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(** * Equivalence induction *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Types.Equiv Types.Prod Types.Forall Types.Sigma Types.Universe. (** We define typeclasses and tactics for doing equivalence induction. *) Local Open Scope equiv_scope. Class RespectsEquivalenceL@{i j k s0 s1} (A : Type@{i}) (P : forall (B : Type@{j}), (A <~> B) -> Type@{k}) := respects_equivalenceL : sig@{s0 s1} (fun e' : forall B (e : A <~> B), P A (equiv_idmap A) <~> P B e => Funext -> equiv_idmap _ = e' A (equiv_idmap _) ). Class RespectsEquivalenceR@{i j k s0 s1} (A : Type@{i}) (P : forall (B : Type@{j}), (B <~> A) -> Type@{k}) := respects_equivalenceR : sig@{s0 s1} (fun e' : forall B (e : B <~> A), P A (equiv_idmap A) <~> P B e => Funext -> equiv_idmap _ = e' A (equiv_idmap _) ). (** We use a sigma type rather than a record for two reasons: 1. In the dependent cases, where one equivalence-respectfulness proof will show up in the body of another goal, it might be the case that using sigma types allows us to reuse the respectfulness lemmas of sigma types, rather than writing new ones for this type. 2. We expect it to be significantly useful to see the type of the fields than the type of the record, because we expect this type to show up as a goal infrequently. Sigma types have more informative notations than record type names; the user can run hnf to see what is left to do in the side conditions. *) Global Arguments RespectsEquivalenceL : clear implicits. Global Arguments RespectsEquivalenceR : clear implicits. (** When doing equivalence induction, typeclass inference will either fully solve the respectfulness side-conditions, or not make any progress. We would like to progress as far as we can on the side-conditions, so that we leave the user with as little to prove as possible. To do this, we create a "database", implemented using typeclasses, to look up the refinement lemma, keyed on the head of the term we want to respect equivalence. *) Class respects_equivalence_db {KT VT} (Key : KT) {lem : VT} : Type0 := make_respects_equivalence_db : Unit. Definition get_lem' {KT VT} Key {lem} `{@respects_equivalence_db KT VT Key lem} : VT := lem. Notation get_lem key := ltac:(let res := constr:(get_lem' key) in let res' := (eval unfold get_lem' in res) in exact res') (only parsing). Section const. Context {A : Type} {T : Type}.
A, T: Type

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (_ : A <~> B) => T)
A, T: Type

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (_ : A <~> B) => T)
A, T: Type
y: Funext

1 = 1
exact idpath. Defined.
A, T: Type

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (_ : B <~> A) => T)
A, T: Type

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (_ : B <~> A) => T)
A, T: Type
y: Funext

1 = 1
exact idpath. Defined. End const. Global Instance: forall {T}, @respects_equivalence_db _ _ T (fun A => @const_respects_equivalenceL A T) := fun _ => tt. Section id. Context {A : Type}.
A: Type

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (_ : A <~> B) => B)
A: Type

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (_ : A <~> B) => B)
A: Type
y: Funext

1 = 1
exact idpath. Defined.
A: Type

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (_ : B <~> A) => B)
A: Type

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (_ : B <~> A) => B)
A: Type
y: Funext

1 = 1^-1
apply path_forall; intro; reflexivity. Defined. End id. Section unit. Context {A : Type}. Definition unit_respects_equivalenceL : RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun _ _ => Unit) := @const_respects_equivalenceL A Unit. Definition unit_respects_equivalenceR : RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun _ _ => Unit) := @const_respects_equivalenceR A Unit. End unit. Section prod.
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
H: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
H0: RespectsEquivalenceL A Q

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e * Q B e)
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
H: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
H0: RespectsEquivalenceL A Q

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e * Q B e)
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
H: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
H0: RespectsEquivalenceL A Q

Funext -> 1 = respects_equivalenceL.1 A 1 *E respects_equivalenceL.1 A 1
exact (fun fs => transport (fun e' => _ = equiv_functor_prod' e' _) (respects_equivalenceL.2 _) (transport (fun e' => _ = equiv_functor_prod' _ e') (respects_equivalenceL.2 _) idpath)). Defined.
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
H: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
H0: RespectsEquivalenceR A Q

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e * Q B e)
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
H: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
H0: RespectsEquivalenceR A Q

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e * Q B e)
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
H: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
H0: RespectsEquivalenceR A Q

