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[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Basics.PathGroupoids. Require Import Basics.Tactics. Require Import Types.Sigma. Require Import WildCat.Core. Require Import WildCat.Prod. Class IsDGraph {A : Type} `{IsGraph A} (D : A -> Type) := DHom : forall {a b : A}, (a $-> b) -> D a -> D b -> Type. Class IsD01Cat {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (D : A -> Type) `{!IsDGraph D} := { DId : forall {a : A} (a' : D a), DHom (Id a) a' a'; dcat_comp : forall {a b c : A} {g : b $-> c} {f : a $-> b} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c}, DHom g b' c' -> DHom f a' b' -> DHom (g $o f) a' c'; }. Notation "g '$o'' f" := (dcat_comp g f). Definition dcat_postcomp {A : Type} {D : A -> Type} `{IsD01Cat A D} {a b c : A} {g : b $-> c} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} (g' : DHom g b' c') : forall (f : a $-> b), DHom f a' b' -> DHom (g $o f) a' c' := fun _ f' => g' $o' f'. Definition dcat_precomp {A : Type} {D : A -> Type} `{IsD01Cat A D} {a b c : A} {f : a $-> b} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} (f' : DHom f a' b') : forall (g : b $-> c), DHom g b' c' -> DHom (g $o f) a' c' := fun _ g' => g' $o' f'. Class IsD0Gpd {A : Type} `{Is0Gpd A} (D : A -> Type) `{!IsDGraph D, !IsD01Cat D} := dgpd_rev : forall {a b : A} {f : a $== b} {a' : D a} {b' : D b}, DHom f a' b' -> DHom (f^$) b' a'. Notation "p ^$'" := (dgpd_rev p). Definition DGpdHom {A : Type} {D : A -> Type} `{IsD0Gpd A D} {a b : A} (f : a $== b) (a' : D a) (b' : D b) := DHom f a' b'. (** Diagrammatic order to match gpd_comp *) Definition dgpd_comp {A : Type} {D : A -> Type} `{IsD0Gpd A D} {a b c : A} {f : a $== b} {g : b $== c} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} : DGpdHom f a' b' -> DGpdHom g b' c' -> DGpdHom (g $o f) a' c' := fun f' g' => g' $o' f'. Notation "p '$@'' q" := (dgpd_comp p q).
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD01Cat D
a, b: A
p: a = b
a': D a
b': D b
p': transport D p a' = b'

DHom (Hom_path p) a' b'
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD01Cat D
a, b: A
p: a = b
a': D a
b': D b
p': transport D p a' = b'

DHom (Hom_path p) a' b'
destruct p, p'; apply DId. Defined. Definition DGpdHom_path {A : Type} {D : A -> Type} `{IsD0Gpd A D} {a b : A} (p : a = b) {a' : D a} {b': D b} (p' : transport D p a' = b') : DGpdHom (GpdHom_path p) a' b' := DHom_path p p'. Global Instance reflexive_DHom {A} {D : A -> Type} `{IsD01Cat A D} {a : A} : Reflexive (DHom (Id a)) := fun a' => DId a'. Global Instance reflexive_DGpdHom {A} {D : A -> Type} `{IsD0Gpd A D} {a : A} : Reflexive (DGpdHom (Id a)) := fun a' => DId a'. (** A displayed 0-functor [F'] over a 0-functor [F] acts on displayed objects and 1-cells and satisfies no axioms. *) Class IsD0Functor {A : Type} {B : Type} {DA : A -> Type} `{IsDGraph A DA} {DB : B -> Type} `{IsDGraph B DB} (F : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor F} (F' : forall (a : A), DA a -> DB (F a)) := dfmap : forall {a b : A} {f : a $-> b} {a' : DA a} {b' : DA b}, DHom f a' b' -> DHom (fmap F f) (F' a a') (F' b b'). Arguments dfmap {A B DA _ _ DB _ _} F {_} F' {_ _ _ _ _ _} f'. Class IsD2Graph {A : Type} `{Is2Graph A} (D : A -> Type) `{!IsDGraph D} := isdgraph_hom : forall {a b} {a'} {b'}, IsDGraph (fun (f:a $-> b) => DHom f a' b'). Global Existing Instance isdgraph_hom. #[global] Typeclasses Transparent IsD2Graph. Class IsD1Cat {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (D : A -> Type) `{!IsDGraph D, !IsD2Graph D, !IsD01Cat D} := { isd01cat_hom : forall {a b : A} {a' : D a} {b' : D b}, IsD01Cat (fun f => DHom f a' b'); isd0gpd_hom : forall {a b : A} {a' : D a} {b' : D b}, IsD0Gpd (fun f => DHom f a' b'); isd0functor_postcomp : forall {a b c : A} {g : b $-> c} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} (g' : DHom g b' c'), @IsD0Functor _ _ (fun f => DHom f a' b') _ _ (fun gf => DHom gf a' c') _ _ (cat_postcomp a g) _ (dcat_postcomp g'); isd0functor_precomp : forall {a b c : A} {f : a $-> b} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} (f' : DHom f a' b'), @IsD0Functor _ _ (fun g => DHom g b' c') _ _ (fun gf => DHom gf a' c') _ _ (cat_precomp c f) _ (dcat_precomp f'); dcat_assoc : forall {a b c d : A} {f : a $-> b} {g : b $-> c} {h : c $-> d} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} {d' : D d} (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c') (h' : DHom h c' d'), DHom (cat_assoc f g h) ((h' $o' g') $o' f') (h' $o' (g' $o' f')); dcat_assoc_opp : forall {a b c d : A} {f : a $-> b} {g : b $-> c} {h : c $-> d} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} {d' : D d} (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c') (h' : DHom h c' d'), DHom (cat_assoc_opp f g h) (h' $o' (g' $o' f')) ((h' $o' g') $o' f'); dcat_idl : forall {a b : A} {f : a $-> b} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} (f' : DHom f a' b'), DHom (cat_idl f) (DId b' $o' f') f'; dcat_idr : forall {a b : A} {f : a $-> b} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} (f' : DHom f a' b'), DHom (cat_idr f) (f' $o' DId a') f'; }. Global Existing Instance isd01cat_hom. Global Existing Instance isd0gpd_hom. Global Existing Instance isd0functor_postcomp. Global Existing Instance isd0functor_precomp. Definition dcat_postwhisker {A : Type} {D : A -> Type} `{IsD1Cat A D} {a b c : A} {f g : a $-> b} {h : b $-> c} {p : f $== g} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} {f' : DHom f a' b'} {g' : DHom g a' b'} (h' : DHom h b' c') (p' : DHom p f' g') : DHom (h $@L p) (h' $o' f') (h' $o' g') := dfmap (cat_postcomp a h) (dcat_postcomp h') p'. Notation "h $@L' p" := (dcat_postwhisker h p). Definition dcat_prewhisker {A : Type} {D : A -> Type} `{IsD1Cat A D} {a b c : A} {f : a $-> b} {g h : b $-> c} {p : g $== h} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} {g' : DHom g b' c'} {h' : DHom h b' c'} (p' : DHom p g' h') (f' : DHom f a' b') : DHom (p $@R f) (g' $o' f') (h' $o' f') := dfmap (cat_precomp c f) (dcat_precomp f') p'. Notation "p $@R' f" := (dcat_prewhisker p f). Definition dcat_comp2 {A : Type} {D : A -> Type} `{IsD1Cat A D} {a b c : A} {f g : a $-> b} {h k : b $-> c} {p : f $== g} {q : h $== k} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} {f' : DHom f a' b'} {g' : DHom g a' b'} {h' : DHom h b' c'} {k' : DHom k b' c'} (p' : DHom p f' g') (q' : DHom q h' k') : DHom (p $@@ q) (h' $o' f') (k' $o' g') := (k' $@L' p') $o' (q' $@R' f'). Notation "q $@@' p" := (dcat_comp2 q p). (** Monomorphisms and epimorphisms. *) Definition DMonic {A} {D : A -> Type} `{IsD1Cat A D} {b c : A} {f : b $-> c} {mon : Monic f} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} (f' : DHom f b' c') := forall (a : A) (g h : a $-> b) (p : f $o g $== f $o h) (a' : D a) (g' : DHom g a' b') (h' : DHom h a' b'), DGpdHom p (f' $o' g') (f' $o' h') -> DGpdHom (mon a g h p) g' h'. Definition DEpic {A} {D : A -> Type} `{IsD1Cat A D} {a b : A} {f : a $-> b} {epi : Epic f} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} (f' : DHom f a' b') := forall (c : A) (g h : b $-> c) (p : g $o f $== h $o f) (c' : D c) (g' : DHom g b' c') (h' : DHom h b' c'), DGpdHom p (g' $o' f') (h' $o' f') -> DGpdHom (epi c g h p) g' h'.
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: IsDGraph D

