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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Types.Sigma Types.Forall Types.Arrow Types.Paths. Local Open Scope path_scope. (** * Equivalences *) Section AssumeFunext. Context `{Funext}.
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv f

IsTruncMap (-2) f
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv f

IsTruncMap (-2) f
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv f
b: B

{a : A & a = f^-1 b} <~> hfiber f b
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv f
b: B
a: A

a = f^-1 b <~> f a = b
apply equiv_moveR_equiv_M. Defined.
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f

IsEquiv f
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f

IsEquiv f
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f

B -> A
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f
f o ?equiv_inv == idmap
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f
?equiv_inv o f == idmap
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f
forall x : A, ?eisretr (f x) = ap f (?eissect x)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f

B -> A
intros b; exact (center {a : A & f a = b}).1.
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f

f o (fun b : B => (center {a : A & f a = b}).1) == idmap
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f
b: B

f (center {a : A & f a = b}).1 = b
exact (center {a : A & f a = b}).2.
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f

(fun b : B => (center {a : A & f a = b}).1) o f == idmap
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f
a: A

(center {a0 : A & f a0 = f a}).1 = a
exact (@contr {x : A & f x = f a} _ (a;1))..1.
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f

forall x : A, ((fun b : B => (center {a : A & f a = b}).2) : f o (fun b : B => (center {a : A & f a = b}).1) == idmap) (f x) = ap f (((fun a : A => (contr (a; 1)) ..1) : (fun b : B => (center {a : A & f a = b}).1) o f == idmap) x)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f
a: A

(center {a0 : A & f a0 = f a}).2 = ap f (contr (a; 1)) ..1
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f
a: A

(ap f (contr (a; 1)) ..1)^ @ (center {a0 : A & f a0 = f a}).2 = 1
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsTruncMap (-2) f
a: A

transport (fun x : A => f x = f a) (contr (a; 1)) ..1 (center {a0 : A & f a0 = f a}).2 = 1
exact ((@contr {x : A & f x = f a} _ (a;1))..2). Defined. (** As usual, we can't make both of these [Instances]. *) #[local] Hint Immediate isequiv_contr_map : typeclass_instances. (** It follows that when proving a map is an equivalence, we may assume its codomain is inhabited. *)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
feq: B -> IsEquiv f

IsEquiv f
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
feq: B -> IsEquiv f

IsEquiv f
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
feq: B -> IsEquiv f

IsTruncMap (-2) f
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
feq: B -> IsEquiv f
b: B

Contr (hfiber f b)
pose (feq b); exact _. Defined.
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv f

Contr {g : B -> A & f o g == idmap}
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv f

Contr {g : B -> A & f o g == idmap}
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv f

Contr {g : B -> A & (fun x : B => f (g x)) == idmap}
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv f

{g : B -> A & (fun x : B => f (g x)) = idmap} <~> {g : B -> A & (fun x : B => f (g x)) == idmap}
(* Typeclass inference finds this contractible instance: it's the fiber over [idmap] of postcomposition with [f], and the latter is an equivalence since [f] is. *)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv f
g: B -> A

(fun x : B => f (g x)) = idmap <~> (fun x : B => f (g x)) == idmap
apply equiv_ap10. Defined.
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv f

Contr {g : B -> A & g o f == idmap}
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv f

Contr {g : B -> A & g o f == idmap}
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv f

Contr {g : B -> A & (fun x : A => g (f x)) == idmap}
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv f

{g : B -> A & (fun x : A => g (f x)) = idmap} <~> {g : B -> A & (fun x : A => g (f x)) == idmap}
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
H0: IsEquiv f
g: B -> A

(fun x : A => g (f x)) = idmap <~> (fun x : A => g (f x)) == idmap
apply equiv_ap10. Defined. (** We begin by showing that, assuming function extensionality, [IsEquiv f] is an hprop. *)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B

IsHProp (IsEquiv f)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B

IsHProp (IsEquiv f)
(** We will show that assuming [f] is an equivalence, [IsEquiv f] decomposes into a sigma of two contractible types. *)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
feq: IsEquiv f

Contr (IsEquiv f)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
feq: IsEquiv f

Contr {ap0 : {a : B -> A & (fun x : B => f (a x)) == idmap} & {s : (fun x : A => ap0.1 (f x)) == idmap & forall x : A, ap0.2 (f x) = ap f (s x)}}
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
feq: IsEquiv f