Funext -> 1 = respects_equivalenceR.1 A 1 *E respects_equivalenceR.1 A 1
exact (fun fs => transport (fun e' => _ = equiv_functor_prod' e' _) (respects_equivalenceR.2 _) (transport (fun e' => _ = equiv_functor_prod' _ e') (respects_equivalenceR.2 _) idpath)). Defined. Global Instance: @respects_equivalence_db _ _ (@prod) (@prod_respects_equivalenceL) := tt. End prod. (** A tactic to solve the identity-preservation part of equivalence-respectfulness. *) Local Ltac t_step := idtac; match goal with | [ |- _ = _ :> (_ <~> _) ] => apply path_equiv | _ => reflexivity | _ => assumption | _ => intro | [ |- _ = _ :> (forall _, _) ] => apply path_forall | _ => progress unfold functor_forall, functor_sigma | _ => progress cbn in * | [ |- context[?x.1] ] => let H := fresh in destruct x as [? H]; try destruct H | [ H : _ = _ |- _ ] => destruct H | [ H : ?A -> ?B, H' : ?A |- _ ] => specialize (H H') | [ H : ?A -> ?B, H' : ?A |- _ ] => generalize dependent (H H'); clear H | _ => progress rewrite ?eisretr, ?eissect end. Local Ltac t := repeat t_step. Section pi.
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => forall x : P B e, Q B e x)
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => forall x : P B e, Q B e x)
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))
B: Type
e: A <~> B

(fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => forall x : P B e, Q B e x) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => forall x : P B e, Q B e x) B e
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))
(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : A <~> B0) => forall x : P B0 e0, Q B0 e0 x) A 1 <~> (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : A <~> B0) => forall x : P B0 e0, Q B0 e0 x) B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => ?Goal)
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))
B: Type
e: A <~> B

(fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => forall x : P B e, Q B e x) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => forall x : P B e, Q B e x) B e
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))
B: Type
e: A <~> B
b: P B e

Q A 1 ((respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1 b) <~> Q B e b
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))
B: Type
e: A <~> B
b: P B e

(respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1 b = respects_equivalenceL.1 A 1 ((respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1 b)
refine (ap10 (ap equiv_fun (respects_equivalenceL.2 _)) _).
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : A <~> B0) => forall x : P B0 e0, Q B0 e0 x) A 1 <~> (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : A <~> B0) => forall x : P B0 e0, Q B0 e0 x) B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => equiv_functor_forall' (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1 (fun b : P B e => equiv_path (Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e (((respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1)%function b))) (Q B e b) (ap (Q B e) (eisretr (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e) b)) oE ((HQ ((respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1 b)).1 B e oE equiv_path (Q A 1 ((respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1 b)) (Q A 1 (respects_equivalenceL.1 A 1 ((respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1 b))) (ap (Q A 1) (ap10 (ap equiv_fun (respects_equivalenceL.2 H)) (((respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1)%function b))))))
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : A <~> B0) => forall x : P B0 e0, Q B0 e0 x) A 1 <~> (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : A <~> B0) => forall x : P B0 e0, Q B0 e0 x) B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => equiv_functor_forall' (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1 (fun b : P B e => equiv_path (Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e (((respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1)%function b))) (Q B e b) (ap (Q B e) (eisretr (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e) b)) oE ((HQ ((respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1 b)).1 B e oE equiv_path (Q A 1 ((respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1 b)) (Q A 1 (respects_equivalenceL.1 A 1 ((respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1 b))) (ap (Q A 1) (ap10 (ap equiv_fun (respects_equivalenceL.2 H)) (((respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)^-1)%function b))))))
t. } Defined.
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => forall x : P B e, Q B e x)
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => forall x : P B e, Q B e x)
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))
B: Type
e: B <~> A

(fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => forall x : P B e, Q B e x) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => forall x : P B e, Q B e x) B e
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))
(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : B0 <~> A) => forall x : P B0 e0, Q B0 e0 x) A 1 <~> (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : B0 <~> A) => forall x : P B0 e0, Q B0 e0 x) B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => ?Goal)
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))
B: Type
e: B <~> A

(fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => forall x : P B e, Q B e x) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => forall x : P B e, Q B e x) B e
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))
B: Type
e: B <~> A
b: P B e