IsGraph {x : _ & D x}
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: IsDGraph D

IsGraph {x : _ & D x}
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: IsDGraph D

{x : _ & D x} -> {x : _ & D x} -> Type
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: IsDGraph D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b

exact {f : a $-> b & DHom f a' b'}. Defined.
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD01Cat D

Is01Cat {x : _ & D x}
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD01Cat D

Is01Cat {x : _ & D x}
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD01Cat D

forall a : {x : _ & D x}, a $-> a
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD01Cat D
forall a b c : {x : _ & D x}, (b $-> c) -> (a $-> b) -> a $-> c
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD01Cat D

forall a : {x : _ & D x}, a $-> a
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD01Cat D
a: A
a': D a

(a; a') $-> (a; a')
exact (Id a; DId a').
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD01Cat D

forall a b c : {x : _ & D x}, (b $-> c) -> (a $-> b) -> a $-> c
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD01Cat D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
c: A
c': D c
g: b $-> c
g': DHom g b' c'
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'

(a; a') $-> (c; c')
exact (g $o f; g' $o' f'). Defined.
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
H1: Is0Gpd A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H2: IsD0Gpd D

Is0Gpd {x : _ & D x}
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
H1: Is0Gpd A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H2: IsD0Gpd D

Is0Gpd {x : _ & D x}
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
H1: Is0Gpd A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H2: IsD0Gpd D

forall a b : {x : _ & D x}, (a $-> b) -> b $-> a
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
H1: Is0Gpd A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H2: IsD0Gpd D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'

(b; b') $-> (a; a')
exact (f^$; dgpd_rev f'). Defined.
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: IsDGraph D

Is0Functor (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A)
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: IsDGraph D

Is0Functor (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A)
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: IsDGraph D

forall a b : {x : _ & D x}, (a $-> b) -> a.1 $-> b.1
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: IsDGraph D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'

(a; a').1 $-> (b; b').1
exact f. Defined.
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is2Graph A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD2Graph D

Is2Graph {x : _ & D x}
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is2Graph A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD2Graph D

Is2Graph {x : _ & D x}
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is2Graph A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD2Graph D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b

IsGraph ((a; a') $-> (b; b'))
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is2Graph A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD2Graph D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b

((a; a') $-> (b; b')) -> ((a; a') $-> (b; b')) -> Type
A: Type
D: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is2Graph A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
H1: IsD2Graph D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'
g: a $-> b
g': DHom g a' b'

exact ({p : f $-> g & DHom p f' g'}). Defined.
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD01Cat DA
B: Type
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is01Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD01Cat DB
F: A -> B
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'

Is0Functor (functor_sigma F F')
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD01Cat DA
B: Type
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is01Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD01Cat DB
F: A -> B
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'

Is0Functor (functor_sigma F F')
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD01Cat DA
B: Type
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is01Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD01Cat DB
F: A -> B
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'

forall a b : {x : _ & DA x}, (a $-> b) -> functor_sigma F F' a $-> functor_sigma F F' b
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD01Cat DA
B: Type
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is01Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD01Cat DB
F: A -> B
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
a: A
a': DA a
b: A
b': DA b

((a; a') $-> (b; b')) -> functor_sigma F F' (a; a') $-> functor_sigma F F' (b; b')
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD01Cat DA
B: Type
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is01Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD01Cat DB
F: A -> B
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
a: A
a': DA a
b: A
b': DA b
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'

functor_sigma F F' (a; a') $-> functor_sigma F F' (b; b')
exact (fmap F f; dfmap F F' f'). Defined.
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

Is1Cat {x : _ & D x}
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

Is1Cat {x : _ & D x}
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

forall (a b c : {x : _ & D x}) (g : b $-> c), Is0Functor (cat_postcomp a g)
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
forall (a b c : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b), Is0Functor (cat_precomp c f)
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
forall (a b c d : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d), h $o g $o f $== h $o (g $o f)
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
forall (a b c d : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d), h $o (g $o f) $== h $o g $o f
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
forall (a b : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b), Id b $o f $== f
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
forall (a b : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b), f $o Id a $== f
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

forall (a b c : {x : _ & D x}) (g : b $-> c), Is0Functor (cat_postcomp a g)
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
c: A
c': D c
f: b $-> c
f': DHom f b' c'

Is0Functor (cat_postcomp (a; a') (f; f'))
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
c: A
c': D c
f: b $-> c
f': DHom f b' c'

forall a0 b0 : (a; a') $-> (b; b'), (a0 $-> b0) -> cat_postcomp (a; a') (f; f') a0 $-> cat_postcomp (a; a') (f; f') b0
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
c: A
c': D c
f: b $-> c
f': DHom f b' c'
g: a $-> b
g': DHom g a' b'
h: a $-> b
h': DHom h a' b'
p: g $-> h
p': DHom p g' h'

cat_postcomp (a; a') (f; f') (g; g') $-> cat_postcomp (a; a') (f; f') (h; h')
exact (f $@L p; f' $@L' p').
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

forall (a b c : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b), Is0Functor (cat_precomp c f)
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
c: A
c': D c
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'

Is0Functor (cat_precomp (c; c') (f; f'))
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
c: A
c': D c
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'

forall a0 b0 : (b; b') $-> (c; c'), (a0 $-> b0) -> cat_precomp (c; c') (f; f') a0 $-> cat_precomp (c; c') (f; f') b0
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
c: A
c': D c
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'
g: b $-> c
g': DHom g b' c'
h: b $-> c
h': DHom h b' c'
p: g $-> h
p': DHom p g' h'

cat_precomp (c; c') (f; f') (g; g') $-> cat_precomp (c; c') (f; f') (h; h')
exact (p $@R f; p' $@R' f').
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

forall (a b c d : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d), h $o g $o f $== h $o (g $o f)
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
c: A
c': D c
d: A
d': D d
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'
g: b $-> c
g': DHom g b' c'
h: c $-> d
h': DHom h c' d'

(h; h') $o (g; g') $o (f; f') $== (h; h') $o ((g; g') $o (f; f'))
exact (cat_assoc f g h; dcat_assoc f' g' h').
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

forall (a b c d : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d), h $o (g $o f) $== h $o g $o f
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
c: A
c': D c
d: A
d': D d
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'
g: b $-> c
g': DHom g b' c'
h: c $-> d
h': DHom h c' d'

(h; h') $o ((g; g') $o (f; f')) $== (h; h') $o (g; g') $o (f; f')
exact (cat_assoc_opp f g h; dcat_assoc_opp f' g' h').
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

forall (a b : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b), Id b $o f $== f
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'

Id (b; b') $o (f; f') $== (f; f')
exact (cat_idl f; dcat_idl f').
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

forall (a b : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b), f $o Id a $== f
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'

(f; f') $o Id (a; a') $== (f; f')
exact (cat_idr f; dcat_idr f'). Defined.
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

Is1Functor (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A)
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

