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(** * The category ω of (ℕ, ≤), and the chain categories [[n]] *)
[Loading ML file number_string_notation_plugin.cmxs (using legacy method) ... done]
Require Import Category.Sigma.Univalent. Require Import Category.Morphisms Category.Univalent Category.Strict. Require Import HoTT.Basics HoTT.Types HoTT.Spaces.Nat.Core. Set Universe Polymorphism. Set Implicit Arguments. Generalizable All Variables. Set Asymmetric Patterns. Local Open Scope nat_scope. (** ** Definitions *) (** Quoting Wikipedia (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Total_order##Chains): While chain is sometimes merely a synonym for totally ordered set, it can also refer to a totally ordered subset of some partially ordered set. The latter definition has a crucial role in Zorn's lemma. *) (** We take the convention that a "chain" is a totally ordered or linearly ordered set; the corresponding category on that set has, as morphisms, the order relation. *) (* N.B. The notation here (including that [[n]] have as objects the set [{0, 1, ..., n}]) was originally suggested by David Spivak. It's possible that we should pick a different or more common terminology. *) Module Export Core. (** *** [[ω]], the linear order on ℕ *) Definition omega : PreCategory := @Build_PreCategory nat leq leq_refl (fun x y z p q => leq_trans q p) (fun _ _ _ _ _ _ _ => path_ishprop _ _) (fun _ _ _ => path_ishprop _ _) (fun _ _ _ => path_ishprop _ _) _. (** *** [[n]], a linear order on a finite set with [n + 1] elements *) (** Using [n + 1] elements allows us to agree with the common definition of an [n]-simplex, where a 0-simplex is a point, and a 1-simplex has two end-points, etc. *) Definition chain (n : nat) : PreCategory := { m : omega | m <= n }%category. (** TODO: Possibly generalize this to arbitrary sets with arbitrary (total?) orders on them? *) Module Export ChainCategoryCoreNotations. Notation "[ n ]" := (chain n) : category_scope. End ChainCategoryCoreNotations. End Core. Module Export Notations. Include ChainCategoryCoreNotations. End Notations. Module Utf8. Export Notations. Notation "[ ∞ ]" := omega : category_scope. Notation "[ 'ω' ]" := omega : category_scope. End Utf8. Module Export Strict.

IsStrictCategory omega

IsStrictCategory omega
exact _. Defined.
n: nat

IsStrictCategory [n]
n: nat

IsStrictCategory [n]
exact _. Defined. End Strict. Module Export Univalent.

IsCategory omega

IsCategory omega
s, d: omega

IsEquiv (idtoiso omega (y:=d))
s, d: omega

IsHProp (s <~=~> d)%category
s, d: omega
(s <~=~> d)%category -> s = d
s, d: omega

IsHProp (s <~=~> d)%category
refine (istrunc_equiv_istrunc _ (issig_isomorphic _ _ _)); simpl; refine _.
s, d: omega

(s <~=~> d)%category -> s = d
s, d: omega

(s <~=~> d)%category -> s = d
intro m; apply leq_antisym; apply m. } Defined.
n: nat

IsCategory [n]
n: nat

IsCategory [n]
exact _. Defined. End Univalent.