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(* -*- mode: coq; mode: visual-line -*-  *)

[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import WildCat.Core. Require Import WildCat.Equiv. Require Import WildCat.Universe. Require Import WildCat.Opposite. Require Import WildCat.FunctorCat. Require Import WildCat.NatTrans. Require Import WildCat.Prod. Require Import WildCat.Bifunctor. Require Import WildCat.ZeroGroupoid. (** ** Two-variable hom-functors *)
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A

Is0Functor (uncurry Hom)
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A

Is0Functor (uncurry Hom)
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A

forall a b : A^op * A, (a $-> b) -> uncurry Hom a $-> uncurry Hom b
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
f1: b1 $-> a1
f2: a2 $-> b2
g: uncurry Hom (a1, a2)

uncurry Hom (b1, b2)
exact (f2 $o g $o f1). Defined. (** This requires morphism extensionality! *)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A

Is1Functor (uncurry Hom)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A

Is1Functor (uncurry Hom)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A

forall (a b : A^op * A) (f g : a $-> b), f $== g -> fmap (uncurry Hom) f $== fmap (uncurry Hom) g
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A
forall a : A^op * A, fmap (uncurry Hom) (Id a) $== Id (uncurry Hom a)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A
forall (a b c : A^op * A) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c), fmap (uncurry Hom) (g $o f) $== fmap (uncurry Hom) g $o fmap (uncurry Hom) f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A

forall (a b : A^op * A) (f g : a $-> b), f $== g -> fmap (uncurry Hom) f $== fmap (uncurry Hom) g
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
f1: a1 $-> b1
f2: a2 $-> b2
g1: a1 $-> b1
g2: a2 $-> b2
p1: f1 $-> g1
p2: f2 $-> g2
q: uncurry Hom (a1, a2)

fmap (uncurry Hom) (f1, f2) q = fmap (uncurry Hom) (g1, g2) q
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
f1: a1 $-> b1
f2: a2 $-> b2
g1: a1 $-> b1
g2: a2 $-> b2
p1: f1 $-> g1
p2: f2 $-> g2
q: uncurry Hom (a1, a2)

fmap (uncurry Hom) (f1, f2) q $== fmap (uncurry Hom) (g1, g2) q
refine (((p2 $@R q) $@R _) $@ ((g2 $o q) $@L p1)).
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A

forall a : A^op * A, fmap (uncurry Hom) (Id a) $== Id (uncurry Hom a)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A
a1: A^op
a2: A
f: uncurry Hom (a1, a2)

Id a2 $o f $o Id a1 = f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A
a1: A^op
a2: A
f: uncurry Hom (a1, a2)

Id a2 $o f $o Id a1 $== f
exact (cat_idr _ $@ cat_idl f).
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A

forall (a b c : A^op * A) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c), fmap (uncurry Hom) (g $o f) $== fmap (uncurry Hom) g $o fmap (uncurry Hom) f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
c1: A^op
c2: A
f1: b1 $-> a1
f2: a2 $-> b2
g1: c1 $-> b1
g2: b2 $-> c2
h: uncurry Hom (a1, a2)

g2 $o f2 $o h $o (f1 $o g1) = g2 $o (f2 $o h $o f1) $o g1
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
c1: A^op
c2: A
f1: b1 $-> a1
f2: a2 $-> b2
g1: c1 $-> b1
g2: b2 $-> c2
h: uncurry Hom (a1, a2)

g2 $o f2 $o h $o (f1 $o g1) $== g2 $o (f2 $o h $o f1) $o g1
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
c1: A^op
c2: A
f1: b1 $-> a1
f2: a2 $-> b2
g1: c1 $-> b1
g2: b2 $-> c2
h: uncurry Hom (a1, a2)

g2 $o f2 $o (h $o (f1 $o g1)) $== g2 $o (f2 $o h $o f1) $o g1
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
c1: A^op
c2: A
f1: b1 $-> a1
f2: a2 $-> b2
g1: c1 $-> b1
g2: b2 $-> c2
h: uncurry Hom (a1, a2)

g2 $o (f2 $o (h $o (f1 $o g1))) $== g2 $o (f2 $o h $o f1) $o g1
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
c1: A^op
c2: A
f1: b1 $-> a1
f2: a2 $-> b2
g1: c1 $-> b1
g2: b2 $-> c2
h: uncurry Hom (a1, a2)

g2 $o (f2 $o (h $o (f1 $o g1))) $== g2 $o (f2 $o h $o f1 $o g1)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
c1: A^op
c2: A
f1: b1 $-> a1
f2: a2 $-> b2
g1: c1 $-> b1
g2: b2 $-> c2
h: uncurry Hom (a1, a2)

f2 $o (h $o (f1 $o g1)) $== f2 $o h $o f1 $o g1
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasMorExt A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
c1: A^op
c2: A
f1: b1 $-> a1
f2: a2 $-> b2
g1: c1 $-> b1
g2: b2 $-> c2
h: uncurry Hom (a1, a2)

f2 $o (h $o (f1 $o g1)) $== f2 $o h $o (f1 $o g1)
refine (cat_assoc_opp _ _ _). Defined.
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A

Is0Bifunctor Hom
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A

Is0Bifunctor Hom
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A

Is01Cat A^op
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
Is01Cat A
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
Is0Functor (uncurry Hom)
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A