Is1Functor (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A)
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

forall (a b : {x : _ & D x}) (f g : a $-> b), f $== g -> fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) f $== fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) g
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
forall a : {x : _ & D x}, fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) (Id a) $== Id a.1
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
forall (a b c : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c), fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) (g $o f) $== fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) g $o fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) f
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

forall (a b : {x : _ & D x}) (f g : a $-> b), f $== g -> fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) f $== fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) g
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'
g: a $-> b
g': DHom g a' b'
p: f $-> g
p': DHom p f' g'

fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) (f; f') $== fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) (g; g')
exact p.
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

forall a : {x : _ & D x}, fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) (Id a) $== Id a.1
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
a: A
a': D a

fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) (Id (a; a')) $== Id (a; a').1
apply Id.
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D

forall (a b c : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c), fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) (g $o f) $== fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) g $o fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) f
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat D
a: A
a': D a
b: A
b': D b
c: A
c': D c
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'
g: b $-> c
g': DHom g b' c'

fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) ((g; g') $o (f; f')) $== fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) (g; g') $o fmap (pr1 : {x : _ & D x} -> A) (f; f')
apply Id. Defined. Class IsD1Cat_Strong {A : Type} `{Is1Cat_Strong A} (D : A -> Type) `{!IsDGraph D, !IsD2Graph D, !IsD01Cat D} := { isd01cat_hom_strong : forall {a b : A} {a' : D a} {b' : D b}, IsD01Cat (fun f => DHom f a' b'); isd0gpd_hom_strong : forall {a b : A} {a' : D a} {b' : D b}, IsD0Gpd (fun f => DHom f a' b'); isd0functor_postcomp_strong : forall {a b c : A} {g : b $-> c} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} (g' : DHom g b' c'), @IsD0Functor _ _ (fun f => DHom f a' b') _ _ (fun gf => DHom gf a' c') _ _ (cat_postcomp a g) _ (dcat_postcomp g'); isd0functor_precomp_strong : forall {a b c : A} {f : a $-> b} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} (f' : DHom f a' b'), @IsD0Functor _ _ (fun g => DHom g b' c') _ _ (fun gf => DHom gf a' c') _ _ (cat_precomp c f) _ (dcat_precomp f'); dcat_assoc_strong : forall {a b c d : A} {f : a $-> b} {g : b $-> c} {h : c $-> d} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} {d' : D d} (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c') (h' : DHom h c' d'), (transport (fun k => DHom k a' d') (cat_assoc_strong f g h) ((h' $o' g') $o' f')) = h' $o' (g' $o' f'); dcat_assoc_opp_strong : forall {a b c d : A} {f : a $-> b} {g : b $-> c} {h : c $-> d} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} {d' : D d} (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c') (h' : DHom h c' d'), (transport (fun k => DHom k a' d') (cat_assoc_opp_strong f g h) (h' $o' (g' $o' f'))) = (h' $o' g') $o' f'; dcat_idl_strong : forall {a b : A} {f : a $-> b} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} (f' : DHom f a' b'), (transport (fun k => DHom k a' b') (cat_idl_strong f) (DId b' $o' f')) = f'; dcat_idr_strong : forall {a b : A} {f : a $-> b} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} (f' : DHom f a' b'), (transport (fun k => DHom k a' b') (cat_idr_strong f) (f' $o' DId a')) = f'; }. Global Existing Instance isd01cat_hom_strong. Global Existing Instance isd0gpd_hom_strong. Global Existing Instance isd0functor_postcomp_strong. Global Existing Instance isd0functor_precomp_strong. (* If in the future we make a [Build_Is1Cat_Strong'] that lets the user omit the second proof of associativity, this shows how it can be recovered from the original proof: Definition dcat_assoc_opp_strong {A : Type} {D : A -> Type} `{IsD1Cat_Strong A D} {a b c d : A} {f : a $-> b} {g : b $-> c} {h : c $-> d} {a' : D a} {b' : D b} {c' : D c} {d' : D d} (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c') (h' : DHom h c' d') : (transport (fun k => DHom k a' d') (cat_assoc_opp_strong f g h) (h' $o' (g' $o' f'))) = (h' $o' g') $o' f'. Proof. apply (moveR_transport_V (fun k => DHom k a' d') (cat_assoc_strong f g h) _ _). exact ((dcat_assoc_strong f' g' h')^). Defined. *)
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D

IsD1Cat D
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D

IsD1Cat D
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D

forall (a b c d : A) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d) (a' : D a) (b' : D b) (c' : D c) (d' : D d) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c') (h' : DHom h c' d'), DHom (cat_assoc f g h) (h' $o' g' $o' f') (h' $o' (g' $o' f'))
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D
forall (a b c d : A) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d) (a' : D a) (b' : D b) (c' : D c) (d' : D d) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c') (h' : DHom h c' d'), DHom (cat_assoc_opp f g h) (h' $o' (g' $o' f')) (h' $o' g' $o' f')
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D
forall (a b : A) (f : a $-> b) (a' : D a) (b' : D b) (f' : DHom f a' b'), DHom (cat_idl f) (DId b' $o' f') f'
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D
forall (a b : A) (f : a $-> b) (a' : D a) (b' : D b) (f' : DHom f a' b'), DHom (cat_idr f) (f' $o' DId a') f'
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D

forall (a b c d : A) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d) (a' : D a) (b' : D b) (c' : D c) (d' : D d) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c') (h' : DHom h c' d'), DHom (cat_assoc f g h) (h' $o' g' $o' f') (h' $o' (g' $o' f'))
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D
a, b, c, d: A
f: a $-> b
g: b $-> c
h: c $-> d
a': D a
b': D b
c': D c
d': D d
f': DHom f a' b'
g': DHom g b' c'
h': DHom h c' d'

DHom (cat_assoc f g h) (h' $o' g' $o' f') (h' $o' (g' $o' f'))
exact (DHom_path (cat_assoc_strong f g h) (dcat_assoc_strong f' g' h')).
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D

forall (a b c d : A) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d) (a' : D a) (b' : D b) (c' : D c) (d' : D d) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c') (h' : DHom h c' d'), DHom (cat_assoc_opp f g h) (h' $o' (g' $o' f')) (h' $o' g' $o' f')
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D
a, b, c, d: A
f: a $-> b
g: b $-> c
h: c $-> d
a': D a
b': D b
c': D c
d': D d
f': DHom f a' b'
g': DHom g b' c'
h': DHom h c' d'

DHom (cat_assoc_opp f g h) (h' $o' (g' $o' f')) (h' $o' g' $o' f')
exact (DHom_path (cat_assoc_opp_strong f g h) (dcat_assoc_opp_strong f' g' h')).
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D

forall (a b : A) (f : a $-> b) (a' : D a) (b' : D b) (f' : DHom f a' b'), DHom (cat_idl f) (DId b' $o' f') f'
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D
a, b: A
f: a $-> b
a': D a
b': D b
f': DHom f a' b'

DHom (cat_idl f) (DId b' $o' f') f'
exact (DHom_path (cat_idl_strong f) (dcat_idl_strong f')).
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D

forall (a b : A) (f : a $-> b) (a' : D a) (b' : D b) (f' : DHom f a' b'), DHom (cat_idr f) (f' $o' DId a') f'
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D
a, b: A
f: a $-> b
a': D a
b': D b
f': DHom f a' b'

DHom (cat_idr f) (f' $o' DId a') f'
exact (DHom_path (cat_idr_strong f) (dcat_idr_strong f')). Defined.
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D

Is1Cat_Strong {x : _ & D x}
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D

Is1Cat_Strong {x : _ & D x}
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D

forall (a b c d : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d), h $o g $o f = h $o (g $o f)
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D
forall (a b c d : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d), h $o (g $o f) = h $o g $o f
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D
forall (a b : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b), Id b $o f = f
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D
forall (a b : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b), f $o Id a = f
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D

forall (a b c d : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d), h $o g $o f = h $o (g $o f)
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D
aa', bb', cc', dd': {x : _ & D x}
f: aa'.1 $-> bb'.1
f': DHom f aa'.2 bb'.2
g: bb'.1 $-> cc'.1
g': DHom g bb'.2 cc'.2
h: cc'.1 $-> dd'.1
h': DHom h cc'.2 dd'.2

(h; h') $o (g; g') $o (f; f') = (h; h') $o ((g; g') $o (f; f'))
exact (path_sigma' _ (cat_assoc_strong f g h) (dcat_assoc_strong f' g' h')).
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D

forall (a b c d : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d), h $o (g $o f) = h $o g $o f
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D
aa', bb', cc', dd': {x : _ & D x}
f: aa'.1 $-> bb'.1
f': DHom f aa'.2 bb'.2
g: bb'.1 $-> cc'.1
g': DHom g bb'.2 cc'.2
h: cc'.1 $-> dd'.1
h': DHom h cc'.2 dd'.2

(h; h') $o ((g; g') $o (f; f')) = (h; h') $o (g; g') $o (f; f')
exact (path_sigma' _ (cat_assoc_opp_strong f g h) (dcat_assoc_opp_strong f' g' h')).
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D

forall (a b : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b), Id b $o f = f
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D
aa', bb': {x : _ & D x}
f: aa'.1 $-> bb'.1
f': DHom f aa'.2 bb'.2

Id bb' $o (f; f') = (f; f')
exact (path_sigma' _ (cat_idl_strong f) (dcat_idl_strong f')).
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D

forall (a b : {x : _ & D x}) (f : a $-> b), f $o Id a = f
A: Type
D: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph D
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph D
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat D
H0: IsD1Cat_Strong D
aa', bb': {x : _ & D x}
f: aa'.1 $-> bb'.1
f': DHom f aa'.2 bb'.2

