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(** * ∑-categories - exploded Grothendieck constructions, or generalizations of subcategories *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Basics.Trunc Types.Sigma. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Notation sig_type := sig. (** We can generalize the notion of [sig] to categories. This is, essentially, a type-theoretic perspecitive on the Grothendieck construction. *) Section sig_obj_mor. Variable A : PreCategory. Variable Pobj : A -> Type. Local Notation obj := (sig Pobj). Variable Pmor : forall s d : obj, morphism A s.1 d.1 -> Type. Local Notation mor s d := (sig (Pmor s d)). Context `(HPmor : forall s d, IsHSet (mor s d)). Variable Pidentity : forall x, @Pmor x x (@identity A _). Variable Pcompose : forall s d d' m1 m2, @Pmor d d' m1 -> @Pmor s d m2 -> @Pmor s d' (m1 o m2). Local Notation identity x := (@identity A x.1; @Pidentity x). Local Notation compose m1 m2 := (m1.1 o m2.1; @Pcompose _ _ _ m1.1 m2.1 m1.2 m2.2)%morphism. Hypothesis P_associativity : forall x1 x2 x3 x4 (m1 : mor x1 x2) (m2 : mor x2 x3) (m3 : mor x3 x4), compose (compose m3 m2) m1 = compose m3 (compose m2 m1). Hypothesis P_left_identity : forall a b (f : mor a b), compose (identity b) f = f. Hypothesis P_right_identity : forall a b (f : mor a b), compose f (identity a) = f. (** ** Definition of a [sig]-precategory *)
A: PreCategory
Pobj: A -> Type
Pmor: forall s d : obj, morphism A s.1 d.1 -> Type
HPmor: forall s d : obj, IsHSet (mor s d)
Pidentity: forall x : obj, Pmor x x 1
Pcompose: forall (s d d' : obj) (m1 : morphism A d.1 d'.1) (m2 : morphism A s.1 d.1), Pmor d d' m1 -> Pmor s d m2 -> Pmor s d' (m1 o m2)
P_associativity: forall (x1 x2 x3 x4 : obj) (m1 : mor x1 x2) (m2 : mor x2 x3) (m3 : mor x3 x4), compose (compose m3 m2) m1 = compose m3 (compose m2 m1)
P_left_identity: forall (a b : obj) (f : mor a b), compose (identity b) f = f
P_right_identity: forall (a b : obj) (f : mor a b), compose f (identity a) = f

A: PreCategory
Pobj: A -> Type
Pmor: forall s d : obj, morphism A s.1 d.1 -> Type
HPmor: forall s d : obj, IsHSet (mor s d)
Pidentity: forall x : obj, Pmor x x 1
Pcompose: forall (s d d' : obj) (m1 : morphism A d.1 d'.1) (m2 : morphism A s.1 d.1), Pmor d d' m1 -> Pmor s d m2 -> Pmor s d' (m1 o m2)
P_associativity: forall (x1 x2 x3 x4 : obj) (m1 : mor x1 x2) (m2 : mor x2 x3) (m3 : mor x3 x4), compose (compose m3 m2) m1 = compose m3 (compose m2 m1)
P_left_identity: forall (a b : obj) (f : mor a b), compose (identity b) f = f
P_right_identity: forall (a b : obj) (f : mor a b), compose f (identity a) = f

