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Require Export HoTT.Basics.Utf8.
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types. Require Import Modalities.Identity. Require Import Spaces.Circle Spaces.TwoSphere HoTT.Truncations Homotopy.Suspension. (** Some unicode symbols that we don't use within the library. See also Utf8Minimal.v for a small number of symbols uses in the Classes library. *) Notation Type₀ := Type0. Notation pr₁ := pr1. Notation pr₂ := pr2. Local Open Scope fibration_scope. (*Notation "f → g" := (f -> g)%equiv : equiv_scope.*) Notation "x ₁" := (x.1) : fibration_scope. Notation "x ₂" := (x.2) : fibration_scope. Notation "g ∘ f" := (g o f)%function : function_scope. (* Notation "g ∘ᴱ f" := (g oE f)%equiv : equiv_scope. *) (* Notation "f *ᴱ g" := (f *E g)%equiv : equiv_scope. *) (* Notation "f ×ᴱ g" := (f *E g)%equiv : equiv_scope. *) Notation "A × B" := (A * B)%type : type_scope. Notation "f +ᴱ g" := (f +E g)%equiv : equiv_scope. (** We copy the HoTT-Agda library with regard to path concatenation. *) Notation "p • q" := (p @ q)%path : path_scope. Notation "p '⁻¹'" := (p^)%path : path_scope. Notation "p •' q" := (p @ q)%path : long_path_scope. (** Add error messages so people aren't intensely confused by using an almost identical character. *) Infix "∙" := ltac:(fail "You used '∙' (BULLET OPERATOR, #x2219) when you probably meant to use '•' (BULLET, #x2022)") (only parsing) : path_scope. (*Notation "p # x" := (transport _ p x) : path_scope.*) (*Notation "f == g" := (pointwise_paths f g) : type_scope.*) Notation "A ≃ B" := (A <~> B) : type_scope. Notation "f '⁻¹'" := (f^-1)%function : function_scope. Notation "f '⁻¹'" := (f^-1)%equiv : equiv_scope. Notation "¬ x" := (~x) : type_scope. Notation "x ≠ y" := (x <> y) : type_scope. (*Notation "p @@ q" := (concat2 p q)%path : path_scope.*) Notation "m ≤ n" := (m <= n)%trunc : trunc_scope. (*Infix "||" := orb : bool_scope.*) (*Infix "&&" := andb : bool_scope.*) (*Notation "p ..1" := (pr1_path p) : fibration_scope.*) (*Notation "p ..2" := (pr2_path p) : fibration_scope.*) Notation "'S¹'" := Circle. Notation "'S²'" := TwoSphere. Notation "∥ A ∥₋₂" := (Trunc (-2) A). Notation "❘ a ❘₋₂" := (@tr (-2) _ a) : trunc_scope. Notation "∥ A ∥" := (Trunc (-1) A) (only parsing). Notation "∥ A ∥₋₁" := (Trunc (-1) A). Notation "❘ a ❘₋₁" := (@tr (-1) _ a) : trunc_scope. Notation "x ∨ y" := (hor x y) : type_scope. (* Notation "x ⊔ y" := (sum x y) : type_scope. *) Notation "∥ A ∥₀" := (Trunc 0 A). Notation "❘ a ❘₀" := (@tr 0 _ a) : trunc_scope. Notation "∥ A ∥₁" := (Trunc 1 A). Notation "❘ a ❘₁" := (@tr 1 _ a) : trunc_scope. Notation "∥ A ∥₂" := (Trunc 2 A). Notation "❘ a ❘₂" := (@tr 2 _ a) : trunc_scope. Notation "∞" := purely. Notation Σ := Susp.