(f; f') $o Id aa' = (f; f')
exact (path_sigma' _ (cat_idr_strong f) (dcat_idr_strong f')). Defined. Class IsD1Functor {A B : Type} {DA : A -> Type} `{IsD1Cat A DA} {DB : B -> Type} `{IsD1Cat B DB} (F : A -> B) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (F' : forall (a : A), DA a -> DB (F a)) `{!IsD0Functor F F'} := { dfmap2 : forall {a b : A} {f g : a $-> b} {p : f $== g} {a' : DA a} {b' : DA b} (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g a' b'), DHom p f' g' -> DHom (fmap2 F p) (dfmap F F' f') (dfmap F F' g'); dfmap_id : forall {a : A} (a' : DA a), DHom (fmap_id F a) (dfmap F F' (DId a')) (DId (F' a a')); dfmap_comp : forall {a b c : A} {f : a $-> b} {g : b $-> c} {a' : DA a} {b' : DA b} {c' : DA c} (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c'), DHom (fmap_comp F f g) (dfmap F F' (g' $o' f')) (dfmap F F' g' $o' dfmap F F' f'); }. Arguments dfmap2 {A B DA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F {_ _} F' {_ _ a b f g p a' b' f' g'} p'. Arguments dfmap_id {A B DA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F {_ _} F' {_ _ a} a'. Arguments dfmap_comp {A B DA _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ DB _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _} F {_ _} F' {_ _ a b c f g a' b' c'} f' g'.
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
F: A -> B
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
H3: IsD1Functor F F'

Is1Functor (functor_sigma F F')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
F: A -> B
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
H3: IsD1Functor F F'

Is1Functor (functor_sigma F F')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
F: A -> B
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
H3: IsD1Functor F F'

forall (a b : {x : _ & DA x}) (f g : a $-> b), f $== g -> fmap (functor_sigma F F') f $== fmap (functor_sigma F F') g
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
F: A -> B
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
H3: IsD1Functor F F'
forall a : {x : _ & DA x}, fmap (functor_sigma F F') (Id a) $== Id (functor_sigma F F' a)
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
F: A -> B
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
H3: IsD1Functor F F'
forall (a b c : {x : _ & DA x}) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c), fmap (functor_sigma F F') (g $o f) $== fmap (functor_sigma F F') g $o fmap (functor_sigma F F') f
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
F: A -> B
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
H3: IsD1Functor F F'

forall (a b : {x : _ & DA x}) (f g : a $-> b), f $== g -> fmap (functor_sigma F F') f $== fmap (functor_sigma F F') g
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
F: A -> B
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
H3: IsD1Functor F F'
a: A
a': DA a
b: A
b': DA b
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'
g: a $-> b
g': DHom g a' b'
p: f $-> g
p': DHom p f' g'

fmap (functor_sigma F F') (f; f') $== fmap (functor_sigma F F') (g; g')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
F: A -> B
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
H3: IsD1Functor F F'
a: A
a': DA a
b: A
b': DA b
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'
g: a $-> b
g': DHom g a' b'
p: f $-> g
p': DHom p f' g'

DHom (fmap2 F p) (fmap (functor_sigma F F') (f; f')).2 (fmap (functor_sigma F F') (g; g')).2
exact (dfmap2 F F' p').
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
F: A -> B
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
H3: IsD1Functor F F'

forall a : {x : _ & DA x}, fmap (functor_sigma F F') (Id a) $== Id (functor_sigma F F' a)
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
F: A -> B
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
H3: IsD1Functor F F'
a: A
a': DA a

fmap (functor_sigma F F') (Id (a; a')) $== Id (functor_sigma F F' (a; a'))
exact (fmap_id F a; dfmap_id F F' a').
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
F: A -> B
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
H3: IsD1Functor F F'

forall (a b c : {x : _ & DA x}) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c), fmap (functor_sigma F F') (g $o f) $== fmap (functor_sigma F F') g $o fmap (functor_sigma F F') f
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
F: A -> B
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
H3: IsD1Functor F F'
a: A
a': DA a
b: A
b': DA b
c: A
c': DA c
f: a $-> b
f': DHom f a' b'
g: b $-> c
g': DHom g b' c'

fmap (functor_sigma F F') ((g; g') $o (f; f')) $== fmap (functor_sigma F F') (g; g') $o fmap (functor_sigma F F') (f; f')
exact (fmap_comp F f g; dfmap_comp F F' f' g'). Defined. Section IdentityFunctor.
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
DA: A -> Type
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA

IsD0Functor idmap (fun a : A => idmap)
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
DA: A -> Type
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA

IsD0Functor idmap (fun a : A => idmap)
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
DA: A -> Type
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
a, b: A
f: a $-> b
a': DA a
b': DA b
f': DHom f a' b'

DHom (fmap idmap f) a' b'
assumption. Defined.
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA

IsD1Functor idmap (fun a : A => idmap)
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA

IsD1Functor idmap (fun a : A => idmap)
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA

forall (a b : A) (f g : a $-> b) (p : f $== g) (a' : DA a) (b' : DA b) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g a' b'), DHom p f' g' -> DHom (fmap2 idmap p) (dfmap idmap (fun a0 : A => idmap) f') (dfmap idmap (fun a0 : A => idmap) g')
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
forall (a : A) (a' : DA a), DHom (fmap_id idmap a) (dfmap idmap (fun a0 : A => idmap) (DId a')) (DId a')
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
forall (a b c : A) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (a' : DA a) (b' : DA b) (c' : DA c) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c'), DHom (fmap_comp idmap f g) (dfmap idmap (fun a0 : A => idmap) (g' $o' f')) (dfmap idmap (fun a0 : A => idmap) g' $o' dfmap idmap (fun a0 : A => idmap) f')
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA

forall (a b : A) (f g : a $-> b) (p : f $== g) (a' : DA a) (b' : DA b) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g a' b'), DHom p f' g' -> DHom (fmap2 idmap p) (dfmap idmap (fun a0 : A => idmap) f') (dfmap idmap (fun a0 : A => idmap) g')
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
a, b: A
f, g: a $-> b
p: f $== g
a': DA a
b': DA b
f': DHom f a' b'
g': DHom g a' b'
p': DHom p f' g'

DHom (fmap2 idmap p) (dfmap idmap (fun a : A => idmap) f') (dfmap idmap (fun a : A => idmap) g')
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA

forall (a : A) (a' : DA a), DHom (fmap_id idmap a) (dfmap idmap (fun a0 : A => idmap) (DId a')) (DId a')
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
a: A
a': DA a

DHom (fmap_id idmap a) (dfmap idmap (fun a : A => idmap) (DId a')) (DId a')
apply DId.
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA

forall (a b c : A) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (a' : DA a) (b' : DA b) (c' : DA c) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c'), DHom (fmap_comp idmap f g) (dfmap idmap (fun a0 : A => idmap) (g' $o' f')) (dfmap idmap (fun a0 : A => idmap) g' $o' dfmap idmap (fun a0 : A => idmap) f')
A: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
a, b, c: A
f: a $-> b
g: b $-> c
a': DA a
b': DA b
c': DA c
f': DHom f a' b'
g': DHom g b' c'

DHom (fmap_comp idmap f g) (dfmap idmap (fun a : A => idmap) (g' $o' f')) (dfmap idmap (fun a : A => idmap) g' $o' dfmap idmap (fun a : A => idmap) f')
apply DId. Defined. End IdentityFunctor. Section ConstantFunctor.
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
B: Type
H0: IsGraph B
H1: Is01Cat B
DA: A -> Type
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
DB: B -> Type
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x

IsD0Functor (fun _ : A => x) (fun (a : A) (_ : DA a) => x')
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
B: Type
H0: IsGraph B
H1: Is01Cat B
DA: A -> Type
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
DB: B -> Type
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x

IsD0Functor (fun _ : A => x) (fun (a : A) (_ : DA a) => x')
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
B: Type
H0: IsGraph B
H1: Is01Cat B
DA: A -> Type
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
DB: B -> Type
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x
a, b: A
f: a $-> b
a': DA a
b': DA b
f': DHom f a' b'

DHom (fmap (fun _ : A => x) f) x' x'
apply DId. Defined.
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x