Q A 1 ((respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1 b) <~> Q B e b
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))
B: Type
e: B <~> A
b: P B e

(respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1 b = respects_equivalenceR.1 A 1 ((respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1 b)
refine (ap10 (ap equiv_fun (respects_equivalenceR.2 _)) _).
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : B0 <~> A) => forall x : P B0 e0, Q B0 e0 x) A 1 <~> (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : B0 <~> A) => forall x : P B0 e0, Q B0 e0 x) B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => equiv_functor_forall' (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1 (fun b : P B e => equiv_path (Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e (((respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1)%function b))) (Q B e b) (ap (Q B e) (eisretr (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e) b)) oE ((HQ ((respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1 b)).1 B e oE equiv_path (Q A 1 ((respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1 b)) (Q A 1 (respects_equivalenceR.1 A 1 ((respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1 b))) (ap (Q A 1) (ap10 (ap equiv_fun (respects_equivalenceR.2 H)) (((respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1)%function b))))))
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : B0 <~> A) => forall x : P B0 e0, Q B0 e0 x) A 1 <~> (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : B0 <~> A) => forall x : P B0 e0, Q B0 e0 x) B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => equiv_functor_forall' (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1 (fun b : P B e => equiv_path (Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e (((respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1)%function b))) (Q B e b) (ap (Q B e) (eisretr (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e) b)) oE ((HQ ((respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1 b)).1 B e oE equiv_path (Q A 1 ((respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1 b)) (Q A 1 (respects_equivalenceR.1 A 1 ((respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1 b))) (ap (Q A 1) (ap10 (ap equiv_fun (respects_equivalenceR.2 H)) (((respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)^-1)%function b))))))
t. } Defined. End pi. Section sigma.
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => {x : _ & Q B e x})
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => {x : _ & Q B e x})
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))
B: Type
e: A <~> B
b: P A 1

Q A 1 b <~> Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e b)
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))
(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : A <~> B0) => {x : _ & Q B0 e0 x}) A 1 <~> (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : A <~> B0) => {x : _ & Q B0 e0 x}) B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => equiv_functor_sigma' (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e) (fun b : P A 1 => ?Goal))
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))
B: Type
e: A <~> B
b: P A 1

Q A 1 b <~> Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e b)
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))
B: Type
e: A <~> B
b: P A 1

b = respects_equivalenceL.1 A 1 b
refine (ap10 (ap equiv_fun (respects_equivalenceL.2 _)) _).
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : A <~> B0) => {x : _ & Q B0 e0 x}) A 1 <~> (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : A <~> B0) => {x : _ & Q B0 e0 x}) B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => equiv_functor_sigma' (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e) (fun b : P A 1 => (HQ b).1 B e oE equiv_path (Q A 1 b) (Q A 1 (respects_equivalenceL.1 A 1 b)) (ap (Q A 1) (ap10 (ap equiv_fun (respects_equivalenceL.2 H)) b))))
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e a))

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : A <~> B0) => {x : _ & Q B0 e0 x}) A 1 <~> (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : A <~> B0) => {x : _ & Q B0 e0 x}) B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => equiv_functor_sigma' (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e) (fun b : P A 1 => (HQ b).1 B e oE equiv_path (Q A 1 b) (Q A 1 (respects_equivalenceL.1 A 1 b)) (ap (Q A 1) (ap10 (ap equiv_fun (respects_equivalenceL.2 H)) b))))
t. } Defined.
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => {x : _ & Q B e x})
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => {x : _ & Q B e x})
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))
B: Type
e: B <~> A
b: P A 1

Q A 1 b <~> Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e b)
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))
(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : B0 <~> A) => {x : _ & Q B0 e0 x}) A 1 <~> (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : B0 <~> A) => {x : _ & Q B0 e0 x}) B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => equiv_functor_sigma' (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e) (fun b : P A 1 => ?Goal))
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))
B: Type
e: B <~> A
b: P A 1

Q A 1 b <~> Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e b)
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))
B: Type
e: B <~> A
b: P A 1

b = respects_equivalenceR.1 A 1 b
refine (ap10 (ap equiv_fun (respects_equivalenceR.2 _)) _).
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : B0 <~> A) => {x : _ & Q B0 e0 x}) A 1 <~> (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : B0 <~> A) => {x : _ & Q B0 e0 x}) B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => equiv_functor_sigma' (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e) (fun b : P A 1 => (HQ b).1 B e oE equiv_path (Q A 1 b) (Q A 1 (respects_equivalenceR.1 A 1 b)) (ap (Q A 1) (ap10 (ap equiv_fun (respects_equivalenceR.2 H)) b))))
H: Funext
A: Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
Q: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: forall a : P A 1, RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => Q B e (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e a))

