induction' n; destruct m; cbn; auto. Defined.

forall n m : nat, n <= m -> min n m = n

forall n m : nat, n <= m -> min n m = n
n: nat
IHn: forall m : nat, n <= m -> min n m = n

forall m : nat, n.+1 <= m -> min n.+1 m = n.+1
n: nat
IHn: forall m : nat, n <= m -> min n m = n
p: n.+1 <= 0

min n.+1 0 = n.+1
n: nat
IHn: forall m : nat, n <= m -> min n m = n
n0: nat
p: n.+1 <= n0.+1
min n.+1 n0.+1 = n.+1
n: nat
IHn: forall m : nat, n <= m -> min n m = n
n0: nat
p: n.+1 <= n0.+1

min n.+1 n0.+1 = n.+1
cbn; by apply ap_S, IHn, leq_S_n. Defined.

forall n m : nat, m <= n -> min n m = m

forall n m : nat, m <= n -> min n m = m
intros; rewrite min_comm; by apply min_l. Defined. (** [n]th iteration of the function [f : A -> A]. We have definitional equalities [nat_iter 0 f x = x] and [nat_iter n.+1 f x = f (nat_iter n f x)]. We make this a notation, so it doesn't add a universe variable for the universe containing [A]. *) Notation nat_iter n f x := ((fix F (m : nat) := match m with | 0 => x | m'.+1 => f (F m') end) n).
n: nat
A: Type
f: A -> A
x: A

nat_iter n.+1 f x = nat_iter n f (f x)
n: nat
A: Type
f: A -> A
x: A

nat_iter n.+1 f x = nat_iter n f (f x)
A: Type
f: A -> A
x: A
n: nat
IHn: f (nat_iter n f x) = nat_iter n f (f x)

f (f (nat_iter n f x)) = f (nat_iter n f (f x))
exact (ap f IHn). Defined.
n, m: nat
A: Type
f: A -> A
x: A

nat_iter (n + m) f x = nat_iter n f (nat_iter m f x)
n, m: nat
A: Type
f: A -> A
x: A

nat_iter (n + m) f x = nat_iter n f (nat_iter m f x)
m: nat
A: Type
f: A -> A
x: A
n: nat
IHn: nat_iter (n + m) f x = nat_iter n f (nat_iter m f x)

f (nat_iter (n + m) f x) = f (nat_iter n f (nat_iter m f x))
exact (ap f IHn). Defined. (** Preservation of invariants : if [f : A -> A] preserves the invariant [P], then the iterates of [f] also preserve it. *)
n: nat
A: Type
f: A -> A
P: A -> Type

(forall x : A, P x -> P (f x)) -> forall x : A, P x -> P (nat_iter n f x)
n: nat
A: Type
f: A -> A
P: A -> Type

(forall x : A, P x -> P (f x)) -> forall x : A, P x -> P (nat_iter n f x)
A: Type
f: A -> A
P: A -> Type
n: nat
IHn: (forall x : A, P x -> P (f x)) -> forall x : A, P x -> P (nat_iter n f x)

(forall x : A, P x -> P (f x)) -> forall x : A, P x -> P (f (nat_iter n f x))
A: Type
f: A -> A
P: A -> Type
n: nat
IHn: (forall x : A, P x -> P (f x)) -> forall x : A, P x -> P (nat_iter n f x)
Hf: forall x : A, P x -> P (f x)
x: A
Hx: P x

P (f (nat_iter n f x))
apply Hf, IHn; trivial. Defined. (** ** Arithmetic *)
n, m: nat

(n + m).+1 = n + m.+1
n, m: nat

(n + m).+1 = n + m.+1
m: nat

m.+1 = m.+1
m, n: nat
IH: (n + m).+1 = n + m.+1
(n + m).+2 = (n + m.+1).+1
m: nat

m.+1 = m.+1
m, n: nat
IH: (n + m).+1 = n + m.+1

(n + m).+2 = (n + m.+1).+1
apply ap; assumption. Defined.
n, m: nat

n + m = m + n
n, m: nat

n + m = m + n
m: nat

m = m + 0
m, n: nat
IHn: n + m = m + n
(n + m).+1 = m + n.+1
m: nat

m = m + 0
exact (add_n_O m).
m, n: nat
IHn: n + m = m + n

(n + m).+1 = m + n.+1
m, n: nat
IHn: n + m = m + n

(n + m).+1 = (m + n).+1
m, n: nat
IHn: n + m = m + n
(m + n).+1 = m + n.+1
m, n: nat
IHn: n + m = m + n

(n + m).+1 = (m + n).+1
apply ap, IHn.
m, n: nat
IHn: n + m = m + n

(m + n).+1 = m + n.+1
apply nat_add_n_Sm. Defined. (** ** Exponentiation *) Fixpoint nat_exp (n m : nat) : nat := match m with | 0 => 1 | S m => nat_exp n m * n end. (** ** Factorials *) Fixpoint factorial (n : nat) : nat := match n with | 0 => 1 | S n => S n * factorial n end. (** ** Natural number ordering *) (** ** Theorems about natural number ordering *)
x, y: nat

x <= y -> y <= x -> x = y
x, y: nat

x <= y -> y <= x -> x = y
x, y: nat
p: x <= y
q: y <= x

x = y
x: nat
q: x <= x

x = x
x, m: nat
p: x <= m
q: m.+1 <= x
x = m.+1
x, m: nat
p: x <= m
q: m.+1 <= x

x = m.+1
x, m: nat
p: x.+1 <= m
q: m.+1 <= x.+1

x.+1 = m.+1
x, m: nat
p: x.+1 <= m
q: m <= x

x.+1 = m.+1
x, m: nat
p: x.+1 <= m
q: m <= x
r:= leq_trans p q: x.+1 <= x

x.+1 = m.+1
by apply not_leq_Sn_n in r. Defined. Definition not_lt_n_n n : ~ (n < n) := not_leq_Sn_n n. Definition leq_1_Sn {n} : 1 <= n.+1 := leq_S_n' 0 n (leq_0_n _).
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
m, n: nat