Is0Functor (uncurry Hom)
exact is0functor_hom. Defined. (** While it is possible to prove the bifunctor coherence condition from [Is1Cat_Strong], 1-functoriality requires morphism extensionality.*)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsGraph1: IsGraph A
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat A
H0: Is1Cat A
H1: HasMorExt A

Is1Bifunctor Hom
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsGraph1: IsGraph A
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat A
H0: Is1Cat A
H1: HasMorExt A

Is1Bifunctor Hom
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
IsGraph1: IsGraph A
Is2Graph1: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat1: Is01Cat A
H0: Is1Cat A
H1: HasMorExt A

Is1Functor (uncurry Hom)
exact is1functor_hom. Defined. Definition fun01_hom {A} `{Is01Cat A} : Fun01 (A^op * A) Type := @Build_Fun01 _ _ _ _ _ is0functor_hom. (** ** The covariant Yoneda lemma *) (** This is easier than the contravariant version because it doesn't involve any "op"s. *) Definition opyon {A : Type} `{IsGraph A} (a : A) : A -> Type := fun b => (a $-> b). (** We prove this explicitly instead of using the bifunctor instance above so that we can apply [fmap] in each argument independently without mapping an identity in the other. *)
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
a: A

Is0Functor (opyon a)
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
a: A

Is0Functor (opyon a)
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
a: A

forall a0 b : A, (a0 $-> b) -> opyon a a0 $-> opyon a b
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
a, b, c: A
f: b $-> c
g: a $-> b

a $-> c
exact (f $o g). Defined.
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a: A

Is1Functor (opyon a)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a: A

Is1Functor (opyon a)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a: A

forall (a0 b : A) (f g : a0 $-> b), f $== g -> fmap (opyon a) f $== fmap (opyon a) g
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a: A
forall a0 : A, fmap (opyon a) (Id a0) $== Id (opyon a a0)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a: A
forall (a0 b c : A) (f : a0 $-> b) (g : b $-> c), fmap (opyon a) (g $o f) $== fmap (opyon a) g $o fmap (opyon a) f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a: A

forall (a0 b : A) (f g : a0 $-> b), f $== g -> fmap (opyon a) f $== fmap (opyon a) g
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a, x, y: A
f, g: x $-> y
p: f $== g
h: opyon a x

fmap (opyon a) f h = fmap (opyon a) g h
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a, x, y: A
f, g: x $-> y
p: f $== g
h: opyon a x

fmap (opyon a) f h $== fmap (opyon a) g h
apply (cat_prewhisker p).
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a: A

forall a0 : A, fmap (opyon a) (Id a0) $== Id (opyon a a0)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a, x: A
h: opyon a x

fmap (opyon a) (Id x) h = Id (opyon a x) h
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a, x: A
h: opyon a x

fmap (opyon a) (Id x) h $== Id (opyon a x) h
apply cat_idl.
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a: A

forall (a0 b c : A) (f : a0 $-> b) (g : b $-> c), fmap (opyon a) (g $o f) $== fmap (opyon a) g $o fmap (opyon a) f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a, x, y, z: A
f: x $-> y
g: y $-> z
h: opyon a x

fmap (opyon a) (g $o f) h = (fmap (opyon a) g $o fmap (opyon a) f) h
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a, x, y, z: A
f: x $-> y
g: y $-> z
h: opyon a x

fmap (opyon a) (g $o f) h $== (fmap (opyon a) g $o fmap (opyon a) f) h
apply cat_assoc. Defined. (** We record these corollaries here, since we use some of them below. *) Definition equiv_postcompose_cat_equiv {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{!HasMorExt A} {x y z : A} (f : y $<~> z) : (x $-> y) <~> (x $-> z) := emap (opyon x) f. Definition equiv_precompose_cat_equiv {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{!HasMorExt A} {x y z : A} (f : x $<~> y) : (y $-> z) <~> (x $-> z) := @equiv_postcompose_cat_equiv A^op _ _ _ _ _ _ z y x f. (* The following implicitly use [hasequivs_core]. Note that when [A] has morphism extensionality, it doesn't follow that [core A] does. We'd need to know that being an equivalence is a proposition, and we don't assume that (since even for [Type] it requires [Funext], see [hasmorext_core_type]). So we need to assume this in the following results. *) (** Postcomposition with a cat_equiv is an equivalence between the types of equivalences. *)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt (core A)
x, y, z: A
f: y $<~> z

(x $<~> y) <~> (x $<~> z)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt (core A)
x, y, z: A
f: y $<~> z

(x $<~> y) <~> (x $<~> z)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt (core A)
x, y, z: A
f: y $<~> z

({| uncore := x |} $-> {| uncore := y |}) <~> ({| uncore := x |} $-> {| uncore := z |})
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt (core A)
x, y, z: A
f: y $<~> z

{| uncore := y |} $<~> {| uncore := z |}
exact f. (* It doesn't work to insert [f] on the previous line. *) Defined.
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt (core A)
x, y, z: A
f: x $<~> y

(y $<~> z) <~> (x $<~> z)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt (core A)
x, y, z: A
f: x $<~> y

(y $<~> z) <~> (x $<~> z)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt (core A)
x, y, z: A
f: x $<~> y