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : B0 <~> A) => {x : _ & Q B0 e0 x}) A 1 <~> (fun (B0 : Type) (e0 : B0 <~> A) => {x : _ & Q B0 e0 x}) B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => equiv_functor_sigma' (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e) (fun b : P A 1 => (HQ b).1 B e oE equiv_path (Q A 1 b) (Q A 1 (respects_equivalenceR.1 A 1 b)) (ap (Q A 1) (ap10 (ap equiv_fun (respects_equivalenceR.2 H)) b))))
t. } Defined. Global Instance: @respects_equivalence_db _ _ (@sig) (@sigma_respects_equivalenceL) := tt. End sigma. Section equiv_transfer.
A, A': Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
P': forall B : Type, A' <~> B -> Type
eA: A <~> A'
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : A' <~> B), P B (e oE eA) <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P

RespectsEquivalenceL A' P'
A, A': Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
P': forall B : Type, A' <~> B -> Type
eA: A <~> A'
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : A' <~> B), P B (e oE eA) <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P

RespectsEquivalenceL A' P'
A, A': Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
P': forall B : Type, A' <~> B -> Type
eA: A <~> A'
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : A' <~> B), P B (e oE eA) <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
B: Type
e: A' <~> B

P' A' 1 <~> P' B e
A, A': Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
P': forall B : Type, A' <~> B -> Type
eA: A <~> A'
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : A' <~> B), P B (e oE eA) <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : A' <~> B), P' A' 1 <~> P' B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A' 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : A' <~> B) => ?Goal)
A, A': Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
P': forall B : Type, A' <~> B -> Type
eA: A <~> A'
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : A' <~> B), P B (e oE eA) <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
B: Type
e: A' <~> B

P' A' 1 <~> P' B e
refine (equiv_compose' (eP _ _) (equiv_compose' (equiv_compose' (HP.1 _ _) (equiv_inverse (HP.1 _ _))) (equiv_inverse (eP _ _)))).
A, A': Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
P': forall B : Type, A' <~> B -> Type
eA: A <~> A'
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : A' <~> B), P B (e oE eA) <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : A' <~> B), P' A' 1 <~> P' B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A' 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : A' <~> B) => eP B e oE (HP.1 B (e oE eA) oE (HP.1 A' (1 oE eA))^-1 oE (eP A' 1)^-1))
A, A': Type
P: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
P': forall B : Type, A' <~> B -> Type
eA: A <~> A'
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : A' <~> B), P B (e oE eA) <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : A' <~> B), P' A' 1 <~> P' B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A' 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : A' <~> B) => eP B e oE (HP.1 B (e oE eA) oE (HP.1 A' (1 oE eA))^-1 oE (eP A' 1)^-1))
t. } Defined.
A, A': Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
P': forall B : Type, B <~> A' -> Type
eA: A' <~> A
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A'), P B (eA oE e) <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P

RespectsEquivalenceR A' P'
A, A': Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
P': forall B : Type, B <~> A' -> Type
eA: A' <~> A
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A'), P B (eA oE e) <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P

RespectsEquivalenceR A' P'
A, A': Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
P': forall B : Type, B <~> A' -> Type
eA: A' <~> A
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A'), P B (eA oE e) <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
B: Type
e: B <~> A'

P' A' 1 <~> P' B e
A, A': Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
P': forall B : Type, B <~> A' -> Type
eA: A' <~> A
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A'), P B (eA oE e) <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A'), P' A' 1 <~> P' B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A' 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A') => ?Goal)
A, A': Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
P': forall B : Type, B <~> A' -> Type
eA: A' <~> A
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A'), P B (eA oE e) <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
B: Type
e: B <~> A'

