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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
(** * Building blocks for a globally nameless style of tactic reasoning *) (** ** [hyp] returns any hypothesis, with subsequent failures backtracking through all hypotheses *) Ltac hyp := multimatch goal with H : _ |- _ => constr:(H) end. (** ** [enforce foo] ensures that [foo] is well-typed *) Tactic Notation "enforce" open_constr(term) := idtac. (** ** [syntax_enforce [ H := body ]] ensures that [H] has a body which is syntactically equal to [body] *) Tactic Notation "syntax_enforce" "[" constr(H) ":=" open_constr(body) "]" := let H' := (eval unfold H in H) in constr_eq H' body. (** ** [enforce [ x = y ]] ensures that two terms, possibly containing holes, are judgmentally equal *) Tactic Notation "enforce" "[" open_constr(x) "=" open_constr(y) "]" := unify x y. (** An example *)

Empty -> let X0 := tt in Empty -> Unit

Empty -> let X0 := tt in Empty -> Unit
H: Empty
X0:= tt: Unit
H0: Empty

H: Empty
X0:= tt: Unit
H0: Empty