({| uncore := y |} $-> {| uncore := z |}) <~> ({| uncore := x |} $-> {| uncore := z |})
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt (core A)
x, y, z: A
f: x $<~> y

{| uncore := x |} $<~> {| uncore := y |}
exact f. (* It doesn't work to insert [f] on the previous line. *) Defined.
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
a: A
F: A -> Type
ff: Is0Functor F

F a -> opyon a $=> F
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
a: A
F: A -> Type
ff: Is0Functor F

F a -> opyon a $=> F
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
a: A
F: A -> Type
ff: Is0Functor F
x: F a
b: A
f: opyon a b

F b
exact (fmap F f x). Defined. Definition un_opyoneda {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (a : A) (F : A -> Type) {ff : Is0Functor F} : (opyon a $=> F) -> F a := fun alpha => alpha a (Id a).
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> Type
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x: F a

Is1Natural (opyon a) F (opyoneda a F x)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> Type
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x: F a

Is1Natural (opyon a) F (opyoneda a F x)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> Type
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x: F a
b, c: A
f: b $-> c
g: a $-> b

fmap F (f $o g) x = fmap F f (fmap F g x)
exact (fmap_comp F g f x). Defined. (** This is form of injectivity of [opyoneda]. *)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> Type
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x, x': F a
p: forall b : A, opyoneda a F x b == opyoneda a F x' b

x = x'
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> Type
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x, x': F a
p: forall b : A, opyoneda a F x b == opyoneda a F x' b

x = x'
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> Type
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x, x': F a
p: forall b : A, opyoneda a F x b == opyoneda a F x' b

fmap F (Id a) x = fmap F (Id a) x'
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> Type
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x, x': F a
p: forall b : A, opyoneda a F x b == opyoneda a F x' b

fmap F (Id a) x = fmap F (Id a) x'
exact (p a (Id a)). Defined. (** This says that [opyon] is faithful, although we haven't yet defined a graph structure on natural transformations to express this in that way. This follows from the previous result, but then would need [HasMorExt A], since the previous result assumes that [F] is a 1-functor, which is stronger than what is needed. The direct proof below only needs the weaker assumption [Is1Cat_Strong A]. *) Definition opyon_faithful {A : Type} `{Is1Cat_Strong A} (a b : A) (f g : b $-> a) (p : forall (c : A) (h : a $-> c), h $o f = h $o g) : f = g := (cat_idl_strong f)^ @ p a (Id a) @ cat_idl_strong g. (** The composite in one direction is the identity map. *) Definition opyoneda_issect {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) (F : A -> Type) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (x : F a) : un_opyoneda a F (opyoneda a F x) = x := fmap_id F a x. (** We assume for the converse that the coherences in [A] are equalities (this is a weak funext-type assumption). Note that we do not in general recover the witness of 1-naturality. Indeed, if [A] is fully coherent, then a transformation of the form [opyoneda a F x] is always also fully coherently natural, so an incoherent witness of 1-naturality could not be recovered in this way. *)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
a: A
F: A -> Type
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
alpha: opyon a $=> F
alnat: Is1Natural (opyon a) F alpha
b: A

opyoneda a F (un_opyoneda a F alpha) b $== alpha b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
a: A
F: A -> Type
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
alpha: opyon a $=> F
alnat: Is1Natural (opyon a) F alpha
b: A

opyoneda a F (un_opyoneda a F alpha) b $== alpha b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
a: A
F: A -> Type
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
alpha: opyon a $=> F
alnat: Is1Natural (opyon a) F alpha
b: A
f: a $-> b

fmap F f (alpha a (Id a)) = alpha b f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
a: A
F: A -> Type
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
alpha: opyon a $=> F
alnat: Is1Natural (opyon a) F alpha
b: A
f: a $-> b

(alpha b $o fmap (opyon a) f) (Id a) = alpha b f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
a: A
F: A -> Type
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
alpha: opyon a $=> F
alnat: Is1Natural (opyon a) F alpha
b: A
f: a $-> b

alpha b (f $o Id a) = alpha b f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat_Strong A
a: A
F: A -> Type
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
alpha: opyon a $=> F
alnat: Is1Natural (opyon a) F alpha
b: A
f: a $-> b

f $o Id a = f
exact (cat_idr_strong f). Defined. (** A natural transformation between representable functors induces a map between the representing objects. *) Definition opyon_cancel {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (a b : A) : (opyon a $=> opyon b) -> (b $-> a) := un_opyoneda a (opyon b).
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
a: A

Fun01 A Type
A: Type
H: IsGraph A
H0: Is01Cat A
a: A

Fun01 A Type
rapply (Build_Fun01 _ _ (opyon a)). Defined.
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a: A