IsD1Functor (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a : B) (_ : DB a) => x')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x

IsD1Functor (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a : B) (_ : DB a) => x')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x

forall (a b : B) (f g : a $-> b) (p : f $== g) (a' : DB a) (b' : DB b) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g a' b'), DHom p f' g' -> DHom (fmap2 (fun _ : B => x) p) (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a0 : B) (_ : DB a0) => x') f') (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a0 : B) (_ : DB a0) => x') g')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x
forall (a : B) (a' : DB a), DHom (fmap_id (fun _ : B => x) a) (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a0 : B) (_ : DB a0) => x') (DId a')) (DId ((fun (a0 : B) (_ : DB a0) => x') a a'))
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x
forall (a b c : B) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (a' : DB a) (b' : DB b) (c' : DB c) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c'), DHom (fmap_comp (fun _ : B => x) f g) (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a0 : B) (_ : DB a0) => x') (g' $o' f')) (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a0 : B) (_ : DB a0) => x') g' $o' dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a0 : B) (_ : DB a0) => x') f')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x

forall (a b : B) (f g : a $-> b) (p : f $== g) (a' : DB a) (b' : DB b) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g a' b'), DHom p f' g' -> DHom (fmap2 (fun _ : B => x) p) (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a0 : B) (_ : DB a0) => x') f') (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a0 : B) (_ : DB a0) => x') g')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x
a, b: B
f, g: a $-> b
p: f $== g
a': DB a
b': DB b
f': DHom f a' b'
g': DHom g a' b'
p': DHom p f' g'

DHom (fmap2 (fun _ : B => x) p) (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a : B) (_ : DB a) => x') f') (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a : B) (_ : DB a) => x') g')
apply DId.
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x

forall (a : B) (a' : DB a), DHom (fmap_id (fun _ : B => x) a) (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a0 : B) (_ : DB a0) => x') (DId a')) (DId ((fun (a0 : B) (_ : DB a0) => x') a a'))
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x
a: B
a': DB a

DHom (fmap_id (fun _ : B => x) a) (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a : B) (_ : DB a) => x') (DId a')) (DId ((fun (a : B) (_ : DB a) => x') a a'))
apply DId.
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x

forall (a b c : B) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (a' : DB a) (b' : DB b) (c' : DB c) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c'), DHom (fmap_comp (fun _ : B => x) f g) (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a0 : B) (_ : DB a0) => x') (g' $o' f')) (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a0 : B) (_ : DB a0) => x') g' $o' dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a0 : B) (_ : DB a0) => x') f')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x
a, b, c: B
f: a $-> b
g: b $-> c
a': DB a
b': DB b
c': DB c
f': DHom f a' b'
g': DHom g b' c'

DHom (fmap_comp (fun _ : B => x) f g) (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a : B) (_ : DB a) => x') (g' $o' f')) (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a : B) (_ : DB a) => x') g' $o' dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a : B) (_ : DB a) => x') f')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
x: B
x': DB x
a, b, c: B
f: a $-> b
g: b $-> c
a': DB a
b': DB b
c': DB c
f': DHom f a' b'
g': DHom g b' c'

DHom (cat_idl (Id x)) (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a : B) (_ : DB a) => x') g' $o' dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a : B) (_ : DB a) => x') f') (dfmap (fun _ : B => x) (fun (a : B) (_ : DB a) => x') (g' $o' f'))
apply dcat_idl. Defined. End ConstantFunctor. Section CompositeFunctor. Context {A B C : Type} {DA : A -> Type} {DB : B -> Type} {DC : C -> Type} (F : A -> B) (G : B -> C) (F' : forall (a : A), DA a -> DB (F a)) (G' : forall (b : B), DB b -> DC (G b)).
A, B, C: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
DC: C -> Type
F: A -> B
G: B -> C
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
G': forall b : B, DB b -> DC (G b)
H: IsGraph A
H0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsGraph B
H2: IsDGraph DB
H3: IsGraph C
H4: IsDGraph DC
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is0Functor1: Is0Functor G
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
IsD0Functor1: IsD0Functor G G'

IsD0Functor (G o F) (fun (a : A) (a' : DA a) => (G' (F a) o F' a) a')
A, B, C: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
DC: C -> Type
F: A -> B
G: B -> C
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
G': forall b : B, DB b -> DC (G b)
H: IsGraph A
H0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsGraph B
H2: IsDGraph DB
H3: IsGraph C
H4: IsDGraph DC
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is0Functor1: Is0Functor G
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
IsD0Functor1: IsD0Functor G G'

IsD0Functor (G o F) (fun (a : A) (a' : DA a) => (G' (F a) o F' a) a')
A, B, C: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
DC: C -> Type
F: A -> B
G: B -> C
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
G': forall b : B, DB b -> DC (G b)
H: IsGraph A
H0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsGraph B
H2: IsDGraph DB
H3: IsGraph C
H4: IsDGraph DC
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is0Functor1: Is0Functor G
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
IsD0Functor1: IsD0Functor G G'
a, b: A
f: a $-> b
a': DA a
b': DA b
f': DHom f a' b'

DHom (fmap (G o F) f) (G' (F a) (F' a a')) (G' (F b) (F' b b'))
exact (dfmap G G' (dfmap F F' f')). Defined.
A, B, C: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
DC: C -> Type
F: A -> B
G: B -> C
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
G': forall b : B, DB b -> DC (G b)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
IsGraph2: IsGraph C
Is2Graph2: Is2Graph C
Is01Cat2: Is01Cat C
H3: Is1Cat C
IsDGraph2: IsDGraph DC
IsD2Graph2: IsD2Graph DC
IsD01Cat2: IsD01Cat DC
H4: IsD1Cat DC
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
Is0Functor1: Is0Functor G
Is1Functor1: Is1Functor G
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
IsD1Functor0: IsD1Functor F F'
IsD0Functor1: IsD0Functor G G'
IsD1Functor1: IsD1Functor G G'

IsD1Functor (G o F) (fun (a : A) (a' : DA a) => (G' (F a) o F' a) a')
A, B, C: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
DC: C -> Type
F: A -> B
G: B -> C
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
G': forall b : B, DB b -> DC (G b)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
IsGraph2: IsGraph C
Is2Graph2: Is2Graph C
Is01Cat2: Is01Cat C
H3: Is1Cat C
IsDGraph2: IsDGraph DC
IsD2Graph2: IsD2Graph DC
IsD01Cat2: IsD01Cat DC
H4: IsD1Cat DC
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
Is0Functor1: Is0Functor G
Is1Functor1: Is1Functor G
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
IsD1Functor0: IsD1Functor F F'
IsD0Functor1: IsD0Functor G G'
IsD1Functor1: IsD1Functor G G'

IsD1Functor (G o F) (fun (a : A) (a' : DA a) => (G' (F a) o F' a) a')
A, B, C: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
DC: C -> Type
F: A -> B
G: B -> C
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
G': forall b : B, DB b -> DC (G b)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
IsGraph2: IsGraph C
Is2Graph2: Is2Graph C
Is01Cat2: Is01Cat C
H3: Is1Cat C
IsDGraph2: IsDGraph DC
IsD2Graph2: IsD2Graph DC
IsD01Cat2: IsD01Cat DC
H4: IsD1Cat DC
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
Is0Functor1: Is0Functor G
Is1Functor1: Is1Functor G
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
IsD1Functor0: IsD1Functor F F'
IsD0Functor1: IsD0Functor G G'
IsD1Functor1: IsD1Functor G G'

