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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Cubical. Require Import Spaces.Circle Spaces.Torus.Torus. (** In this file we prove that the torus is equivalent to the product of two circles. *) (** Here is a cube filler for help with circle recursion into the torus *)

{s : PathSquare loop_a loop_a (ap (Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b) loop) (ap (Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b) loop) & PathCube s surf hr hr (sq_G1 (Circle_rec_beta_loop Torus tbase loop_b)) (sq_G1 (Circle_rec_beta_loop Torus tbase loop_b))}

{s : PathSquare loop_a loop_a (ap (Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b) loop) (ap (Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b) loop) & PathCube s surf hr hr (sq_G1 (Circle_rec_beta_loop Torus tbase loop_b)) (sq_G1 (Circle_rec_beta_loop Torus tbase loop_b))}
apply cu_fill_left. Defined. (** We define the map from the Torus to the Circles *)

Torus -> Circle * Circle

Torus -> Circle * Circle

Circle * Circle

?pb = ?pb

?pb = ?pb

PathSquare ?pla ?pla ?plb ?plb

Circle * Circle
exact (base, base). (* The point of the torus is taken to (base, base *)

(base, base) = (base, base)
exact (path_prod' loop 1). (* loop_a is taken to loop in the first *)

(base, base) = (base, base)
exact (path_prod' 1 loop). (* loop_b is taken to loop in the second *)

PathSquare (path_prod' loop 1) (path_prod' loop 1) (path_prod' 1 loop) (path_prod' 1 loop)
exact (sq_prod (hr, vr)). (* The square is the obvious product of squares *) Defined. (** We now define the curried function from the circles to the torus. *) (** TODO: It's easy to remove [Funext] from this definition by using [intro] and [revert] appropriately, but then the cube algebra in the proof of [c2t'_beta] would need to be updated. See https://github.com/HoTT/Coq-HoTT/pull/1824. *)
H: Funext

Circle -> Circle -> Torus
H: Funext

Circle -> Circle -> Torus
H: Funext

Circle -> Torus
H: Funext
?b = ?b
H: Funext

Circle -> Torus
H: Funext

H: Funext
?b = ?b
H: Funext

exact tbase. (* The basepoint is sent to the point of the torus *)
H: Funext

tbase = tbase
exact loop_b. (* The second loop is sent to loop_b *)
H: Funext

Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b = Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b
H: Funext

Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b == Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b
H: Funext

(fun x : Circle => Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b x = Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b x) base
H: Funext
transport (fun x : Circle => Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b x = Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b x) loop ?b = ?b
H: Funext

(fun x : Circle => Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b x = Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b x) base
exact loop_a. (* The first loop is sent to loop_a *)
H: Funext

transport (fun x : Circle => Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b x = Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b x) loop loop_a = loop_a
H: Funext

PathSquare loop_a loop_a (ap (Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b) loop) (ap (Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b) loop)
apply (pr1 c2t_square_and_cube). (* We apply the cap we found above *) Defined. (** Here is the uncurried version *)
H: Funext

Circle * Circle -> Torus
H: Funext

Circle * Circle -> Torus
apply uncurry, c2t'. Defined. (** Computation rules for c2t' as a cube filler *)
H: Funext

{bl1 : PathSquare (ap (fun y : Circle => c2t' base y) loop) loop_b 1 1 & {bl2 : PathSquare (ap (fun x : Circle => c2t' x base) loop) loop_a 1 1 & PathCube (sq_ap011 c2t' loop loop) surf bl2 bl2 bl1 bl1}}
H: Funext

{bl1 : PathSquare (ap (fun y : Circle => c2t' base y) loop) loop_b 1 1 & {bl2 : PathSquare (ap (fun x : Circle => c2t' x base) loop) loop_a 1 1 & PathCube (sq_ap011 c2t' loop loop) surf bl2 bl2 bl1 bl1}}
H: Funext

PathCube (sq_ap011 c2t' loop loop) surf ?Goal0 ?Goal0 ?Goal ?Goal
H: Funext

PathCube (sq_dp (apD (fun y : Circle => ap (fun x : Circle => c2t' x y) loop) loop)) surf ?Goal0 ?Goal0 ?Goal ?Goal
(* 1. Unfusing ap *)
H: Funext