P' A' 1 <~> P' B e
refine (equiv_compose' (eP _ _) (equiv_compose' (equiv_compose' (HP.1 _ _) (equiv_inverse (HP.1 _ _))) (equiv_inverse (eP _ _)))).
A, A': Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
P': forall B : Type, B <~> A' -> Type
eA: A' <~> A
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A'), P B (eA oE e) <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A'), P' A' 1 <~> P' B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A' 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A') => eP B e oE (HP.1 B (eA oE e) oE (HP.1 A' (eA oE 1))^-1 oE (eP A' 1)^-1))
A, A': Type
P: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
P': forall B : Type, B <~> A' -> Type
eA: A' <~> A
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A'), P B (eA oE e) <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A'), P' A' 1 <~> P' B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A' 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A') => eP B e oE (HP.1 B (eA oE e) oE (HP.1 A' (eA oE 1))^-1 oE (eP A' 1)^-1))
t. } Defined.
A: Type
P, P': forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P

RespectsEquivalenceL A P'
A: Type
P, P': forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P

RespectsEquivalenceL A P'
A: Type
P, P': forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
B: Type
e: A <~> B

P' A 1 <~> P' B e
A: Type
P, P': forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P' A 1 <~> P' B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => ?Goal)
A: Type
P, P': forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
B: Type
e: A <~> B

P' A 1 <~> P' B e
refine (equiv_compose' (eP _ _) (equiv_compose' (equiv_compose' (HP.1 _ _) (equiv_inverse (HP.1 _ _))) (equiv_inverse (eP _ _)))).
A: Type
P, P': forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P' A 1 <~> P' B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => eP B e oE (HP.1 B e oE (HP.1 A 1)^-1 oE (eP A 1)^-1))
A: Type
P, P': forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P B e <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : A <~> B), P' A 1 <~> P' B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => eP B e oE (HP.1 B e oE (HP.1 A 1)^-1 oE (eP A 1)^-1))
t. } Defined.
A: Type
P, P': forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P

RespectsEquivalenceR A P'
A: Type
P, P': forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P

RespectsEquivalenceR A P'
A: Type
P, P': forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
B: Type
e: B <~> A

P' A 1 <~> P' B e
A: Type
P, P': forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P' A 1 <~> P' B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => ?Goal)
A: Type
P, P': forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
B: Type
e: B <~> A

P' A 1 <~> P' B e
refine (equiv_compose' (eP _ _) (equiv_compose' (equiv_compose' (HP.1 _ _) (equiv_inverse (HP.1 _ _))) (equiv_inverse (eP _ _)))).
A: Type
P, P': forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P' A 1 <~> P' B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => eP B e oE (HP.1 B e oE (HP.1 A 1)^-1 oE (eP A 1)^-1))
A: Type
P, P': forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
eP: forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P B e <~> P' B e
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P

(fun e' : forall (B : Type) (e : B <~> A), P' A 1 <~> P' B e => Funext -> 1 = e' A 1) (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => eP B e oE (HP.1 B e oE (HP.1 A 1)^-1 oE (eP A 1)^-1))
t. } Defined. End equiv_transfer. Section equiv.
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: RespectsEquivalenceL A Q

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e <~> Q B e)
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: RespectsEquivalenceL A Q

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e <~> Q B e)
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: RespectsEquivalenceL A Q
B: Type
e: A <~> B

(fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e <~> Q B e) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e <~> Q B e) B e
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: RespectsEquivalenceL A Q
y: Funext
1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => ?Goal) A 1
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: RespectsEquivalenceL A Q
B: Type
e: A <~> B

(fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e <~> Q B e) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e <~> Q B e) B e
refine (equiv_functor_equiv _ _); apply respects_equivalenceL.1.
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: RespectsEquivalenceL A Q
y: Funext

1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => equiv_functor_equiv (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e) (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)) A 1
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A P
HQ: RespectsEquivalenceL A Q
y: Funext

1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => equiv_functor_equiv (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e) (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e)) A 1
t. } Defined.
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: RespectsEquivalenceR A Q

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e <~> Q B e)
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: RespectsEquivalenceR A Q

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e <~> Q B e)
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: RespectsEquivalenceR A Q
B: Type
e: B <~> A

(fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e <~> Q B e) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e <~> Q B e) B e
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: RespectsEquivalenceR A Q
y: Funext
1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => ?Goal) A 1
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: RespectsEquivalenceR A Q
B: Type
e: B <~> A

(fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e <~> Q B e) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e <~> Q B e) B e
refine (equiv_functor_equiv _ _); apply respects_equivalenceR.1.
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: RespectsEquivalenceR A Q
y: Funext