Fun11 A Type
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a: A

Fun11 A Type
rapply (Build_Fun11 _ _ (opyon a)). Defined. (** An equivalence between representable functors induces an equivalence between the representing objects. *)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
Is1Cat_Strong0: Is1Cat_Strong A
a, b: A

opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b -> b $<~> a
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
Is1Cat_Strong0: Is1Cat_Strong A
a, b: A

opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b -> b $<~> a
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
Is1Cat_Strong0: Is1Cat_Strong A
a, b: A
f: opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b

b $<~> a
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
Is1Cat_Strong0: Is1Cat_Strong A
a, b: A
f: opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b

f a (Id a) $o (f b)^-1 (Id b) = Id a
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
Is1Cat_Strong0: Is1Cat_Strong A
a, b: A
f: opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b
(f b)^-1 (Id b) $o f a (Id a) = Id b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
Is1Cat_Strong0: Is1Cat_Strong A
a, b: A
f: opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b

f a (Id a) $o (f b)^-1 (Id b) = Id a
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
Is1Cat_Strong0: Is1Cat_Strong A
a, b: A
f: opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b

(f a)^-1 (f a (Id a) $o Id b) = Id a
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
Is1Cat_Strong0: Is1Cat_Strong A
a, b: A
f: opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b

(f a)^-1 (f a (Id a) $o Id b) = (f a)^-1 (f a (Id a))
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
Is1Cat_Strong0: Is1Cat_Strong A
a, b: A
f: opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b

f a (Id a) $o Id b = f a (Id a)
srapply cat_idr_strong.
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
Is1Cat_Strong0: Is1Cat_Strong A
a, b: A
f: opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b

(f b)^-1 (Id b) $o f a (Id a) = Id b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
Is1Cat_Strong0: Is1Cat_Strong A
a, b: A
f: opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b

f b ((f b)^-1 (Id b) $o Id a) = Id b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
Is1Cat_Strong0: Is1Cat_Strong A
a, b: A
f: opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b

f b ((f b)^-1 (Id b) $o Id a) = f b ((f b)^-1 (Id b))
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
Is1Cat_Strong0: Is1Cat_Strong A
a, b: A
f: opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b

(f b)^-1 (Id b) $o Id a = (f b)^-1 (Id b)
srapply cat_idr_strong. Defined.
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a, b: A

b $<~> a -> opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a, b: A

b $<~> a -> opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a, b: A
e: b $<~> a

opyon1 a $<~> opyon1 b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a, b: A
e: b $<~> a

forall a0 : A, opyon a a0 $<~> opyon b a0
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a, b: A
e: b $<~> a
Is1Natural (opyon a) (opyon b) (fun a0 : A => ?e a0)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a, b: A
e: b $<~> a

forall a0 : A, opyon a a0 $<~> opyon b a0
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a, b: A
e: b $<~> a
c: A

opyon a c $<~> opyon b c
exact (equiv_precompose_cat_equiv e).
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
HasMorExt0: HasMorExt A
a, b: A
e: b $<~> a

Is1Natural (opyon a) (opyon b) (fun a0 : A => (fun c : A => equiv_precompose_cat_equiv e) a0)
rapply is1natural_opyoneda. Defined. (** ** The covariant Yoneda lemma using 0-groupoids *) (** We repeat the above, regarding [opyon] as landing in 0-groupoids, using the 1-category structure on [ZeroGpd] in [ZeroGroupoid.v]. This has many advantages. It avoids [HasMorExt], which means that we don't need [Funext] in many examples. It also avoids [Is1Cat_Strong], which means the results all have the same hypotheses, namely that [A] is a 1-category. This allows us to simplify the proof of [opyon_equiv_0gpd], making use of [opyoneda_isretr_0gpd]. *) Definition opyon_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) : A -> ZeroGpd := fun b => Build_ZeroGpd (a $-> b) _ _ _.
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

Is0Functor (uncurry opyon_0gpd)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

Is0Functor (uncurry opyon_0gpd)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

forall a b : A^op * A, (a $-> b) -> uncurry opyon_0gpd a $-> uncurry opyon_0gpd b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a1, a2, b1, b2: A
f1: b1 $-> a1
f2: a2 $-> b2

Morphism_0Gpd (uncurry opyon_0gpd (a1, a2)) (uncurry opyon_0gpd (b1, b2))
rapply (Build_Morphism_0Gpd (opyon_0gpd a1 a2) (opyon_0gpd b1 b2) (cat_postcomp b1 f2 o cat_precomp a2 f1)). Defined.
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

Is1Functor (uncurry opyon_0gpd)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

Is1Functor (uncurry opyon_0gpd)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

forall (a b : A^op * A) (f g : a $-> b), f $== g -> fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) f $== fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) g
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
forall a : A^op * A, fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) (Id a) $== Id (uncurry opyon_0gpd a)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
forall (a b c : A^op * A) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c), fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) (g $o f) $== fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) g $o fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

forall (a b : A^op * A) (f g : a $-> b), f $== g -> fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) f $== fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) g
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
f1: fst (a1, a2) $-> fst (b1, b2)
f2: snd (a1, a2) $-> snd (b1, b2)
g1: fst (a1, a2) $-> fst (b1, b2)
g2: snd (a1, a2) $-> snd (b1, b2)
p: fst (f1, f2) $-> fst (g1, g2)
q: snd (f1, f2) $-> snd (g1, g2)
h: uncurry opyon_0gpd (a1, a2)

fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) (f1, f2) h $== fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) (g1, g2) h
exact (h $@L p $@@ q).
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

forall a : A^op * A, fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) (Id a) $== Id (uncurry opyon_0gpd a)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a1: A^op
a2: A
h: uncurry opyon_0gpd (a1, a2)

fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) (Id (a1, a2)) h $== Id (uncurry opyon_0gpd (a1, a2)) h
exact (cat_idl _ $@ cat_idr _).
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

forall (a b c : A^op * A) (f : a $-> b) (g : b $-> c), fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) (g $o f) $== fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) g $o fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
c1: A^op
c2: A
f1: fst (a1, a2) $-> fst (b1, b2)
f2: snd (a1, a2) $-> snd (b1, b2)
g1: fst (b1, b2) $-> fst (c1, c2)
g2: snd (b1, b2) $-> snd (c1, c2)
h: uncurry opyon_0gpd (a1, a2)

fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) ((g1, g2) $o (f1, f2)) h $== (fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) (g1, g2) $o fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) (f1, f2)) h
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
c1: A^op
c2: A
f1: fst (a1, a2) $-> fst (b1, b2)
f2: snd (a1, a2) $-> snd (b1, b2)
g1: fst (b1, b2) $-> fst (c1, c2)
g2: snd (b1, b2) $-> snd (c1, c2)
h: uncurry opyon_0gpd (a1, a2)

g2 $o (f2 $o cat_precomp a2 (fst ((g1, g2) $o (f1, f2))) h) $== (fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) (g1, g2) $o fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) (f1, f2)) h
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
c1: A^op
c2: A
f1: fst (a1, a2) $-> fst (b1, b2)
f2: snd (a1, a2) $-> snd (b1, b2)
g1: fst (b1, b2) $-> fst (c1, c2)
g2: snd (b1, b2) $-> snd (c1, c2)
h: uncurry opyon_0gpd (a1, a2)

f2 $o cat_precomp a2 (fst ((g1, g2) $o (f1, f2))) h $== cat_precomp b2 g1 (fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) (f1, f2) h)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a1: A^op
a2: A
b1: A^op
b2: A
c1: A^op
c2: A
f1: fst (a1, a2) $-> fst (b1, b2)
f2: snd (a1, a2) $-> snd (b1, b2)
g1: fst (b1, b2) $-> fst (c1, c2)
g2: snd (b1, b2) $-> snd (c1, c2)
h: uncurry opyon_0gpd (a1, a2)

f2 $o (h $o f1 $o g1) $== cat_precomp b2 g1 (fmap (uncurry opyon_0gpd) (f1, f2) h)
exact (cat_assoc_opp _ _ _). Defined.
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

Is0Bifunctor opyon_0gpd
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

Is0Bifunctor opyon_0gpd
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

Is01Cat A^op
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
Is01Cat A
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
Is0Functor (uncurry opyon_0gpd)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

Is0Functor (uncurry opyon_0gpd)
exact is0functor_hom_0gpd. Defined.
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

Is1Bifunctor opyon_0gpd
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

Is1Bifunctor opyon_0gpd
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A

Is1Functor (uncurry opyon_0gpd)
exact is1functor_hom_0gpd. Defined.
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A

Is0Functor (opyon_0gpd a)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A

Is0Functor (opyon_0gpd a)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A

forall a0 b : A, (a0 $-> b) -> opyon_0gpd a a0 $-> opyon_0gpd a b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a, b, c: A
f: b $-> c

opyon_0gpd a b $-> opyon_0gpd a c
exact (Build_Morphism_0Gpd (opyon_0gpd a b) (opyon_0gpd a c) (cat_postcomp a f) _). Defined.
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A

Is1Functor (opyon_0gpd a)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A

Is1Functor (opyon_0gpd a)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A

forall (a0 b : A) (f g : a0 $-> b), f $== g -> fmap (opyon_0gpd a) f $== fmap (opyon_0gpd a) g
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
forall a0 : A, fmap (opyon_0gpd a) (Id a0) $== Id (opyon_0gpd a a0)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
forall (a0 b c : A) (f : a0 $-> b) (g : b $-> c), fmap (opyon_0gpd a) (g $o f) $== fmap (opyon_0gpd a) g $o fmap (opyon_0gpd a) f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A

forall (a0 b : A) (f g : a0 $-> b), f $== g -> fmap (opyon_0gpd a) f $== fmap (opyon_0gpd a) g
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a, x, y: A
f, g: x $-> y
p: f $== g
h: opyon_0gpd a x

fmap (opyon_0gpd a) f h $== fmap (opyon_0gpd a) g h
apply (cat_prewhisker p).
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A

forall a0 : A, fmap (opyon_0gpd a) (Id a0) $== Id (opyon_0gpd a a0)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a, x: A
h: opyon_0gpd a x

fmap (opyon_0gpd a) (Id x) h $== Id (opyon_0gpd a x) h
apply cat_idl.
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A

forall (a0 b c : A) (f : a0 $-> b) (g : b $-> c), fmap (opyon_0gpd a) (g $o f) $== fmap (opyon_0gpd a) g $o fmap (opyon_0gpd a) f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a, x, y, z: A
f: x $-> y
g: y $-> z
h: opyon_0gpd a x

fmap (opyon_0gpd a) (g $o f) h $== (fmap (opyon_0gpd a) g $o fmap (opyon_0gpd a) f) h
apply cat_assoc. Defined.
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F

F a -> opyon_0gpd a $=> F
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F

F a -> opyon_0gpd a $=> F
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x: F a
b: A

opyon_0gpd a b $-> F b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x: F a
b: A