((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
m, n: nat

((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type

((0 <= 0) + (0 > 0))%type
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
n: nat
IH: ((0 <= n) + (0 > n))%type
((0 <= n.+1) + (0 > n.+1))%type
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
m: nat
(m <= 0) + (m > 0) -> ((m.+1 <= 0) + (m.+1 > 0))%type
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
m, n: nat
IH0: (m <= n) + (m > n) -> ((m.+1 <= n) + (m.+1 > n))%type
(m <= n.+1) + (m > n.+1) -> ((m.+1 <= n.+1) + (m.+1 > n.+1))%type
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type

((0 <= 0) + (0 > 0))%type
left; reflexivity.
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
n: nat
IH: ((0 <= n) + (0 > n))%type

((0 <= n.+1) + (0 > n.+1))%type
left; apply leq_0_n.
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
m: nat

(m <= 0) + (m > 0) -> ((m.+1 <= 0) + (m.+1 > 0))%type
right; unfold lt; apply leq_1_Sn.
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
m, n: nat
IH0: (m <= n) + (m > n) -> ((m.+1 <= n) + (m.+1 > n))%type

(m <= n.+1) + (m > n.+1) -> ((m.+1 <= n.+1) + (m.+1 > n.+1))%type
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
m, n: nat
IH0: (m <= n) + (m > n) -> ((m.+1 <= n) + (m.+1 > n))%type
X: ((m <= n) + (n < m))%type

(m <= n.+1) + (m > n.+1) -> ((m.+1 <= n.+1) + (m.+1 > n.+1))%type
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
m, n: nat
IH0: (m <= n) + (m > n) -> ((m.+1 <= n) + (m.+1 > n))%type
leqmn: m <= n

(m <= n.+1) + (m > n.+1) -> ((m.+1 <= n.+1) + (m.+1 > n.+1))%type
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
m, n: nat
IH0: (m <= n) + (m > n) -> ((m.+1 <= n) + (m.+1 > n))%type
ltnm: n < m
(m <= n.+1) + (m > n.+1) -> ((m.+1 <= n.+1) + (m.+1 > n.+1))%type
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
m, n: nat
IH0: (m <= n) + (m > n) -> ((m.+1 <= n) + (m.+1 > n))%type
leqmn: m <= n

(m <= n.+1) + (m > n.+1) -> ((m.+1 <= n.+1) + (m.+1 > n.+1))%type
left; apply leq_S_n'; assumption.
leq_dichot: forall m n : nat, ((m <= n) + (m > n))%type
m, n: nat
IH0: (m <= n) + (m > n) -> ((m.+1 <= n) + (m.+1 > n))%type
ltnm: n < m

(m <= n.+1) + (m > n.+1) -> ((m.+1 <= n.+1) + (m.+1 > n.+1))%type
right; apply leq_S_n'; assumption. Defined.
n: nat

~ (n < 0)
n: nat

~ (n < 0)
apply not_leq_Sn_0. Defined. (** ** Arithmetic relations between [trunc_index] and [nat]. *)
n: nat

(n +2+ n)%trunc = n.+1 + n.+1
n: nat

(n +2+ n)%trunc = n.+1 + n.+1
n: nat
IH: (n +2+ n)%trunc = n.+1 + n.+1

((n.+1)%nat +2+ (n.+1)%nat)%trunc = n.+2 + n.+2
n: nat
IH: (n +2+ n)%trunc = n.+1 + n.+1

(((n.+1)%nat +2+ (trunc_index_inc (-2) n.+1).+1).+1)%trunc = n.+2 + n.+2
n: nat
IH: (n +2+ n)%trunc = n.+1 + n.+1

((n.+1)%nat +2+ (trunc_index_inc (-2) n.+1).+1)%trunc = ?Goal
n: nat
IH: (n +2+ n)%trunc = n.+1 + n.+1
(?Goal.+1)%trunc = n.+2 + n.+2
n: nat
IH: (n +2+ n)%trunc = n.+1 + n.+1

((n.+1)%nat +2+ (trunc_index_inc (-2) n.+1).+1)%trunc = ?Goal
n: nat
IH: (n +2+ n)%trunc = n.+1 + n.+1

((trunc_index_inc (-2) n.+1).+1 +2+ (n.+1)%nat)%trunc = ?Goal
n: nat
IH: (n +2+ n)%trunc = n.+1 + n.+1

(((trunc_index_inc (-2) n.+1).+1 +2+ (trunc_index_inc (-2) n.+1).+1).+1)%trunc = ?Goal
exact (ap trunc_S IH).
n: nat
IH: (n +2+ n)%trunc = n.+1 + n.+1

((n.+1 + n.+1).+2)%trunc = n.+2 + n.+2
n: nat
IH: (n +2+ n)%trunc = n.+1 + n.+1

((n.+1 + n.+1).+2)%trunc = ?Goal0
n: nat
IH: (n +2+ n)%trunc = n.+1 + n.+1
?Goal0 = n.+2 + n.+2
n: nat
IH: (n +2+ n)%trunc = n.+1 + n.+1

((n.+1 + n.+1).+2)%trunc = (n.+1 + n.+1).+2
reflexivity. Defined.