1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => equiv_functor_equiv (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e) (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)) A 1
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> Type
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A P
HQ: RespectsEquivalenceR A Q
y: Funext

1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => equiv_functor_equiv (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e) (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e)) A 1
t. } Defined. Global Instance: @respects_equivalence_db _ _ (@Equiv) (@equiv_respects_equivalenceL) := tt. End equiv. Section ap.
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => e (P B e) = e (Q B e))
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => e (P B e) = e (Q B e))
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)
B: Type
e: A <~> B

(fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => e (P B e) = e (Q B e)) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => e (P B e) = e (Q B e)) B e
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)
y: Funext
1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => ?Goal) A 1
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)
B: Type
e: A <~> B

(fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => e (P B e) = e (Q B e)) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => e (P B e) = e (Q B e)) B e
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)
B: Type
e: A <~> B

P A 1 = Q A 1 <~> P B e = Q B e
refine (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e).
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)
y: Funext

1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => equiv_ap' e (P B e) (Q B e) oE (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e : 1 (P A 1) = 1 (Q A 1) <~> P B e = Q B e)) A 1
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)
y: Funext

1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => equiv_ap' e (P B e) (Q B e) oE (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e : 1 (P A 1) = 1 (Q A 1) <~> P B e = Q B e)) A 1
t. } Defined.
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => e^-1 (P B e) = e^-1 (Q B e))
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)

RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => e^-1 (P B e) = e^-1 (Q B e))
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)
B: Type
e: A <~> B

(fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => e^-1 (P B e) = e^-1 (Q B e)) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => e^-1 (P B e) = e^-1 (Q B e)) B e
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)
y: Funext
1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => ?Goal) A 1
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)
B: Type
e: A <~> B

(fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => e^-1 (P B e) = e^-1 (Q B e)) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => e^-1 (P B e) = e^-1 (Q B e)) B e
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)
B: Type
e: A <~> B

P A 1 = Q A 1 <~> P B e = Q B e
refine (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e).
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)
y: Funext

1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => equiv_ap' e^-1 (P B e) (Q B e) oE (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e : 1^-1 (P A 1) = 1^-1 (Q A 1) <~> P B e = Q B e)) A 1
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, A <~> B -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => P B e = Q B e)
y: Funext

1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => equiv_ap' e^-1 (P B e) (Q B e) oE (respects_equivalenceL.1 B e : 1^-1 (P A 1) = 1^-1 (Q A 1) <~> P B e = Q B e)) A 1
t. } Defined.
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => e (P B e) = e (Q B e))
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => e (P B e) = e (Q B e))
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)
B: Type
e: B <~> A

(fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => e (P B e) = e (Q B e)) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => e (P B e) = e (Q B e)) B e
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)
y: Funext
1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => ?Goal) A 1
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)
B: Type
e: B <~> A

(fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => e (P B e) = e (Q B e)) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => e (P B e) = e (Q B e)) B e
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)
B: Type
e: B <~> A

P A 1 = Q A 1 <~> P B e = Q B e
refine (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e).
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)
y: Funext

1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => equiv_ap' e (P B e) (Q B e) oE (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e : 1 (P A 1) = 1 (Q A 1) <~> P B e = Q B e)) A 1
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> B
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)
y: Funext

1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => equiv_ap' e (P B e) (Q B e) oE (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e : 1 (P A 1) = 1 (Q A 1) <~> P B e = Q B e)) A 1
t. } Defined.
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => e^-1 (P B e) = e^-1 (Q B e))
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)

RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => e^-1 (P B e) = e^-1 (Q B e))
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)
B: Type
e: B <~> A

(fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => e^-1 (P B e) = e^-1 (Q B e)) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => e^-1 (P B e) = e^-1 (Q B e)) B e
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)
y: Funext
1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => ?Goal) A 1
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)
B: Type
e: B <~> A

(fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => e^-1 (P B e) = e^-1 (Q B e)) A 1 <~> (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => e^-1 (P B e) = e^-1 (Q B e)) B e
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)
B: Type
e: B <~> A

P A 1 = Q A 1 <~> P B e = Q B e
refine (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e).
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)
y: Funext

1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => equiv_ap' e^-1 (P B e) (Q B e) oE (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e : 1^-1 (P A 1) = 1^-1 (Q A 1) <~> P B e = Q B e)) A 1
A: Type
P, Q: forall B : Type, B <~> A -> A
HP: RespectsEquivalenceR A (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => P B e = Q B e)
y: Funext