forall (a b : A) (f g : a $-> b) (p : f $== g) (a' : DA a) (b' : DA b) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g a' b'), DHom p f' g' -> DHom (fmap2 (G o F) p) (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a0 : A) (a'0 : DA a0) => (G' (F a0) o F' a0) a'0) f') (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a0 : A) (a'0 : DA a0) => (G' (F a0) o F' a0) a'0) g')
A, B, C: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
DC: C -> Type
F: A -> B
G: B -> C
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
G': forall b : B, DB b -> DC (G b)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
IsGraph2: IsGraph C
Is2Graph2: Is2Graph C
Is01Cat2: Is01Cat C
H3: Is1Cat C
IsDGraph2: IsDGraph DC
IsD2Graph2: IsD2Graph DC
IsD01Cat2: IsD01Cat DC
H4: IsD1Cat DC
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
Is0Functor1: Is0Functor G
Is1Functor1: Is1Functor G
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
IsD1Functor0: IsD1Functor F F'
IsD0Functor1: IsD0Functor G G'
IsD1Functor1: IsD1Functor G G'
forall (a : A) (a' : DA a), DHom (fmap_id (G o F) a) (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a0 : A) (a'0 : DA a0) => (G' (F a0) o F' a0) a'0) (DId a')) (DId ((fun (a0 : A) (a'0 : DA a0) => (G' (F a0) o F' a0) a'0) a a'))
A, B, C: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
DC: C -> Type
F: A -> B
G: B -> C
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
G': forall b : B, DB b -> DC (G b)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
IsGraph2: IsGraph C
Is2Graph2: Is2Graph C
Is01Cat2: Is01Cat C
H3: Is1Cat C
IsDGraph2: IsDGraph DC
IsD2Graph2: IsD2Graph DC
IsD01Cat2: IsD01Cat DC
H4: IsD1Cat DC
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
Is0Functor1: Is0Functor G
Is1Functor1: Is1Functor G
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
IsD1Functor0: IsD1Functor F F'
IsD0Functor1: IsD0Functor G G'
IsD1Functor1: IsD1Functor G G'
forall (a b c : A) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (a' : DA a) (b' : DA b) (c' : DA c) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c'), DHom (fmap_comp (G o F) f g) (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a0 : A) (a'0 : DA a0) => (G' (F a0) o F' a0) a'0) (g' $o' f')) (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a0 : A) (a'0 : DA a0) => (G' (F a0) o F' a0) a'0) g' $o' dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a0 : A) (a'0 : DA a0) => (G' (F a0) o F' a0) a'0) f')
A, B, C: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
DC: C -> Type
F: A -> B
G: B -> C
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
G': forall b : B, DB b -> DC (G b)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
IsGraph2: IsGraph C
Is2Graph2: Is2Graph C
Is01Cat2: Is01Cat C
H3: Is1Cat C
IsDGraph2: IsDGraph DC
IsD2Graph2: IsD2Graph DC
IsD01Cat2: IsD01Cat DC
H4: IsD1Cat DC
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
Is0Functor1: Is0Functor G
Is1Functor1: Is1Functor G
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
IsD1Functor0: IsD1Functor F F'
IsD0Functor1: IsD0Functor G G'
IsD1Functor1: IsD1Functor G G'

forall (a b : A) (f g : a $-> b) (p : f $== g) (a' : DA a) (b' : DA b) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g a' b'), DHom p f' g' -> DHom (fmap2 (G o F) p) (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a0 : A) (a'0 : DA a0) => (G' (F a0) o F' a0) a'0) f') (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a0 : A) (a'0 : DA a0) => (G' (F a0) o F' a0) a'0) g')
A, B, C: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
DC: C -> Type
F: A -> B
G: B -> C
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
G': forall b : B, DB b -> DC (G b)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
IsGraph2: IsGraph C
Is2Graph2: Is2Graph C
Is01Cat2: Is01Cat C
H3: Is1Cat C
IsDGraph2: IsDGraph DC
IsD2Graph2: IsD2Graph DC
IsD01Cat2: IsD01Cat DC
H4: IsD1Cat DC
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
Is0Functor1: Is0Functor G
Is1Functor1: Is1Functor G
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
IsD1Functor0: IsD1Functor F F'
IsD0Functor1: IsD0Functor G G'
IsD1Functor1: IsD1Functor G G'
a, b: A
f, g: a $-> b
p: f $== g
a': DA a
b': DA b
f': DHom f a' b'
g': DHom g a' b'
p': DHom p f' g'

DHom (fmap2 (G o F) p) (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a : A) (a' : DA a) => (G' (F a) o F' a) a') f') (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a : A) (a' : DA a) => (G' (F a) o F' a) a') g')
apply (dfmap2 _ _ (dfmap2 F F' p')).
A, B, C: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
DC: C -> Type
F: A -> B
G: B -> C
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
G': forall b : B, DB b -> DC (G b)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
IsGraph2: IsGraph C
Is2Graph2: Is2Graph C
Is01Cat2: Is01Cat C
H3: Is1Cat C
IsDGraph2: IsDGraph DC
IsD2Graph2: IsD2Graph DC
IsD01Cat2: IsD01Cat DC
H4: IsD1Cat DC
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
Is0Functor1: Is0Functor G
Is1Functor1: Is1Functor G
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
IsD1Functor0: IsD1Functor F F'
IsD0Functor1: IsD0Functor G G'
IsD1Functor1: IsD1Functor G G'

forall (a : A) (a' : DA a), DHom (fmap_id (G o F) a) (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a0 : A) (a'0 : DA a0) => (G' (F a0) o F' a0) a'0) (DId a')) (DId ((fun (a0 : A) (a'0 : DA a0) => (G' (F a0) o F' a0) a'0) a a'))
A, B, C: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
DC: C -> Type
F: A -> B
G: B -> C
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
G': forall b : B, DB b -> DC (G b)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
IsGraph2: IsGraph C
Is2Graph2: Is2Graph C
Is01Cat2: Is01Cat C
H3: Is1Cat C
IsDGraph2: IsDGraph DC
IsD2Graph2: IsD2Graph DC
IsD01Cat2: IsD01Cat DC
H4: IsD1Cat DC
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
Is0Functor1: Is0Functor G
Is1Functor1: Is1Functor G
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
IsD1Functor0: IsD1Functor F F'
IsD0Functor1: IsD0Functor G G'
IsD1Functor1: IsD1Functor G G'
a: A
a': DA a

DHom (fmap_id (G o F) a) (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a : A) (a' : DA a) => (G' (F a) o F' a) a') (DId a')) (DId ((fun (a : A) (a' : DA a) => (G' (F a) o F' a) a') a a'))
apply (dfmap2 _ _ (dfmap_id F F' a') $@' dfmap_id G G' _).
A, B, C: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
DC: C -> Type
F: A -> B
G: B -> C
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
G': forall b : B, DB b -> DC (G b)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
IsGraph2: IsGraph C
Is2Graph2: Is2Graph C
Is01Cat2: Is01Cat C
H3: Is1Cat C
IsDGraph2: IsDGraph DC
IsD2Graph2: IsD2Graph DC
IsD01Cat2: IsD01Cat DC
H4: IsD1Cat DC
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
Is0Functor1: Is0Functor G
Is1Functor1: Is1Functor G
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
IsD1Functor0: IsD1Functor F F'
IsD0Functor1: IsD0Functor G G'
IsD1Functor1: IsD1Functor G G'

forall (a b c : A) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (a' : DA a) (b' : DA b) (c' : DA c) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c'), DHom (fmap_comp (G o F) f g) (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a0 : A) (a'0 : DA a0) => (G' (F a0) o F' a0) a'0) (g' $o' f')) (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a0 : A) (a'0 : DA a0) => (G' (F a0) o F' a0) a'0) g' $o' dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a0 : A) (a'0 : DA a0) => (G' (F a0) o F' a0) a'0) f')
A, B, C: Type
DA: A -> Type
DB: B -> Type
DC: C -> Type
F: A -> B
G: B -> C
F': forall a : A, DA a -> DB (F a)
G': forall b : B, DB b -> DC (G b)
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
IsGraph2: IsGraph C
Is2Graph2: Is2Graph C
Is01Cat2: Is01Cat C
H3: Is1Cat C
IsDGraph2: IsDGraph DC
IsD2Graph2: IsD2Graph DC
IsD01Cat2: IsD01Cat DC
H4: IsD1Cat DC
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
Is0Functor1: Is0Functor G
Is1Functor1: Is1Functor G
IsD0Functor0: IsD0Functor F F'
IsD1Functor0: IsD1Functor F F'
IsD0Functor1: IsD0Functor G G'
IsD1Functor1: IsD1Functor G G'
a, b, c: A
f: a $-> b
g: b $-> c
a': DA a
b': DA b
c': DA c
f': DHom f a' b'
g': DHom g b' c'

DHom (fmap_comp (G o F) f g) (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a : A) (a' : DA a) => (G' (F a) o F' a) a') (g' $o' f')) (dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a : A) (a' : DA a) => (G' (F a) o F' a) a') g' $o' dfmap (fun x : A => G (F x)) (fun (a : A) (a' : DA a) => (G' (F a) o F' a) a') f')
apply (dfmap2 _ _ (dfmap_comp F F' f' g') $@' dfmap_comp G G' _ _). Defined. End CompositeFunctor. Local Definition pointwise_prod {A B : Type} (DA : A -> Type) (DB : B -> Type) (x : A * B) := DA (fst x) * DB (snd x).
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: IsDGraph DA
DB: B -> Type
H1: IsGraph B
H2: IsDGraph DB