Is0Functor (fun f : opyon_0gpd a b => fmap F f x)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x: F a
b: A

forall a0 b0 : opyon_0gpd a b, (a0 $-> b0) -> fmap F a0 x $-> fmap F b0 x
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x: F a
b: A
f1, f2: opyon_0gpd a b
h: f1 $-> f2

fmap F f1 x $-> fmap F f2 x
exact (fmap2 F h x). Defined. Definition un_opyoneda_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) (F : A -> ZeroGpd) {ff : Is0Functor F} : (opyon_0gpd a $=> F) -> F a := fun alpha => alpha a (Id a).
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x: F a

Is1Natural (opyon_0gpd a) F (opyoneda_0gpd a F x)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x: F a

Is1Natural (opyon_0gpd a) F (opyoneda_0gpd a F x)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x: F a
b, c: A
f: b $-> c
g: a $-> b

fmap F (cat_postcomp a f g) x $== fmap F f (fmap F g x)
exact (fmap_comp F g f x). Defined. (** This is form of injectivity of [opyoneda_0gpd]. *)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x, x': F a
p: forall b : A, opyoneda_0gpd a F x b $== opyoneda_0gpd a F x' b

x $== x'
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x, x': F a
p: forall b : A, opyoneda_0gpd a F x b $== opyoneda_0gpd a F x' b

x $== x'
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x, x': F a
p: forall b : A, opyoneda_0gpd a F x b $== opyoneda_0gpd a F x' b

fmap F (Id a) x $== fmap F (Id a) x'
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
x, x': F a
p: forall (b : A) (x0 : a $-> b), fmap F x0 x $== fmap F x0 x'

fmap F (Id a) x $== fmap F (Id a) x'
exact (p a (Id a)). Defined. (** This says that [opyon_0gpd] is faithful, although we haven't yet defined a graph structure on natural transformations to express this in that way. *) Definition opyon_faithful_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a b : A) (f g : b $-> a) (p : forall (c : A) (h : a $-> c), h $o f $== h $o g) : f $== g := opyoneda_isinj_0gpd a _ f g p. (** The composite in one direction is the identity map. *) Definition opyoneda_issect_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) (F : A -> ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (x : F a) : un_opyoneda_0gpd a F (opyoneda_0gpd a F x) $== x := fmap_id F a x. (** For the other composite, note that we do not in general recover the witness of 1-naturality. Indeed, if [A] is fully coherent, then a transformation of the form [opyoneda a F x] is always also fully coherently natural, so an incoherent witness of 1-naturality could not be recovered in this way. *)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
alpha: opyon_0gpd a $=> F
alnat: Is1Natural (opyon_0gpd a) F alpha
b: A

opyoneda_0gpd a F (un_opyoneda_0gpd a F alpha) b $== alpha b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
alpha: opyon_0gpd a $=> F
alnat: Is1Natural (opyon_0gpd a) F alpha
b: A

opyoneda_0gpd a F (un_opyoneda_0gpd a F alpha) b $== alpha b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
alpha: opyon_0gpd a $=> F
alnat: Is1Natural (opyon_0gpd a) F alpha
b: A
f: opyon_0gpd a b

opyoneda_0gpd a F (un_opyoneda_0gpd a F alpha) b f $== alpha b f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
alpha: opyon_0gpd a $=> F
alnat: Is1Natural (opyon_0gpd a) F alpha
b: A
f: opyon_0gpd a b

(alpha b $o fmap (opyon_0gpd a) f) (Id a) $== alpha b f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
alpha: opyon_0gpd a $=> F
alnat: Is1Natural (opyon_0gpd a) F alpha
b: A
f: opyon_0gpd a b

alpha b (cat_postcomp a f (Id a)) $== alpha b f
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
a: A
F: A -> ZeroGpd
Is0Functor0: Is0Functor F
Is1Functor0: Is1Functor F
alpha: opyon_0gpd a $=> F
alnat: Is1Natural (opyon_0gpd a) F alpha
b: A
f: opyon_0gpd a b

cat_postcomp a f (Id a) $-> f
exact (cat_idr f). Defined. (** A natural transformation between representable functors induces a map between the representing objects. *) Definition opyon_cancel_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a b : A) : (opyon_0gpd a $=> opyon_0gpd b) -> (b $-> a) := un_opyoneda_0gpd a (opyon_0gpd b). (** Since no extra hypotheses are needed, we use the name with "1" for the [Fun11] version. *) Definition opyon1_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) : Fun11 A ZeroGpd := Build_Fun11 _ _ (opyon_0gpd a). (** An equivalence between representable functors induces an equivalence between the representing objects. We explain how this compares to [opyon_equiv] above. Instead of assuming that each [f c : (a $-> c) -> (b $-> c)] is an equivalence of types, it only needs to be an equivalence of 0-groupoids. For example, this means that we have a map [g c : (b $-> c) -> (a $-> c)] such that for each [k : a $-> c], [g c (f c k) $== k], rather than [g c (f c k) = k] as the version with types requires. Similarly, the naturality is up to 2-cells, instead of up to paths. This allows us to avoid [Funext] and [HasMorExt] when using this result. As a side benefit, we also don't require that [A] is strong. The proof is also simpler, since we can re-use the work done in [opyoneda_isretr_0gpd]. *)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
a, b: A
f: opyon1_0gpd a $<~> opyon1_0gpd b