Contr {a : B -> A & (fun x : B => f (a x)) == idmap}
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
feq: IsEquiv f
Contr ((fun x : {a : B -> A & (fun x : B => f (a x)) == idmap} => {s : (fun x0 : A => x.1 (f x0)) == idmap & forall x0 : A, x.2 (f x0) = ap f (s x0)}) (center {a : B -> A & (fun x : B => f (a x)) == idmap}))
(** Each of these types is equivalent to a based homotopy space. The first is exactly [contr_sect_equiv]. *)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
feq: IsEquiv f

Contr ((fun x : {a : B -> A & (fun x : B => f (a x)) == idmap} => {s : (fun x0 : A => x.1 (f x0)) == idmap & forall x0 : A, x.2 (f x0) = ap f (s x0)}) (center {a : B -> A & (fun x : B => f (a x)) == idmap}))
(** The second requires a bit more work. *)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
feq: IsEquiv f

Contr {s : (fun x : A => f^-1 (f x)) == idmap & forall x : A, eisretr f (f x) = ap f (s x)}
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
feq: IsEquiv f

{s : (fun x : A => f^-1 (f x)) == idmap & eissect f == s} <~> {s : (fun x : A => f^-1 (f x)) == idmap & forall x : A, eisretr f (f x) = ap f (s x)}
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
feq: IsEquiv f
s: (fun x : A => f^-1 (f x)) == idmap

eissect f == s <~> (forall x : A, eisretr f (f x) = ap f (s x))
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
feq: IsEquiv f
s: (fun x : A => f^-1 (f x)) == idmap
a: A

eissect f a = s a <~> eisretr f (f a) = ap f (s a)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B
feq: IsEquiv f
s: (fun x : A => f^-1 (f x)) == idmap
a: A

eissect f a = s a <~> ap f (eissect f a) = ap f (s a)
rapply equiv_ap. Qed. (** Now since [IsEquiv f] and the assertion that its fibers are contractible are both HProps, logical equivalence implies equivalence. *)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B

IsTruncMap (-2) f <~> IsEquiv f
H: Funext
A, B: Type
f: A -> B

IsTruncMap (-2) f <~> IsEquiv f
rapply equiv_iff_hprop. (** Both directions are found by typeclass inference! *) Defined. (** Thus, paths of equivalences are equivalent to paths of functions. *)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e1, e2: A <~> B

e1 = e2 <~> e1 = e2
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e1, e2: A <~> B

e1 = e2 <~> e1 = e2
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e1, e2: A <~> B

e1 = e2 <~> (issig_equiv A B)^-1 e1 = (issig_equiv A B)^-1 e2
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e1, e2: A <~> B
(issig_equiv A B)^-1 e1 = (issig_equiv A B)^-1 e2 <~> e1 = e2
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e1, e2: A <~> B

e1 = e2 <~> (issig_equiv A B)^-1 e1 = (issig_equiv A B)^-1 e2
exact (equiv_path_sigma_hprop ((issig_equiv A B)^-1 e1) ((issig_equiv A B)^-1 e2)). Defined. Definition path_equiv {A B : Type} {e1 e2 : A <~> B} : (e1 = e2 :> (A -> B)) -> (e1 = e2 :> (A <~> B)) := equiv_path_equiv e1 e2. Global Instance isequiv_path_equiv {A B : Type} {e1 e2 : A <~> B} : IsEquiv (@path_equiv _ _ e1 e2) (* Coq can find this instance by itself, but it's slow. *) := equiv_isequiv (equiv_path_equiv e1 e2). (** The inverse equivalence is homotopic to [ap equiv_fun], so that is also an equivalence. *)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e1, e2: A <~> B

IsEquiv (ap equiv_fun)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e1, e2: A <~> B

IsEquiv (ap equiv_fun)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e1, e2: A <~> B

e1 = e2 -> e1 = e2
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e1, e2: A <~> B
IsEquiv ?f
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e1, e2: A <~> B
?f == ap equiv_fun
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e1, e2: A <~> B

e1 = e2 -> e1 = e2
exact (equiv_path_equiv e1 e2)^-1%equiv.
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e1, e2: A <~> B

IsEquiv ((equiv_path_equiv e1 e2)^-1)%equiv
exact _.
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e1, e2: A <~> B

((equiv_path_equiv e1 e2)^-1)%equiv == ap equiv_fun
H: Funext
A, B: Type
e1, e2: A <~> B
p: e1 = e2