IsDGraph (pointwise_prod DA DB)
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: IsDGraph DA
DB: B -> Type
H1: IsGraph B
H2: IsDGraph DB

IsDGraph (pointwise_prod DA DB)
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: IsDGraph DA
DB: B -> Type
H1: IsGraph B
H2: IsDGraph DB
a1: A
b1: B
a2: A
b2: B
f: fst (a1, b1) $-> fst (a2, b2)
g: snd (a1, b1) $-> snd (a2, b2)
a1': DA (fst (a1, b1))
b1': DB (snd (a1, b1))
a2': DA (fst (a2, b2))
b2': DB (snd (a2, b2))

exact (DHom f a1' a2' * DHom g b1' b2'). Defined.
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD01Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is01Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD01Cat DB

IsD01Cat (pointwise_prod DA DB)
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD01Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is01Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD01Cat DB

IsD01Cat (pointwise_prod DA DB)
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD01Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is01Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD01Cat DB

forall (a : A * B) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a), DHom (Id a) a' a'
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD01Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is01Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD01Cat DB
forall (a b c : A * B) (g : b $-> c) (f : a $-> b) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b) (c' : pointwise_prod DA DB c), DHom g b' c' -> DHom f a' b' -> DHom (g $o f) a' c'
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD01Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is01Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD01Cat DB

forall (a : A * B) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a), DHom (Id a) a' a'
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD01Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is01Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD01Cat DB
a: A
b: B
a': DA (fst (a, b))
b': DB (snd (a, b))

DHom (Id (a, b)) (a', b') (a', b')
exact (DId a', DId b').
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD01Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is01Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD01Cat DB

forall (a b c : A * B) (g : b $-> c) (f : a $-> b) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b) (c' : pointwise_prod DA DB c), DHom g b' c' -> DHom f a' b' -> DHom (g $o f) a' c'
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD01Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is01Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD01Cat DB
a1: A
b1: B
a2: A
b2: B
a3: A
b3: B
f2: fst (a2, b2) $-> fst (a3, b3)
g2: snd (a2, b2) $-> snd (a3, b3)
f1: fst (a1, b1) $-> fst (a2, b2)
g1: snd (a1, b1) $-> snd (a2, b2)
a1': DA (fst (a1, b1))
b1': DB (snd (a1, b1))
a2': DA (fst (a2, b2))
b2': DB (snd (a2, b2))
a3': DA (fst (a3, b3))
b3': DB (snd (a3, b3))

DHom (f2, g2) (a2', b2') (a3', b3') -> DHom (f1, g1) (a1', b1') (a2', b2') -> DHom ((f2, g2) $o (f1, g1)) (a1', b1') (a3', b3')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD01Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is01Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD01Cat DB
a1: A
b1: B
a2: A
b2: B
a3: A
b3: B
f2: fst (a2, b2) $-> fst (a3, b3)
g2: snd (a2, b2) $-> snd (a3, b3)
f1: fst (a1, b1) $-> fst (a2, b2)
g1: snd (a1, b1) $-> snd (a2, b2)
a1': DA (fst (a1, b1))
b1': DB (snd (a1, b1))
a2': DA (fst (a2, b2))
b2': DB (snd (a2, b2))
a3': DA (fst (a3, b3))
b3': DB (snd (a3, b3))
f2': DHom f2 a2' a3'
g2': DHom g2 b2' b3'
f1': DHom f1 a1' a2'
g1': DHom g1 b1' b2'

DHom ((f2, g2) $o (f1, g1)) (a1', b1') (a3', b3')
exact (f2' $o' f1', g2' $o' g1'). Defined.
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
H1: Is0Gpd A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H2: IsD0Gpd DA
DB: B -> Type
H3: IsGraph B
H4: Is01Cat B
H5: Is0Gpd B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H6: IsD0Gpd DB

IsD0Gpd (pointwise_prod DA DB)
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
H1: Is0Gpd A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H2: IsD0Gpd DA
DB: B -> Type
H3: IsGraph B
H4: Is01Cat B
H5: Is0Gpd B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H6: IsD0Gpd DB

IsD0Gpd (pointwise_prod DA DB)
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
H1: Is0Gpd A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H2: IsD0Gpd DA
DB: B -> Type
H3: IsGraph B
H4: Is01Cat B
H5: Is0Gpd B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H6: IsD0Gpd DB
a1: A
b1: B
a2: A
b2: B
f: fst (a1, b1) $-> fst (a2, b2)
g: snd (a1, b1) $-> snd (a2, b2)
a1': DA (fst (a1, b1))
b1': DB (snd (a1, b1))
a2': DA (fst (a2, b2))
b2': DB (snd (a2, b2))
f': DHom f a1' a2'
g': DHom g b1' b2'

DHom (f, g)^$ (a2', b2') (a1', b1')
exact (f'^$', g'^$'). Defined.
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is2Graph A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD2Graph DA
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is2Graph B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD2Graph DB

IsD2Graph (pointwise_prod DA DB)
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is2Graph A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD2Graph DA
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is2Graph B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD2Graph DB

IsD2Graph (pointwise_prod DA DB)
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is2Graph A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
H1: IsD2Graph DA
DB: B -> Type
H2: IsGraph B
H3: Is2Graph B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
H4: IsD2Graph DB
a1: A
b1: B
a2: A
b2: B
a1': DA (fst (a1, b1))
b1': DB (snd (a1, b1))
a2': DA (fst (a2, b2))
b2': DB (snd (a2, b2))

IsDGraph (fun f : (a1, b1) $-> (a2, b2) => DHom f (a1', b1') (a2', b2'))
srapply isdgraph_prod. Defined.
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB

IsD1Cat (pointwise_prod DA DB)
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB

IsD1Cat (pointwise_prod DA DB)
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB

forall (a b : A * B) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b), IsD01Cat (fun f : a $-> b => DHom f a' b')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
forall (a b : A * B) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b), IsD0Gpd (fun f : a $-> b => DHom f a' b')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
forall (a b c : A * B) (g : b $-> c) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b) (c' : pointwise_prod DA DB c) (g' : DHom g b' c'), IsD0Functor (cat_postcomp a g) (dcat_postcomp g')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
forall (a b c : A * B) (f : a $-> b) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b) (c' : pointwise_prod DA DB c) (f' : DHom f a' b'), IsD0Functor (cat_precomp c f) (dcat_precomp f')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
forall (a b c d : A * B) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b) (c' : pointwise_prod DA DB c) (d' : pointwise_prod DA DB d) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c') (h' : DHom h c' d'), DHom (cat_assoc f g h) (h' $o' g' $o' f') (h' $o' (g' $o' f'))
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
forall (a b c d : A * B) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b) (c' : pointwise_prod DA DB c) (d' : pointwise_prod DA DB d) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c') (h' : DHom h c' d'), DHom (cat_assoc_opp f g h) (h' $o' (g' $o' f')) (h' $o' g' $o' f')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
forall (a b : A * B) (f : a $-> b) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b) (f' : DHom f a' b'), DHom (cat_idl f) (DId b' $o' f') f'
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
forall (a b : A * B) (f : a $-> b) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b) (f' : DHom f a' b'), DHom (cat_idr f) (f' $o' DId a') f'
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB

forall (a b : A * B) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b), IsD01Cat (fun f : a $-> b => DHom f a' b')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
ab1, ab2: A * B
ab1': pointwise_prod DA DB ab1
ab2': pointwise_prod DA DB ab2

IsD01Cat (fun f : ab1 $-> ab2 => DHom f ab1' ab2')
srapply isd01cat_prod.
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB

forall (a b : A * B) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b), IsD0Gpd (fun f : a $-> b => DHom f a' b')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
ab1, ab2: A * B
ab1': pointwise_prod DA DB ab1
ab2': pointwise_prod DA DB ab2

IsD0Gpd (fun f : ab1 $-> ab2 => DHom f ab1' ab2')
srapply (isd0gpd_prod _ _).
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB

forall (a b c : A * B) (g : b $-> c) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b) (c' : pointwise_prod DA DB c) (g' : DHom g b' c'), IsD0Functor (cat_postcomp a g) (dcat_postcomp g')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
ab1, ab2, ab3: A * B
fg: ab2 $-> ab3
ab1': pointwise_prod DA DB ab1
ab2': pointwise_prod DA DB ab2
ab3': pointwise_prod DA DB ab3
f': DHom (fst fg) (fst ab2') (fst ab3')
g': DHom (snd fg) (snd ab2') (snd ab3')

