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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Export Basics.Nat. Require Export HoTT.DProp. (** * Characterization of the path types of [nat] *) (** We characterize the path types of [nat]. We put this in its own file because it uses DProp, which has a lot of dependencies. *) Local Set Universe Minimization ToSet. Local Close Scope trunc_scope. Local Open Scope nat_scope. Fixpoint code_nat (m n : nat) {struct m} : DHProp@{Set} := match m, n with | 0, 0 => True | m'.+1, n'.+1 => code_nat m' n' | _, _ => False end. Infix "=n" := code_nat : nat_scope. Fixpoint idcode_nat {n} : (n =n n) := match n as n return (n =n n) with | 0 => tt | S n' => @idcode_nat n' end. Fixpoint path_nat {n m} : (n =n m) -> (n = m) := match m as m, n as n return (n =n m) -> (n = m) with | 0, 0 => fun _ => idpath | m'.+1, n'.+1 => fun H : (n' =n m') => ap S (path_nat H) | _, _ => fun H => match H with end end.
n, m: nat

IsEquiv path_nat
n, m: nat

IsEquiv path_nat
n, m: nat

(fun x : n = m => path_nat (transport (fun m' : nat => n =n m') x idcode_nat)) == idmap
n, m: nat
(fun x : n =n m => transport (fun m' : nat => n =n m') (path_nat x) idcode_nat) == idmap
n, m: nat

(fun x : n = m => path_nat (transport (fun m' : nat => n =n m') x idcode_nat)) == idmap
n, m: nat

path_nat idcode_nat = 1
n, m: nat
IHn: path_nat idcode_nat = 1

ap S (path_nat idcode_nat) = 1
by destruct (IHn^)%path.
n, m: nat

(fun x : n =n m => transport (fun m' : nat => n =n m') (path_nat x) idcode_nat) == idmap
n, m: nat

(fun x : n =n m => transport (fun m' : nat => n =n m') (path_nat x) idcode_nat) == idmap
n, m: nat
x: n =n m

transport (fun m' : nat => n =n m') (path_nat x) idcode_nat = x
apply path_ishprop. } Defined. Definition equiv_path_nat {n m} : (n =n m) <~> (n = m) := Build_Equiv _ _ (@path_nat n m) _.