refine (@Build_PreCategory obj (fun s d => mor s d) (fun x => identity x) (fun s d d' m1 m2 => compose m1 m2) _ _ _ _); assumption. Defined. (** ** First projection functor *) Definition pr1' : Functor sig' A := Build_Functor sig' A (@pr1 _ _) (fun _ _ => @pr1 _ _) (fun _ _ _ _ _ => idpath) (fun _ => idpath). End sig_obj_mor. Arguments pr1' {A Pobj Pmor HPmor Pidentity Pcompose P_associativity P_left_identity P_right_identity}. (** ** Variant of [sig']-precategory when we are taking a subset of morphisms *) Section sig_obj_mor_hProp. Variable A : PreCategory. Variable Pobj : A -> Type. Local Notation obj := (sig_type Pobj). Variable Pmor : forall s d : obj, morphism A s.1 d.1 -> Type. Local Notation mor s d := (sig_type (Pmor s d)). Context `(HPmor : forall s d m, IsHProp (Pmor s d m)). Variable Pidentity : forall x, @Pmor x x (@identity A _). Variable Pcompose : forall s d d' m1 m2, @Pmor d d' m1 -> @Pmor s d m2 -> @Pmor s d' (m1 o m2). Local Notation identity x := (@identity A x.1; @Pidentity x). Local Notation compose m1 m2 := (m1.1 o m2.1; @Pcompose _ _ _ m1.1 m2.1 m1.2 m2.2)%morphism. Local Ltac t ex_tac := intros; simpl; apply path_sigma_uncurried; simpl; ex_tac; apply path_ishprop.
A: PreCategory
Pobj: A -> Type
Pmor: forall s d : obj, morphism A s.1 d.1 -> Type
HPmor: forall (s d : obj) (m : morphism A s.1 d.1), IsHProp (Pmor s d m)
Pidentity: forall x : obj, Pmor x x 1
Pcompose: forall (s d d' : obj) (m1 : morphism A d.1 d'.1) (m2 : morphism A s.1 d.1), Pmor d d' m1 -> Pmor s d m2 -> Pmor s d' (m1 o m2)

forall (x1 x2 x3 x4 : obj) (m1 : mor x1 x2) (m2 : mor x2 x3) (m3 : mor x3 x4), compose (compose m3 m2) m1 = compose m3 (compose m2 m1)
A: PreCategory
Pobj: A -> Type
Pmor: forall s d : obj, morphism A s.1 d.1 -> Type
HPmor: forall (s d : obj) (m : morphism A s.1 d.1), IsHProp (Pmor s d m)
Pidentity: forall x : obj, Pmor x x 1
Pcompose: forall (s d d' : obj) (m1 : morphism A d.1 d'.1) (m2 : morphism A s.1 d.1), Pmor d d' m1 -> Pmor s d m2 -> Pmor s d' (m1 o m2)

forall (x1 x2 x3 x4 : obj) (m1 : mor x1 x2) (m2 : mor x2 x3) (m3 : mor x3 x4), compose (compose m3 m2) m1 = compose m3 (compose m2 m1)
abstract t ltac:(exists (associativity _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _)) using P_associativity_core_subproof. Defined.
A: PreCategory
Pobj: A -> Type
Pmor: forall s d : obj, morphism A s.1 d.1 -> Type
HPmor: forall (s d : obj) (m : morphism A s.1 d.1), IsHProp (Pmor s d m)
Pidentity: forall x : obj, Pmor x x 1
Pcompose: forall (s d d' : obj) (m1 : morphism A d.1 d'.1) (m2 : morphism A s.1 d.1), Pmor d d' m1 -> Pmor s d m2 -> Pmor s d' (m1 o m2)
P_associativity:= P_associativity_core_subproof: forall (x1 x2 x3 x4 : obj) (m1 : mor x1 x2) (m2 : mor x2 x3) (m3 : mor x3 x4), compose (compose m3 m2) m1 = compose m3 (compose m2 m1)

forall (a b : obj) (f : mor a b), compose (identity b) f = f
A: PreCategory
Pobj: A -> Type
Pmor: forall s d : obj, morphism A s.1 d.1 -> Type
HPmor: forall (s d : obj) (m : morphism A s.1 d.1), IsHProp (Pmor s d m)
Pidentity: forall x : obj, Pmor x x 1
Pcompose: forall (s d d' : obj) (m1 : morphism A d.1 d'.1) (m2 : morphism A s.1 d.1), Pmor d d' m1 -> Pmor s d m2 -> Pmor s d' (m1 o m2)
P_associativity:= P_associativity_core_subproof: forall (x1 x2 x3 x4 : obj) (m1 : mor x1 x2) (m2 : mor x2 x3) (m3 : mor x3 x4), compose (compose m3 m2) m1 = compose m3 (compose m2 m1)