IsD0Functor (cat_postcomp ab1 fg) (dcat_postcomp (f', g'))
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
ab1, ab2, ab3: A * B
fg: ab2 $-> ab3
ab1': pointwise_prod DA DB ab1
ab2': pointwise_prod DA DB ab2
ab3': pointwise_prod DA DB ab3
f': DHom (fst fg) (fst ab2') (fst ab3')
g': DHom (snd fg) (snd ab2') (snd ab3')
hk1, hk2: ab1 $-> ab2
pq: hk1 $-> hk2
hk1': DHom hk1 ab1' ab2'
hk2': DHom hk2 ab1' ab2'
p': DHom (fst pq) (fst hk1') (fst hk2')
q': DHom (snd pq) (snd hk1') (snd hk2')

DHom (fmap (cat_postcomp ab1 fg) pq) (dcat_postcomp (f', g') hk1 hk1') (dcat_postcomp (f', g') hk2 hk2')
exact (f' $@L' p', g' $@L' q').
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB

forall (a b c : A * B) (f : a $-> b) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b) (c' : pointwise_prod DA DB c) (f' : DHom f a' b'), IsD0Functor (cat_precomp c f) (dcat_precomp f')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
ab1, ab2, ab3: A * B
fg: ab1 $-> ab2
ab1': pointwise_prod DA DB ab1
ab2': pointwise_prod DA DB ab2
ab3': pointwise_prod DA DB ab3
f': DHom (fst fg) (fst ab1') (fst ab2')
g': DHom (snd fg) (snd ab1') (snd ab2')

IsD0Functor (cat_precomp ab3 fg) (dcat_precomp (f', g'))
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
ab1, ab2, ab3: A * B
fg: ab1 $-> ab2
ab1': pointwise_prod DA DB ab1
ab2': pointwise_prod DA DB ab2
ab3': pointwise_prod DA DB ab3
f': DHom (fst fg) (fst ab1') (fst ab2')
g': DHom (snd fg) (snd ab1') (snd ab2')
hk1, hk2: ab2 $-> ab3
pq: hk1 $-> hk2
hk1': DHom hk1 ab2' ab3'
hk2': DHom hk2 ab2' ab3'
p': DHom (fst pq) (fst hk1') (fst hk2')
q': DHom (snd pq) (snd hk1') (snd hk2')

DHom (fmap (cat_precomp ab3 fg) pq) (dcat_precomp (f', g') hk1 hk1') (dcat_precomp (f', g') hk2 hk2')
exact (p' $@R' f', q' $@R' g').
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB

forall (a b c d : A * B) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b) (c' : pointwise_prod DA DB c) (d' : pointwise_prod DA DB d) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c') (h' : DHom h c' d'), DHom (cat_assoc f g h) (h' $o' g' $o' f') (h' $o' (g' $o' f'))
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
ab1, ab2, ab3, ab4: A * B
fg1: ab1 $-> ab2
fg2: ab2 $-> ab3
fg3: ab3 $-> ab4

forall (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB ab1) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB ab2) (c' : pointwise_prod DA DB ab3) (d' : pointwise_prod DA DB ab4) (f' : DHom fg1 a' b') (g' : DHom fg2 b' c') (h' : DHom fg3 c' d'), DHom (cat_assoc fg1 fg2 fg3) (h' $o' g' $o' f') (h' $o' (g' $o' f'))
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
ab1, ab2, ab3, ab4: A * B
fg1: ab1 $-> ab2
fg2: ab2 $-> ab3
fg3: ab3 $-> ab4
ab1': pointwise_prod DA DB ab1
ab2': pointwise_prod DA DB ab2
ab3': pointwise_prod DA DB ab3
ab4': pointwise_prod DA DB ab4
f1': DHom (fst fg1) (fst ab1') (fst ab2')
g1': DHom (snd fg1) (snd ab1') (snd ab2')
f2': DHom (fst fg2) (fst ab2') (fst ab3')
g2': DHom (snd fg2) (snd ab2') (snd ab3')
f3': DHom (fst fg3) (fst ab3') (fst ab4')
g3': DHom (snd fg3) (snd ab3') (snd ab4')

DHom (cat_assoc fg1 fg2 fg3) ((f3', g3') $o' (f2', g2') $o' (f1', g1')) ((f3', g3') $o' ((f2', g2') $o' (f1', g1')))
exact (dcat_assoc f1' f2' f3', dcat_assoc g1' g2' g3').
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB

forall (a b c d : A * B) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c) (h : c $-> d) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b) (c' : pointwise_prod DA DB c) (d' : pointwise_prod DA DB d) (f' : DHom f a' b') (g' : DHom g b' c') (h' : DHom h c' d'), DHom (cat_assoc_opp f g h) (h' $o' (g' $o' f')) (h' $o' g' $o' f')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
ab1, ab2, ab3, ab4: A * B
fg1: ab1 $-> ab2
fg2: ab2 $-> ab3
fg3: ab3 $-> ab4

forall (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB ab1) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB ab2) (c' : pointwise_prod DA DB ab3) (d' : pointwise_prod DA DB ab4) (f' : DHom fg1 a' b') (g' : DHom fg2 b' c') (h' : DHom fg3 c' d'), DHom (cat_assoc_opp fg1 fg2 fg3) (h' $o' (g' $o' f')) (h' $o' g' $o' f')
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
ab1, ab2, ab3, ab4: A * B
fg1: ab1 $-> ab2
fg2: ab2 $-> ab3
fg3: ab3 $-> ab4
ab1': pointwise_prod DA DB ab1
ab2': pointwise_prod DA DB ab2
ab3': pointwise_prod DA DB ab3
ab4': pointwise_prod DA DB ab4
f1': DHom (fst fg1) (fst ab1') (fst ab2')
g1': DHom (snd fg1) (snd ab1') (snd ab2')
f2': DHom (fst fg2) (fst ab2') (fst ab3')
g2': DHom (snd fg2) (snd ab2') (snd ab3')
f3': DHom (fst fg3) (fst ab3') (fst ab4')
g3': DHom (snd fg3) (snd ab3') (snd ab4')

DHom (cat_assoc_opp fg1 fg2 fg3) ((f3', g3') $o' ((f2', g2') $o' (f1', g1'))) ((f3', g3') $o' (f2', g2') $o' (f1', g1'))
exact (dcat_assoc_opp f1' f2' f3', dcat_assoc_opp g1' g2' g3').
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB

forall (a b : A * B) (f : a $-> b) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b) (f' : DHom f a' b'), DHom (cat_idl f) (DId b' $o' f') f'
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
ab1, ab2: A * B
fg: ab1 $-> ab2
ab1': pointwise_prod DA DB ab1
ab2': pointwise_prod DA DB ab2
f': DHom (fst fg) (fst ab1') (fst ab2')
g': DHom (snd fg) (snd ab1') (snd ab2')

DHom (cat_idl fg) (DId ab2' $o' (f', g')) (f', g')
exact (dcat_idl f', dcat_idl g').
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB

forall (a b : A * B) (f : a $-> b) (a' : pointwise_prod DA DB a) (b' : pointwise_prod DA DB b) (f' : DHom f a' b'), DHom (cat_idr f) (f' $o' DId a') f'
A, B: Type
DA: A -> Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsDGraph0: IsDGraph DA
IsD2Graph0: IsD2Graph DA
IsD01Cat0: IsD01Cat DA
H0: IsD1Cat DA
DB: B -> Type
IsGraph1: IsGraph B
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph B
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat B
H1: Is1Cat B
IsDGraph1: IsDGraph DB
IsD2Graph1: IsD2Graph DB
IsD01Cat1: IsD01Cat DB
H2: IsD1Cat DB
ab1, ab2: A * B
fg: ab1 $-> ab2
ab1': pointwise_prod DA DB ab1
ab2': pointwise_prod DA DB ab2
f': DHom (fst fg) (fst ab1') (fst ab2')
g': DHom (snd fg) (snd ab1') (snd ab2')

DHom (cat_idr fg) ((f', g') $o' DId ab1') (f', g')
exact (dcat_idr f', dcat_idr g'). Defined.