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Require Export HoTT.Basics.Utf8.
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
(** * Just enough Utf8/unicode for the Classes library to build, without depending on everything that HoTT.Utf8 depends on. *) (* Logic *) Notation "∀ x .. y , P" := (forall x, .. (forall y, P) ..) : type_scope. Notation "∃ x .. y , P" := (exists x, .. (exists y, P) ..) : type_scope. Notation "x ∧ y" := (x /\ y) : type_scope. Notation "x → y" := (x -> y) : type_scope. Notation "x ↔ y" := (x <-> y) : type_scope. (*Notation "¬ x" := (not x) : type_scope.*) (*Notation "x ≠ y" := (x <> y) : type_scope.*) (* Abstraction *) Notation "'λ' x .. y , t" := (fun x => .. (fun y => t) ..).