b $<~> a
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
a, b: A
f: opyon1_0gpd a $<~> opyon1_0gpd b

b $<~> a
(* These are the maps that will define the desired equivalence: *)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
a, b: A
f: opyon1_0gpd a $<~> opyon1_0gpd b
fa:= f a (Id a): opyon1_0gpd b a

b $<~> a
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
a, b: A
f: opyon1_0gpd a $<~> opyon1_0gpd b
fa:= f a (Id a): opyon1_0gpd b a
gb:= f^-1$ b (Id b): opyon1_0gpd a b

b $<~> a
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
a, b: A
f: opyon1_0gpd a $<~> opyon1_0gpd b
fa:= f a (Id a): opyon1_0gpd b a
gb:= f^-1$ b (Id b): opyon1_0gpd a b

fa $o gb $== Id a
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
a, b: A
f: opyon1_0gpd a $<~> opyon1_0gpd b
fa:= f a (Id a): opyon1_0gpd b a
gb:= f^-1$ b (Id b): opyon1_0gpd a b
gb $o fa $== Id b
(* [opyoneda_0gpd] is defined by postcomposition, so [opyoneda_isretr_0gpd] simplifies both LHSs.*)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
a, b: A
f: opyon1_0gpd a $<~> opyon1_0gpd b
fa:= f a (Id a): opyon1_0gpd b a
gb:= f^-1$ b (Id b): opyon1_0gpd a b

fa $o gb $== Id a
exact (opyoneda_isretr_0gpd _ _ f^-1$ a fa $@ cat_eissect (f a) (Id a)).
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
a, b: A
f: opyon1_0gpd a $<~> opyon1_0gpd b
fa:= f a (Id a): opyon1_0gpd b a
gb:= f^-1$ b (Id b): opyon1_0gpd a b

gb $o fa $== Id b
exact (opyoneda_isretr_0gpd _ _ f b gb $@ cat_eisretr (f b) (Id b)). Defined. (** Since [opyon_0gpd] is a 1-functor, postcomposition with a [cat_equiv] is an equivalence between the hom 0-groupoids. Note that we do not require [HasMorExt], as [equiv_postcompose_cat_equiv] does. *) Definition equiv_postcompose_cat_equiv_0gpd {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} {x y z : A} (f : y $<~> z) : opyon_0gpd x y $<~> opyon_0gpd x z := emap (opyon_0gpd x) f. (** The dual result, which is used in the next result. *) Definition equiv_precompose_cat_equiv_0gpd {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} {x y z : A} (f : x $<~> y) : opyon_0gpd y z $<~> opyon_0gpd x z := @equiv_postcompose_cat_equiv_0gpd A^op _ _ _ _ _ z y x f. (** A converse to [opyon_equiv_0gpd]. Together, we get a logical equivalence between [b $<~> a] and [opyon_0gpd a $<~> opyon_0gpd b], without [HasMorExt]. *)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
a, b: A
e: b $<~> a

opyon1_0gpd a $<~> opyon1_0gpd b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
a, b: A
e: b $<~> a

opyon1_0gpd a $<~> opyon1_0gpd b
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
a, b: A
e: b $<~> a

forall a0 : A, opyon1_0gpd a a0 $<~> opyon1_0gpd b a0
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
a, b: A
e: b $<~> a
Is1Natural (opyon1_0gpd a) (opyon1_0gpd b) (fun a0 : A => ?e a0)
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
a, b: A
e: b $<~> a

forall a0 : A, opyon1_0gpd a a0 $<~> opyon1_0gpd b a0
intro c; exact (equiv_precompose_cat_equiv_0gpd e).
A: Type
IsGraph0: IsGraph A
Is2Graph0: Is2Graph A
Is01Cat0: Is01Cat A
H: Is1Cat A
H0: HasEquivs A
a, b: A
e: b $<~> a