forall (a b : obj) (f : mor a b), compose (identity b) f = f
A: PreCategory
Pobj: A -> Type
Pmor: forall s d : obj, morphism A s.1 d.1 -> Type
HPmor: forall (s d : obj) (m : morphism A s.1 d.1), IsHProp (Pmor s d m)
Pidentity: forall x : obj, Pmor x x 1
Pcompose: forall (s d d' : obj) (m1 : morphism A d.1 d'.1) (m2 : morphism A s.1 d.1), Pmor d d' m1 -> Pmor s d m2 -> Pmor s d' (m1 o m2)

forall (a b : obj) (f : mor a b), compose (identity b) f = f
abstract t ltac:(exists (left_identity _ _ _ _)) using P_left_identity_core_subproof. Defined.
A: PreCategory
Pobj: A -> Type
Pmor: forall s d : obj, morphism A s.1 d.1 -> Type
HPmor: forall (s d : obj) (m : morphism A s.1 d.1), IsHProp (Pmor s d m)
Pidentity: forall x : obj, Pmor x x 1
Pcompose: forall (s d d' : obj) (m1 : morphism A d.1 d'.1) (m2 : morphism A s.1 d.1), Pmor d d' m1 -> Pmor s d m2 -> Pmor s d' (m1 o m2)
P_associativity:= P_associativity_core_subproof: forall (x1 x2 x3 x4 : obj) (m1 : mor x1 x2) (m2 : mor x2 x3) (m3 : mor x3 x4), compose (compose m3 m2) m1 = compose m3 (compose m2 m1)
P_left_identity:= P_left_identity_core_subproof: forall (a b : obj) (f : mor a b), compose (identity b) f = f

forall (a b : obj) (f : mor a b), compose f (identity a) = f
A: PreCategory
Pobj: A -> Type
Pmor: forall s d : obj, morphism A s.1 d.1 -> Type
HPmor: forall (s d : obj) (m : morphism A s.1 d.1), IsHProp (Pmor s d m)
Pidentity: forall x : obj, Pmor x x 1
Pcompose: forall (s d d' : obj) (m1 : morphism A d.1 d'.1) (m2 : morphism A s.1 d.1), Pmor d d' m1 -> Pmor s d m2 -> Pmor s d' (m1 o m2)
P_associativity:= P_associativity_core_subproof: forall (x1 x2 x3 x4 : obj) (m1 : mor x1 x2) (m2 : mor x2 x3) (m3 : mor x3 x4), compose (compose m3 m2) m1 = compose m3 (compose m2 m1)
P_left_identity:= P_left_identity_core_subproof: forall (a b : obj) (f : mor a b), compose (identity b) f = f

forall (a b : obj) (f : mor a b), compose f (identity a) = f
A: PreCategory
Pobj: A -> Type
Pmor: forall s d : obj, morphism A s.1 d.1 -> Type
HPmor: forall (s d : obj) (m : morphism A s.1 d.1), IsHProp (Pmor s d m)
Pidentity: forall x : obj, Pmor x x 1
Pcompose: forall (s d d' : obj) (m1 : morphism A d.1 d'.1) (m2 : morphism A s.1 d.1), Pmor d d' m1 -> Pmor s d m2 -> Pmor s d' (m1 o m2)

forall (a b : obj) (f : mor a b), compose f (identity a) = f
abstract t ltac:(exists (right_identity _ _ _ _)) using P_right_identity_core_subproof. Defined. (** *** Definition of [sig]-precategory *) Definition sig : PreCategory := Eval cbv delta [P_associativity P_left_identity P_right_identity] in @sig' A Pobj Pmor _ Pidentity Pcompose P_associativity P_left_identity P_right_identity. (** *** First projection functor *) Definition proj1_sig : Functor sig A := pr1'. End sig_obj_mor_hProp. Arguments proj1_sig {A Pobj Pmor HPmor Pidentity Pcompose}. Notation subcategory := sig.