1 = (fun (B : Type) (e : B <~> A) => equiv_ap' e^-1 (P B e) (Q B e) oE (respects_equivalenceR.1 B e : 1^-1 (P A 1) = 1^-1 (Q A 1) <~> P B e = Q B e)) A 1
t. } Defined. End ap. (** We now write the tactic that partially solves the respectfulness side-condition. We include cases for generic typeclass resolution, keys (heads) with zero, one, two, and three arguments, and a few cases that cannot be easily keyed (where the head is one of the arguments, or [forall]), or the head is [paths], for which we have only ad-hoc solutions at the moment. *) Ltac step_respects_equiv := idtac; match goal with | _ => progress intros | _ => assumption | _ => progress unfold respects_equivalenceL | _ => progress cbn | _ => exact _ (* case for fully solving the side-condition, when possible *) | [ |- RespectsEquivalenceL _ (fun _ _ => ?T) ] => rapply (get_lem T) | [ |- RespectsEquivalenceL _ (fun _ _ => ?T _) ] => rapply (get_lem T) | [ |- RespectsEquivalenceL _ (fun _ _ => ?T _ _) ] => rapply (get_lem T) | [ |- RespectsEquivalenceL _ (fun _ _ => ?T _ _ _) ] => rapply (get_lem T) | [ |- RespectsEquivalenceL _ (fun B e => equiv_fun e _ = equiv_fun e _) ] => refine equiv_ap_respects_equivalenceL | [ |- RespectsEquivalenceL _ (fun B e => equiv_inv e _ = equiv_inv e _) ] => refine equiv_ap_inv_respects_equivalenceL | [ |- RespectsEquivalenceL _ (fun B _ => B) ] => refine idmap_respects_equivalenceL | [ |- RespectsEquivalenceL _ (fun _ _ => forall _, _) ] => refine forall_respects_equivalenceL end. Ltac equiv_induction p := generalize dependent p; let p' := fresh in intro p'; let y := match type of p' with ?x <~> ?y => constr:(y) end in move p' at top; generalize dependent y; let P := match goal with |- forall y p, @?P y p => constr:(P) end in (* We use [(fun x => x) _] to block automatic typeclass resolution in the hole for the equivalence respectful proof. *) refine ((fun g H B e => (@respects_equivalenceL _ P H).1 B e g) _ (_ : (fun x => x) _)); [ intros | repeat step_respects_equiv ].

Funext -> forall (A B : Type) (e : A <~> B), A -> {y : B & forall Q : Type, Contr Q -> (e^-1 y = e^-1 y <~> y = y) * Q}
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e: A <~> B
a: A

{y : B & forall Q : Type, Contr Q -> (e^-1 y = e^-1 y <~> y = y) * Q}
A: Type
H: Funext
a: A

{y : A & forall Q : Type, Contr Q -> (1^-1 y = 1^-1 y <~> y = y) * Q}
A: Type
H: Funext
a, a0: A
a1: Type
RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => Contr (?Goal1.1 B e a1))
A: Type
H: Funext
a, a0: A
a1: Type
a2: Contr (?Goal1.1 A 1 a1)
RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => (e^-1)%function (?Goal0.1 B e a0) = (e^-1)%function (?Goal0.1 B e a0))
A: Type
H: Funext
a, a0: A
a1: Type
a2: Contr (?Goal1.1 A 1 a1)
RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => ?Goal0.1 B e a0 = ?Goal0.1 B e a0)
A: Type
H: Funext
a, a0: A
a1: Type
a2: Contr (?Goal1.1 A 1 a1)
RespectsEquivalenceL A (fun (B : Type) (e : A <~> B) => ?Goal1.1 B e a1)
A: Type
H: Funext
a: A

{y : A & forall Q : Type, Contr Q -> (1^-1 y = 1^-1 y <~> y = y) * Q}
A: Type
H: Funext
a: A

{y : A & forall Q : Type, Contr Q -> (y = y <~> y = y) * Q}
A: Type
H: Funext
a: A

forall Q : Type, Contr Q -> (a = a <~> a = a) * Q
A: Type
H: Funext
a: A
Q: Type
q: Contr Q

(a = a <~> a = a) * Q
exact (1, center _). Abort.