PathCube (sq_dp (apD (fun y : Circle => ap (fun f : Circle -> Torus => f y) (ap c2t' loop)) loop)) surf ?X1 ?X1 ?Y1 ?Y1
(* 2. Reducing c2t' on loop *)
H: Funext

PathCube (sq_dp (apD (fun x : Circle => ap10 (path_forall (Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b) (Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b) (Circle_ind (fun x0 : Circle => Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b x0 = Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b x0) loop_a (sq_dp^-1 c2t_square_and_cube.1))) x) loop)) surf ?X2 ?X2 ?Y2 ?Y2
(* 3. Reducing ap10 on function extensionality *)
H: Funext

PathCube (sq_dp (apD (Circle_ind (fun x : Circle => Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b x = Circle_rec Torus tbase loop_b x) loop_a (sq_dp^-1 c2t_square_and_cube.1)) loop)) surf ?X3 ?X3 ?Y3 ?Y3
(* 4. Reducing Circle_ind on loop *)
H: Funext

PathCube (sq_dp (sq_dp^-1 c2t_square_and_cube.1)) surf ?X4 ?X4 ?Y4 ?Y4
(* 5. collapsing equivalence *)
H: Funext

PathCube c2t_square_and_cube.1 surf ?X5 ?X5 ?Y5 ?Y5
(* 6. filling the cube *) apply c2t_square_and_cube.2. Defined. Local Open Scope path_scope. Local Open Scope cube_scope. (** We now prove that t2c is a section of c2t *)
H: Funext

c2t o t2c == idmap
H: Funext

c2t o t2c == idmap
(* We start with Torus induction *)
H: Funext

DPathSquare (fun x : Torus => c2t (t2c x) = x) surf ?Goal ?Goal ?Goal0 ?Goal0
(* Our DPathSquare is really just a cube *)
H: Funext

PathCube (sq_dp ?Goal) (sq_dp ?Goal) (sq_dp ?Goal0) (sq_dp ?Goal0) (sq_ap (fun x : Torus => c2t (t2c x)) surf) (sq_ap idmap surf)
(* We pretend that our sides have sq_dpath o sq_dpath^-1 and get rid of them *)
H: Funext

PathCube ?Goal ?Goal ?Goal0 ?Goal0 (sq_ap (fun x : Torus => c2t (t2c x)) surf) (sq_ap idmap surf)
(* Apply a symmetry to get the faces on the right side *)
H: Funext

PathCube (sq_ap (fun x : Torus => c2t (t2c x)) surf) (sq_ap idmap surf) (sq_tr ?Goal) (sq_tr ?Goal) (sq_tr ?Goal0) (sq_tr ?Goal0)
(* Clean up other faces *)
H: Funext

PathCube (sq_ap (fun x : Torus => c2t (t2c x)) surf) (sq_ap idmap surf) ?Goal ?Goal ?Goal0 ?Goal0
(* Now we finish the proof with the following composition of cubes *) nrefine ((sq_ap_compose t2c c2t surf) @lr (cu_ap c2t (Torus_rec_beta_surf _ _ _ _ _ )) @lr (sq_ap_uncurry _ _ _) @lr (pr2 (pr2 c2t'_beta)) @lr (cu_flip_lr (sq_ap_idmap _))). Defined. (* NOTE: The last step in the previous proof can be done as a sequence of refines however coq really struggles to unify this. Below is the original way we proved the last statement before making it short and sweet. As can be seen, we need to give refine hints using existential variables which is tedious to write out, and perhaps motivates why we wrote it as one big concatenation. Ideally the way below should be as smooth as the way above, since above is difficult to write directly without having tried below. (* Now we decompose the cube with middle sq_ap_compose *) (* Note: coq sucks at unifying this so we have to explicitly give paths *) refine (cu_concat_lr (sq_ap_compose t2c c2t surf) _ (sji0:=?[X1]) (sji1:=?X1) (sj0i:=?[Y1]) (sj1i:=?Y1) (pj11:=1)). (* Now we reduce (sq_ap t2c surf) *) refine (cu_concat_lr (cu_ap c2t (Torus_rec_beta_surf _ _ _ _ _ )) _ (sji0:=?[X2]) (sji1:=?X2) (sj0i:=?[Y2]) (sj1i:=?Y2) (pj11:=1)). (* We now uncurry c2t inside sq_ap *) refine (cu_concat_lr (sq_ap_uncurry _ _ _) _ (sji0:=?[X3]) (sji1:=?X3) (sj0i:=?[Y3]) (sj1i:=?Y3) (pj11:=1)). (* Reduce sq_ap2 c2t' loop loop *) refine (cu_concat_lr (pr2 (pr2 c2t'_beta)) _ (sji0:=?[X4]) (sji1:=?X4) (sj0i:=?[Y4]) (sj1i:=?Y4) (pj11:=1)). (* Finally flip and sq_ap idmap *) refine (cu_flip_lr (sq_ap_idmap _)). *) Local Notation apcs := (ap_compose_sq _ _ _).
A, B, C, D: Type
f: A -> B -> C
g: C -> D
a, a': A
p: a = a'
b, b': B
q: b = b'

