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(** * Composition of adjunctions [F' ⊣ G' → F ⊣ G → (F' ∘ F) ⊣ (G ∘ G')] *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Functor.Composition.Core NaturalTransformation.Composition.Core. Require Import Functor.Identity. Require NaturalTransformation.Composition.Laws. Require Import Adjoint.UnitCounit Adjoint.Core. Require Import HoTT.Tactics. Require Import Basics.Tactics. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope natural_transformation_scope. (** ** via the unit+counit+zig+zag definition *) Section compose. Variables C D E : PreCategory. Variable F : Functor C D. Variable F' : Functor D E. Variable G : Functor D C. Variable G' : Functor E D. Variable A' : F' -| G'. Variable A : F -| G.
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
F': Functor D E
G: Functor D C
G': Functor E D
A': F' -| G'
A: F -| G

NaturalTransformation 1 (G o G' o (F' o F))
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
F': Functor D E
G: Functor D C
G': Functor E D
A': F' -| G'
A: F -| G

NaturalTransformation 1 (G o G' o (F' o F))
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
F': Functor D E
G: Functor D C
G': Functor E D
A': F' -| G'
A: F -| G
eta:= unit A: NaturalTransformation 1 (G o F)

NaturalTransformation 1 (G o G' o (F' o F))
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
F': Functor D E
G: Functor D C
G': Functor E D
A': F' -| G'
A: F -| G
eta:= unit A: NaturalTransformation 1 (G o F)
eta':= unit A': NaturalTransformation 1 (G' o F')

NaturalTransformation 1 (G o G' o (F' o F))
refine ((fun (T : NaturalTransformation _ _) (U : NaturalTransformation _ _) => T o (G oL eta' oR F) o U o eta) _ _); NaturalTransformation.Composition.Laws.nt_solve_associator. Defined.
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
F': Functor D E
G: Functor D C
G': Functor E D
A': F' -| G'
A: F -| G

NaturalTransformation (F' o F o (G o G')) 1
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
F': Functor D E
G: Functor D C
G': Functor E D
A': F' -| G'
A: F -| G

NaturalTransformation (F' o F o (G o G')) 1
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
F': Functor D E
G: Functor D C
G': Functor E D
A': F' -| G'
A: F -| G
eps:= counit A: NaturalTransformation (F o G) 1

NaturalTransformation (F' o F o (G o G')) 1
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
F': Functor D E
G: Functor D C
G': Functor E D
A': F' -| G'
A: F -| G
eps:= counit A: NaturalTransformation (F o G) 1
eps':= counit A': NaturalTransformation (F' o G') 1

NaturalTransformation (F' o F o (G o G')) 1
refine ((fun (T : NaturalTransformation _ _) (U : NaturalTransformation _ _) => eps' o U o (F' oL eps oR G') o T) _ _); NaturalTransformation.Composition.Laws.nt_solve_associator. Defined.
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
F': Functor D E
G: Functor D C
G': Functor E D
A': F' -| G'
A: F -| G

F' o F -| G o G'
C, D, E: PreCategory
F: Functor C D
F': Functor D E
G: Functor D C
G': Functor E D
A': F' -| G'
A: F -| G

F' o F -| G o G'
exists compose_unit compose_counit; simpl; abstract ( repeat match goal with | _ => intro | _ => reflexivity | _ => progress rewrite ?identity_of, ?left_identity, ?right_identity | _ => rewrite <- ?composition_of, unit_counit_equation_1 | _ => rewrite <- ?composition_of, unit_counit_equation_2 | [ A : _ -| _ |- _ = 1%morphism ] => (etransitivity; [ | apply (unit_counit_equation_1 A) ]; try_associativity_quick f_ap) | [ A : _ -| _ |- _ = 1%morphism ] => (etransitivity; [ | apply (unit_counit_equation_2 A) ]; try_associativity_quick f_ap) | _ => repeat (try_associativity_quick rewrite <- !composition_of); progress repeat apply ap; rewrite ?composition_of | [ |- context[components_of ?T] ] => (try_associativity_quick simpl rewrite <- (commutes T)); try_associativity_quick (apply concat_right_identity || apply concat_left_identity) | [ |- context[components_of ?T] ] => (try_associativity_quick simpl rewrite (commutes T)); try_associativity_quick (apply concat_right_identity || apply concat_left_identity) end ). Defined. End compose. Module Export AdjointCompositionCoreNotations. Infix "o" := compose : adjunction_scope. End AdjointCompositionCoreNotations.