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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Pointed WildCat. Require Import Modalities.ReflectiveSubuniverse Truncations.Core. Require Import Algebra.AbGroups. Require Import Homotopy.HomotopyGroup. Require Import Homotopy.PinSn. Require Import Spaces.Int.Core Spaces.Circle. Require Import Spaces.Torus.Torus. Require Import Spaces.Torus.TorusEquivCircles. Local Open Scope trunc_scope. Local Open Scope pointed_scope. (** ** Fundamental group of the torus .*) (** The torus is 1-truncated *)
H: Univalence

IsTrunc 1 Torus
H: Univalence

IsTrunc 1 Torus
refine (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ equiv_torus_prod_Circle^-1). Qed. (** The torus is 0-connected *)
H: Univalence

IsConnected (Tr 0) Torus
H: Univalence

IsConnected (Tr 0) Torus
H: Univalence

IsConnected (Tr 0) (Circle * Circle)
srapply (isconnected_equiv' _ _ (equiv_sigma_prod0 _ _)). Qed. (** We give these notations for the pointed versions. *) Local Notation T := ([Torus, _]). Local Notation S1 := ([Circle, _]). (** A pointed version of the equivalence from TorusEquivCircles.v. *) (** TODO: If [Funext] is removed from there, remove it from here as well. *)
H: Funext

T <~>* S1 * S1
H: Funext

T <~>* S1 * S1
H: Funext

T <~> [S1 * S1, ispointed_prod]
H: Funext
?f pt = pt
H: Funext

equiv_torus_prod_Circle pt = pt
reflexivity. Defined. (** Fundamental group of torus *)
H: Univalence

GroupIsomorphism (Pi 1 T) (grp_prod abgroup_Z abgroup_Z)
H: Univalence

GroupIsomorphism (Pi 1 T) (grp_prod abgroup_Z abgroup_Z)
H: Univalence

GroupIsomorphism (Pi 1 T) ?Goal
H: Univalence
GroupIsomorphism ?Goal (grp_prod abgroup_Z abgroup_Z)
H: Univalence

GroupIsomorphism (Pi 1 (S1 * S1)) (grp_prod abgroup_Z abgroup_Z)
H: Univalence

GroupIsomorphism (Pi 1 (S1 * S1)) ?Goal
H: Univalence
GroupIsomorphism ?Goal (grp_prod abgroup_Z abgroup_Z)
H: Univalence

GroupIsomorphism (grp_prod (Pi 1 S1) (Pi 1 S1)) (grp_prod abgroup_Z abgroup_Z)
H: Univalence

Pi 1 S1 $<~> abgroup_Z
H: Univalence
Pi 1 S1 $<~> abgroup_Z
1,2: apply pi1_circle. Defined. (** Loop space of torus *)
H: Univalence

loops T <~>* Int * Int
H: Univalence

loops T <~>* Int * Int
(* Since [T] is 1-truncated, [loops T] is 0-truncated, and is therefore equivalent to its 0-truncation. *)
H: Univalence

pTr 0 (loops T) <~>* Int * Int
nrapply pi1_torus. Defined.