((equiv_path_equiv e1 e2)^-1)%equiv p = ap equiv_fun p
exact (ap_compose (fun v => (equiv_fun v; equiv_isequiv v)) pr1 p)^. Defined. (** This implies that types of equivalences inherit truncation. Note that we only state the theorem for [n.+1]-truncatedness, since it is not true for contractibility: if [B] is contractible but [A] is not, then [A <~> B] is not contractible because it is not inhabited. Don't confuse this lemma with [trunc_equiv], which says that if [A] is truncated and [A] is equivalent to [B], then [B] is truncated. It would be nice to find a better pair of names for them. *)
H: Funext
n: trunc_index
A, B: Type
IsTrunc0: IsTrunc n.+1 B

IsTrunc n.+1 (A <~> B)
H: Funext
n: trunc_index
A, B: Type
IsTrunc0: IsTrunc n.+1 B

IsTrunc n.+1 (A <~> B)
H: Funext
n: trunc_index
A, B: Type
IsTrunc0: IsTrunc n.+1 B

IsTrunc n.+1 (A <~> B)
H: Funext
n: trunc_index
A, B: Type
IsTrunc0: IsTrunc n.+1 B

forall x y : A <~> B, IsTrunc n (x = y)
H: Funext
n: trunc_index
A, B: Type
IsTrunc0: IsTrunc n.+1 B
e1, e2: A <~> B

IsTrunc n (e1 = e2)
apply (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (equiv_path_equiv e1 e2)). Defined. (** In the contractible case, we have to assume that *both* types are contractible to get a contractible type of equivalences. *)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
Contr0: Contr A
Contr1: Contr B

Contr (A <~> B)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
Contr0: Contr A
Contr1: Contr B

Contr (A <~> B)
H: Funext
A, B: Type
Contr0: Contr A
Contr1: Contr B

forall y : A <~> B, equiv_contr_contr = y
H: Funext
A, B: Type
Contr0: Contr A
Contr1: Contr B
e: A <~> B

equiv_contr_contr = e
H: Funext
A, B: Type
Contr0: Contr A
Contr1: Contr B
e: A <~> B

equiv_contr_contr == e
intros ?; apply contr. Defined. (** The type of *automorphisms* of an hprop is always contractible *)
H: Funext
A: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp A

Contr (A <~> A)
H: Funext
A: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp A

Contr (A <~> A)
H: Funext
A: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp A

forall y : A <~> A, 1%equiv = y
H: Funext
A: Type
IsHProp0: IsHProp A
e: A <~> A

1%equiv == e
intros ?; apply path_ishprop. Defined. (** Equivalences are functorial under equivalences. *) Definition functor_equiv {A B C D} (h : A <~> C) (k : B <~> D) : (A <~> B) -> (C <~> D) := fun f => ((k oE f) oE h^-1).
H: Funext
A, B, C, D: Type
h: A <~> C
k: B <~> D

IsEquiv (functor_equiv h k)
H: Funext
A, B, C, D: Type
h: A <~> C
k: B <~> D

IsEquiv (functor_equiv h k)
H: Funext
A, B, C, D: Type
h: A <~> C
k: B <~> D

(fun x : C <~> D => functor_equiv h k (functor_equiv h^-1 k^-1 x)) == idmap
H: Funext
A, B, C, D: Type
h: A <~> C
k: B <~> D
(fun x : A <~> B => functor_equiv h^-1 k^-1 (functor_equiv h k x)) == idmap
H: Funext
A, B, C, D: Type
h: A <~> C
k: B <~> D

(fun x : C <~> D => functor_equiv h k (functor_equiv h^-1 k^-1 x)) == idmap
H: Funext
A, B, C, D: Type
h: A <~> C
k: B <~> D
f: C <~> D
x: C

k (k^-1 (f (h (h^-1 x)))) = f x
exact (eisretr k _ @ ap f (eisretr h x)).
H: Funext
A, B, C, D: Type
h: A <~> C
k: B <~> D

(fun x : A <~> B => functor_equiv h^-1 k^-1 (functor_equiv h k x)) == idmap
H: Funext
A, B, C, D: Type
h: A <~> C
k: B <~> D
g: A <~> B
x: A

k^-1 (k (g (h^-1 (h x)))) = g x
exact (eissect k _ @ ap g (eissect h x)). Defined. Definition equiv_functor_equiv {A B C D} (h : A <~> C) (k : B <~> D) : (A <~> B) <~> (C <~> D) := Build_Equiv _ _ (functor_equiv h k) _. (** Reversing equivalences is an equivalence *)
H: Funext
A, B: Type