Is1Natural (opyon1_0gpd a) (opyon1_0gpd b) (fun a0 : A => (fun c : A => equiv_precompose_cat_equiv_0gpd e) a0)
rapply is1natural_opyoneda_0gpd. Defined. (** ** The contravariant Yoneda lemma *) (** We can deduce this from the covariant version with some boilerplate. *) Definition yon {A : Type} `{IsGraph A} (a : A) : A^op -> Type := opyon (A:=A^op) a. Global Instance is0functor_yon {A : Type} `{H : Is01Cat A} (a : A) : Is0Functor (yon a) := is0functor_opyon (A:=A^op) a. Global Instance is1functor_yon {A : Type} `{H : Is1Cat A} `{!HasMorExt A} (a : A) : Is1Functor (yon a) := is1functor_opyon (A:=A^op) a. Definition yoneda {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (a : A) (F : A^op -> Type) `{!Is0Functor F} : F a -> (yon a $=> F) := @opyoneda (A^op) _ _ a F _. Definition un_yoneda {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (a : A) (F : A^op -> Type) `{!Is0Functor F} : (yon a $=> F) -> F a := un_opyoneda (A:=A^op) a F. Global Instance is1natural_yoneda {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) (F : A^op -> Type) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (x : F a) : Is1Natural (yon a) F (yoneda a F x) := is1natural_opyoneda (A:=A^op) a F x. Definition yoneda_isinj {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) (F : A^op -> Type) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (x x' : F a) (p : forall b, yoneda a F x b == yoneda a F x' b) : x = x' := opyoneda_isinj (A:=A^op) a F x x' p. Definition yon_faithful {A : Type} `{Is1Cat_Strong A} (a b : A) (f g : b $-> a) (p : forall (c : A) (h : c $-> b), f $o h = g $o h) : f = g := opyon_faithful (A:=A^op) b a f g p. Definition yoneda_issect {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) (F : A^op -> Type) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (x : F a) : un_yoneda a F (yoneda a F x) = x := opyoneda_issect (A:=A^op) a F x. Definition yoneda_isretr {A : Type} `{Is1Cat_Strong A} (a : A) (F : A^op -> Type) `{!Is0Functor F} (* Without the hint here, Coq guesses to first project from [Is1Cat_Strong A] and then pass to opposites, whereas what we need is to first pass to opposites and then project. *) `{@Is1Functor _ _ _ _ _ (is1cat_is1cat_strong A^op) _ _ _ _ F _} (alpha : yon a $=> F) {alnat : Is1Natural (yon a) F alpha} (b : A) : yoneda a F (un_yoneda a F alpha) b $== alpha b := opyoneda_isretr (A:=A^op) a F alpha b. Definition yon_cancel {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (a b : A) : (yon a $=> yon b) -> (a $-> b) := un_yoneda a (yon b). Definition yon1 {A : Type} `{Is01Cat A} (a : A) : Fun01 A^op Type := opyon1 (A:=A^op) a. Definition yon11 {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} `{!HasMorExt A} (a : A) : Fun11 A^op Type := opyon11 (A:=A^op) a. Definition yon_equiv {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{!Is1Cat_Strong A} (a b : A) : (yon1 a $<~> yon1 b) -> (a $<~> b) := opyon_equiv (A:=A^op). Definition natequiv_yon_equiv {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} `{!HasMorExt A} (a b : A) : (a $<~> b) -> (yon1 a $<~> yon1 b) := natequiv_opyon_equiv (A:=A^op). (** ** The contravariant Yoneda lemma using 0-groupoids *) Definition yon_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) : A^op -> ZeroGpd := opyon_0gpd (A:=A^op) a. Global Instance is0functor_yon_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) : Is0Functor (yon_0gpd a) := is0functor_opyon_0gpd (A:=A^op) a. Global Instance is1functor_yon_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) : Is1Functor (yon_0gpd a) := is1functor_opyon_0gpd (A:=A^op) a. Definition yoneda_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) (F : A^op -> ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} : F a -> (yon_0gpd a $=> F) := opyoneda_0gpd (A:=A^op) a F. Definition un_yoneda_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) (F : A^op -> ZeroGpd) {ff : Is0Functor F} : (yon_0gpd a $=> F) -> F a := un_opyoneda_0gpd (A:=A^op) a F. Global Instance is1natural_yoneda_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) (F : A^op -> ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (x : F a) : Is1Natural (yon_0gpd a) F (yoneda_0gpd a F x) := is1natural_opyoneda_0gpd (A:=A^op) a F x. Definition yoneda_isinj_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) (F : A^op -> ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (x x' : F a) (p : forall b : A, yoneda_0gpd a F x b $== yoneda_0gpd a F x' b) : x $== x' := opyoneda_isinj_0gpd (A:=A^op) a F x x' p. Definition yon_faithful_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a b : A) (f g : b $-> a) (p : forall (c : A) (h : c $-> b), f $o h $== g $o h) : f $== g := opyon_faithful_0gpd (A:=A^op) b a f g p. Definition yoneda_issect_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) (F : A^op -> ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (x : F a) : un_yoneda_0gpd a F (yoneda_0gpd a F x) $== x := opyoneda_issect_0gpd (A:=A^op) a F x. Definition yoneda_isretr_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) (F : A^op -> ZeroGpd) `{!Is0Functor F, !Is1Functor F} (alpha : yon_0gpd a $=> F) {alnat : Is1Natural (yon_0gpd a) F alpha} (b : A) : yoneda_0gpd a F (un_yoneda_0gpd a F alpha) b $== alpha b := opyoneda_isretr_0gpd (A:=A^op) a F alpha b. Definition yon_cancel_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a b : A) : (yon_0gpd a $=> yon_0gpd b) -> (a $-> b) := opyon_cancel_0gpd (A:=A^op) a b. Definition yon1_0gpd {A : Type} `{Is1Cat A} (a : A) : Fun11 A^op ZeroGpd := opyon1_0gpd (A:=A^op) a. Definition yon_equiv_0gpd {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} {a b : A} (f : yon1_0gpd a $<~> yon1_0gpd b) : a $<~> b := opyon_equiv_0gpd (A:=A^op) f. Definition natequiv_yon_equiv_0gpd {A : Type} `{HasEquivs A} {a b : A} (e : a $<~> b) : yon1_0gpd (A:=A) a $<~> yon1_0gpd b := natequiv_opyon_equiv_0gpd (A:=A^op) (e : CatEquiv (A:=A^op) b a).