PathCube (sq_ap011 (fun (x : A) (y : B) => g (f x y)) p q) (sq_ap g (sq_ap011 f p q)) apcs apcs apcs apcs
A, B, C, D: Type
f: A -> B -> C
g: C -> D
a, a': A
p: a = a'
b, b': B
q: b = b'

PathCube (sq_ap011 (fun (x : A) (y : B) => g (f x y)) p q) (sq_ap g (sq_ap011 f p q)) apcs apcs apcs apcs
by destruct p, q. Defined. (** We now prove t2c is a retraction of c2t *)
H: Funext

t2c o c2t == idmap
H: Funext

t2c o c2t == idmap
H: Funext

forall fst snd : Circle, t2c (c2t (fst, snd)) = (fst, snd)
(* Start with double circle induction *)
H: Funext

transport (fun x : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x)) = (base, x)) loop 1 = 1
H: Funext
transport (fun x : Circle => forall snd : Circle, t2c (c2t (x, snd)) = (x, snd)) loop (Circle_ind (fun x : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x)) = (base, x)) 1 ?l) = Circle_ind (fun x : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x)) = (base, x)) 1 ?l
(* Change the second loop case into a square and shelve *)
H: Funext

transport (fun x : Circle => forall snd : Circle, t2c (c2t (x, snd)) = (x, snd)) loop (Circle_ind (fun x : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x)) = (base, x)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal))) = Circle_ind (fun x : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x)) = (base, x)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal))
(* Take the forall out of the DPath *)
H: Funext

forall x : Circle, DPath (fun t : Circle => t2c (c2t (t, x)) = (t, x)) loop (Circle_ind (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x0)) = (base, x0)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal)) x) (Circle_ind (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x0)) = (base, x0)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal)) x)
H: Funext

forall x : Circle, PathSquare (Circle_ind (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x0)) = (base, x0)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal)) x) (Circle_ind (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x0)) = (base, x0)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal)) x) (ap (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (x0, x))) loop) (ap (fun x0 : Circle => (x0, x)) loop)
H: Funext

(fun x : Circle => PathSquare (Circle_ind (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x0)) = (base, x0)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal)) x) (Circle_ind (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x0)) = (base, x0)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal)) x) (ap (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (x0, x))) loop) (ap (fun x0 : Circle => (x0, x)) loop)) base
H: Funext
transport (fun x : Circle => PathSquare (Circle_ind (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x0)) = (base, x0)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal)) x) (Circle_ind (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x0)) = (base, x0)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal)) x) (ap (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (x0, x))) loop) (ap (fun x0 : Circle => (x0, x)) loop)) loop ?b = ?b
H: Funext

transport (fun x : Circle => PathSquare (Circle_ind (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x0)) = (base, x0)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal)) x) (Circle_ind (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x0)) = (base, x0)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal)) x) (ap (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (x0, x))) loop) (ap (fun x0 : Circle => (x0, x)) loop)) loop (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal0) = sq_tr^-1 ?Goal0
H: Funext