IsEquiv equiv_inverse
H: Funext
A, B: Type

IsEquiv equiv_inverse
refine (isequiv_adjointify _ equiv_inverse _ _); intros e; apply path_equiv; reflexivity. Defined. Definition equiv_equiv_inverse A B : (A <~> B) <~> (B <~> A) := Build_Equiv _ _ (@equiv_inverse A B) _. (** If [functor_sigma idmap g] is an equivalence then so is g *)
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: A -> Type
g: forall a : A, P a -> Q a
IsEquiv0: IsEquiv (functor_sigma idmap g)

forall a : A, IsEquiv (g a)
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: A -> Type
g: forall a : A, P a -> Q a
IsEquiv0: IsEquiv (functor_sigma idmap g)

forall a : A, IsEquiv (g a)
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: A -> Type
g: forall a : A, P a -> Q a
IsEquiv0: IsEquiv (functor_sigma idmap g)
a: A

IsTruncMap (-2) (g a)
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: A -> Type
g: forall a : A, P a -> Q a
IsEquiv0: IsEquiv (functor_sigma idmap g)
a: A

IsTruncMap (-2) (functor_sigma idmap g)
exact _. Defined. (** Theorem 4.7.7 *) (** [functor_sigma idmap g] is an equivalence if and only if g is *)
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: A -> Type
g: forall a : A, P a -> Q a

IsEquiv (functor_sigma idmap g) <-> (forall a : A, IsEquiv (g a))
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: A -> Type
g: forall a : A, P a -> Q a

IsEquiv (functor_sigma idmap g) <-> (forall a : A, IsEquiv (g a))
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: A -> Type
g: forall a : A, P a -> Q a

IsEquiv (functor_sigma idmap g) -> forall a : A, IsEquiv (g a)
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: A -> Type
g: forall a : A, P a -> Q a
(forall a : A, IsEquiv (g a)) -> IsEquiv (functor_sigma idmap g)
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: A -> Type
g: forall a : A, P a -> Q a

IsEquiv (functor_sigma idmap g) -> forall a : A, IsEquiv (g a)
apply isequiv_from_functor_sigma.
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: A -> Type
g: forall a : A, P a -> Q a

(forall a : A, IsEquiv (g a)) -> IsEquiv (functor_sigma idmap g)
H: Funext
A: Type
P, Q: A -> Type
g: forall a : A, P a -> Q a
K: forall a : A, IsEquiv (g a)

IsEquiv (functor_sigma idmap g)
apply isequiv_functor_sigma. Defined. End AssumeFunext. (** We make this a global hint outside of the section. *) #[export] Hint Immediate isequiv_contr_map : typeclass_instances. (** This is like [transport_arrow], but for a family of equivalence types. It just shows that the functions are homotopic. *)
A: Type
B, C: A -> Type
x1, x2: A
p: x1 = x2
f: B x1 <~> C x1
y: B x2

transport (fun x : A => B x <~> C x) p f y = transport C p (f (transport B p^ y))
A: Type
B, C: A -> Type
x1, x2: A
p: x1 = x2
f: B x1 <~> C x1
y: B x2

transport (fun x : A => B x <~> C x) p f y = transport C p (f (transport B p^ y))
destruct p; auto. Defined. (** A version that shows that the underlying functions are equal. *)
A: Type
B, C: A -> Type
x1, x2: A
p: x1 = x2
f: B x1 <~> C x1

transport (fun x : A => B x <~> C x) p f = equiv_transport C p oE f oE equiv_transport B p^
A: Type
B, C: A -> Type
x1, x2: A
p: x1 = x2
f: B x1 <~> C x1

transport (fun x : A => B x <~> C x) p f = equiv_transport C p oE f oE equiv_transport B p^
destruct p; auto. Defined. (** A version that shows that the equivalences are equal. Here we do need [Funext], for [path_equiv]. *)
H: Funext
A: Type
B, C: A -> Type
x1, x2: A
p: x1 = x2
f: B x1 <~> C x1

transport (fun x : A => B x <~> C x) p f = equiv_transport C p oE f oE equiv_transport B p^
H: Funext
A: Type
B, C: A -> Type
x1, x2: A
p: x1 = x2
f: B x1 <~> C x1

transport (fun x : A => B x <~> C x) p f = equiv_transport C p oE f oE equiv_transport B p^
H: Funext
A: Type
B, C: A -> Type
x1, x2: A
p: x1 = x2
f: B x1 <~> C x1

transport (fun x : A => B x <~> C x) p f = equiv_transport C p oE f oE equiv_transport B p^
destruct p; auto. Defined.