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(** * Adjunctions as universal morphisms *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Functor.Identity Functor.Composition.Core. Require Import Functor.Dual Category.Dual. Require Import Adjoint.Core Adjoint.UnitCounit Adjoint.UnitCounitCoercions Adjoint.Dual. Require Comma.Core. Local Set Warnings Append "-notation-overridden". (* work around bug #5567, https://coq.inria.fr/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=5567, notation-overridden,parsing should not trigger for only printing notations *) Import Comma.Core. Local Set Warnings Append "notation-overridden". Require Import UniversalProperties Comma.Dual InitialTerminalCategory.Core InitialTerminalCategory.Functors. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope morphism_scope. Section adjunction_universal. (** ** [F ⊣ G] gives an initial object of [(Y / G)] for all [Y : C] *) Section initial. Variables C D : PreCategory. Variable F : Functor C D. Variable G : Functor D C. Variable A : F -| G. Variable Y : C. Definition initial_morphism__of__adjunction : object (Y / G) := @CommaCategory.Build_object _ D C (! Y) G (center _) (F Y) ((unit A) Y). Definition is_initial_morphism__of__adjunction : IsInitialMorphism initial_morphism__of__adjunction := Build_IsInitialMorphism _ _ _ _ ((A : AdjunctionUnit _ _).2 _). End initial. Global Arguments initial_morphism__of__adjunction [C D F G] A Y. Global Arguments is_initial_morphism__of__adjunction [C D F G] A Y _. (** ** [F ⊣ G] gives a terminal object of [(F / X)] for all [X : D] *) Section terminal. Variables C D : PreCategory. Variable F : Functor C D. Variable G : Functor D C. Variable A : F -| G. Variable X : D. Definition terminal_morphism__of__adjunction : object (F / X) := Eval simpl in dual_functor (! X)^op F^op (initial_morphism__of__adjunction A^op X). Definition is_terminal_morphism__of__adjunction : IsTerminalMorphism terminal_morphism__of__adjunction := is_initial_morphism__of__adjunction A^op X. End terminal. Global Arguments terminal_morphism__of__adjunction [C D F G] A X. Global Arguments is_terminal_morphism__of__adjunction [C D F G] A X _. End adjunction_universal. Section adjunction_from_universal. (** ** an initial object of [(Y / G)] for all [Y : C] gives a left adjoint to [G] *) Section initial. Variables C D : PreCategory. Variable G : Functor D C. Context `(HM : forall Y, @IsInitialMorphism _ _ Y G (M Y)). Local Notation obj_of Y := (IsInitialMorphism_object (@HM Y)) (only parsing). Local Notation mor_of Y0 Y1 f := (let etaY1 := IsInitialMorphism_morphism (@HM Y1) in IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (@HM Y0) _ (etaY1 o f)) (only parsing).
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)
Y: C

(let etaY1 := IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=Y)) in IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=Y)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=Y))) (etaY1 o 1)) = 1
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)
Y: C

(let etaY1 := IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=Y)) in IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=Y)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=Y))) (etaY1 o 1)) = 1
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)
Y: C

IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=Y)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=Y))) (IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=Y)) o 1) = 1
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)
Y: C

G _1 1 o IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=Y)) = IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=Y)) o 1
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)
Y: C

IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=Y)) = IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=Y))
reflexivity. Qed.
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)
x, y, z: C
g: morphism C x y
f: morphism C y z

(let etaY1 := IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=z)) in IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=x)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=z))) (etaY1 o (f o g))) = (let etaY1 := IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=z)) in IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=y)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=z))) (etaY1 o f)) o (let etaY1 := IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=y)) in IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=x)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=y))) (etaY1 o g))
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)
x, y, z: C
g: morphism C x y
f: morphism C y z

(let etaY1 := IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=z)) in IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=x)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=z))) (etaY1 o (f o g))) = (let etaY1 := IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=z)) in IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=y)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=z))) (etaY1 o f)) o (let etaY1 := IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=y)) in IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=x)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=y))) (etaY1 o g))
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)
x, y, z: C
g: morphism C x y
f: morphism C y z

IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=x)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=z))) (IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=z)) o (f o g)) = IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=y)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=z))) (IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=z)) o f) o IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=x)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=y))) (IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=y)) o g)
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)
x, y, z: C
g: morphism C x y
f: morphism C y z

G _1 (IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=y)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=z))) (IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=z)) o f) o IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=x)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=y))) (IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=y)) o g)) o IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=x)) = IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=z)) o (f o g)
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)
x, y, z: C
g: morphism C x y
f: morphism C y z

G _1 (IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=y)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=z))) (IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=z)) o f)) o G _1 (IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=x)) (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=y))) (IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=y)) o g)) o IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=x)) = IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=z)) o (f o g)
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)
x, y, z: C
g: morphism C x y
f: morphism C y z

IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=z)) o f o g = IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=z)) o f o g
reflexivity. Qed. Definition functor__of__initial_morphism : Functor C D := Build_Functor C D (fun x => obj_of x) (fun s d m => mor_of s d m) composition_of identity_of.
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)

functor__of__initial_morphism -| G
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)

functor__of__initial_morphism -| G
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)

AdjunctionUnit functor__of__initial_morphism G
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)

forall (c : C) (d : D) (f : morphism C c (G _0 d)%object), Contr {g : morphism D (functor__of__initial_morphism _0 c)%object d & G _1 g o Build_NaturalTransformation 1 (G o functor__of__initial_morphism) (fun x : C => IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=x))) (fun (s d0 : C) (m : morphism C s d0) => symmetry (G _1 (IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism (HM (Y:=s)) (functor__of__initial_morphism _0 d0) (IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=d0)) o 1 _1 m)) o IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=s))) (IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=d0)) o 1 _1 m) (IsInitialMorphism_property_morphism_property (HM (Y:=s)) (functor__of__initial_morphism _0 d0) (IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=d0)) o 1 _1 m))) c = f}
C, D: PreCategory
G: Functor D C
M: forall x : C, (x / G)%category
HM: forall Y : C, IsInitialMorphism (M Y)

forall (c : C) (d : D) (f : morphism C c (G _0 d)%object), Contr {g : morphism D (IsInitialMorphism_object (HM (Y:=c))) d & G _1 g o IsInitialMorphism_morphism (HM (Y:=c)) = f}
exact (fun c => @IsInitialMorphism_property _ _ c G (M c) (@HM c)). Defined. End initial. (** ** a terminal object of [(F / X)] for all [X : D] gives a right adjoint to [F] *) Section terminal. Variables C D : PreCategory. Variable F : Functor C D. Context `(HM : forall X, @IsTerminalMorphism _ _ F X (M X)). Definition functor__of__terminal_morphism : Functor D C := (@functor__of__initial_morphism (D^op) (C^op) (F^op) (fun x : D => dual_functor F !x (M x)) HM)^op. Definition adjunction__of__terminal_morphism : F -| functor__of__terminal_morphism := ((@adjunction__of__initial_morphism (D^op) (C^op) (F^op) (fun x : D => dual_functor F !x (M x)) HM)^op)%adjunction. End terminal. End adjunction_from_universal.