PathCube (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal0) (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal0) (sq_dp (apD (Circle_ind (fun x : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x)) = (base, x)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal))) loop)) (sq_dp (apD (Circle_ind (fun x : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x)) = (base, x)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal))) loop)) (sq_dp (apD (fun x : Circle => ap (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (x0, x))) loop) loop)) (sq_dp (apD (fun x : Circle => ap (fun x0 : Circle => (x0, x)) loop) loop))
H: Funext

?Goal1 = sq_dp (apD (Circle_ind (fun x : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x)) = (base, x)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal))) loop)
H: Funext
?Goal2 = sq_dp (apD (Circle_ind (fun x : Circle => t2c (c2t (base, x)) = (base, x)) 1 (sq_dp^-1 (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal))) loop)
H: Funext
PathCube (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal0) (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal0) ?Goal1 ?Goal2 (sq_dp (apD (fun x : Circle => ap (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (x0, x))) loop) loop)) (sq_dp (apD (fun x : Circle => ap (fun x0 : Circle => (x0, x)) loop) loop))
H: Funext

PathCube (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal0) (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal0) (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal) (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal) (sq_dp (apD (fun x : Circle => ap (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (x0, x))) loop) loop)) (sq_dp (apD (fun x : Circle => ap (fun x0 : Circle => (x0, x)) loop) loop))
H: Funext

PathCube (sq_dp (apD (fun x : Circle => ap (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (x0, x))) loop) loop)) (sq_dp (apD (fun x : Circle => ap (fun x0 : Circle => (x0, x)) loop) loop)) (sq_tr (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal0)) (sq_tr (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal0)) (sq_tr (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal)) (sq_tr (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal))
H: Funext

?Goal1 = sq_tr (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal0)
H: Funext
?Goal2 = sq_tr (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal0)
H: Funext
?Goal3 = sq_tr (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal)
H: Funext
?Goal4 = sq_tr (sq_tr^-1 ?Goal)
H: Funext
PathCube (sq_dp (apD (fun x : Circle => ap (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (x0, x))) loop) loop)) (sq_dp (apD (fun x : Circle => ap (fun x0 : Circle => (x0, x)) loop) loop)) ?Goal1 ?Goal2 ?Goal3 ?Goal4
H: Funext

PathCube (sq_dp (apD (fun x : Circle => ap (fun x0 : Circle => t2c (c2t (x0, x))) loop) loop)) (sq_dp (apD (fun x : Circle => ap (fun x0 : Circle => (x0, x)) loop) loop)) ?Goal0 ?Goal0 ?Goal ?Goal
nrefine ((sq_ap011_compose c2t' t2c loop loop) @lr (cu_ap t2c (c2t'_beta.2.2)) @lr (Torus_rec_beta_surf _ _ _ _ _) @lr (cu_flip_lr (sq_ap_idmap _)) @lr (sq_ap_uncurry _ _ _)). Defined. (* refine (cu_concat_lr (sq_ap2_compose c2t' t2c loop loop) _ (sji0:=?[X1]) (sji1:=?X1) (sj0i:=?[Y1]) (sj1i:=?Y1) (pj11:=1)). refine (cu_concat_lr (cu_ap t2c (c2t'_beta.2.2)) _ (sji0:=?[X2]) (sji1:=?X2) (sj0i:=?[Y2]) (sj1i:=?Y2) (pj11:=1)). refine (cu_concat_lr (Torus_rec_beta_surf _ _ _ _ _) _ (sji0:=?[X3]) (sji1:=?X3) (sj0i:=?[Y3]) (sj1i:=?Y3) (pj11:=1)). refine (cu_concat_lr (cu_flip_lr (sq_ap_idmap _)) _ (sji0:=?[X4]) (sji1:=?X4) (sj0i:=?[Y4]) (sj1i:=?Y4) (pj11:=1)). apply sq_ap_uncurry. *) Definition equiv_torus_prod_Circle `{Funext} : Torus <~> Circle * Circle := equiv_adjointify t2c c2t c2t2c t2c2t.